The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 103 Calling Uncle

Chapter 103 Calling Uncle

Stark appeared at the door of the church wearing a steel battle suit. I don't know what button Stark pressed, but the steel suit was like Angelo's steel Golem armor with a gap in the middle to let Stark K came out.

"Hey! Angelo!" Stark punched Angelo in the chest, "Who did you introduce to me on the phone just now? Could it be some poor ghost again? I'm preparing for tomorrow press conference!"

The expression on the face of Steve Rogers, who had been looking at Stark all the time, froze. He thought that Angelo's friends would be like Angelo, and they were easy to get along with.

Hearing Stark's bad mouth as always, Angelo just smiled helplessly at Steve, "That's just how he is, don't mind, he doesn't mean anything malicious."

Angelo smiled and brought Stark a bottle of beer, "Remember to pay later, let me introduce you, this is the friend I want to introduce to you-Steve Rogers."

Originally, Stark was still rolling his eyes when he heard Angelo's stingy words, but after hearing Steve Rogers, Stark was taken aback.

He looked up and down the strong white man beside Angelo, and the strong white man smiled and nodded to him.

"Dude, I think your dad must be a Captain America fan! Have to say, it's a shame you don't wear a tights with your name. You might be suitable for cosplay."

Angelo smiled and patted Stark on the shoulder, "Man, you may not believe it, but he is actually the real Captain America. In terms of seniority, you should actually call him Uncle Steve."

"Huh? Are you serious?" Stark pointed to his nose with an exaggerated expression, then pointed to Steve sitting there, "I call this poor man Uncle Steve, he looks Not as old as me! He doesn't even have a beard!"

Angelo ignored the dissatisfied and clamoring Stark, and turned to look at Steve, "Steve, don't mind, he's not a bad guy, but... his mouth is a bit poisonous."

Steve nodded approvingly, but just after such a short time, he couldn't help but want to punch this guy in the face. How did this guy live to be so big?

Open your mouth poor man, shut your mouth poor man. Although he is indeed not rich...

"His name is Tony Stark." Angelo asked Steve. "Dude, do you think of anything?"

"Stark?" Steve froze for a moment, he suddenly thought of an old friend, "Howard Stark? Is he Howard's grandson?"

He looked at Stark in disbelief and felt a little unbelievable, thinking that Howard didn't have this guy's bad mouth back then, and in this regard, Tony Stark didn't follow his "grandpa" at all.

Unexpectedly, this guy Howard even has a "grandson".

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense why Tony Stark has such a stinky mouth and can live to such a safe age. The Stark family was rich during World War II, not to mention seventy years later.

Angelo was also amused by Steve's brain circuit, he just wanted to see the scene where Tony Stark called Steve uncle, but cooperating with Steve, he just wanted Stark to call him grandpa?

"No, no, buddy, he is actually the son of Mr. Howard, who is currently the president of Stark Industries."

Angelo finally gritted his teeth and rejected his very tempting idea. He was mainly afraid that Stark would become angry and blow up the children's hospital under construction later.

After a while, Stark gradually realized that something was wrong.

"Oh man! You can't tell the truth, can you? Is he really the old man in that museum?"

Angelo nodded, and said to Stark, "Man, he is really the Captain America, don't be so vicious, you should actually call him uncle, he is friends with Mr. Howard..."

"Tony, hello, I'm Steve Rogers, and I'm also that idiot who sells bonds in tights." Steve laughed at himself, and decided to suppress his dissatisfaction with his nephew, "It seems that I missed a lot during my sleep."

Suddenly, looking at Steve's face younger than himself, Stark's expression was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

Stark knew that this was probably true, and An Qiluo didn't seem like a person who would joke about such things.

"Godfather~" Little Gali also ran over at this time, hugged Angelo's thigh and greeted Stark, "Dad said that Uncle Steve is his friend, and he brought me a gift today !"

Saying that, Little Gali also took out the two hundred-dollar bills that Steve gave her from her pocket and shook them at Stark.

Little Jiali doesn't know what value is. For her, there are only what she can eat and what her father doesn't allow. Anyway, she was very happy when she received the gift, let alone two.

Hearing the address of Little Galley, Stark's expression became even uglier. If he had to describe his current expression, it must be that he not only ate shit, but also found that the shit was poisonous...

Little Carrie called Steve Uncle, and he called Steve Uncle, so what should he call Little Carrie?


Fortunately, Angelo was just making a harmless joke and had no intention of embarrassing Stark.

After Stark wrote two super-running white notes to Xiao Jiali again, An Qiluo revealed the matter calmly.

After all, it is still necessary to save some face for the big benefactor.

"What? You said Captain America stayed here to be your bartender?" Stark looked at Angelo in surprise, "Dude, are you serious?"

"Stark, you can call me Steve, Captain America is dead, I'm just Steve now, my war was over the moment the Red Skull died!" Steve interjected , "I really should find a job and start a new life."

"Hey! Steve, it seems that you are short of money? If I were you, I would sue the Pentagon. The Pentagon has sold your merchandise like crazy these years. My legal team can provide you with free legal aid." Tucker said fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Angelo looked at Stark like an alien and sued the Pentagon? How did this come to mind!

Sure enough, the brain circuits of rich people are different?


The three of them chatted enthusiastically in the church, but Sharon Carter, who was in a red car at the door of the church, was anxious.

She rushed over from work after receiving a call from Nick Fury, but it was still a step late. By the time she arrived, Angelo and Steve had already had dinner in the church.

She had no choice but to continue to monitor the mission in front of the church.

Steve's clothes were bugged by his colleagues from S.H.I.E.L.D., and Sharon Carter's ears heard the conversation of the three of them verbatim.

When he heard that Stark, the bastard, actually urged Captain America to sue the Pentagon, Sharon Carter was a little flustered besides feeling the endless absurdity.

If Captain America really sues the Pentagon, it will undoubtedly be a scandal and a joke for the US government, and Captain America is nominally the property of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm afraid that she, as a member of staff on duty, will also bear the blame.

Sharon Carter, who has been working as an office clerk for a long time, subconsciously ignored the danger of the church that Director Nick Fury told her on the phone. She once heard her aunt say that when she was young, she and Captain America I think that with this person who almost became my uncle, I shouldn't be in any danger...

Thinking of this, Sharon Carter took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Nick Fury, then opened the car door and walked towards the door of the church...

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