Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi just arrived, but luckily they didn't miss the confession.

They stood not far away, looking at the figures of Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo.

The man unconsciously tightened his grip on the boy's hand.

The young man seemed to be able to feel the strength in the man's hand, and the two hearts seemed to be a little closer.

"Well, this kid is good, and he is quite romantic." The young man hooked the corner of his mouth evilly, deliberately pretending to be calm, and commented solemnly. Although he didn't want to admit it, in his heart, he was indeed moved This scene touched me.

"Do you like it?" The man turned his head and glanced at Shu Cheng. If she really likes it, he can do the same.

The handsome boy flicked the broken hair on his forehead, and looked at the man arrogantly: "You also want me to confess my love to you like this?"

The corner of Rong Junyi's mouth twitched.

"However, if I confess my love to you, I must do it more creatively than this." The young man raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and smiled wickedly.

The man was silent again.

However, the young man's gaze still fell on Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo, and he hadn't left for a long time. Fortunately, he just arrived, otherwise he would have really missed such a wonderful scene.

"Hey, you guys are here? Why are you standing there, hurry up and eat cake!!" Liu Xuerong saw Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi, stood up quickly, and waved at them.

Shu Cheng walked forward with Rong Junyi, the two of them held hands tightly together, in front of everyone in Leo.

"Zhang Qianbo, we will remember what we said today." Shu Cheng tilted his head, glanced at Zhang Qianbo, and warned with narrowed eyes.

Everyone laughed: "Hahaha, Shu Cheng has his eyes on you, Zhang Qianbo, if you are sorry for Ting'er, you will be finished."

"Don't worry, I will never let Ting'er get hurt." Zhang Qianbo solemnly promised.

"Aren't you going to sit down and eat some cake?" Liu Xuerong saw that Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng were both in place, so she didn't intend to sit down.

Shu Cheng pursed her lips, with neat short hair and a delicate and handsome face, she said to everyone: "My family A Xiaorong and I are here today to learn how to be romantic. Now that the process is over and the routines are learned, Of course it’s home practice.”

"Ah, let's not let people live!" The makeup artist looked up to the sky and screamed. Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo had just been together, and Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi couldn't wait to show their affection in front of everyone. What is the law of heaven, what is the law of heaven.

The photographer couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Liu Ting'er and Zhang Qianbo: "You two can't be like these two when you get together in the future. You can show your affection every two days, and you don't take us single dogs seriously."

Shu Cheng looked at their wailing and laughed, it was interesting, abuse of single dogs has become one of the top ten joys in Shu Cheng's life.

"Then let's go, let's practice our romance." The man held Shu Cheng's hand, his whole body exuded a noble aura, bent down, and sprayed warm breath on Shu Cheng's ear.

"Okay, dear." In this way, Shu Cheng kissed Rong Jun's station in front of everyone, and then walked out of the restaurant with great interest under the resentful eyes of the single dog.

"Oh my god, it's so inhuman!!" the photographer wailed.

"Yeah, I decided to eat more cakes to restore my wounded heart!" The makeup artist puffed her cheeks, raised her knife and fork, and looked like she was about to start a fight.

"Don't eat it, you will probably be single for longer if you eat it again." While the photographer wailed, he did not forget to lose a makeup artist.

Liu Ting'er covered her mouth and snickered, and immediately felt that these two people seemed to be a good match.

Everyone was cutting the cake talking and laughing. Although the sprinkle of dog food shocked everyone present, the warmth during the period still couldn't conceal the friendship of everyone in the crew.

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