The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 146 Women Only Affect My Casting Speed!

Chapter 146 Women Only Affect My Casting Speed!

Steve, Frank, and Dr. Banner were surrounded by soldiers from the military.

After the military soldiers surrounded them, they did not choose to attack immediately. A middle-aged man in military uniform with a stern expression stepped out of the military vehicle.

It was General Ross.

"Bruce Banner." General Ross looked at the three people who had been surrounded and said loudly, "If you don't want your friend to die, then follow me yourself."

If Dr. Banner really agreed to let him go, General Ross would not be willing to shoot on a college campus. That will inevitably cause unnecessary damage and casualties.

The last time fighter jets were dispatched in the urban area, the president had personally intervened in this matter. Fortunately, there are not a few people in the military who support the super soldier project and want to recreate Captain America. After seeing the destruction and lethality caused by the Hulk, he won the support of more than half of the top military officials.

This ensured that he could stand here today.

Of course, if something like what happened in the urban area happened again today, even if all the high-level members of the military support the super-soldier plan, this plan will be stranded again under the pressure of public opinion and the upper-level.

This is the fundamental reason why General Ross, a hardliner, talked and discussed with Dr. Banner. As for how many soldiers will die every time there is a head-on conflict with Dr. Banner, as long as the benefits gained in the super soldier plan can exceed the losses of dead soldiers , in the mind of General Ross is just a number.

After General Ross called Dr. Banner's name, there was a commotion behind the military encirclement, and a woman suddenly rushed out of the military encirclement

"Bruce! It's really you!" the woman yelled.

Banner gave a wry smile, and took off the hood on his head, revealing his true face.

"Betty, it's very dangerous here now, please go." Dr. Banner looked at Betty with complicated eyes, and he didn't know what mentality he should use to face his former girlfriend.

"Father, why are you doing this!" Betty rushed to General Ross and shouted at General Ross angrily, "Bruce..."

"Come on, take her down!" General Ross interrupted Betty's words with a wave of his hand impatiently, and motioned for his subordinates to take Betty away.

Betty obviously had no room to resist these five big and three thick soldiers, and was quickly led out of the encirclement with her mouth covered.

Dr. Banner looked worriedly at Betty who disappeared into the crowd. Although he knew that Betty was the daughter of General Ross, he couldn't help worrying that the other party would hurt Betty. The relationship between Betty and her father was not very harmonious. This is Dr. Banner I knew it a long time ago.

But now is obviously not the time to worry about Betty. If he doesn't respond, what he and his partners will face next will be the encirclement and suppression by the military with heavy firepower.

"General Ross," Dr. Banner stepped forward and said to General Ross from a distance, "I have no intention of being an enemy of the military. I am a mutation caused by radiation from gamma rays. This mutation cannot be reproduced. Gamma If the radiation is overexposed, it will cause irreversible damage to the human body. I have also found a way to solve the gamma radiation mutation. If I can’t pass multiple levels, I will soon return to a normal person..."

In Dr. Banner's view, as long as he is no longer the Hulk who wreaks havoc in urban areas, as long as he proves that gamma rays are uncontrollable for human body mutation, then he can return to a normal life. You can come together with Betty again.

However, how can General Ross, who has already been obsessed with the super soldier plan, listen to it? His words are tantamount to adding fuel to the fire for General Ross.

What? You say you've found a way to eliminate the mutation and you'll be back to normal soon?

How can that work!

You're back to normal What about our super soldier plan!

"Catch them!" General Ross's face darkened, and he gave orders to the military personnel.

He's going to stop Bruce Banner before he's back to normal! And be sure to find a way to make super soldiers.

The soldiers began to slowly shrink the encirclement with their guns, and surrounded the three people in the middle step by step. The machine gun on the plane also turned its muzzle, aiming at the three of them.

Steve looked at the soldiers surrounded with guns, and then glanced at Frank who had raised his gun beside him, sighed silently in his heart, and stood up helplessly.

"I am Steve Rogers, and in the name of Captain America, I assure you that what Dr. Banner said is true, soldiers, I do not want to be your enemy. The purpose of the military is to surround the safety of the people, not to encircle Point the gun at the people!"

