Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng sat cross-legged on the sofa, chewing candy, and tapped his fingers quickly on the keyboard. This time, Shu Cheng named his new book "Gone with the Wind". Scarlett Scarlett, a young girl, is beautiful and rebellious. Scarlett Scarlett falls in love with the handsome young man Ashley, but Ashley chooses the kind-hearted Melanie. Scarlett was so jealous that she married Melanie's brother Charles in a fit of anger. Unfortunately, the Civil War claimed Charles' life, leaving Scarlett a widow. After the war, Scarlett met the elegant and maverick Rhett, who soon proposed to her, and she accepted. When the confused Scarlett found the true love in this life, the love left her again...

Such a tangled love-hate relationship is no longer a pure love novel. There are wars, pains, and all kinds of entanglements in it.

Shu Cheng hooked the corners of his mouth evilly, looking at the words that kept pouring out of the document, she was about to create another classic, and she wanted to portray the strength of women.

Most of Shu Cheng's fans are mainly male, and they are all like brothers. When they were asked what they wanted to watch, they all chose topics from a male perspective, such as martial arts, fantasy, supernatural, suspense...

But Shu Cheng didn't write those. She wanted to create a book for women, a book for women that would be touched even if a man read it. The women in her writing would also have the resolute character of a warrior.

Ideas flow endlessly, and words appear on the screen in an endless stream.

While Shu Cheng was writing, the phone rang a few times. It was a message from the work group of rs studio.

[Shen He: @朱成, "The Little Prince" won the "Fenami" Literature Award abroad. 】

[Zheng Yi: @朱成, if this is the case, shouldn't the salary be raised? 】

[Yu Zhou: @朱成, hurry up and accept the compliment, I am a loyal fan of "The Little Prince", now that "The Little Prince" has won an award, hahaha I am so excited. 】

[Shu Cheng: ... Oh. 】

[Zheng Yi: What? You are only one? Do you know that the selection criteria for the "Fenami" Literary Award are very strict, ordinary works don't even have a chance to be shortlisted, but your "The Little Prince" won the Best Fairy Tale Award in one fell swoop, shouldn't you be happy ? 】

[Yu Zhou: That's right, this award has a very high gold content! We were all very surprised when we received the news, how could you be so calm? ? 】

[Shen He: [/白眼][/白眼][/白眼][/白眼] Shu Cheng is definitely pretending to be calm, maybe he is laughing on the other side of the screen. 】

[Shu Cheng: Laughing at you. If you win a prize, you will win a prize. Look at you who have never seen the world. 】

【Shen He:...】

【Zheng Yi:……】

【Yu Zhou:...】

[Shu Cheng: Is this thing going to receive an award? 】

[Zheng Yi: That's right, and you have to go there yourself. 】

[Shu Cheng: I still have to go abroad. I might as well stay at home with my wife. If I don’t go, I won’t. 】

The corners of the mouths of the people in the Rs studio collectively twitched... The young man is too willful, he won't go if he doesn't want to go, he won't go if he doesn't want such a big prize.

If it weren't for the fact that they had to go by themselves, the three of them would have been eager to go there right away, and then they would also bring back Shu Cheng's bonus and divide it up.

[Shen He: There is no need to go abroad to accept the award, this time the award ceremony will be held in our city. 】

[Yu Zhou: That's right, you only need to lift your long legs and move a few steps to reach the scene. 】

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