Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"We have been illegally intruding into other people's systems. If we have no evidence, we are also guilty of breaking the law. Unless we can find those clues first. Otherwise, the police will not only believe us, but may even arrest us as crazy. You especially Why did you get cheated of money and lose your IQ?" Lu Xiao said.

"Oh, what you said makes sense, then let's clean up and go over there later!" Guan Yufei looked at the location on the map, and it seemed that it wasn't very far away from his own location. The partner usually keeps a close eye on the college students in the school.

He clenched his fists tightly and vowed that he must find out this group of people before he could give up. Those who deceived him and pretended to be gods to help him were simply unforgivable!

"Let's go and have a look." Lu Xiao frowned and reminded, after all, they didn't even know how many people there were in each other.

"Well, okay, then get ready!" Guan Yufei raised his fighting spirit.

Lu Xiao was in a trance for a moment, Guan Yufei didn't seem to be so secondary.

Guan Yufei walked out of the campus wearing a mask.

Lu Xiao: "..." Are you an idiot?

But he was recognized by Shu Cheng at the school gate.

"I said you are wrapped like a bear. What are you going to do so tightly? Stealing something?" Shu Cheng looked at Guan Yufei's attire up and down, drew a few black lines on his head, and twitched in disgust. The corner of the mouth, I don't know what these two people are doing again.

"Shu Cheng, can you recognize me?" Guan Yufei took off his mask, very surprised, and even exaggeratedly rubbed his own eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken.

Shu Cheng spread his hands in disbelief, saying that he did recognize him, and he recognized it very easily.

"So... where are you going now?" Shu Cheng didn't intend to dwell too much on the question of how to recognize it, and simply asked indifferently.

"We're going to investigate a case." Guan Yufei still didn't take off his mask, and said casually to Shu Cheng.

When Shu Cheng heard that he was going to investigate the case, he instantly perked up.

It sounded like a lot of fun, and then a guess flashed in her mind, shouldn't Guan Yufei set up a stall at the school gate today?

Wasn't that stall Guan Yufei's life? How can there be any idle time to investigate the case, then there is only one possibility, that is, this matter itself has something to do with Guan Yufei.

Then Shu Cheng knew what kind of case it was about.

"Is it about your loan?" Shu Cheng asked calmly, it seemed that she had guessed correctly before.

Guan Yufei looked at Shu Cheng in surprise: "My God, Shu Cheng, why do I feel like you are a prophet, how do you know everything?"

Shu Cheng didn't think that Guan Yufei's flamboyant appearance was a compliment to himself, so he frowned: "Tell me about the specific things."

"Hey, it's a long story. You also know about Guan Yufei's loan before." Lu Xiao sighed, and began to tell about Guan Yufei's experience of being cheated.

On the other hand, Guan Yufei stood there, listening silently. In fact, he was also a little dazed at the time, thinking about money like crazy. This time, he just listened to what his state was like at that time.

He was not organized, and while letting Lu Xiao talk, he endured Shu Cheng's extremely disgusting gaze.

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