Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Lao Dao sneered, hoarse as if a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat made Lao Dao's voice uncomfortable: "Okay! Since you all said so, it was indeed me who did it!" He began Laughing crazily, the laughter sent chills down the spine, until the judge knocked on the hammer to silence him, Lao Dao slowly withdrew the smile that froze on his face.

He said with cold eyes: "If those college students are not greedy for money, and don't trust others for small benefits! This kind of thing will never happen, and I won't let us have many opportunities to take advantage of! It’s because they can’t control themselves, we just seize their weaknesses, get money reasonably, and teach them a lesson, strictly speaking, it may still be a useful thing for society.”

As soon as Lao Dao said this, the jury and all the audience in the live broadcast room exploded!

[God! I seem to hear the sound of my world view collapsing. To say that deceiving people is for this society? ? 】

[There are still such people on this planet who use defrauding people for money as a legitimate way! God is crazy! 】

[Fuck! Dare to be so righteous in court, this person's brain is probably full of holes! 】

[Wake up, brother! Don't dream anymore, this is a court, not your deceitful den. 】

【Hahaha, this is an occupational disease, I don’t forget to brainwash people wherever I go, I guess I’m planning to brainwash judges now. But the wishful thinking was wrong, and the judge said that he was talking about spicy chicken. 】

[Why is this live broadcast so long? I'm tired of seeing how many crimes the other party has committed. Just sentence him to a few years. 】


The court trial is still passing by every minute, and it has not reached the end. I will never know what the development of the matter will look like.

Lu Xiao and Guan Yufei were also anxiously waiting for the outcome of the trial.

Finally, after an afternoon in court, their leader, Lao Dao, was finally sentenced.

Originally, it was only necessary to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of five to eight years, but because of the very bad impact of this incident, and the criminal suspect's poor attitude of admitting his mistakes. In the end, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years and less than twelve years, and was fined. The property of the deceived needs to be returned in full.

"Yeah!" Seeing the verdict, Guan Yufei jumped up from his chair excitedly and shouted.

Because of the limited court time, other people's judgments are still going on, and it will take some time for the property to be recovered.

A smile appeared on Guan Yufei's face, and he murmured: "Gods cannot forgive hateful human beings."

Lu Xiao looked at Guan Yufei speechlessly, didn't this incident make him change?

"What are you going to do next?" Lu Xiao patted the shoulder of the sophomore boy, with a slightly earnest tone.

"What?" Guan Yufei didn't react for a while.

"Your Harry Potter peripheral store, now that the money is gone, what do you plan to do?" Lu Xiao said in more detail.

"I've already made up my mind. I can't be too ambitious. Now I'm doing it around the school, and then I think about opening the store to the world. Step by step." Guan Yufei spoke word by word. Although the voice was not loud, it could make Lu Xiao heard it clearly.

Hearing what Guan Yufei said, Lu Xiao immediately felt relieved, it's not bad, it seems that he is still mature and considers things more pragmatically.

Then this time the money was not wasted.

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