The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 322 The White House Falls Again

Chapter 322 The White House Falls Again

"Mr. President! Are you okay!" The man saw the door of the White House being pushed open, and ran up quickly, looking at President Ellis with concern

Angelo remembered that this man was the bodyguard who survived the bunker with the president last time, and it seemed that all the bodyguards except him had been replaced last time.

Angelo didn't see him just now, he thought he died while protecting President Ellis.

"Eh? Aren't you that...that Banning?" An Qiluo scratched his head and said, he couldn't remember the name of this man for a while.

"Mike Banning." President Ellis explained to Angelo in a low voice in front. "I'm fine, Mr. Angelo just helped me get rid of all the invading thugs."

"That's right, Mike Banning, you're not dead?" Angelo slapped his head and asked Mike Banning.

Mike Banning glanced at Angelo in surprise. He naturally knew that the Priest of Hell was the one who invaded the White House last time, and it happened that Angelo was there. Unexpectedly, the White House was invaded again this time. Luo is still there.

If Mike Banning knew that if Angelo wanted to harm the president, he would not have to work so hard, maybe he would have thought that Angelo had something to do with this terrorist attack.

However, having said that, Father Hell is really unlucky, he is really a disaster star, every time he comes to the White House, the White House will be attacked by all kinds of weird terrorists.

"Mr. Angelo, I happen to be on a day off today. I was going to go out of the city and go back to my hometown. I just rushed back when I heard the news of the attack on the White House."

Mike Banning's words answered Angelo's doubts.

Angelo secretly sighed in his heart, this Mike Banning is really lucky. When the White House fell last time, he just happened to escape the swindling and survived the attack. This time it was another lucky break and escaped the attack.

If Mike Banning didn't take a rest this time, no matter how lucky he is, he wouldn't be able to survive the attack of these hopeless virus fighters. Although Angelo hasn't seen other White House security personnel since he came here, But think about it, these people should have all been killed.

"You are really a person favored by the goddess of luck." Angelo shrugged and said casually to Mike Banning.

Mike Banning followed Angelo expressionlessly. He felt that Angelo's words were just nonsense. If he was really so lucky, how could his employer be in the heart of the United States like the White House? , was attacked twice in succession.

Angelo is also concerned about Mike Banning's attitude. After all, to him, Mike Banning is just an acquaintance who has met once. The bodyguard of his ally is not even a friend.

President Ellis walked out of the White House under the "protection" of Mike Banning.

At this time, the outside has calmed down.

Perhaps President Ellis, with the support of the Stark Group consortia, has begun to suppress them in Congress. This time, the military and the National Guard have learned how to behave and did not let the media and reporters go. come over.

Instead, they were intercepted outside the blockade.

The reason is also very legitimate. The White House is currently encircling and suppressing terrorists. In order to avoid innocent casualties and other terrorists getting involved, all those who attempt to attack the blockade will be dealt with as terrorist accomplices.

Don't look at these reporters who usually don't want to kill for headlines or scoops, but at this time, they still know that they can't be stabbed, otherwise the guns in the hands of these rude veterans will not be right. They are airless, and they have no place to seek justice after being beaten to death.


It has not been a long time since the last time the White House was attacked by terrorists.

As a result, in such a short period of time, the White House fell for the second time, making this news that attracted almost everyone in the world's attention.

Even those who don't pay much attention to the news on weekdays are sitting in front of the TV or watching the development of things on their mobile phones.

The ratings of almost the top news TV stations in the United States have been increased several times in a short period of time.

Seeing this kind of attention, the media in Washington naturally swarmed like sharks smelling blood. All media reporters in Washington flocked to the White House.

Now that President Ellis came out of the White House unharmed, these reporters all pointed their cameras at President Ellis.


These media reporters, including the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, were surprised to find that President Ellis seemed to be in good condition and safe and sound, which seemed different from what the reporters at the scene reported just now?

