The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 233 Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate

Chapter 233 Carp Leaping over the Dragon Gate

Angelo was also surprised when he saw the scene in the pool.

What are these bottles of potion, and how can these harmless little animals become so aggressive.

Seeing that the dragon's power was temporarily disabled, An Qiluo did not order the bone dragon to lift off again, but just rode on the bone dragon to observe the changes in the pool.

Steve and Frank were also looking down at the pool.

They are also a little curious about the next changes, because whether it is Steve or Frank, their perception is far more sensitive than ordinary people. At such a close distance, they can vaguely perceive the changes of these water snakes and lizards, and see The current chaotic situation in the pool.

It all explains the unusualness of these water snakes and lizards in the pool... It seems that these water snakes and lizards have gradually deviated from their original biological species?

The chaos in the pool continued. From the beginning, the water snakes and lizards would attack regardless of whether they were of the same kind, but now two camps had vaguely formed in the pool, and the water snakes and lizards started to gather their own kind!

This is... intelligence has also begun to strengthen?

However, similarly, the fight between water snakes and lizards also began to become fierce. Once a certain water snake or lizard was killed, another creature would swarm up and devour the dead one.

An Qiluo sat on the bone dragon and looked at the amphibians in the pool below with a serious expression.

Because after the water snakes and lizards in the pool devoured each other, they gradually grew in size! The shape is also changing slowly, and the speed of change is extremely fast, all of which are changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Angelo saw two inconspicuous protrusions on the heads of several water snakes, and two inconspicuous protrusions on the backs of several lizards!

This made An Qiluo even more curious about the strengthening potions in those test tubes.

This is no longer simply strengthening or evolution, should this be called genetic mutation?

However, this is something he should consider in the future, because now the pool has gradually calmed down. After such a short period of time, the two forces in the pool swallowed each other by a certain amount, and the two sides stopped. made an offensive move.

The remaining water snakes and lizards in the pool began to look at the bone dragon and An Qiluo in midair.

Both An Qiluo and Xiaogulong felt the eyes full of malice and fear from the pool. Xiaogulong disdained these weak chickens, but still opened its mouth wide and let out a warning dragon sound towards the pool. Roar.


After a dragon roar, all the water snakes and lizards in the pool lowered their heads in fear again.

Long Wei took effect again.

But this time, Angelo clearly felt the changes from the water snakes and lizards in the pool. He actually felt a little bit like the Sisters of Battle in these water snakes and lizards?

This... is this the power of faith?

An Qiluo was stunned, and he used his mental power to feel it again, it was indeed the power of faith!

Angelo's face is full of weirdness. He is not surprised by the existence of the power of faith. He has many fans on the Internet, and these fans will also provide him with some power of faith, but these fans are pan believers. The power of faith is not pure at all, and it will even pollute the pure power of faith provided by the Battle Sisters, so those impure powers of faith are completely abandoned by him.

What surprised him was that these low-intelligence amphibious creatures could actually give him a power of faith that was comparable to the quality of the Battle Sisters.

To put it simply, these mutated water snakes and lizards have become his fanatics. Although the amount of power of faith provided by a single body is very small, it cannot be compared with the Battle Sisters, but its quality is comparable to that of fanatics quality.

Moreover, An Qiluo also felt that not only that, these mutated water snakes and lizards seemed to have some kind of connection with the small bone dragon!

This is completely different from the Fighting Sisters.

An Qiluo felt it carefully again, and only then did he have some guesses about why this happened.

It is precisely because these amphibians have low intelligence and only have the simplest instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. From their simple perspective, Angelo gave them the opportunity to evolve, whether it is the corpse of Dr. Lizard or the last The potions he poured down were opportunities for them to evolve.

Of course, if only charity is absolutely not enough to subdue these animals living in the world of natural selection of the fittest, the first reaction of these mentally retarded animals is to attack Angelo and grab more from Angelo. Potions that allow them to evolve faster.

