The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 235 I am very kind

Chapter 235 I am very kind

After the items that everyone was going to carry were ready, Angelo put Dr. Ethan's machine and other people's items into the space backpack, so that everyone could pack lightly.

However, before it appeared, there was still an abnormal situation.

When Leonardo learned that the beach they were going to was the one from yesterday, he refused to die and said he would stay and watch the house.

Seeing this, the other three little turtles and Splinter had no choice but to stay with him.

Angelo didn't force it, and agreed to let the little turtles and their mouse teacher stay in the church.

Everyone got into the car and headed to the beach. There were not enough cars to carry so many people.

Peter, the little spider, volunteered to go there by himself and meet up on the beach. Angelo asked the little bone dragon to show up, and then pulled everyone together.

Angelo decided that when he came back, when he was free, he must order a few cars with a large passenger capacity from the car manufacturer, and change the cars for the Battle Sisters, so as to avoid such an embarrassing situation when he went out next time .

They happily went out for an outing and did experiments by the way. Nick Fury, who was "observing" the church with satellites all the time, was watching the pattern on the satellite monitor with sweat on his forehead.

Recently, he has also been involved in the affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D. He didn't pay much attention to the movements of the Hell's Kitchen gang, because he was ambushed by someone in advance when he was driving back to Washington last time. There is definitely a mole, and this mole is very clean!

If it wasn't for the undead ability that he obtained inexplicably, he might have been burned to ashes and thrown into the sea this time.

Coupled with the fact that the Pentagon was sued recently because of Captain America’s reputation, Nick Fury is still being harassed by the military. This made him feel so tired for the first time as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., not only facing S.H.I.E.L.D. There are enemies outside the SHIELD, and there are also enemies inside SHIELD that have not been found out.

Nick Fury is very glad that he gave his subordinates an order to let them use the most accurate satellites to monitor the movement of Rathma Church at all times.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even know that the people in the church were dispatched collectively today!

"Father Hell, Captain America, Chief Inquisitor, Hulk, and the new Spider-Man..." Nick Fury looked at the satellite image with sweat on his forehead, and muttered about the people who appeared on it .

What is Angelo doing? ! Do you want to destroy a small country? Or which military base do you want to attack?

This lineup is even more exaggerated than the last time they beat Abomination on the Empire State Building, that is, the bastard Iron Man Tony Stark didn't show up!

No! Maybe it's not that he didn't arrive, but he started from home by himself! Thinking of this, Nick Fury quickly asked his subordinates to call out the miniature image of Tony Stark's house.

These few people related to Hell's Kitchen were all put on the key "observation" list by Nick Fury.

Well, it's a good thing Tony Stark the bastard doesn't seem to be out the door. Maybe it would be a lot less troublesome.

Turning the satellite image back to Angelo again, looking at the cars on the satellite image and the bulging canvas in the compartments of those pickup trucks, Nick Fury still picked up the phone and called Angelo. past.


On Angelo's side, he was humming a song and happily communicating with Xiao Jiali, who was sitting in the co-pilot, about the relationship between father and daughter, when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Still a phone scam style number.

"Hello, Director Fury?" Angelo answered the phone helplessly, "Why did you call me again? I didn't cause trouble, and I won't wipe your ass for you, even if you add money."

Angelo didn't want to interrupt his day's plan because of the S.H.I.E.L.D., didn't he see little Jiali looking at him eagerly?

He made up his mind that no matter what Nick Fury said, he would refuse it, unless the earth was about to be destroyed now.

"I know!" Nick Fury said angrily, "I didn't mean to ask you to help! Now S.H.I.E.L.D. can't afford to ask you to help. The last time Natasha came back, she began to have doubts about my reimbursement receipt. gone."

An Qiluo was on the phone while driving his bicycle, "It's none of my business, so... what's your business? I'll hang up if it's nothing."

"Wait, wait." Nick Fury was afraid that Angelo would hang up the phone. According to his understanding of the bastard, after hanging up the phone, the bastard would definitely not answer his call again in a short time. Tucker a jerk character!

"What do you want to take so many people out this time?" Nick Fury's tone finally became serious. "Who messed with you again? At least let me know before you do anything!"

He didn't want Angelo to do something to challenge the sensitive nerves of many parties in this troubled time.

An Qiluo reluctantly held the phone a little further away from his ear, and said dissatisfiedly, "Chief Ferry, do you think I'm going to kill someone when I go out? I remember that I'm quite kind. I just took my family and friends to the beach for an outing, so I have to report to you?"

At the end, An Qiluo's tone also carried some dissatisfaction.

If he hadn't been in a good mood today, and Nick Fury had indeed "sent" him a lot of money before, he wouldn't have bothered to tell the other party so much.

If Nick Fury doesn't understand flattery anymore, he should just hang up the phone.

Nick Fury couldn't help laughing dryly when he heard Angelo say his kind words.

you are kind If you were kind, would you yell and kill people from S.H.I.E.L.D. every time you saw them? In the end, you have to spend your own money to redeem people?

If you're kind, go on an outing with a pickup truck full of heavy-duty ammunition?

Nick Fury looked at the satellite map, Angelo was indeed heading towards the sea, he knew that sea, wasn't that the beach where Hell's Kitchen sank corpses into the sea?

But he thought of Angelo's white bone armor and the bone dragon, and it made sense for Angelo to choose that beach. This was a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although An Qiluo is a bastard, he should disdain to lie.

"Angelo, I..." Just as Nick Fury was about to say something, there was a sudden sound of hanging up on the phone, and he choked back what Nick Fury was about to say.

Nick Fury: ...

"Director, Tony Stark has left his villa and is driving his steel suit to the beach." Another S.H.I.E.L.D. employee in charge of monitoring Stark said to Nick Fury.

Although Angelo had said just now that he was going on an outing, Nick Fury was still a little worried. Who knew what kind of moths these two bastards could make when they got together.

He coughed lightly, slightly relieved the embarrassment of being hung up by An Qiluo just now, and said to the employee, "Continue to monitor, and notify me immediately if there is any situation!"


Thank you readers 1355023916138831872 for the reward of 1000 starting point coins, okay~

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