The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 241 Losing Money!

Chapter 241 Losing money!

In court, the lawyers of both sides are still fighting fiercely, but the lawyer representing the Pentagon is facing a little bit of a disadvantage in the face of Mike Rose, who has rich experience in resisting law enforcement.

Until the end, he was completely speechless by Mike Rose in court.

Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage, the member of the military committee who was pushed out as a representative looked even uglier. He exchanged glances with his own lawyer and got a helpless look.

The representative of the Pentagon couldn't sit still anymore, and could only try to end this absurd farce in a decent way from another angle. He stood up from the dock, with a distressed expression on his face, Belly and Steve said.

"Steve Rogers, you are Captain America! Although you are no longer a member of the military, you fought side by side with the military at the beginning. You can be called an old comrade in arms. Now you will be an old comrade in arms, Is it appropriate to put the country in this embarrassing situation?"

It seems that moral kidnapping is a method that almost all senior political officials are good at. Seeing that they can't win in court, they even want to use moral kidnapping to get Steve to retract his confession in court.

Even Angelo, an "outsider" who didn't worry much about this matter, felt a little nervous, let alone Stark, Norman Osborn, and Daniel Rand. Everyone knows that Steve's heart is actually very tangled in this matter. After all, the military was his old employer during World War II.

Once Steve recanted his confession on the spot, these people would be reduced to a joke under the camera today, and everything they had done would be in vain.

But fortunately, Steve did not disappoint these friends.

He stood up in the plaintiff's seat, glanced at the camera in the corner, and then spoke righteously to the representative of the military committee.

"I participated in World War II not for the country you mentioned, nor for your so-called justice, but for the people. The country you mentioned has always been you high-ranking officials, not the people, and your so-called justice is not mine. , Dr. Erkins once told me to do the right thing..."

Obviously, the words that Angelo asked Steve in the church yesterday did not end with the conversation between the two of them, but were carefully considered in Steve's heart.

Steve's exorbitant moral standards did allow him to be called an honest person at certain times, but if anyone thinks that Steve is a pedantic and rigid fool, he will suffer a big loss immediately.

A fool cannot survive the brutal World War II battlefield.

The moral kidnapping of the representatives of the Pentagon pushed Steve to a dead end. According to the expectations of the representatives of the Pentagon, either Steve retracted his confession in court, or Steve admitted that he just wanted to force the military and state agencies to this point. Compensation and the like are unavoidable, but it is no less than treason under the TV cameras. The prestige and support of Steve Rogers, Captain America, among the people will also drop to a freezing point. The general was drawn out of the vortex of public opinion.

He had a good plan, but he didn't expect that Steve didn't answer according to the routine he planned.

Under the astonished expressions of the auditorium, media reporters, and military representatives, Steve explained his belief once again. As soon as he said this, everyone with a discerning eye knew that apart from this lawsuit, Steve, Captain America The support rate among the people will rise a lot again.

look! How beautifully Steve Rogers rephrased it, not for the high officials of the country or for the so-called justice, but for the people!

In the auditorium, after being surprised, Angelo carefully recalled the plot about Steve in the movie, and felt that there was nothing too surprising in his heart.

From the scene where Steve was beaten in the alley before he enlisted in the army, and the classic "I can hold on all day", it can be seen that Steve is a very Stubborn person.

But since he was able to falsify information several times in order to go to the battlefield to resist the crisp, it can be seen that he is not a pedantic, rigid or even a purely good person.

What he had always held to was his own set of beliefs, to which after Dr. Erkins' death he added the point of doing the right thing.

Angelo felt that this was normal. Captain America had to be a person first, to be Captain America. It was just his belief and moral standards that made him a golden body in the eyes of others.

The representative of the Pentagon that Steve said was speechless, and could only quietly sit back in the dock with an ugly expression.

"Judge! I protest! The defendant has verbally harassed and threatened my client!" At this time, Mike Rose also stood up in good time and protested loudly.

"Defendant, be quiet! It is forbidden to speak in court that has nothing to do with this case!" The judge could only helplessly raise the small wooden hammer on the table, and gave a decent warning to the Pentagon representative.

In fact, as the presiding judge, he is more willing to favor the Pentagon in his heart. After all, they are all senior officials belonging to the American government. Not all judges are impartial. That is a fairy tale, not the world of adults.

He just didn't reach out to the other party when the representative spoke, just to show favoritism

However, the views put forward by Mike Rose and a team of lawyers are well-founded, well-organized, and fully in line with all existing laws in the United States. In addition, this lawsuit is still under the camera of the TV station, and it is not easy for even a judge to make too much judgment. obvious favoritism.

Otherwise, not only will the Pentagon be on the news tomorrow, but the people who support Steve Rogers will also protest and ask him to step down and get out!


President Ellis was also watching the lawsuit. He did not come to the scene, but sat in his own office and watched the live broadcast on TV.

The last time the White House was attacked and bombed, under the power of the state machinery, the White House had been refurbished in just a few days, and there was no sign that it had been attacked just a few days ago.

When I saw Steve Rogers stunned the Pentagon representative in public in court.

Although President Ellis didn't quite agree with Steve's statement that he didn't serve the U.S. government, he was more pleased to see the people in the military deflated.

Especially when the judge reluctantly declared that Steve Rogers had won, and the military needed to compensate Steve Rogers and a series of compensation, President Ellis stood up from his chair excitedly.

