The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 232 Angelo's Experiment

Chapter 232 Angelo's Experiment

Angelo briefly glanced at the situation on the beach, then frowned, and asked Frank, "Where is the big pit?"

According to what Angelo told Frank in the text message before, he asked Frank and Steve to help him make a big hole on the beach to accommodate these water snakes and lizards.

At that time, it will be very convenient whether An Qiluo intends to kill these little things or use such little animals to conduct his guessed experiment.

But obviously, the situation here doesn't seem to be what he expected.

He didn't see the big hole in the sand that he expected.

Frank shrugged, and said helplessly to Angelo, "At the beach over there, this time I used the explosives that Alexei gave to the church before, and the marked dose of this old man's explosives obviously exceeded his marked dose. ..."

While speaking, Frank had already taken Angelo to the beach.

"...The sea water poured in directly."

After walking past a huge boulder that was thrown by someone by the sea, Angelo finally saw the big pit that Frank said was poured in by the sea. Steve is also looking at the "big pit" in front of him helplessly at the edge of the big pit.

The big pit is by the sea. Due to the excessive dose of explosives, a "big pit" with a diameter of nearly 100 meters appeared on the beach. Traces of the explosion and the turbid seawater beside the big pit can still be seen around.

The seawater poured back into the big pit was filled...

The large pit that was supposed to be in the center of the beach, isolated from the sea on all sides, has already collapsed on one side of the isolation zone by explosives with an excessive dose, and is completely connected to the sea.

In addition to the muddy sand in the seawater that was poured back in the pit, how can it be seen that it was just blown out with explosives, and this is completely a man-made sea.

"Dude, can this... still work?" Steve pointed to the big hole beside him, and said with some embarrassment.

This was not planned at all. Who knew that Alexei, an arms dealer, was unexpectedly conscientious in his business.

Not only did not fill the explosives with soil to pretend to be explosives, but the purity of the gunpowder was extremely high. Instead, in order to prevent duds or moisture, some extra explosives were added beyond the dosage.

One hundred grams of explosives can at least reach a dose of one hundred and twenty grams more.

Steve and Frank arranged the explosives directly according to the marked dosage, directly blowing up part of the beach here and connecting it to the sea.

"No problem, Steve." Angelo smiled and said to Steve.

It can't be blamed on Frank and Steve. Alexei is such a conscientious guy, and he is also regarded as a dedicated arms dealer, which Angelo didn't expect.'s not impossible to use it.

Looking at the big pit in front of him, An Qiluo weighed the "Bone Spear Popsicle" in his hand twice, and threw it viciously towards the big pit.

As Angelo threw down the bone spear, water snakes and lizards that refused to leave were scattered on the beach. Not surprisingly, another riot was triggered.

All of a sudden, they rushed towards the big pit filled with seawater, without even thinking that they were creatures that should have lived in freshwater basins.

Because there is a small bone dragon around An Qilu, when this torrent of amphibians reaches the range of Longwei, it will automatically avoid the range of Longwei, and give way to a circular area around An Qiluo.

Angelo, Frank, and Steve all stood in this circular area.

As for the four little turtles, they were left by An Qiluo on the distant beach long ago and never followed.

Looking at the amphibians passing by, Steve was filled with shock, "Dude, that thing you threw down just now was your bone spear? Does your bone spear have this function?"

It's not that Steve has never seen Angelo's bone dragon, which is a bone object created by Angelo's skill "fang", but he has never discovered that Angelo's bone spear has a function!

"No." An Qiluo shook his head, patted the little bone dragon, and signaled the little bone dragon to show its body, "The bone spear doesn't have much effect, the main reason is that it was stained with the blood of that big lizard, and his blood is very important to the dragon. These amphibians are very attractive, and why, I don't know."

At this time, the small bone dragon had turned into its main body, and the circle on the ground that these amphibians automatically avoided was enlarged again.

Angelo beckoned Frank and Steve to stand on the body of the bone dragon.

The bone dragon soared into the sky.

The farther the bone dragon is from the ground, the smaller the circular area on the ground that was automatically avoided by those amphibious creatures, until the ground is completely submerged by these amphibious creatures.

