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Everyone came up to meet him, observed Shu Cheng, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, I was really scared to death today." Someone from the crew said in shock, patting his chest.

"Yeah, that eagle just now was a bit too scary."

"There is no danger, hahaha, the mission is completed. But you must be careful when flying the plane in the future."

"It's too thrilling, Shu Cheng, were you afraid at the time? But fortunately, after this scene is filmed, there is no need to fly the plane."


Everyone was discussing, but Shu Cheng was not in the mood to listen at all, the strong feeling was almost breathless.

She didn't have too many expressions on her face, and she didn't feel relieved after filming. Instead, she fell into a deeper mystery.

Seeing Shu Cheng like this, everyone thought she had just been frightened, and they were all comforting her.

"It's okay, it's over."

"Oh, if it were me who walked down in the air without any risk, my mind would be confused."

In the end, Wang Yifang came up and said to Shu Cheng, "Even if your filming is over, the scene on the plane is the most important one, and it's already finished. Go back and rest for the next two days."

"Well, then let's go." Shu Cheng nodded, then took Rong Junyi's hand and left.

Wang Yifang sighed helplessly as she watched the backs of the two people drifting away.

"Do you want to go back? Or stay for another two days?" Rong Junyi took Shu Cheng's hand and lowered his head to ask.

Shu Cheng pondered for a while, then said firmly: "Go back."

She didn't want to stay in this place any longer, as if she stayed for a second longer, and her life would be threatened at any time. Shu Cheng was not used to the feeling of being dragged by someone secretly and about to lose control.

It's like being on the plane today, if Rong Junyi didn't follow him up, maybe something would really happen.

Rong Junyi nodded: "Okay, then I'll take you back, clean up, and leave in the afternoon."

The filming progress of the director's team is still going on, but since Shu Cheng's role has been completed, she and Rong Junyi didn't stay any longer. Rong Junyi called his private jet and took Shu Cheng back.

Here, in the Tsinghua Garden, there are sycamore trees standing majestically on both sides of the road. As usual, there are not many people in front of Guan Yufei's booth, and he is standing not far from the booth.

Guan Yufei was holding his own soda can in his hand, and he was still muttering something. He seemed to be in a good mood. With a wave of his hand, the soda can was successfully thrown into the trash can. It was accurate and his movements were standard. Therefore, the smile on Guan Yufei's face It got a little deeper.

Lu Xiao rushed up, patted Guan Yufei on the shoulder, and said, "So happy? What's the matter? Could it be that God wants to give you some mission again?"

Guan Yufei gave Lu Xiao a blank look, and then continued with his movements.

Lu Xiao saw that Guan Yufei had been talking about something with his mobile phone all day these two days, and finally saw that he picked up the can business again, and was immediately very curious, wanting to know what happened to Lu Xiao.

"Tell me, what makes you so happy?" Lu Xiao asked step by step, just to get Guan Yufei to tell.

Guan Yufei threw a can again, and couldn't resist Lu Xiao's questioning.

He randomly found a place to sit down, and Lu Xiao followed him, sitting next to him.

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