The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 236 You can eat it if you remove the head

Chapter 236 You can eat it if you remove the head

Angelo hung up Nick Fury's phone impatiently. He was not in the mood to listen to Nick Fury's nagging. Didn't he see that little Jiali was looking at him eagerly?

"Father, do you have anything to do?" Little Jiali asked very sensiblely. "If Dad has something to do, I'll play with Nick."

Although little Jiali also wanted to play with her father, she knew that it was important to get down to business.

After hanging up the phone, An Qiluo changed his face for a second, scratched Xiao Jiali's nose with a smile, and said, "No, Xiao Jiali, we will just play outside today, and the other things are over. Talk about it today."

"That's great~" Little Jiali sat on the co-pilot excitedly and clapped her hands, her legs dangling wildly on the seat.

Angelo smiled and stretched out his hands to rub Little Gali's hair, then looked up at the bone dragon flying over the convoy, and Steve, Flack, and Dr. Banner sitting on the bone dragon.

Smiling and shaking his head, he continued to drive to the beach.

Soon everyone arrived at the beach, and their arrival brought a little popularity to this originally desolate beach. Fortunately, Angelo had summoned skeletons here before, and cleaned up the "cement coffins" on the beach and in the offshore seabed.

Angelo piled everyone's belongings on the beach, and the Battle Sisters followed Uncle Long to set up camp and set up a camp.

Angelo took Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner to the beach, and took the generator to the pothole connected to the sea.

Others were also very interested and came over to join in the fun.

An Qiluo stood by the sea. Under the gaze of everyone, An Qiluo closed his eyes and began to summon these non-human "fanatics".

Soon, Angelo summoned the mutated water snake hidden in the sea and the lizard hidden not far from Forge on the beach.

There are dense water snakes and lizards everywhere on the beach.

Angelo originally thought that Skye would be afraid of reptiles such as snakes or lizards, but unexpectedly, Skye looked at these little things with great interest instead of the slightest fear! Some even wanted to touch it with their hands, but perhaps because of safety considerations, Skye withdrew his hand with some pity.

After just one day, these water snakes and lizards have grown in size again compared to yesterday!

The general size has grown to about three meters! Overnight, it grew by one meter!

Even, An Qiluo saw some of the water snakes crawling out of the sea, actually slightly controlling the small water currents! Some of the lizards that crawled over from the shore could only spit out a few tiny flames...

This is something An Qiluo never thought of before! Who knows how these three-meter-long creatures are hidden on the beach and near the sea.

These amphibians actually mutated again!

Little Jiali hugged Angelo's thigh, stared blankly at the mutated water snakes and lizards on the beach, and swallowed quietly. These cute little things seemed delicious...

"This..." Facing the puzzled eyes of Dr. Ethan and Dr. Banner, Angelo was at a loss for words for a while, he didn't know how to explain it himself, and finally he could only smile wryly, "I don't know how to answer thing."

"Uncle Long, come and take a look?" An Qiluo could only call Uncle Long over, intending to let him see what was going on.

Uncle Long came over with two glasses of sparkling water and handed them to Xiao Jiali and Nick respectively.

Little Jiali stared at the water snakes and lizards on the beach while drinking sparkling water happily...

"What's wrong?" Uncle Long asked An Qiluo.

An Qiluo picked up a water snake from the ground and shook it at Uncle Long. The mutated water snake was very docile in An Qiluo's hands.

"Uncle Long, yesterday I saw that the longest of these water snakes was only two meters long, but today it has become like this. Do you know what's going on?"

"You mean, these water snakes grew by one meter overnight?" Uncle Long's expression was astonished.

"Yes." Angelo nodded. "And...they can spit water and fire..."

The expression on Uncle Long's face became a little dignified. He carefully fiddled with the water snake held by An Qiluo and the lizards on the ground nearby, and took a closer look.

I found that these water snakes and lizards did have some changes compared to the two brought back to the church by Angelo yesterday. In addition to the size, the two protrusions on the water snake's head became more obvious, and the two protrusions on the lizard's back also became more apparent.

