Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[I heard that the team is a division of labor and cooperation, not only cheating money from college students, but also cheating money from some elderly people. It can be said to be very, very disgusting! Never seen such a brazen person! 】

[It can be regarded as being caught, but the other gangs probably haven't been caught yet, so they must be caught! Uncle Police C have worked hard! 】

[In the past few years, telecom fraud has really been rampant. Many people have been cheated, and the money can't be recovered. There are only a few lucky people like them who can get their money back. It feels like it's time to punish some of these telecom fraudsters severely! Absolutely no appeasement, otherwise these people will only be lucky, and they will commit the crime again next time. 】

[Yes, yes, yes, absolutely no tolerance! Must be severely punished! Let these people have a long memory, otherwise telecom fraud will continue to rampant! 】

[Must be severely punished! No mercy! 】

[Must be severely punished! No mercy! 】

[Must be severely punished! No mercy! 】


The voices on the Internet are getting louder and louder. In just half a day, this matter has exploded on the hot search list. Almost everyone is talking about this matter, which has caused a very large impact.

Shu Cheng watched the heat of this matter silently, and the corners of Xie Si's mouth curled up in satisfaction. Under the neat short hair was a delicate face, and the dark red earrings exuded a dim light.

He was very satisfied with the enthusiasm, and he wanted the same effect before. This kind of liar should have been caught and punished long ago.

Sure enough, this enthusiasm was also passed to the ears of the superiors. Many higher-level leaders have seen that this matter has become so big now, and it has caused a huge impact on society, so it must be taken seriously.

As a result, some people began to report that the superior leader had personally accepted the case, and the team would be severely punished at that time.

As for Lu Xiao and Guan Yufei, they became popular in an instant, and many people knew that they helped the police find clues.

Even on the road, various goddesses began to cast envious and admiring glances at Guan Yufei and Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao flipped her short hair chicly, raised her eyebrows proudly, and said to Guan Yufei, "Did you see the look in the eyes of that girl just now? Oh, it's cool to be a celebrity. I feel this way like."

Guan Yufei rolled his eyes at Lu Xiao: "A superficial human being."

Lu Xiao's smile froze on his face. Could this kid be in secondary school again?

Later, with the unremitting efforts of the police and the media, this group of fraud gangs was completely exposed under the holy light of the law, and the superiors knew that the impact of this incident was very important.

During the trial of the case, due to the relatively large social influence and the large number of people involved in the case, and in order to ensure fairness and justice, the live broadcast mode was adopted for the trial.

When Lao Dao was brought to the trial stand, his face was haggard. The whole person looks listless.

When the judge asked him if he had committed fraud. Lao Dao even shamelessly denied it. Said that everyone wronged him.

But in the end, under the identification of other people, Lao Dao was stunned speechless. Many people present knew Lao Dao and knew what Lao Dao was doing. What he did was tantamount to slapping himself in the face.

When he saw everything in front of him, everyone was targeting him, his eyes swept across everyone present, his face was sullen, and it was obvious that he had turned from embarrassment into anger.

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