But what about the hole in the chest of President Ellis' suit? Although President Ellis' clothes were torn, the body under the seemingly torn piece of clothing was not injured.

President Ellis looked at the media reporters outside the waiting blockade in the distance, and the long guns and short cannons in the hands of these reporters, and turned his head to whisper a few words to Mike Banning beside him.

After Mike Banning looked Angelo, Stark and others up and down, he nodded to President Ellis, and then ran to the blockade.

Angelo was a little puzzled by Mike Banning's eyes.

"What is he looking at me for?" Stark was more direct, and he was puzzled by Mike Banning's eyes, and asked directly.

"Mr. Angelo, Mr. Stark, I just asked Banning to invite those media reporters. He is just worried about my safety. Don't mind." President Ellis explained to Angelo with a smile, and then He paused and asked An Qiluo, "Mr. An Qiluo, I don't know if you mind if I will save me from terrorists. Tell these media reporters that I need This matter gives the public and the media a reasonable explanation..."

After the fall of the White House twice, President Ellis was rescued by Angelo, and as the most direct eyewitness, President Ellis has already settled his mentality, and he already has another level of understanding for Angelo. cognition.

A person like An Qiluo, in an age when technology is not so advanced, is definitely someone who will be regarded as a god!

I have to say that among this group of politicians, President Ellis' cognition is definitely one of the most correct in terms of accuracy! In other words, President Ellis is willing to admit it, but other greedy politicians are not willing to admit this fact!

"It doesn't matter to me." Angelo shrugged, "As long as the department responsible for your White House security has no objections, if they want to trouble me for this, then I will not be polite. But you still don't tell me Tell me about the potion you drank."

President Ellis smiled wryly, "Of course I won't say it, and the White House's security department won't have any objections, because all the rest of my security team are dead except for Mike Banning. They were all killed by those The monsters are gone."

"Tsk..." An Qiluo smacked his mouth, but didn't say anything more.

Because at this time, Mike Banning had already returned, and at the same time brought the media reporters who were crowded outside the cordon, just in case and to maintain order, Mike Banning also borrowed a bunch of soldiers from the National Guard Maintain order.

Under the National Guard to maintain order, although these media reporters want to be the first to interview President Ellis and get first-hand news from President Ellis, but look at the guns and Mike in the hands of these National Guards. With Banning's unkind eyes, these reporters finally didn't have the guts to add fuel to the fire at this time, so they could only follow the rules one by one.

"Ahem..." After the scene maintained the prototype of a press conference, President Ellis coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention. After the scene became quiet, President Ellis spoke.

"Less than two months have passed since the last attack on the White House..."

President Ellis' words stunned everyone present. No one thought that President Ellis would uncover his scars as soon as he opened his mouth, and sprinkle a handful of salt on it.

Although the White House was attacked twice and fell, the military and the White House guards were more responsible, but as the president of this term, there is no doubt that this is a shame in his political career.

I don't know if there will be anyone in the future, but it is absolutely unprecedented. As the most unlucky president so far, President Ellis is destined to be recorded in the history of the United States because of this incident.

"The White House was attacked again. Although it happened suddenly, this incident is inseparable from the military and the White House's security department. The two successive incidents of the fall of the White House made me doubt the strength of the military. In order to protect the American people Life and property safety, in the next period of time, I think we should focus on strengthening the strength of the military..."

President Ellis stood in front of the White House and began to "speech" to a crowd of media reporters.

President Ellis didn't show much excitement. After surviving near death, these scenes were completely small scenes for President Ellis.

But his words made all the reporters and many people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV uneasy. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that President Ellis said these words in front of the camera, which means that the United States is exactly There is going to be a storm on the forum, and the next "victim" must be the military.

Although President Ellis has been said to be the most unlucky and humiliating president in the history of the United States so far, after all, he is still the representative of the highest power in the United States-the current president.

