The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 220 Doctor Lizard

Chapter 220 Doctor Lizard

Norman Osborn walked out of the laboratory, saw Harry in the living room, smiled and said to his son, "Harry, I'm going to the church in Hell's Kitchen, will you go with me? Isn't Peter Do you work there?"

Harry was not afraid of his father's old, gloomy face at all, he was just very distressed by his father's sudden doting on him.

"No." Harry shook his head and said, "Dad, I won't go. You can go by yourself. I told Harry that after he gets off work, he will come to me and we will eat pizza."

"Okay then, by the way, little Harry, you still have some money, I'll give you some more money, go out to eat with friends and have something good."

With that said, Norman Osborn put down the suitcase, and wanted to reach out his hand to take out the check from his pocket, and sign the check for Harry

Seeing this, Harry quickly waved his hand and refused, "No, no, dad, go away, I don't know how to spend the check for half a million dollars you gave me yesterday, do you want me to spend half a million dollars when we go to eat pizza?" Do you pay by check in dollars?"

Harry helped Norman Osborn lift the box, pushing and pulling him out of the house.

Norman Osborn was not annoyed, he just followed Harry's movements and left the house with a smile.

After closing the door of the house, Norman Osborn suppressed the smile on his face, and said to the driver who had been waiting at the door, "Let's go to Hell's Kitchen."

"Yes, boss." The new driver glanced at Norman Osborn's gloomy old face with some trepidation.


After Norman Osborn left.

In the laboratory, Dr. Connors looked unwillingly at the original strengthening potion on the table.

Although it was a mistake today, it also proved that their conjecture about the strengthening potion was correct. Why did Norman Osborn not agree to continue this project!

This is not the first time.

Since Norman Osborn returned from Hell's Kitchen the other day, he ordered the project to be put on hold.

Shelving projects was nothing to Norman Osborn, who was a businessman as much as a scientist.

Moreover, Norman Osborn, apart from being busy with jointly suing the Pentagon recently, is also researching the keel wine brought back from Angelo.

But for Dr. Conners, he was about to die. He was almost fifty years old, and half of his life was over, but he was still a small researcher of the Osborne Group.

He had been able to take advantage of this opportunity to create the strengthening potion in his theory with Norman Osborn. Let yourself be famous in one fell swoop,

It was Dr. Erkins who created the enhanced potion last time, and his enhanced potion directly created the legend of Captain America.

At the same time, the name of Dr. Erkins was printed in the history of the United States and the world!

But just as the enhanced potion jointly developed by the two of them made progress, Norman Osborn urgently stopped the project!

This makes Dr. Connors so reconciled! Success is within reach. Although the enhanced potion was created for the first time, the structure of the potion is very unstable, but Dr. Connors, a scientific madman, stubbornly believes that as long as enough human experiments are conducted, a solution will be found. way.

It is an honor to dedicate oneself to the advancement of science.

Unfortunately, here are the words of Norman Osborn. He is an employee of the Osborn Group and must obey Norman Osborn's orders.

But today is the second time. The reason why Osborn stopped the project before was that the structure of the medicine was unstable. But this time, both of them observed that the structure of the medicine had stabilized. Why did Norman Osborn still To continue to stop the project!

Obviously, as long as human experiments are carried out, the effect of the medicine can be tested! As long as the strengthening potion is successful, he can also be called a character like Dr. Erkins!

The more Dr. Connors thought about it, the more unwilling he became. When his eyes once again fell on the medicine placed on the laboratory table, a bold idea sprouted in his heart.

Now Norman Osborn is not here, although Norman Osborn took away the bottle of stable strengthening potion, but he can completely resynthesize one by himself! And use yourself to do human experiments!

As long as he succeeds, even Norman Osborn can't say anything after he comes back!

The mistake just now gave Dr. Connors a new idea. Since the structure of the potion is unstable, it doesn't matter, as long as some other substances are added, as long as the structure of the strengthening potion can be stabilized.