The low growl of the bone dragon exuding dragon power warned them, and made these animals dazzled by the temptation of evolution realize the reality once again.

Both kindness and majesty, isn't this what some religions taught at the beginning...

In the simple minds of these animals, an idea was established that they must regard Angelo and Bone Dragon as their gods, and then pray for more gifts from the gods.

Did he really make himself the god of grazing all things?

As for the fanatics... It is precisely because they have simple thinking and do not have so many distracting thoughts that they can provide Angelo with the power of pure faith. Humans are not at all, and their thoughts are always disturbing.

Angelo and Bone Dragon are one in the simple minds of these animals, and the power of faith is naturally shared by Angelo and Bone Dragon. Apart from being connected with Angelo, these water snakes and lizards are naturally the same as Bone Dragon. A connection was made.

After An Qiluo figured it all out, he saw the water snakes and lizards in the underground pool making trouble. If these animals hadn't become his fanatics, maybe he would have dealt with them without mercy. But not now.

These surviving water snakes and lizards together provide a lot of power of faith, and Angelo also wants to see what these animals can evolve into.

After a long silence, Angelo picked up a water snake with two protrusions on its head and a lizard with two protrusions on its back from the pool.

Then he said to the bone dragon under him, "Okay, let's leave here first, and go find those little turtles first."

"Man, what about here?" Steve asked Angelo on the back of the bone dragon.

"Here..." Angelo turned his head to look at the "pothole" by the sea, waved his hand, and canceled the bone wall in the hole.

"Let's put it here first. I will figure out how to deal with these animals later, and I will come again."

"Then won't these animals run away?" Steve said worriedly, looking at the two animals that were obviously different from normal in Angelo's hands.

The water snake and lizard were extremely docile in An Qiluo's hands, although An Qiluo's posture in holding them was not gentle, and he stuffed the two guys in a bone box...

Although Steve couldn't understand what Angelo was doing, but if these obviously abnormal animals were released, they might not cause any trouble.

"No." An Qiluo shook his head, "Don't worry, I know. Even if they run away, I can find them back."

At this time, the benefits of these animals being fanatics are revealed. An Qiluo can find their location and call them here at any time through the power of faith. Range of activity, they will not leave this range.

Angelo took out the two water snakes and lizards, also wanting to take them back to Dr. Ethan to dissect and study what these two animals will evolve into.

"Okay." Seeing what Angelo said, Steve naturally had nothing to persuade him. After all, Angelo usually does a lot of weird things.

Everyone rode the bone dragon back to the beach and found the four turtle brothers who were anxiously waiting for them.

The others were fine, except that only the boss Leonardo looked at the water snake in Angelo's hand with an extremely unnatural expression.

The small bone dragon shrank again, and everyone drove the car back to the church.


After everyone left the beach, the water snakes and lizards in the potholes by the sea began to move.

Due to their living habits, the surviving lizards climbed up from the pits filled with seawater, returned to the vicinity of the sewer entrance, and looked for a suitable environment for survival again.

The water snakes violated their habit of living in fresh water, and swam into the nearby sea along the potholes. The sea water was no longer dangerous to the mutated water snakes.

Of course, the range of activities of the two creatures is still within the range drawn by Angelo.


Angelo led the crowd back to the church by car. Peter hadn't come back yet. Today is the last day of vacation that Angelo gave Peter. Peter should be in the hospital with his good friend Harry and watching Norman · Osborne Exercise.

Anyway, the body of Dr. Lizard was also fed to the water snake and lizard by Angelo, so he was not in a hurry to show it to Peter.

Under Leonardo's strong suggestion, the little turtles returned to the basement away from the two water snakes and lizards brought back by Angelo.

Of course, in Leonardo's words, he just wanted to go back to his room and be quiet, not because he was afraid of animals like water snakes.

An Qiluo didn't stop the little tortoises either. Now that the task of the little tortoises has been completed, what to do is their freedom. Even if they go to find the mother tortoise, An Qiluo won't care.