So his words still have legal effect and influence. And with the support of the Stark Group, the Osborne Group, and the Priest of Hell, it is definitely not an easy task to impeach President Ellis from least during his tenure, it is almost impossible.

After all, both the Osborne Group and the Stark Group have been operated by at least two generations, and they must have their own support in the political arena.

President Ellis ignored the commotion among the media reporters below, but continued.

"Next, I will consider issuing a presidential decree to set up a defense force directly under the president for the White House to serve as the defense force of the White House..."

This time the White House fell again, and the battered military is also calling out bad luck. If they were caught off guard last time, but this time they were really wronged. President Ellis has recently been in Congress. Those thorns were cleaned up again. Although the rest of the military were upset, they naturally wouldn't run into President Ellis' misfortune at this time.

The defense force arranged by the military this time is simply invincible.

These soldiers really have no good way to deal with these invulnerable monsters, and they cannot use powerful weapons to bomb and wash the ground in the urban area, especially the core area of ​​Washington.


At this time, in a meeting room of the Pentagon, several high-level personnel of the military were sitting in the meeting room watching President Ellis' live speech on the projection.

"President Ellis, how did you survive from those terrorists this time? The hole in your suit on your chest looks like what you just experienced is very dangerous..." The reporter on the projection is asking questions to President Ellis .

"Oh, my God, thanks to the presence of my two friends this time, otherwise you probably wouldn't be able to interview me. I have tried to fight those terrorists and gangsters, but unfortunately, my body is already a little bit Lack of exercise." President Ellis made a joke naturally, "You all know my two friends, they are Mr. Angelo, the hell priest from New York, and Mr. Iron Man, Tony Stark."

The reporters at the scene saw Angelo and Stark behind President Ellis, and they became commotion again. This is a big topic. The appearance of the two topical characters made this news that has already attracted much attention pushed back. Had an orgasm.

The tough president, the priest of hell and Iron Man, who tried to fight the terrorists one-on-one, came to the rescue from thousands of miles away...

These reporters have already thought about how to write tomorrow's news. This is simply the script of the most classic hero movie blockbuster!


In the conference room.

"Fuck!" Upon hearing President Ellis' words, a high-level military officer jumped up from his chair and cursed, "Is this silly President X crazy!"

The fall of the White House is not only concerned by the people and departments in the United States. It can be said that almost all countries on the earth are paying attention to this matter. It can be seen from the soaring ratings of TV stations and overseas ratings.

At this time, when President Ellis said this in front of the live broadcast of the TV station, he was undoubtedly saying that the military is a bunch of waste! Slap the military in the face! A military organization in such a big country is not as good as a priest and a scientist and businessman?

Of course, if the senior military officer knew that Odin, the god king of Asgard and the great prince of Asgard from outside the earth were also present, he would not think so.

It's not that everyone on the earth is paying attention to this matter, but the civilizations in the universe have also witnessed it with their own eyes, and the shame of the US military has been thrown into the universe.

"Calm down, calm down, things are not that bad now." A voice sounded from a corner of the conference table, "Didn't our president say that he wants to form an armed force to surround the White House? I think this is in the It is not so easy for the Congress to pass. There are presidential orders that will be thwarted, even if they are barely passed in the end, the scale of the armed forces that our President can form is limited."

The senior personnel of the military looked at the person who spoke, and the general who was yelling just now asked, "Ross, what do you mean by that?"

The person who was arranged at the corner of the conference table turned out to be General Ross who should have been arrested and thrown into prison a long time ago!

General Ross, who was supposed to be in prison, appeared in the meeting room of the Pentagon openly. It seems that the military must have contributed a lot to this matter!

However, judging from the electronic shackles worn by General Ross on his feet and hands, the military has not gone too far. General Ross is still a prisoner.

"This incident..." General Ross looked at the live TV broadcast on the projection, "It is an opportunity for our military. Those monsters that cannot be killed by guns seem to have a very mature body transformation plan..."

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