Just do it!

The materials in the laboratory are very complete, and the first thing he focused on was the substances they had extracted from the lizards before.

Dr. Conners thought that he would need to experiment many times, but to his surprise, when he added the lizard extract to the strengthening potion for the first time, the strengthening potion stabilized after a short mutation !

The originally grass-green strengthening potion also turned dark green.

Dr. Conners used the instruments in the laboratory to repeatedly confirm that the structure of the drug had indeed stabilized and met the standards for human injection.

He inhaled the dark green strengthening agent into a needle tube, held the needle tube in front of his eyes and looked at it several times.

Dr. Connors's face is full of smiles, this must be the guidance of fate! I am about to succeed! Making this strengthening potion was indeed his natural mission!

But Connors didn't know that not all the guidance from fate leads you to prosperity and wealth, and occasionally leads you to a dead end.

Until now, Dr. Conners still stubbornly believes that dedicating himself to science is an honor!

He wants to use himself as a human experiment!

Without too much hesitation, Dr. Conners inserted the needle into his vein, and pushed the dark green medicine in the needle into his blood vessel.

Soon, the smile on Dr. Connors' face disappeared!

Severe pain filled Dr. Connors' body, it was the severe pain of the collapse of the cell level!

The skin all over Dr. Conners's body also gradually began to crack, and blood continued to flow out. The cracked skin dried up quickly like the shed skin of a lizard.

"Ah~" Dr. Conners only had time to groan in pain, and he fell heavily on the ground, his body began to twitch continuously.

His vocal cords were broken too! Even shouting loudly, the only way to vent the pain, is gone.


Outside the laboratory, Harry was sitting in the living room watching TV. Suddenly, he seemed to hear something vaguely. He tilted his head in some doubts and listened for a while, but found that the voice never appeared again. He shook his head, just as if he had heard wrong just now.

He knew that Dr. Conners was still in the laboratory, but he had always been unimpressed with his father's laboratory, and he was not even interested in taking a look at it.

Could it be possible that Dr. Conners could still have some problems in the laboratory?

Harry felt that this was impossible, and it was not the first time Dr. Connors had come to his father's laboratory.


On the other side, Norman Osborn's Bentley has stopped in front of the Rathma Church in Hell's Kitchen.

The driver opened the car door, and Norman Osborn got out of the car carrying the safe, and walked quickly into the hall of the church.

After delivering the blood of the little tortoises, Peter returned to the church long ago, and he had already delivered the last delivery.

"Uncle Osborne, why are you here, where is Harry?"

Seeing Norman Osborn walking in, Peter asked quickly, and looked out of the door from behind him from time to time.

Norman Osborn smiled kindly at Peter, "Peter, Harry didn't come, he was waiting for you at home. He said that you have an appointment, and you can find him after you get off work, and you go eat pizza."

Norman Osborn's attitude towards this friend of his son is still very friendly.

Angelo also saw Norman Osborn coming in. He got up and walked over. Hearing what Norman Osborn said, he smiled and said to Peter, "Go, Peter, haven't you run out of delivery today? Well, you can leave work early."

"Thank you, Mr. Priest!" Peter cheered, and ran out of the church in a hurry.

"There is a car at my door, do you want the driver to take you there?" Norman shouted to Peter's back.

Peter waved his hands without looking back, "No, I'll just go by myself."

Seeing Peter running out of the church door like flying, Angelo smiled. It is a good thing that Peter has a friend, otherwise, if it is really like in the movie plot of the previous life, after Uncle Ben's death, all his My life is basically imprisoned by the saying that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Apart from maintaining law and order in the neighborhood, it is also maintaining world peace.

This is not something a teenager should go through.

"Norman, why are you here? Didn't I just ask Peter to send you the blood of the little turtles?" Angelo asked Norman Osborn suspiciously.