With that said, Steve took off his hat, revealing his face.

Steve didn't want to reveal his identity at first, but seeing the situation on the field, he knew that if he didn't stand up and delay the time, he might just do it directly according to Frank's personality, and there would really be no room for easing things up. !

He had seen the power of the gun in Frank's hand. After being transformed by Angelo, the power of this gun had reached a terrifying level. A shot down, whether it is a helicopter or an armored vehicle, can't stop it.

The military should fight to protect the people, not to capture a poor man who has no intention of causing trouble. Steve also didn't want these soldiers to be lost in this senseless dispute.

"Captain America?!"

"Are you really Steve Rogers?!"

"This... why is the captain still so young?"

The fact is just as Steve thought, he blew his identity and made all the soldiers of the military stop, looking at Steve in surprise, the guns in their hands were unconsciously lowered by the soldiers muzzle.

They don't want to point a gun at Captain America, a World War II hero and childhood idol.

They grew up listening to the story of Captain America, especially after entering the army, the story of Captain America was almost deified under the propaganda of the Pentagon!

Although, the Pentagon is just to sell Captain America's peripherals...

Watching the performance of the soldiers, Steve finally breathed a sigh of relief. But he knew that this was just a tactic to delay the attack and could not completely resolve the crisis, because the decision maker was always General Ross.

He could only hope in his heart that An Qiluo would arrive soon, or that he could come up with a solution. If there was really no other way, he could only take the risk of holding General Ross hostage and escape.

"What are you doing! Attack! Catch them!" General Ross' face became even more gloomy.

Although he was also surprised by Steve's self-disclosure of his identity, Captain America was mixed with Hulk, but he was not too surprised. As a high-level military officer, he knew far more than these ordinary soldiers.

He learned from S.H.I.E.L.D. a while ago that Captain America was dug out of the glacier by S.H.I.E.L.D., and that the Treasury Department is still giving Steve Rogers a monthly pension.

He originally wanted the scientific research department to deduce the super soldier serum from Steve, but unfortunately, SHIELD told him that the super soldier serum on Steve was completely irreversible, plus the super soldier serum from SHIELD Resistance, he also gave up the plan to push back the super soldier serum.

However, he didn't expect that before he went to trouble with Steve, Steve came out first to stop him from catching the Hulk!

"Come on!..."


The soldiers yelled and said so, but they didn't move their feet, and the muzzles of their guns were lowered. These veterans are very good at it.

General Ross looked angrily at the soldiers under his command, and he said to a soldier in camouflage uniform with a cold face,

"Emile Bronski. Don't you want to find a stronger opponent? Captain America plus Hulk, is it strong enough? Go and catch Hulk!"

Emile Bronsky was an agent of the former Soviet Union's Kerberg organization, and was recruited by the US military as a member of the special team after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

Emil's temper has Maozi's usual irascibility. After receiving the order from General Ross, he strode straight to attack Steve!

Along the way, he also kicked down several soldiers who stood in his way.

When Steve saw someone attacking him straightly, he was also grateful in his heart. As long as he was entangled with this person, it was impossible for the military to shoot at himself and others.

In this way, you can continue to delay the time and wait for Angelo's arrival.

Simply, Steve wrestled directly with the opponent.

It has to be said that Emil, the former Keberg agent, still has two brushes in his hands. Although Steve released the water, the opponent was able to attack more and more fiercely during the fight with him.

When the other soldiers saw that a young bird attacked Steve, they were naturally happy, shouted louder, and moved slower.


Angelo was drinking coffee slowly in the church.

Sitting across from him, Skye was a little out of his mind, whispering something in his mouth.

Gods, magic, and the like were completely beyond her imagination.

What An Qiluo said just now brought her into a brand new world. She was skeptical at first, but after An Qiluo briefly showed her the skills of Bone Wall, her world view was completely destroyed .

An Qiluo was very considerate and gave her time to reshape her worldview.

