The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 219 Wow, Golden Legend!

Chapter 219 Wow, Golden Legend!

The call was quickly connected.

"Hello, this is Norman Osborn." Norman Osborn's slightly gloomy voice came from the phone.

Angelo reluctantly held the phone a little further away from his ear. It wasn't that Norman Osborn was unhappy, but his voice was just like that.

"Hello, Norman, I'm Angelo."

Norman Osborn on the other side of the phone changed his tone immediately when he heard that the caller was Angelo, and there was a hint of joy in his gloomy voice.

"Mr. Priest, it was just right when you called. My analysis of dragon bone wine has made some progress."

An Qiluo was taken aback, is it such a coincidence?

"It's the same thing I called you, should talk about it first." An Qiluo said into the phone.

"Well, Mr. Father, it is like this. I analyzed the ingredients of keel wine, and finally found a special substance in keel wine. This substance cannot be detected by any instrument in normal times. It can only be observed in the temperature and environment."

"I am making my own claim on this substance, which is temporarily named keel factor. If the human body or organisms ingest keel factor, it will cause slight benign mutations in the body of the ingester, which is commonly known as evolution. Of course, if you want to see As a result, you must take this keel factor for a long time."

Angelo touched his chin, if he said that, some things would make sense.

Both Daniel and the Hand, which has been destroyed by Angelo, are very eager for keel. The Hand once said that keel is related to longevity, and Daniel can use keel wine to enhance his iron fist power.

Isn't this just mutation and evolution? But will everyone evolve in the same direction? Or is there any rule in this?

"Norman, how do you define the direction of the evolution you are talking about?" Angelo asked on the phone.

"This..." Norman Osborn also had some difficulty talking about this. He did experiment with mice, but the dose was too small and the time was too short, so it was impossible to form experimental data. "I don't know yet. , this still needs to be studied.”

"That's just right." Angelo said, "Do you still remember the four little turtles you said earlier that robbed the keel wine? I found them, and they also drank the keel wine. According to them, they should have a slight I just asked Peter to send four tubes of the blood of the little turtles to your home, I think if you have a reference, the research progress will be faster."

"Oh, yes." Norman Osborn first agreed, and then asked Angelo in a strange tone, "Mr. Priest, have you caught them?"

It is not difficult to hear from Norman Osborn's tone that he has a different mind.

As the president and family member of the Osborne Group, Norman Osborn was not at all a person who could swallow his losses silently.

It's not in Norman Osborn's character to be beaten up by four little turtles, not to skin them all cramps, and send them all to the test bench.

What's more, it's not just as simple as being beaten up, a phenomenon on these four little turtles has also attracted the attention of a biological scientist, Norman Osborn, and it's completely sent to the door by himself. Now Norman Osborne Osborn is interested in the little turtles and what power it is that makes the four animals think like humans and speak human words.

Of course, the premise of sending the four little tortoises to the test bed is to obtain the consent of Mr. Priest, after all, these four little tortoises were caught by Angelo.

"Norman, it was actually a misunderstanding that day..." Angelo also heard Norman Osborn's tone, and explained to him.

Then, Angelo told Norman Osborn what Leonardo had told him before.

After listening to Angelo's explanation, Norman Osborn fell into a brief silence.

It's not that he doesn't believe in An Qiluo, he also believes that the four little turtles still dare not lie to An Qiluo. But in this way, his idea of ​​sending the little turtles to the experimental bench for research was ruined.

"Angelo, do you want to know the secret that the four turtles and that big mouse can talk?" Norman Osborn tempted Angelo like a demon, "The vocal cord structure of the turtle and the mouse is the same. It is doomed that they cannot make sounds like humans, and the brain capacity of these two animals is not enough to have human thinking, we only need to send them to the planing table to know the secret..."

Norman Osborn's suggestion can be described as extremely tempting, at least to anyone's ears, it is very tempting, and after what he said, curiosity was inevitably aroused.

Unfortunately, the person on the phone is An Qiluo.