"I haven't had time to analyze the blood of the little turtles, but something unexpected happened..." Norman Osborn put on a serious expression on his face, and he put the safe on the table, Take out the golden strengthening potion from it.

"An Qiluo, do you know what this is?" Norman Osborn placed the golden strengthening potion in front of An Qiluo.

An Qiluo picked up the glass bottle (test tube) containing the golden strengthening potion, fiddled with it with a confused face, and shook it twice, "What is this?"

"This is the product of keel wine and my previous strengthening potion..." Norman Osborn then explained how this golden potion was produced, and what happened during the production process. The phenomenon was explained to An Qiluo, hoping that An Qiluo could figure out what it was from these phenomena.

But An Qiluo didn't understand this, it was like listening to a story, as for what it was, he didn't know. He knew that there was a problem with Norman Osborn's initial version of the strengthening potion, and he knew it from the previous life movie.

Spiderman's good friends who love and kill each other, the little green goblin and the green goblin. That's what makes it.

"So, what exactly is this?" Angelo pointed to the golden potion on the table, "This thing looks like liquid gold."

Norman Osborn didn't know whether to laugh or cry to Angelo's wrong answer, so he could only tell Angelo the conclusion that Dr. Connors told him just now.

"So, this thing is similar to the serum of the super soldier that Steve once injected, but the ability comes from the prototype body, the small bone dragon? Unfortunately, Norman, I don't know what this thing is and what effect it has. , look, there is no golden spot on the little bone dragon."

The small bone dragon has two colors all over its body, the color of the white bones on its body, and the blue color of the soul fire in the small bone dragon's eye sockets.

None of this has anything to do with gold.

Norman Osborn was scratching his head a bit now, and Angelo didn't know, could this thing only be directly tested on humans?


Meanwhile, at the Osborne home.

In the laboratory, Dr. Connors got up from the ground weakly, his eyes were a little dazed.

"I succeeded?"

Dr. Conners turned his head and looked around. He was about to cheer, but suddenly he felt something was wrong!

That is, he seems to have become taller than before! It's almost twice as high!

His head was about to hit the ceiling! His hand also turned into a green lizard's claw, but it was enlarged by an unknown number of times!

Dr. Connors felt something was wrong, and quickly found a reflective object. With the reflected light, Dr. Connors fell into a daze.

Now his head has turned into the appearance of a big lizard! The body is also covered with lizard scales!

It can be said that the whole person is now a large lizard that can walk upright!

Dr. Conners looked away from himself in a daze, and looked at the ground.

In addition to the fragments of clothes that were crushed by his enlarged body, there were pieces of snake sloughs on the ground, which were the skin of Dr. Connors when he was a human!

Can't change back?

I can only be a big lizard in the future?

In other words, the potion actually failed!

The successive blows made Dr. Conners' emotions collapse. Not only did he fail to achieve the success he expected, but he turned himself into a disgusting monster.

The emotional breakdown aroused the dark emotions in Dr. Connors' heart that were born from the severe pain of the cell collapse just now.

Hurry up Norman Osborn this guy!

If he hadn't stopped him from continuing the experiment, how could he have prepared the strengthening potion by himself, and how could he have experimented with himself!

If it was Norman Osborn, he would not become what he is now.

Dr. Conners, no, it should be Dr. Lizard now!

The more Dr. Lizard thought about it, the more angry he became, but he also discovered his own ability. In addition to his larger size and sharp increase in strength, his reaction speed has also been enhanced to a perverted level.

Almost even the moving track of the floating dust in the air, he can feel it clearly!

I have become so powerful!

Dr. Lizard heard the sound of the TV coming from outside the laboratory door, and he knew that Harry Osborn was outside!

He wouldn't mind killing Norman Osborn's son before killing Norman Osborn!

He wanted Norman Osborn to experience the pain of permanently changing a monster himself!

Thank you for the 100-point starting point reward from Emperor Li~

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