The range that the bone dragon Longwei can affect is a spherical shape. After the bone dragon was lifted into the air, An Qiluo sat on the bone dragon, relying on its powerful attributes, he could still see the scene in the big pit.

In the pothole connected to the sea, these water snakes and lizards did not care that the sea water in the big pit was not suitable for their survival, and they were continuously pouring into the pothole.

Several layers of water snakes and lizards have been covered in the pothole, with the "Bone Spear Popsicle" as the center, the water snakes and lizards began to entwine continuously...

The dark green blood on the bone spear, frozen by the breath of the bone dragon, began to be gnawed away by the water snake and the lizard.

The water snakes and lizards that had devoured the dark green frost began to roll around in place, as if something was about to change.

However, An Qiluo sat on the bone dragon and watched in mid-air for a long time, but he didn't see anything happening on the water snake and lizard, only the water snake and lizard were rolling around.

"Dude, what's the situation?" Steve sat on the back of the bone dragon, adjusted his position with some discomfort, and asked Angelo curiously, pointing to the pothole below.

Frank also looked over curiously.

From the time he received Angelo's text message, he only knew that Angelo had killed the big lizard, and then asked him and Frank to help him make a big hole by the sea, but he didn't know the rest of the situation.

"I think..." An Qiluo pondered for a moment before he said in an uncertain tone, "...these water snakes and lizards should be evolving?"

His spiritual power (spiritual attributes) far surpassed that of ordinary people, so that he could vaguely feel a different breath from the pit below.

This breath is completely different from the breath of these water snakes and lizards Yuanben. After these water snakes and lizards devoured the ice stubble on the bone spear, their breath seemed to be slightly stronger than before.

The reason why I say it seems is because these water snakes and lizards are originally very weak, and the weak ones will almost be ignored by An Qiluo. After the breath changes, if An Qiluo does not feel it carefully, he will not feel the slightest difference at all.

"Evolve?" Steve looked at the entangled water snakes and lizards in the pothole with some fascination. It reminded him of the super-soldier serum he had injected.

From a certain point of view, the process of his injection of super soldier serum can also be called evolution.


Soon, the "Bone Spear Popsicles" inserted into the potholes were devoured by these water snakes and lizards.

At the bottom of the pit, there was only a single bone spear stuck in there. The water snakes and lizards that had eaten Dr. Lizard's blood were quietly coiled in place, and the rest of the water snakes and lizards that had not touched Dr. Lizard's blood began to panic in the pit. Running around.

Of course, it is limited to this, and there is no mutual attack.

Although the things that attracted them are gone, these water snakes and lizards that have not gained anything are not willing to leave the potholes, and are still scurrying around in the potholes, trying to find new "harvests".

An Qiluo sat on the bone dragon and observed the movement in the pit. He used his mental strength to feel the situation in the pit carefully.

He didn't feel wrong before. These amphibians were indeed evolving. According to his detailed perception, the breath of some water snakes and lizards in the pothole had indeed become much stronger.

Of course, it may be because the ingested blood of Dr. Lizard is too little.

For him, at most, it changed from an ant to a slightly larger ant, and there was no qualitative change.

An Qiluo rubbed his chin, looking at the water snake wrapped together in the pothole. I don't know when it started, maybe after the little spider Peter and the four turtle brothers appeared, Angelo, who was illiterate in science, started to be interested in the evolution of creatures.

He looked at these water snakes and lizards, and he wanted to see how far these water snakes and lizards could evolve.

After thinking about it, he lowered the little bone dragon to get closer to the pit below.

The bone dragon lowered its height and approached the pothole. Although the Bone Dragon has tried its best to restrain the dragon's power under An Qiluo's order, the dragon's power it passively emits still makes the evolved and unevolved water snakes and lizards in the pit startled to avoid the edge of the pit.

A circle was formed in the puddle, and the center point was the bone spear thrown by An Qiluo just now.