"This..." Uncle Long rubbed his chin and said with a delicate expression, "Angelo, I wasn't too sure about the legend I told yesterday, but now it seems that these water snakes and lizards seem to be real. Some of them can evolve into dragon-like creatures! And it doesn’t take as long as five hundred years.”

According to this growth rate, it really doesn't take five hundred years to usher in the first evolution.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's do the experiment!" Dr. Ethan was full of excitement. He lowered his waist and started the generator, picked up the positive and negative electrodes and started making noises. Dr. Ethan couldn't help being excited at the thought that he might create a creature like a bone dragon.

Looking at Ethan, who was wearing a white coat, his face was full of fanaticism, and the electrodes in his hands were "cracking". He looked very much like a certain professor surnamed Yang in China.

Angelo: ...

"Okay, then you can start." Angelo handed the mutated water snake to Dr. Ethan, and he took little Jiali and the others back a few steps, and handed over the beach to Dr. Ethan. Dr. Sen and Dr. Banner.

Don't look at Dr. Ethan's impatient face, but he is more cautious about this kind of experiment. Even if Angelo gave the water snake an order not to resist, Dr. Ethan still fixed the water snake on the ground. On the experimental equipment, I put on professional protective clothing before starting the experiment.

The electric current on the beach began to crackle, and the lightning flashed. Even though everyone had moved away for a certain distance, the static electricity caused by the high voltage in the air made everyone's hairs stand on end.

But unfortunately, soon, there was a burst of aroma of roasted meat accompanied by the sound of "cracking" electricity on the beach...

The water snake really listened to An Qiluo's words without any resistance. But it is so simple to change from a snake to a dragon!

Dr. Ethan quickly walked over with the corpse of the mutated water snake, but this time it turned into a look of frustration.

"It failed... This method doesn't work." Dr. Ethan handed over the mutated water snake that had been roasted by electric current to Angelo.

Little Jiali hugged Angelo's thigh by his leg, wrinkled her little nose and tried hard to sniff the fragrance in the air.

Angelo rubbed little Jiali's head in a funny way, then handed the roasted water snake corpse to Uncle Long, "Uncle Long, can you make snake meat?"

Uncle Long looked at the little Jiali who was drooling with a smile, and took the mutated water snake with some difficulty, "Don't worry, leave it to me. But if the electric shock method doesn't work, what are you going to do next?"

"I originally wanted to get rid of these water snakes and lizards, but now it seems that our church has new ingredients." Angelo reached out and touched his chin, "I plan to buy this beach , and then develop here, and add a new ingredient to the church by the way."

This was an idea that suddenly came to An Qiluo's mind when he saw the look of little Jiali just now.

He doesn't know how to eat lizards, and he has never eaten them, but snake porridge and snake soup are delicious. How have these foreigners eaten these things? These water snakes grow so big, and maybe they will grow even bigger. A bowl of snake meat porridge or snake soup costs him five hundred dollars, and a snake can make hundreds of servings of food...

Dr. Ethan also took a test yesterday. Although these water snakes and lizards have mutated, they are not poisonous. Instead, they have certain health care functions for the body. They are rich in protein and can be eaten after removing their heads.

In this way, these mutated water snakes are all green dollars!

An Qiluo couldn't help but feel thankful that he almost wasted the snake meat.

Even he himself didn't know whether deep in his heart he still held the hope that these water snakes and lizards could grow and mutate into dragon-like creatures...

However, the development of the beach is not a small amount of money, and Angelo does not intend to pay for it himself, but targets Stark, who did not show up during this outing.

Uncle Long took the snake to cook, and An Qiluo also drove away the remaining water snakes and lizards.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, everyone dispersed, and started to get busy with their own affairs on the beach. Nick also followed Frank to help set up a tent. For a hardcore guy like Frank, maybe setting up a tent It's the gentlest parent-child interaction he can have with Nick, besides studying...

Little Gali was also taken by her Aunt Skye and ran to the beach to play in the water.