An Qiluo is not curious at all, even the reason that curiosity killed the cat, and there are few things in the Marvel universe that cannot be explained or cannot be explained temporarily with current human technology. If things are as inquisitive as Stark or Norman Osborn, then he doesn't have to do anything, just do research all day long.

But isn't playing with Xiao Jiali or eating the food made by Uncle Long better than doing research? No matter how bad it is, you can drink with Stark.

"Norman, you are my friend." Angelo said in embarrassment, "but now the little tortoises are also my friends, and I promised to protect them. I can't send my friends to the planing table, right?" ..."

Originally, Norman Osborn felt a little regretful about not being able to study the four little turtles, but when he heard what Angelo said, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Haha, very good, Angelo." Norman Osborn smiled happily, "Fortunately, you didn't agree to send those four little turtles to the planing table. Your character makes me feel more at ease with you." become friends!"

"Of course, if you are going to be sent to the planing table, I will not be indifferent."

Norman Osborn said with a smile, "If I want some blood or skin tissue from the little turtles for experiments, that's fine."

"It's definitely not a problem. I think the little turtles would be happy to help their friends with some research experiments." An Qiluo finally showed a smile on his face.

Although it was a misunderstanding that night, Norman Osborn was beaten up for no reason after all, and he was an innocent victim. The instigator was the driver.

Let the little turtles pay Norman Osborn money for medical expenses and mental damage. Seeing that Splinter can't even put on a good dress, he knows that he can't afford it.

Then there is only meat compensation, a veritable meat compensation.


Not long after the two hung up the phone, Peter delivered the "express". It happened that the school was on holiday, and Harry was at home. The two good friends missed each other after not seeing each other for a few days.

Norman Osborn leaves room for two kids.

Ever since Harry's worries about the future were completely resolved, perhaps to make up for the father's love he owed to Harry for so many years, Norman Osborn loved Harry almost doting, wishing that even if Harry wanted heaven Stars, Norman Osborn got the Osborn Group to start working on the space industry right away.

But Harry was extremely uncomfortable and distressed by his father's sudden doting, and he couldn't tell his father. Fortunately, Peter came at this time, and Harry could tell Peter about his distress.

While chatting, Peter suddenly remembered that he was still at work.

"Ah! Harry, no! I have to go!" Peter exclaimed, turned around and walked out the door quickly, "I won't go back, Mr. Priest should deduct my money! I will come to you after I get off work." , when the time comes, I will invite you to eat pizza! A new one opened recently near my house, it is very good..."

When the voice fell, Peter had already run away.

Only Harry was left alone in the huge room, dumbfounded. Although this friend of mine is talkative, he is actually a good person. Harry, a rich second generation, can become friends with Peter, it may not be because of Peter's talkativeness.

In the laboratory at Harry's home, Norman Osborn is carefully placing four glass test tubes on an experimental apparatus.

The dark red liquid in the test tube was the blood of the four little turtles.

"Connors, help me activate this device, and then use the liquid here to drip into the blood."

Norman Osborn took out a small glass of keel wine and said to the "assistant" beside him.

"Okay, Norman, no problem." The assistant on the side nodded and accepted the keel wine.

Although Dr. Kurt Connors is Norman Osborn's assistant, it's actually more like two like-minded people gathering together to do research.

Dr. Kurt Connors was originally a researcher employee of Norman Osborn. Later, by chance, when Norman Osborn was worrying about the genetic disease in his family, he came from Kang Dr. Nass heard the conjecture that cross-species inheritance can be used to regenerate human limbs.

After that, he transferred Dr. Conners to his own laboratory, and the two of them worked together to study human body strengthening agents, just to deal with the genetic disease of the Osborne family.

During this period of contact, Norman Osborn discovered that in many cases, his ideas and Dr. Connors' ideas coincided with each other, and the two had a particularly tacit understanding.

So even if Harry's genetic disease was completely cured and his own genetic disease weakened a lot, Connors could continue to stay in Norman Osborn's private laboratory and continue to do research.

Compared with the relationship between superiors and subordinates, the two people are more like friends.