"You mean, you want me to help hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. server and find a piece of Howard Stark's research material?" Skye asked after being dazed for a long time, and then he didn't know what he thought of.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"I can try, but I need a supercomputer. You know, the hardware of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very advanced, and my own equipment can only penetrate the outermost firewall..." Skye rolled his eyes, no Know what's on your mind. "Also, I want to learn magic from you."

"Hmm..." Angelo thought for a while, "No problem. Leave the supercomputer to me. As for learning magic, it's okay."

As he spoke, he added another sentence in his heart, whether he can learn it or not is not my problem.

Angelo himself didn't understand the principle of his ability, how could he teach Skye? As for supercomputers, it's even simpler. Stark itself will be equipped with supercomputers in the laboratory that is currently under construction.

At this moment, An Qiluo's cell phone rang suddenly.

It's Steve's text message.

"Angelo, I'm Steve, we're surrounded by the military, come quickly."

Angelo was a little surprised. According to his arrangement, if they were simply discovered by the military, Dr. Banner and the three of them could return to Hell's Kitchen safely. The one in Frank's hand will cost you three thousand lives. enough.

"Skye, can you hack into the surveillance system?" Angelo put down his phone and asked Skye.

"Okay, where do you want to invade the monitoring?"

"Surveillance at Corvo University," Angelo said.

"Okay, you happen to have a computer here, can I use it?" Skye pointed to the computer in the corner.

"no problem."

Skye walked to the computer, and after a dazzled operation under Angelo's unclear eyes, the monitoring screen of Corvo University appeared on the computer screen.

On the surveillance, Dr. Banner, Steve, and Frank are surrounded by the military, while Steve is fighting with a soldier with a pot lid.

An Qiluo was also taken aback when he saw the almost connected armored vehicles in the picture.

What does the military want?

With so many armored vehicles and soldiers, although there are only two planes, it is enough to start a small-scale war!

Just to capture Dr. Banner?

He couldn't help but feel worried. Although he is very confident in Steve and Frank's skills, and Frank is still trying to kill you three thousand times, the bodies of these two people are still at the level of mortal bodies. Steve has been strengthened by the super soldier serum, but Frank has not. He is just an ordinary human being. If he is shot, he will be injured or die.

What worried him the most was that Dr. Banner hadn't transformed into Hulk in this situation, and he didn't know what happened to Dr. Banner.

Hulk is enough to take out these armies, but if it was Dr. Banner instead of Hulk, he would be beaten into a hornet's nest.

If the military launches a large-scale fire bombing, it is difficult to guarantee that the two will survive the fire bombing. No matter how powerful the weapon is, it needs to be operated by the user.

"This is Captain America, Steve Rogers; this is the Hulk; this is Frank." Angelo pointed to the screen in the surveillance video, then got up and walked towards the backyard, "Don't you want to learn magic? ? Come with me, I'll take you to see it."

Although Skye didn't understand what kind of magic Angelo was going to show her, he still ran two quick steps to follow.

In Skye's shocked eyes, a bone dragon the size of a puppy was picked up by Angelo, and right in front of her, the bone dragon the size of a puppy turned into an eight-meter-long behemoth, lying on its back. on the ground.

Angelo stepped onto the bone dragon's back, stretched out his hand to Skye in a gentlemanly manner, and pulled her onto the bone dragon.

With a gust of wind blowing head-on, the bone dragon soared into the sky from the backyard of the church! Fly in the direction of Corvo University!

Skye's feet were unstable, and was blown by the strong wind, almost falling off the bone dragon's back.

Fortunately, An Qiluo stood behind her and supported her waist, which ensured her safety.

The speed of the bone dragon was very fast, and the head-on wind blew Skye's long hair back, and the tip of the hair accidentally floated to the tip of Angelo's nose. Angelo asked about the pleasant smell of shampoo on his hair , a sway in my heart.

Faced with the situation of being in close contact with a beautiful woman, it is difficult for a man not to be tempted.

But thinking of the three Dr. Banner surrounded by the military, Angelo quickly suppressed the fluctuations in his heart.

woman! It will only affect my casting speed!

Thanks to the book friend 20210301183251469 for the reward of 100 starting point coins~ Meme da~

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