The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 104 Killing people, let's talk later

Chapter 104 Killing people, let's talk later

Stark was discussing with Steve about the feasibility of suing the Pentagon. At this moment, he suddenly saw a woman walking in the door of the church.

The wavy blond hair is particularly conspicuous, and the normal professional attire on her body looks full of charm on her daughter's bumpy figure.

From Stark's point of view, this woman should score at least eight points.

"Hey! Beauty? Do you want to have dinner with us?" Stark said frivolously, waving the beer bottle in his hand at the visitor. "Beer is expensive here, I thought I could buy you a drink."

Angelo gave Stark a hammer in a funny way, and stopped his strike-up behavior, "Come on, buddy! Pepper will kill you if you turn around like this!"

He knew that Stark was just joking and fluffing. At least after Pepper lived in his house, Stark really didn't seem to have shown his face in the recent lace news tabloids.

Angelo looked at the strange woman who walked in, a little wary.

It's funny to say that in the ghost place of Hell's Kitchen, although the catering confession service is opened in his church, the gangsters who come out of his church are all men.

According to An Qiluo's personality, although he can't appreciate the beauty of these big ponies, it's impossible for him to have no impression of such a beautiful woman!

This woman is definitely not from Hell's Kitchen!

After the woman came in, she didn't talk to Stark, nor did she go to see Angelo.

He just kept looking at Steve who had been staring at her in a daze.

Steve stared at her blankly, and murmured in a low voice, "Like! This is so similar..."

Angelo looked at Steve, then at the woman, a little confused. Could it be that there is a female version of Captain America, or is Baji actually a girl? To keep Steve so haunted.

"Captain." The woman directly revealed Steve's identity as soon as she opened her mouth, "Don't listen to Stark's nonsense, suing the Pentagon will shame the United States!"

An Qiluo frowned tightly when he heard the words. He read too much information from just this sentence.

Now, except for the people in the church, no one in Hell's Kitchen knew the identity of Steve. Moreover, this woman obviously heard the conversation between the three of them just now.

Although Angelo always felt that what Stark said about getting Steve to sue the Pentagon was just a silly joke, but this woman's behavior proved that there was definitely a monitor on Steve that they didn't know about.

Based on the above conditions, An Qiluo knew with his ass that this woman is definitely a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. As for whether the camp is Black Braised Egg or Hydra, it doesn't matter at all!

Steve is not an idiot either, although he was indeed shocked by this woman's face that resembled Peggy just now, but when he heard the woman say this, he immediately reacted and began to grope around himself.

"Sorry, I don't know..." After groping for a long time, Steve took a small hole in his leather jacket and reached out to crush it.

Angelo shook his head, he didn't blame Steve, he couldn't blame Steve, it was his own negligence.

He should have thought that Steve, the former Captain America, the only successful super soldier experiment, in the view of S.H.I.E.L.D., this is government property worth millions or even tens of millions, how could it be possible to let him out of surveillance line of sight.

He thought that his deterrent power was enough to help Steve stop these troubles outside the church door, at least the black corned eggs didn't come to trouble him recently.

Having said that, Angelo decided to make this woman pay the price. I warned you, and you not only ignored my warning and broke in, you also ignored yourself.

Your good looks are not the reason for me not to kill you!

An Qiluo took out the three thousand for your life from his space backpack, and handed it to No. 1, "No. 1, kill her. I don't want to talk nonsense with her."

No. 1 devoutly took the three thousand that An Qiluo handed to her, as if this shotgun was an artifact for the salvation of all sentient beings.

Seeing No. 1 slowly approaching with a fancy shotgun, the woman panicked completely.

She is usually engaged in clerical work, but this time she was sent out by the bureau chief and was only temporarily drawn out. Dare to break in alone is just relying on a moment of enthusiasm.

Now seeing the other party approaching with an exaggerated weapon, without even giving her a chance to defend herself, she immediately panicked.

"I'm the CIA, you guys are assaulting the police..." The woman yelled in a panic, taking out a pistol and an ID and pointing at No. 1 tremblingly.

Number One paid no attention and moved on.

Joke, are you tickling your little pistol biabiabia? I've just been shot at by rifles and sniper rifles at night, and I'm standing right here!

An Qiluo listened to the familiar rhetoric of the other party, this rhetoric, if he was not from SHIELD, An Qiluo would not believe it!

But what does Nick Fury mean by sending a rookie like this over to die? The dish of the other party made Angelo think that she had just graduated from college!

"Angelo..." After struggling for a moment, Steve made up his mind when he saw that No. 1 was getting closer and closer to the woman, "Dude, can you not kill her?"

Steve's voice was not low, at least everyone present heard it, and the woman breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that she had made the right bet. But looking at No. 1 who seemed to have not heard this sentence at all, and continued to walk towards her without hesitation, the heart that had just been slightly relieved suddenly came up in his throat.

"Why? Give me a reason?" Angelo looked at Steve in surprise.

As a veteran, Steve is definitely not the kind of indecisive character. The enemy on the battlefield will not kill you just because you are a woman.

"Because..." Steve didn't finish his sentence.

Angelo's cell phone rang.

"Hello? This is Angelo." Angelo answered the phone.

"Angelo, I'm Nick Fury, save me..."

An Qiluo interrupted the other party impatiently. Nick Fury called at this time, thinking about it with his ass, he knew that he wanted to save this rookie.

But it's not that I didn't warn you, you provoked me again and again, why should I not kill someone? This is Hell's Kitchen!

"Killing people, we'll talk about something later, I'll call in five minutes!" An Qiluo wanted to hang up the phone after finishing speaking.

However, Nick Fury's next sentence made Angelo hesitate.

"The one in front of you is Agent Sharon Carter, the niece of Director Carter."

At this moment, No. 1 had already walked in front of Sharon Carter and raised the shotgun in his hand. At this moment, No. 1 felt as if a divine power had been blessed on his body out of thin air, which was many times stronger than before. She couldn't wait to kill this weak chicken who offended the gods!

"Wait a minute, No. 1." Angelo said to No. 1 while clutching the phone, "Pay her weapon first."

Regarding An Qiluo's order, although No. 1 regretted that he could not kill this weak chicken immediately, he still carried it out without the slightest hesitation.

Angelo looked at Sharon Carter suspiciously. After such a careful look, he found that this rookie who didn't even dare to shoot a gun actually had a certain relationship with Peggy Carter who was lying on the hospital bed. resemblance.

Thinking of Steve, who suspected he had cheated on him, and the two twin siblings whose whereabouts were unknown...

He glanced at Steve, who was hesitant to speak, and then continued to pick up the phone, and said to Black Braised Egg, "I know, but this is not a reason, give me a reason that can convince me."

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