The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 145 I won't leave

Chapter 145 I won't leave

Angelo felt that he was a very reasonable person.

Isn't it reasonable for him to help Stark find a solution to the problem of palladium poisoning, invite Skye to drink coffee, and then hang it on Stark's account?

Under Angelo's leadership, Skye was brought to sit in the church hall by Angelo.

Now that Steve and Frank have accompanied Dr. Banner to Corvo University and have not returned, Angelo can only get up and make a cup of instant coffee for Skye in the bar, and then write the account book on the page belonging to Stark. In the middle, write down five hundred dollars.

"Miss Skye, if you have any questions, just ask, and I will tell you about me after you finish asking." Angelo handed the brewed coffee to Skye.

"Who are you?" Skye asked with his coffee cup tightly in his hand, staring into Angelo's eyes.

"I'm Angelo Lee, and I'm just an ordinary priest in Hell's Kitchen." Angelo shrugged, "Oh, yes, I may still be a shareholder of Stark Group's board of directors."

Skye's answer to Angelo was a bit ironic, ordinary priest? Can ordinary priests know the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. well? Can ordinary priests have the contact information of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

As for the identities of the members of the board of directors of the Stark Group mentioned by Angelo, there is nothing worth noting in Skye.

Rich people, aren't they everywhere in New York?

"Then why do you know this... well, things about S.H.I.E.L.D., and what kind of organization is S.H.I.E.L.D.? You shouldn't be a normal person, right? Your church believes in God?"

Skye asked a series of questions, and it was Angelo who brought her too many doubts. In her eyes, Angelo seemed like a mystery, shrouded in fog from head to toe. .

She always felt that An Qiluo's appearance could bring her into a brand new world that she had never touched before.

Angelo listened to Skye's questions in distress. With so many questions, he didn't know how to answer them. If it was normal, Angelo would probably ignore the other party's questions directly, and he was not an encyclopedia.

But now that he wants to ask Skye to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. server, he feels that it is still necessary for him to let the person know.

"Why did I know about S.H.I.E.L.D.? It was that bastard who told me that S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually an organization that thinks it is the last line of defense to protect the earth. In fact, they are just the first line of defense to protect the earth and troublemakers... ..."

After taking the blame for Nick Fury, Angelo then slowly explained to Skye what Skye wanted to know and what he knew, and Skye was taken aback for a while, These things are completely beyond common sense and beyond her cognition. She thought human experiments were the limit of supernatural events, but she didn't expect that gods and magic were involved!

Angelo wasn't in a hurry either. While explaining, he gave Skye enough time to accept the truth.


In Corvo University, Dr. Banner stood on the lawn with an ugly face, and Steve next to him patted him on the shoulder, "Bruce, calm down, life."

Dr. Banner's face was constantly intertwined with green and original skin color.

After a long time, Dr. Banner looked at the long handbag in Frank's hand, the green color on his face finally faded, and he let out a slow breath.

"I..." Dr. Banner smiled wryly, and said disappointedly, "I didn't expect Betty to find a new boyfriend so quickly."

Steve walked to his side and looked into the distance with him, where a beautiful girl was holding the hand of a handsome man, Dr. Banner's girlfriend Betty Ross.

Well, it should be called ex-girlfriend now.

Steve still wanted to say something to comfort Dr. Banner, but suddenly there was a sound of helicopter propellers circling in the originally calm sky.

Steve looked up, and there were two heavily armed helicopters in the sky, and a large number of military armored vehicles carrying soldiers began to rush into the campus in the direction of the campus gate.

"Frank, here comes the trouble." Steve's face became serious, and he said the pot to Frank without looking back. While speaking, Steve had already lifted the lid of the pot in his hand.

No need to think about it, these military people must have found Dr. Banner's trail when they came here, and they came to catch Dr. Banner, and Dr. Banner had just swallowed the restraining Hulk from Professor Samuel Stern. As long as Dr. Banner transforms into the Hulk, Mr. Lan's treatment will be in vain.

Now it can only be resisted by him and Frank.

Frank put the handbag on the ground without saying a word, took out the three thousand that will kill you from it, and looked at the helicopter circling in the air with a murderous expression.

Dr. Banner, who was protected by the two, looked at the commotion caused by the military vehicles entering the campus, and gave a wry smile. He looked down at his hands.

"Steve, Frank, let's go, I can't change in my current state, you can't resist it."

Dr. Banner looked at these soldiers with live ammunition and guns, and he understood that if he didn't change his body and release Banner, he couldn't handle it at all, even with Steve and Frank!

No matter how strong they are, there are only two of them, and it is already very difficult to protect themselves.

They are not Angelo or Stark.

There is still a glimmer of hope in Dr. Banner's heart. As long as he can completely solve Hulk's problem, he can return to a normal life. At that time, maybe he just needs to explain clearly to General Ross.

But Dr. Banner didn't know that what General Ross did from the beginning to the end was all for the restart of the super soldier plan, and Dr. Banner was the ideal candidate for human experiments in his mind!

The invulnerable Hulk fascinated him!

Steve looked at the military vehicles surrounded from all directions, and the two helicopters hovering above his head. He took out his mobile phone, operated it clumsily, then turned his head and said to Dr. Banner seriously, "Bruce, I don't know. I will leave! I have already sent a text message to An Qiluo, we just need to hold on until An Qiluo comes!"

Steve is like that, whether as a captain or a friend, whenever you need him, he is there!

At this time, let him leave alone, he can't do it.

What's more, he also promised Angelo that he would bring Dr. Banner back safely.

"I'm not leaving either, I want to show these sons of bitches how powerful I am! I don't think they've seen how powerful this big baby is!"

Frank also stroked the three thousand in his hand, with long-suppressed anger flashing in his eyes.

It was the betrayal of these high-level military officials that led to the tragic death of his family. Although Nick was resurrected by Angelo now, his wife would never survive!

Frank and Steve looked at each other and turned their heads to smile. At this moment, the two who were still a little bit rivalry regarded each other as their closest comrades-in-arms...

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