Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

After chatting for so many days, the other party's WeChat account was still recorded, but the other party will definitely not add invitations through his own.

When Guan Yufei searched for this account again, he found that the account had been cancelled. As expected, the scammer had various means to evade detection after defrauding the money.

Guan Yufei was suddenly a little annoyed. When he was cheated out of thousands of dollars, he should have raised his vigilance and searched for the whereabouts of the liar. Unexpectedly, it would be even more difficult to find the other party after the delay until today.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Operate by yourself, you are so deadly that you plan to let me clean up the mess for you?" Lu Xiao sneered, he had already prepared the equipment for Guan Yufei, and planned to turn on the computer.

Guan Yufei heard Lu Xiao's words, rushed forward, sat next to him, opened the resource monitor, searched for the TCP connection, tapped his fingers on the keyboard quickly, lines of white code appeared on the black panel, and the cursor Constantly flashing.

A few minutes later, Guan Yufei had recovered all the chat records between Guan Yufei and the liar.

"This can be regarded as the first-hand evidence." Guan Yufei pursed his lips, pointing proudly at the chat records on the computer.

Guan Yufei's passion was instantly ignited, and he made a gesture to motivate himself, then withdrew his expression, and continued to operate in front of the computer screen without changing his face.

His hand speed was also fast, lines of code flashed in his mind, leaped across the screen, numbers, letters, and character strings flashed before his eyes.

Guan Yufei completely forgot the time, this feeling of being silent in one thing and the high tension, Guan Yufei felt that he had flesh and blood at this moment and returned to reality.

Lu Xiao looked at Guan Yufei's operation, and felt a little disgusted. The operation was too slow. This skill is really spicy.

Guan Yufei pursed her thin lips, did not speak, and continued to complete the operation at hand, and another five minutes passed.

Guan Yufei rubbed her sore eyes, glanced at Lu Xiao, and said to Lu Xiao: "Brother... It's almost done, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm not very familiar with the back end, brother?"

Lu Xiao supported his forehead, "I convinced you."

I really lost, and I have something to cheat my brother, can this kid still have some morals? !

Forget it, what morals do you have with Guan Yufei?

Same as Shu Cheng. ethics? nonexistent!

However, the time didn't last long. In less than five minutes, Lu Xiao snapped his fingers, turned his head, and waved to Guan Yufei: "I found it."

Guan Yufei heard that there was a new development in the matter, raised her head excitedly, stood up quickly, and rushed to Lu Xiao's side.

"This position." Lu Xiao pointed to a certain position on the screen, and said to Guan Yufei.

Guan Yufei touched his chin, licked his chapped lips, and said, "Let's go find them! These people must not be spared lightly!"

Lu Xiao nodded, this kid is not stupid yet.

"However, shouldn't we call the police first?" Guan Yufei suddenly thought of something, and asked Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao waved his hand and looked at Guan Yufei with incomparable disgust. He must first find someone, beat him up, hurt his muscles and bones for a hundred days, and then go to the police, doesn't he seem stupid?

Just now I wanted to praise you for not being stupid, but now this shows a new lower limit for IQ?

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