Although the military pays money, it can help President Ellis regain power in Congress to a large extent. The military cut off a large piece of meat back and forth in the compensation. If he is getting the support of Stark and his consortia, it will be difficult for him not to win.

"Mike," President Ellis said to the bodyguard beside him, "Arrange it, and Angelo and the others will come to see me later, no, you'd better arrange a vehicle, let's go see Angelo and the others."

"Okay." The bodyguard replied and began to arrange related matters.

This bodyguard was Mike Banning who protected President Ellis from the bunker to the end when the White House was attacked last time.

The first name is the same, except the last name is different from the gold medal lawyer Mike Ross.

With the lessons learned from last time, it is difficult for President Ellis to completely trust the bodyguards sent by the White House security department. Only Mike Banning is responsible for personal protection of him. As for the other bodyguards, they should be responsible for the security of the perimeter.


At the end of the trial, An Qiluo and others left the court together with the legal team.

A large group of people met a military representative who came out of another passage at the gate of the court. The military representative just wanted to say something, but An Qiluo said first, "Baldy, let me tell you, if you Nonsense, I still sue you. Your speech in court just now scared Steve and caused mental harm to Steve. You can ask for compensation for net loss! You say yes, Mike .”

Speaking, Angelo also asked Mike Rose.

Mike Rose quickly nodded knowingly, and said, "According to the laws of the United States, it is indeed the case."


The military representative opened his mouth, then closed it again, with a gloomy face, boarded a military vehicle parked at the door, and left the court.

No wonder he looks so ugly. After he goes back, he will face accountability from the military. Although this is not the reason for him alone, even more than half of the top executives in the Pentagon are jointly and severally responsible, but whether it is internal or external Externally, the military has suffered such a large loss, and someone must stand up and take responsibility.

If it's just a simple group like Captain America or the Stark Group, although the military is a bit difficult to deal with, it can definitely be dealt with. But the combination of the two, the popularity of Captain America plus the financial resources of these three consortiums, including the participation of such super popular folks as Father Hell and Iron Man.

It has attracted the attention of countless people and the media. Under the spotlight, the military can only do nothing.

After the military representatives left, Angelo and the others also got rid of the entanglement of the reporters in front of the door, got into the commercial vehicle and left the court to the airport.

Now the matter here is over, and the next thing is to wait for the military compensation to be credited to Steve's account.

Steve went from an old man living on a "meager" pension and working as a bartender to earn money, and instantly became a billionaire.

Even An Qiluo had to sigh, long life is king, you know, Steve's compensation is based on the number of years of compensation!


After Angelo and others got in the car and left, Nick Fury in disguise walked out of the crowd with Natasha and a group of younger agents.

"Director, where did you get the information you just said? Didn't you lie to us?" Natasha looked at Nick Fury suspiciously. The director just said that someone might attack Angelo and Stark today. , As a result, Angelo and the others left, but nothing happened.

Although she doesn't want to think about it, Natasha said that it is very likely that the information received by Nick Fury was wrong.

Although Nick Fury was a little embarrassed, he couldn't see it at all on his face that was already dark and was still covered.

"I guess." Nick Fury said blankly, "Let's go back now. I feel a little uneasy recently. It seems that there is an undercurrent surging in S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha, recently you Pay more attention to the insight plan, I am afraid that someone will destroy the insight plan."

The Insight Project is a plan that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been preparing for many years. In this plan, a number of black technologies are used. The black technology that Natasha stole from Stark last time was also used in it.

Compared with the Insight project, the military's lawsuit is not so important.

In addition, because of the many superpowers recently, Nick Fury felt that he was unable to deal with it at all, which made him only hope for the insight plan. Now, in Nick Fury's heart, the insight plan is the most important thing. Too much.

Natasha was speechless to Director Nick Fury's very natural transfer of the subject, quietly rolled a charming roll of the eyes, and then said, "Okay, I will follow up."

"Notify Hawkeye, we retreated and went back." Nick Fury glanced at the roof of a nearby tall building, "As long as Angelo and the others were not attacked in court, we don't need to go Wipe your ass."

Nick Fury was also frightened by the attack on the White House last time. He was not worried about the safety of Angelo and the group of people traveling with him. It is strange what problems these guys can have! If it was really that easy, he would have sent someone to kill Angelo long ago.

He was mainly worried that An Qiluo would be attacked suddenly, make him disgraced, and finally vent his anger on the military or the United States. Maybe that's how the Third World War broke out.


The members of the legal team did not go to Stark's private airport with Angelo and the others. They needed to fly back to New York by themselves. Of course, these big bosses would reimburse the heroes for their first-class air tickets.

Angelo thought that the matter was over, so he went back to New York all the way to participate in the celebration party prepared by Stark, which was also a party to send Steve off for a trip.

To this end, Stark also made a phone call, asked people in New York to prepare for the party and invited some young models to the party, and showed smiles that everyone understood to the remaining men in the car.

For a while, the car was full of cheerful atmosphere.

But just as they were about to reach the airport, an extended bulletproof Cadillac stopped them on their way.

This car is very heavy just by looking at it, and it exudes the smell of this authentic American muscle car from top to bottom—it has a terrifyingly large displacement.

Angelo didn't recognize it, but Stark and Norman Osborn did.

"President One?"

"President One?" Angelo was stunned for a moment, looking at the car in front of him, "That is to say, there is President Ellis inside?"

Angelo began to have a deep impression of this most miserable president in history...

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