Angelo was not in a hurry. He first canceled the bone spear, and then in case his experiment got out of control, he summoned five bone walls around and at the bottom of the pit. The side that was connected to the sea before, It was also completely blocked by his bone wall.

Then he took out the frozen body of Dr. Lizard from his space backpack and threw it into the pit.

He originally thought of taking Dr. Lizard's body back to show the little spider and then throwing it to Dr. Ethan for research, but now it obviously has a more interesting use.

Potholes can no longer be called potholes at this time, they should be called pools.

Dr. Lizard's body was thrown into the pool, causing another riot, bigger than the previous one. Whether it was the amphibians who had eaten the "Bone Spear Popsicle" or those who hadn't, they all turned their attention to the corpse of Dr. Lizard who was thrown in the middle of the pool.

The temptation of this thing is much greater than the temptation of a little blood before, especially Angelo also canceled the bone spear stuck in the corpse, and the blood left from the wound began to float in the sea water.

But under the deterrence of the bone dragon Longwei, these water snakes and lizards only dared to greedily stare at Dr. Lizard's body, and did not dare to move at all.

Angelo didn't stop any longer, he gave the small bone dragon another order.

The bone dragon opened its mouth wide, and let out a low moan into the pool, then flapped its wings and lifted off again, leaving the stage to the water snakes and lizards in the pool below.

In fact, it doesn't quite understand what its master is doing. Just these little ants that can be completely wiped out with a breath of the dragon, what is there to pay attention to? Wouldn't it be nice to go back and find the little princess Jiali?

After the bone dragon re-launched, without the suppression of Longwei, the water snakes and lizards in the pool no longer needed to be afraid, and rushed from around the pool to the corpse of Dr. Lizard in the middle.

In an instant, there was chaos in the pool.


The corpse of Dr. Lizard didn't last long in the face of the terrifying number of these amphibians, and even the bones were gone!

Less than five minutes later, the pool calmed down again. This time, all the amphibians that were put into the pool got a share.

The breath on the body has been strengthened to varying degrees.

An Qiluozi sat on the bone dragon in mid-air, touched his chin, and looked at the silent pool.

He was a little disappointed with this result, perhaps because the wolves had more meat and less meat, and too many shares were divided. The enhancement of these amphibians was extremely limited.

There is not much difference from the enhancement brought by the first "Bone Spear Popsicle".

Angelo thought for a while, and under the weird eyes of Steve and Frank, he ordered the small bone dragon to descend again.

Under the deterrence of Longwei, these water snakes and lizards were still scared and hid at the edge of the pool.

But this time is different from the last time, perhaps because they have embarked on the path of evolution and their intelligence level has been strengthened. A large part of these water snakes and lizards are no longer limited to Yu was so crushed that he could only shiver in place, but raised his head and stared at the bone dragon and An Qiluo above the pool.

An Qiluo took out several bottles of dark green super-concentrated strengthening potion that he "confiscated" from Dr. Lizard from the space backpack again, opened the bottle cap, and poured it into the pool.

Although An Qiluo didn't know what it was, these bottles of potions were confiscated from Dr. Lizard, which might also cause some changes in these water snakes and lizards, making them unable to sleep.

However, it doesn't matter if these bottles of potions are poison, anyway, he planned to get rid of these water snakes and lizards. Moreover, the five bone walls have already sealed off the sea water in the pothole so that it will not leak into the sea.

At this moment, An Qiluo is like a child who has found a new toy, he is very much looking forward to what will happen next.

After a few bottles of potions were poured down, as expected!

Amazing changes in the pool!

Because these medicines are liquid, not solid like the previous corpse of Dr. Lizard. Therefore, as soon as the medicine enters the water, it diffuses.

There is no need for these water snakes and lizards to compete. Naturally, all water snakes and lizards are soaked in the potion mixed with sea water.

Before An Qiluo ordered the bone dragon to lift off again, chaos began in the pool.

No more riots this time! But chaos! There is even green blood starting to churn!

Even under the deterrence of Longwei, these water snakes and lizards could no longer suppress their mania, and their aggressiveness was completely awakened!

Start attacking other amphibians around you, whether it's a lizard or a water snake...

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