Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

I like you, from the first day you joined the crew, I noticed you, your elegance, bright smile, your tenderness and tenacity, all the time it affects my heart. "

"When you were bullied online last time, many people misunderstood you and didn't understand you. You didn't complain at all, you still cared about everyone in the crew, and you still finished every scene tenaciously. I wish I could stand Protect you by your side, stand by your side with an extremely formal identity, resist everything for you, and prevent you from being hurt." Zhang Qianbo's voice was not loud, but every word and sentence could be accurately transmitted to Liu Ting'er ears.

Tears welled up in Liu Ting'er's eyes, she could even hear the sound of her heart beating, the throbbing in her heart was beyond her control.

When she saw Zhang Qianbo walking towards her step by step holding Xiao Xiao, she began to realize that her heart had fallen into it uncontrollably.

Tears flowed unconsciously, burning hot.

"Can you stay with me? I want to give you a future." Zhang Qianbo's dark eyes were always full of love, and he looked at Liu Ting'er seriously.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"




The people around shouted in unison, eyes full of anticipation, they have been in the same crew for so many days, it can be seen that Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo are both serious about feelings, they are a match made in heaven.

"Well, I am willing, thank you for liking me." Liu Ting'er choked up and said, tears flowing down her cheeks into her lips and teeth, salty, with a smile on her face that she didn't even notice.

"Really!!!" Zhang Qianbo's eyes widened. Hearing what Liu Ting'er said, he was afraid that he had heard it wrong, so he grabbed Liu Ting'er's hands excitedly, his eyes full of anticipation.

Liu Tinger nodded in disbelief.

The next second, Zhang Qianbo excitedly embraced Liu Ting'er into his arms.

Liu Ting'er actually agreed. He was full of joy and felt that the world was brighter.

Liu Tinger leaned on his shoulder, smiling happily.

"Wow! You can be considered together."

The crew cheered at the same time and looked at them excitedly.

Liu Ting'er still felt a little shy in front of so many people, her face flushed, and she brushed her hair a little embarrassedly.

"Tinger, let me tell you, Zhang Qianbo spent a long time preparing for this confession. After filming every day, he came here to arrange these things." Liu Xuerong blinked at Liu Tinger, always remembering to help Zhang Qianbo.

"Then those couples who confessed their love just now are all..." Liu Ting'er suddenly realized, and asked Zhang Qianbo with wide eyes.

Zhang Qianbo smiled tenderly: "Those confessions are true. It took me a lot of effort to find them. I hope to give you a confession that will be unforgettable in your life. It just so happens that so many people gave us a testimony today. "

"Thank you, Zhang Qianbo, you have really done a lot for me." Liu Ting'er raised her eyes, those clear watery eyes added a bit of tenderness and love.

Zhang Qianbo stretched out his hand and rubbed Liu Tinger's hair: "It's all worth it for you."

"Hey, stop torturing dogs, come on, today is Liu Ting'er's birthday, and we haven't even eaten the cake yet." The makeup artist shouted excitedly.

Everyone laughed.

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