Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Are you sure? Of course, I don't doubt your ability. It's just that having a coach by your side is a guarantee. If something happens to you alone,'s really difficult." Wang Yifang frowned. Frowning, thinking about Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng waved his hand, and spoke to Wang Yifang, very confident and flamboyant: "You just need to believe in my ability, there is no need to say anything else."

When Wang Yifang heard what Shu Cheng said, she had nothing to refute.

Rong Junyi walked to Shu Cheng's side, although he knew that she had driven very well last night, but he was still a little worried, and said to Shu Cheng, "I'll accompany you up today."

Shu Cheng glanced at Rong Junyi, sat up straight, and said, "No, I have to go up alone today."

"No, I must guarantee your safety." Rong Junyi said resolutely, with such a dignified tone in his tone that it was impossible to refute it.

"Ah Xiaorong, don't make such a big fuss. Didn't I drive very well yesterday?" Shu Cheng waved his hand indifferently. Thinking of how many difficult maneuvers he had performed yesterday, he felt that today's drive was very difficult. Things are not difficult at all.

Rong Junyi said lightly: "It doesn't mean that it will be able to drive well today."

Shu Cheng looked at Rong Junyi's resolute expression, completely unacceptable to refuse.


After being silent for a while, Shu Cheng knew deeply that there must be no other way but to let Rong Junyi follow him.

So, when the crew got things ready again, and when Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng boarded the plane again, everyone sweated silently in their hearts.

I hope this time the filming can be successful, if it is really not successful, it will be really miserable.

The plane rose steadily again, and after circling a few times in the air, it began to complete the designated actions, and Shu Cheng also successfully poked his head out and dropped food into the ground.


After the whole flight, it is very enjoyable to watch, and the operation of the aircraft is also very smooth and accurate.

The crew members breathed a sigh of relief when they watched Shu Cheng complete the filming of this scene.

However, just as the plane was about to return to the ground, a huge eagle suddenly flew head-on.

When the eagle saw the plane, it didn't mean to dodge at all. Instead, it looked at Shu Cheng's plane, and it was about to hit straight. Now it was almost close to the ground. Danger is likely to occur.

Shu Cheng turned the handle and quickly avoided the eagle, but the other party followed Shu Cheng's plane relentlessly, and had to run into it before giving up.

Suddenly, Shu Cheng felt that panicky feeling in his heart again.

Looking at the hawk, it seemed that it was heading towards her with a clear goal, and she avoided it deftly.

Rong Junyi sat at the back with his eyes closed, observing the movement of the eagle, and then quickly instructed Shu Cheng how to get rid of the eagle.

The plane was circling left and right in the sky, flying without any rules. When the people on the ground saw it, they were so frightened that they couldn't speak. They always felt that the plane could fall to the floor again anytime and anywhere.

I don't know how long it took, but finally, with the efforts of Rong Junyi and Shu Cheng, the eagle was thrown away, and the two of them and the plane landed firmly on the ground.

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