Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

【@妇妇你几凉Reply @装士你长 jj: You know how to watch a show all day long, have you done serious business? 】

[Tang Jun: Huang Tili is about to hit the gun for Mao Lao, maybe we haven't scolded him enough, this little bitch doesn't know how to be afraid. 】

[Buling Bling: This kind of person just needs to be cleaned up. I can't count how much heat we have had in Anda. What rubbish. 】

[I think Huang Tili is sick!]

[Indeed, the entire Internet should boycott Huang Sibi's book! I suggest opening a topic, we will never patronize bookstores that sell Huang Sibi's books! 】

[Ah, a good idea, a good idea! Our Anda fan group has a large population. If we really resist, I am afraid that no one can resist it. 】

【#抢运黄思瑟# I’ll come first, everyone follow up, set a flag here, if you see Huang Sibi’s books in any bookstore, you will definitely not patronize again! yes】

【#抱护黄思瑟# I advise bookstores to quickly remove all of Huang Sibi’s books from their shelves! 】

【#抱护黄思瑟# I advise bookstores to quickly remove all of Huang Sibi’s books from their shelves! ! 】

【#抱护黄思瑟# I advise bookstores to quickly remove all of Huang Sibi’s books from their shelves! 】


Shu Cheng's rascal demeanor was unprecedented on the Internet, and wherever he went, not a single blade of grass grew.

After the boycott became popular for no reason this time, many of the big V's V blogs have already fallen.

The whole network is boycotting Huang Sibi, and various words to boycott her are constantly flashing on the ranking list.

Moreover, brick-and-mortar bookstores are indeed under threat.

a bookstore.

Shu Cheng's fans: "How dare you sell Huang Sibi's books in your store? Are you still doing business?"

The store owner was sweating coldly. I don’t know how many Shu Cheng’s fans have come here to mention this matter these days, and all the hooligans said angrily: "But we also want to do business. These books also need money. All right."

Shu Cheng's fan: "Just these two broken books, you can't sell them for several years, don't you see what's going on now? With Huang Sibi's reputation, no one will buy her books. If you don't take them off the shelves Hu, we are also determined not to buy anything from your store."

With that said, the fans put the few books they had just picked out and put them back in their original places.

The store owner's face darkened, and he panicked. He had lost several waves of customers in the past few days, and it was because of Huang Sibi's broken books that the lost theory had to catch up with the purchase price of these books.

The more the boss thought about it, the more uneconomical it became, so he simply said: "Okay, I'll take it off the shelves right away, isn't it just these broken books, I'll just throw it away, now I'll throw it away."

"Well, that's about the same. Come on, help me pack these books. I want them all." The fan crossed his hands, smiled with satisfaction, and took back the books he had just picked out.

The boss packed the things in a hurry, and then took Huang Sibi's book off the shelves in front of the fans.

Of course, under the disdainful resistance of Shu Cheng's fans, more and more bookstores chose to do the same thing as this store owner.

Originally, Huang Sibi's books were not as popular as Shu Cheng's books, and even if they were kept there for half a month, they wouldn't be able to sell a single book, so why bother to offend Shu Cheng's fan base with such a large base for such an author.

The merchants all had a reputation in their hearts, so they all decided to choose Shu Cheng's side.

Huang Sibi never imagined that the plan she thought would be seamless would fail like this.

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