The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 240: The Court Opens!

Chapter 240: The Court Opens!

At Stark Group's private airport, four, no, counting the pilot Happy, that's five big men boarded the plane to Washington.

The plane took off smoothly.

Norman Osborn and Daniel Rand have already traveled to Washington in their respective group's private jets to prepare for tomorrow's trial.

The military didn't give any of them a hard time when it came to air traffic control.

On the plane, apart from Happy who was flying the plane, the remaining four big men were looking at the male flight attendant in front of them and looked at each other in blank dismay.

When Stark was on the road just now, he threatened to take them to experience the "Zen Jin" program. Even Frank, who seemed to be unfeminine in the past, was a little moved. They are all men.

As a result, after boarding, there was not even a single female flight attendant on the entire private jet...

Facing the questioning gazes cast by the other three, Stark shrugged awkwardly, "It looks like today's show will be postponed."

Stark usually has a personality that doesn't care much. Naturally, he didn't remember that Pepper had replaced the flight attendants with men before he came back from Afghanistan. He only remembered it when he was flying a private jet today.

Angelo on the side touched his nose with some guilt. If he remembered correctly, he was the one who told Pepper about this proposal.

Isn't this lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot!

Now that the "Saving Energy" program is gone, the four big men can only ask the male flight attendant to bring drinks to kill the boring time.

At this time, Steve took out a small card from his pocket and put it quietly on the table, contrary to his usual majestic appearance.

"Guys, let's see what this is." Steve said with a smile, and pointed at the cards on the table, "I can invite you to play here after I get back."

Everyone looked at the card on the table, and saw that the card was filled with a lot of patterns outlined in gold and black, just looking at it could make people feel a sense of dignity.

There is also a line of words written in artistic fonts on the card: V—live club membership card.

Next to this line of words, a stick figure of a stripper girl is outlined with simple lines.

Angelo, Frank, and Stark all looked at Steve with hellish eyes. Even Stark, the former playboy, never thought that Steve, who used to be a gentleman in the past, would have such a membership card for a strip club.

Although he doesn't know where this strip club called V—live is, he can also tell from the style of the membership card that this strip club spends a lot of money...

"Steve, you don't want to spend all your retirement money on this kind of place, do you?" Angelo asked Steve in an extremely sure tone, and then persuaded, "You and your old lover What happened to your niece, if that rookie agent finds out, you will be miserable."

"Well, I can keep it for you to prevent you from being captured by that rookie agent."

In fact, Steve doesn't have much money to spend, and his pensions add up to a lot.

Facing the gazes of the three of Angelo, Steve's fair face turned red, and before Angelo put away his membership card, he waved his hands again and again, "No, no, This membership card cost nothing, it was given to me by Rayleigh, he just opened a new high-end club two days ago, insisted on giving me a membership card, and said that I was his idol and couldn’t collect money ..."

"As for me and Sharon..." When talking about his little girlfriend, Steve was obviously a little disappointed, "We are not suitable, we separated a while ago."

Angelo first looked at Steve suspiciously, that bastard Riley didn't even give him a membership card for free, so would he give it to Steve for free?

Well, it must be because I went out at the time and was not in the church, otherwise I would have given it to myself. But even if you give it to yourself, you can't take it, how could you be the one who goes to that kind of place!

As for idols, it makes sense. After all, according to Angelo's understanding, Rayleigh is a true American. He grew up here since he was a child. Many children in the United States used Captain America as their idol when they were young.

Even a gangster, was he once a boy who believed in light?

Angelo thought amusedly, shook his head, watching Steve swiftly put away the membership card, Angelo still believed that he really broke up with Sharon Carter.

"Okay, buddy, although I don't know why you broke up, but break up, break up, women will only affect the speed of your shield." Angelo raised the wine glass in his hand and touched Steve, comforting.

Steve also clinked glasses with Angelo with a wry smile, without saying anything more.

If he hadn't broken up with Sharon Carter, he certainly wouldn't be going to a strip club, his moral standards wouldn't allow him to do so, but after the breakup, it's good to support those little girls every now and then...


After a period of continuous journey, the plane finally landed at Stark Group's private airport in Washington.

When the plane was taxiing and decelerating, Steve stood up from his seat. Even in the turbulence of the plane decelerating, Steve was able to stand in the cabin as firmly as Mount Tai, which made Stark a little envious. After putting on the clothes, he was an ordinary person with a quick recovery speed—the fast recovery speed was also the reason why Angelo stuck that strange rune on his chest.

Steve felt the turbulence of the plane gliding, and felt a little emotional. This was the first time he was on a plane after he was dug out of the glacier by SHIELD. The plane now is much more stable than the plane he had at that time.

"The last time I landed a plane, the place where I landed was at the North Pole." Steve said with emotion, "It was to prevent the explosion of the bomb..."

"Hmm... buddy, I've always wanted to ask you a question." Angelo interrupted Steve's sobbing inappropriately, "Why didn't you jump out of the plane before it crashed?"

Steve:? ? ?

Frank:? ? ?

Stark:? ? ?

Except for Steve's skeptical face, Frank and Stark looked at Steve with question marks on their faces.

When Angelo didn't say anything, they didn't feel anything when they heard Steve's experience from the story, but when Angelo said it, both of them felt bad.

Angelo also looked at Steve expectantly. When he watched movies in his previous life, he wondered why.

"...Flying a plane for the first time, I was so nervous, I forgot." Steve said with a frustrated face.

If he had jumped off the plane at that time, maybe he would have had a different life.

