Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Lu Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes! Come on, I'll just wait for you to get rich."

Guan Yufei rolled his eyes at the other party again.

At this time, the police sent someone over.

Lu Xiao and Guan Yufei frowned, thinking they were going to the bureau again to take notes.

But at this time, they have calmed down a lot.

Quietly watching the other person walking towards him. Unexpectedly, with a smile on his face, the man took out a pennant.

"Two teenagers, you assisted the police in cracking a large-scale fraud case, and also captured a large criminal gang. The superior leader specially asked me to come here to present you this pennant." The other party looked at Guan Yufei with a smile on his face. and Lu Xiao.

The two of them looked at the pennant in awe.

Is this a blessing in disguise? Originally, he wanted to find his own money, but he didn't expect to solve such a big case by mistake.

Lu Xiao took over the silk banner, and then thought that Shu Cheng had also contributed to this matter, so he hurriedly said, "Actually, a friend of ours helped us with this matter, his name is Shu Cheng, should we also ask him to send a gift pennant?"

The other party was thoughtful, and then said: "To tell you the truth, Shu Cheng's subordinates conducted an unannounced visit to the media and helped the police solve many cases. We originally planned to send the pennant, but they kept a low profile and said yes If we don’t want to accept it, we have no other choice, so we didn’t send out the pennant.”

The corner of Lu Xiao's mouth twitched, something flashed through his mind, he looked at the pennant he was holding in his hand, and asked, "Then...this...isn't it because Shu Cheng didn't want this pennant, and brought it as a gift? Give it to us."

The other party realized in an instant that he had said the wrong thing... Embarrassed, he was thinking about how to answer Lu Xiao's straightforward question. If he had known earlier, he would not have told him about Shu Cheng Jinqi. Good introduction.

Lu Xiao looked at the other party's reaction, and naturally he had already reacted. A few black lines were drawn on his forehead. No need to think about it, he knew that this must be Shu Cheng's idea: "I guess Shu Cheng asked you to bring this pennant here. Ours?"

"How do you know?" The other party raised his head in surprise. These two teenagers are a little too smart, right?

Lu Xiao spread his hands helplessly. As expected, he stood there dumbfounded... Although he liked the pennant quite a bit, but when he heard that Shu Cheng didn't want it and sent it to him, he suddenly felt speechless...

"Okay, but thank you anyway for bringing it here for us from such a long distance." Lu Xiao said politely.

Then the person who came to send the pennant was sent away.

However, Lu Xiao and Guan Yufei have now officially become Tsinghua's internet celebrities.

Photos of them were posted online. Lu Xiao's programming talent is admired by many girls.

On the Internet, there are even rotten girls who form GL's cp party, hanging pictures of Guan Yufei and Lu Xiao every day to lick the screen.

[These two are a little too handsome! I heard that when Lu Xiao and Guan Yufei cracked each other's IP, it took less than three seconds. 】

When Lu Xiao saw this comment, he spit out a mouthful of food. Although the halo was magnified, it was so ridiculously large... Lu Xiao couldn't accept it. three seconds? Three seconds is enough to spray a meal, do you really think you are a god?

[The same people from Tsinghua University, why is there such a big gap? Look at Lu Xiao... look at Guan Yufei, and then look at yourself... Sigh, the gap in life is so big! slip away! Check out the photos of the two again. Hee hee hee. 】

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