Neatly placed instruments and enhanced potions with unknown effects that they had made before were placed on the test bench. After Angelo completely cured Harry's genetic disease, the enhanced potion was temporarily suspended by Norman Osborn. I plan to wait until the time is ripe to continue the research.

Dr. Conners carefully dripped keel wine into one of the bottles of blood, and then observed it with the instrument.

The scene that surprised both Connors and Norman Osborn appeared!

The blood, which was originally calm under the microscope, suddenly became active after being dripped with keel wine. The blood cells that had lost their vitality suddenly began to rejuvenate, and even moved as if consciously!

Dragon bone wine actually revived these dead blood cells!

A drop of blood completely absorbed that drop of keel wine, reaching an exaggerated level of one to one.

Dr. Connors, who was looking at the lens of the instrument seriously, was startled immediately, and he moved a step to the side reflexively.

As a result, at this step, Dr. Connors directly spilled the cup containing the keel wine and the semi-finished medicine they developed before.

When the two liquids were mixed together, drastic changes occurred immediately! The change was even greater than the reaction of the keel wine dripping into the blood of the four little turtles!

The strengthening potion began to boil, and wisps of white smoke kept coming out.

Norman Osborn was looking at the little turtle's blood seriously, trying to analyze what had changed in it, but Dr. Connors' move also surprised him.

Seeing the reaction of the strengthening potion and keel wine mixed together, there were wisps of thin white smoke.

Norman Osborn didn't bother to look at the blood samples any more, and quickly pulled Dr. Conners back. The danger level in the biotechnology laboratory was no less than that in the bomb laboratory.

No one knows whether a virus that can exterminate human beings will be developed by coincidence.

After a while, the reaction in the potion completely stopped, and Norman Osborn and Dr. Connors dared to look closely after confirming that they were wearing protective equipment.

The original color of the strengthening potion was grass green, but now it has turned into a metallic golden color.

Norman Osborn and Dr. Connors looked at each other, then picked up the tools on the test bench tacitly, and began to analyze the golden "strengthening potion".

It was not until a long while before Dr. Connors and Norman Osborn raised their heads from the experimental table, and looked at each other solemnly.

"Connors, tell me what you found first," Norman Osborn said.

"Okay." Dr. Connors had a solemn expression with a hint of joy, "This golden potion, after my analysis, can be injected into the human body, but the specific efficacy needs to be tested. Of course, the specific efficacy It will be related to the prototype body of the liquid you just gave me."

"Norman, do you know what is the prototype of the liquid that was given to me?"

"My discovery is the same as yours. The structure of the strengthening potion was completely unstable before, but now the structure of the strengthening potion has become abnormally stable." Norman Osborn nodded first, then shook his head, "I I know what the prototype body is, but I can't tell you yet."

Out of prudence, Norman Osborn did not tell Dr. Connors the origin of the keel wine. Except for him and little Harry, no one in the Osborn Group knew the specific origin of this thing.

Connors was a little disappointed, but then this disappointment was replaced by fanaticism, "Norman! Now this mistake has completely proved our conjecture to be correct! As long as we continue to experiment with the strengthening potion, it will be the same as before. It’s ready to be put into use! Now we’d better find a volunteer to do a human experiment to test the efficacy of this golden potion!”


Who knew that Norman Osborn shook his head and rejected Dr. Connors' proposal. He remembered what Angelo had told him before that his strengthening potion was wrong.

Do not conduct human experiments rashly!

Norman Osborn made up his mind that it would be safest to ask Angelo for advice on this kind of thing. He had met Dr. Banner, and he didn't seem to create another Hulk for his family. smashed.

"This experiment continues to be put on hold. I will go out for a while, and we will continue to study the blood when I come back later."

Norman Osborn carefully collected all the golden potions in a small bottle, and also collected the keel wine and the blood of the little turtles, and put them all in a safe, pushing away the The door went out, and he took these things to Hell's Kitchen now.

However, Norman Osborn did not notice that Dr. Connors showed an extremely unwilling look in the laboratory behind him...

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