This reason almost didn't make Angelo laugh, but it's true when you think about it. Steve was a sharp knife on the frontal battlefield during World War II, not the Air Force, and he never needed to fly the plane himself.

It's the first time to fly a plane alone, and it's not bad to be able to start it...

"Dude, it's okay, it's not the first time, it'll be fine next time." Angelo suppressed a smile, patted Steve on the shoulder, and comforted him.

Steve:? ? ? I'm retired, and next time?

Before Steve could say anything, the plane had already stopped at the airport with a slight sound of tires rubbing.

The door of the cabin was opened by the flight attendants on the plane, and everyone got off the plane. There were already pre-arranged pick-up vehicles waiting at the airport.


Early the next morning, Angelo, Steve, and Frank had washed up early and were eating breakfast in the hall of Stark Villa.

When the three of them were about to finish eating, Stark was late.

Wearing a sleek suit, the mustache on his chin was obviously well-trimmed.

"Stark, time is running out." Angelo glanced at the time and reminded Stark.

"It's okay, I'll take this and eat on the road." After that, Stark raised his eyebrows, walked into the kitchen, and came out with this cheeseburger in his hand.

"I haven't eaten a cheeseburger for a long time." Stark walked downstairs first, "Let's go, guys."

Happy was not a competent bodyguard, but he was definitely a competent driver. He waited at the door early, and the Rolls Royce became a commercial vehicle, which was convenient for four people to sit down.

Four men set foot on the road to court.

Stark finally finished his burger before the vehicle arrived in court.

At this time, reporters from major media were already standing in front of the court, and only a few of the top media were able to enter the court to broadcast the lawsuit live. Find some leftover news here and take it back for business.

Stark got out of the car first, tidied up his clothes, and then waved to the reporters swarming around him.

"Mr. Stark, what do you think of this case?"

"Mr. Stark, how do you plan to deal with the next relationship with the Pentagon?"

"Mr. Starka, may I ask if this lawsuit will have an impact on the stock prices of Starco Group and Osborne Group? What impact?"


Many reporters asked questions in a hurry, trying to get Stark's attention, and the scene was once very chaotic.

Stark gracefully made a voice-repressing gesture to the surrounding reporters, attracting everyone's attention, and then said righteously, "You have too many questions, and I can't answer them all. However, I have the confidence to help Captain America win the rights he should have, and the law is as sacrosanct as property."

Stark's "righteous speech" speech aroused applause from the reporters. The recent actions of the American military are indeed unpopular, at least on the surface.

While Stark was talking to the reporters, Angelo, Frank and Steve, led by Happy, quietly got off the other side of the commercial vehicle and entered the courtroom.

They are not that flirtatious guy like Stark, especially Steve. Although it has been decided, his mood is still a bit complicated. If these uncrowned kings point their guns at him and ask him something He really didn't know how to answer such a tricky question.

When Stark finished dealing with the reporters outside (pretending to be aggressive in front of the camera), when he entered the court, everyone except him was present, including Norman Osborn and Daniel Rand. Luo was sitting in the gallery chatting with these two.

At this time, Steve had already sat in the plaintiff's seat. As soon as Stark came in, all the cameras of the TV station on the scene turned from Steve to Stark.

Everyone at the scene and those who are watching the live broadcast in front of the TV station and paying close attention to this incident know that although it seems that Captain America Steve Rogers is suing the Pentagon for infringing his portrait rights, it is actually Father Hell, Iron Man There is also the confrontation between the Osborne Group and the Rand Group and the military Pentagon, which is revenge for what the military did at the military hearing last time.

Although everyone doesn't know why the Osborne Group and the Rand Family are also involved.

Stark didn't overwhelm the guest, but simply waved his hand at the camera, and sat down next to Angelo in a low-key manner, giving the camera to the protagonist.

With the appearance of the judge, the lawyer team "entrusted" by Steve also came to the court. The first lawyer who walked in the front, and then the lawyers from other groups, was actually the lawyer in golden suits, and I didn't know How did Mike Ross convince the lawyers of these groups.

The lawyer on the military side, Angelo, has never heard of it. He is a middle-aged man who is going balding and a senior member of the military committee represented by a seat.

When Mike Rose saw Angelo sitting in the public gallery, he nodded to Angelo from the air to show his respect, and then he looked at the judge and nodded. He didn't even glance at the bald man in the military lawyer.

The attitude of contempt is clear at a glance.

Angelo sat in the gallery and touched his nose in embarrassment. He couldn't understand Mike Rose's behavior at all.

Nodding to him, making it look as if he is behind the scenes and leading everything.

God is above, he didn't participate in this matter from the beginning to the end, and he came today to join in the fun.

The military representative's face was a bit ugly, but in court and in front of the television cameras, he could only forcefully suppress his anger.

With the gavel in the hands of the judge sitting on the high platform downstairs, the trial began.


Among the crowd sitting in the gallery, besides Angelo and the people from New York, there were some other people.

Among them was a man wearing a large stand-up collar windbreaker and sunglasses, who almost completely blocked his face, sitting in the middle of a group of people.

It can only be seen from the dark skin exposed between the windbreaker and sunglasses that this person should be a black man.

"Director Ferry, what are we here for?" A woman who looked like a secretary next to her whispered to the black man as she watched the military lawyers in the court retreat under Mike Rose's attack.

"Natasha, keep your voice down, don't reveal your identity, I suspect that someone may choose to do it today, let Hawkeye do a good job at the periphery, and observe everyone who enters and exits here."

The two turned out to be Nick Fury and Natasha the Black Widow in disguise, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury's head is so eye-catching, he can only cover himself in a windbreaker, a hat and sunglasses...

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