If it weren't for the cement blocks left by the broken "cement coffin" on the beach, it doesn't seem to be much different from the resort Hawaii.

Angelo took out his phone, intending to harass Stark.

The phone was connected, and Stark's voice came from the receiver.

"Oh~ buddy, I thought you forgot about me!" Stark said to Angelo dissatisfied, looking like a jerk.

"Get out, buddy, I'm not a girl!" Angelo cursed with a smile, he heard the wind from Stark's side, and said in surprise, "Dude, I thought you were in the office, it doesn't look like you are?"

"Haha! Of course!" Stark laughed before saying, "Man, look up!"

Angelo raised his head and looked up to the sky.

Accompanied by a burst of passionate rock music, a golden-red mark armor appeared in the air.

With a superhero-like landing on one knee, Stark landed on the sand, smashing a shallow hole in the sand.

The visor of the armor rose, revealing Stark's unbeaten face.

"Hey! Dude!" Angelo stepped forward and hammered Stark's breastplate, making a bang, "Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Stark shook the sand on his body, and said dissatisfiedly, "Angelo, I thought you would forget about it when you came out to play! I thought I would surprise you by appearing suddenly."

"Eh..." Angelo scratched his head in embarrassment, and then he remembered that Stark had told him before that in order to prevent any accidents when they were not at home, he installed a a camera.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was thinking about getting Stark to invest in the development of this beach with him, Angelo wouldn't have thought of calling Stark and disturbing his business.

In order to avoid embarrassment, An Qiluo had no choice but to change the subject.

"Dude, why are you so free all of a sudden? Is Pepper recovering? And what about suing the Pentagon?"

Speaking of this, Stark scratched his head in distress, "Pepper's body hasn't recovered yet and she still doesn't feel well. I gave her a holiday and asked her to rest at home for a few days. However, the case against the Pentagon is almost as busy. Yes, the court will be held the day after tomorrow."

Stark didn't tell Angelo the whole situation. Not only did Pepper not recover in the past two days, but he also became sentimental for some reason. He had cried several times because of some trivial things. Stark I couldn't take it anymore, and then I saw that An Qiluo and the others left the company after the outing and ran out.

"The court will start the day after tomorrow..." An Qiluo only remembered the time it was broadcast on the news.

In this case, the two parties, Angelo and Steve, didn't worry about the case at all. They were both parties, making it seem like they had nothing to do with them.

At this time, Stark twitched his nose twice, sniffed the air hard, and asked Angelo curiously, "What are you doing, it smells so good?"

The smell in the air was exactly the smell of the mutated water snake that was roasted by electric current just now, but it was a little different, and it also mixed with the smell of spicy and all other spices.

Angelo smiled, pointed to the busy camp in the distance, and said to Stark, "We just got a new ingredient, and when Uncle Long is done, you can try it, um... ...for free!"

These old beauties are not food in their eyes except for common domestic animals, and they can't tell Stark directly that this is snake meat, otherwise Stark won't be able to eat it.

"For free?" Stark looked at Angelo suspiciously, "How kind would you be?"

Angelo seemed to have been greatly wronged, "Oh! Dude, I didn't expect that I was such a person in your heart! I thought our friendship was indestructible."

No, very suspicious, there is fraud in it!

The more An Qiluo was like this, the more suspicious Stark became. It's not that he didn't know what kind of character An Qiluo was.

Even if he is now worth a billionaire, neither of them need to care about this little money, but every time Stark goes to church to drink, Angelo will still put it on his account book and ask him to come over to pay the bill .

In An Qiluo's words, friends are friends, but business is business. Between friends, I can help you solve troubles for free, and I can also give you precious runes, but business requires payment!

Now An Qiluo, a person who can't wait for the wild goose to be rooted out, said that he will be invited to eat for free?

How can Stark not be vigilant?

Of course, this is just a way of getting along with the two people directly and similarly in a joking manner. The two people have long had a life-threatening friendship, and Angelo saved Stark's life more than once.

Stark has been vigilant to prevent being fooled by Angelo again and lose face, until Uncle Long's food is finally ready and served on the table...

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