Angelo handed over the two mutated water snakes and lizards brought back by him to Dr. Ethan. Of course, in order to prevent the mutated water snakes and lizards from attacking Dr. Ethan, Angelo mercilessly handed over the two mutated water snakes and lizards that looked human. The harmless little thing was strangled before being handed over to Dr. Ethan.

The loss of a water snake and a lizard is not a loss at all for the huge number in the pool.

He didn't forget how fiercely these little things fought in order to snatch those strengthening potions when they were in the pool by the sea.

When Uncle Long came in with the two little guys brought in by An Qiluo, Uncle Long's eyes had been fixed on the water snake in An Qiluo's hand.

It wasn't until Angelo handed over the water snake and lizard to Dr. Ethan, and told Dr. Ethan the origin of these two little things, that the hesitation in Uncle Long's eyes turned into conviction.

Dr. Ethan is very interested in this kind of biological evolution recently. After Angelo finished speaking, he wanted to take the corpses of these two small animals and dissect them. Now Dr. Banner is giving a class to Little Gali and Nick. He just had some time to do research, but Uncle Long stopped him at this time.

After Uncle Long called him to stop, he didn't talk to Dr. Ethan, but turned to Angelo and asked.

"An Qiluo, do you know what this thing is?" Uncle Long said with a serious expression on his face, pointing to the body of the water snake in Dr. Ethan's hand.

An Qiluo froze for a moment, scratched his head, and looked at Uncle Long suspiciously.

"I don't know, do you know, Uncle Long? Or is there something special about this thing?"

"An Qiluo, I don't know why you can resurrect the bone dragon, but you know what a bone dragon was before it was alive." Uncle Long pointed to the little bone dragon running towards the backyard.

"I know, isn't Ma Yinglong the domestic Yinglong? That's why I named him that." An Qiluo pulled the water snake's body twice and looked at it suspiciously, "Could it be that this thing is a kind of Yinglong?" ? Or, does it have the blood of Yinglong?"

An Qiluo knew how powerful the small bone dragon was. Even without his series of passive enhancements, the two passive skills of dragon breath and dragon power alone were enough to run rampant at the top of the earth's food chain.

Now, Dr. Ethan's interest was also aroused by the conversation between the two, and he was not in a hurry to go down to dissect, but directly pulled a stool over and sat down.

Is it related to the small bone dragon?

Usually he wanted to study the little bone dragon but was run away by the little bone dragon, and Xiao Jiali would also stop him. If this thing has something to do with Ying Long...

Uncle Long shook his head first, then nodded. He and Angelo also sat down.

Skye on the side also leaned over curiously.

"I'm not sure whether these weird water snakes are Yinglong species, but according to the myths and legends I've heard, they should have a little connection with Yinglong."

"Do you know how Yinglong was born?" Uncle Long first asked An Qiluo.

"Viviparous? Or oviparous?"

An Qiluo's words made Uncle Long dumbfounded.

"Theoretically, it is born from eggs and hatched from dragon eggs." Fortunately, Uncle Long is old and has a good personality, so he continued patiently, "But there are rumors that there is another way to produce Yinglong, but no one has heard of it." I have seen it, you should have heard the story of the domestic carp jumping over the Dragon Gate."

"Uncle Long, this is a snake, not a carp, and the legend of the carp jumping over the dragon gate is too ridiculous, the species are different..." An Qiluo said to Uncle Long with a smile, he thought that Uncle Long just wanted to chat with someone . "And, as you said, no one has seen it, so we have to believe in science."

Old man, isn't it all like this?

But Uncle Long's next sentence made An Qiluo unable to help being a little speechless.

"At first, I also thought this legend was too ridiculous, but how do you explain the protrusion on the head of this water snake?" Uncle Long pulled the head of the water snake corpse twice with his hand, "The water 虺 (hui) turned into a jiao in five hundred years , Jiao will turn into a dragon for a thousand years; another five hundred years will turn into a horned dragon, and a thousand years will turn into a dragon..."

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