The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 323 Stark's Stinky Mouth

Chapter 323 Stark's Stinky Mouth

After President Ellis said that it was Angelo and Stark who rescued him, the TV camera naturally turned to Angelo, Stark and Captain America standing behind the president steve.

Priest of Hell, Iron Man, and Captain America have basically heard the names. Now that the president was saved by these three people, the media reporters can naturally understand.

Although the real situation was quite different from what these reporters had guessed, it was Thor, the bearded man who had been ignored by them, who contributed the most to the rescue of the president.

Thor was naturally indignant about President Ellis's remarks, obviously he was fooled by Angelo and solved the particularly resistant enemy, why now Angelo and Stark are the heroes. This kind of "grabbing credit" behavior will be despised and reviled in Asgard!

But Thor really didn't have the guts to fight Angelo. After all, Thor didn't want to be beaten up by the Destroyer in front of so many people on Earth. That's really embarrassing for Asgard!

I can't beat you, but that doesn't stop me from despising you. Thor looked at Angelo, who was unaware, with contemptuous eyes.

President Ellis is not blind either. How could he fail to see that it was Thor holding the hammer and lightning and thundering before, but just as he did not mention Imerton at the press conference, since Mr. For his reasoning, President Ellis is fine.

As for why An Qiluo didn't mention it...he's just lazy, I won't bother to say it unless you ask me.

Of course, General Ross also saw the "old acquaintance" Angelo on the live broadcast of the TV station. Half of the reasons for his being in prison today are due to his own doing, and the other half is due to Angelo's actions. give.

Although General Ross is not a good man, not even a qualified father, he is definitely a good general. In this matter, General Ross will not bring his "hatred" towards Angelo into his work.

Watching Angelo and Stark on TV, General Ross unconsciously fiddled with the electronic shackles on his hands, and then explained to a room full of puzzled eyes, "Although these terrorists attacked the White House, we passed the scene The live broadcast of these terrorists has seen the ability of these terrorists not to be afraid of firearms, this ability is obviously produced in large quantities, and this ability is very mature, and today it has passed the test of actual combat."

General Ross didn't say the rest. He believed that all the high-level military officials present here were not fools, so they could naturally guess what he was thinking.

That is to find a way to get a dead body of a terrorist from the White House, and let the military's scientific research department use these dead bodies to reversely develop a method to create this ability. If this kind of warrior who is not afraid of guns is put on the battlefield, it will be extremely terrifying and will become the nightmare of all enemies.

If their military can manufacture these fighters in batches, it will change the current situation of their military in the political arena...

"This..." The high-level executives in the conference room heard what General Ross meant, and they looked at each other hesitantly.

Even now, General Ross has not given up on the transformation plan for human experiments. General Ross's suggestion is very tempting, but with the lessons learned by General Ross, no one is willing to come out to be a pioneer and implement this plan whose success rate is unknown.

Everything is easy to say if the plan is successful, honors, flowers, applause, and power will all be obtained, but if the plan fails, then the next outcome they will face is the next General Ross.

From being a high-ranking man with great power to being a prisoner, the gap can drive most people crazy. Not everyone is General Ross.

General Ross looked at the hesitant faces of these newly promoted high-ranking officers in the military, who were afraid of wolves and tigers, and sneered disdainfully in his heart, as expected.

He said, "Everyone, if you are worried about the success of the plan, then you might as well listen to my plan..."


Nobody knows what the hell plans these military top brass were discussing in the meeting.

Angelo and Stark were in front of the White House, watching President Ellis talk for a long time in front of the media reporters. Before President Ellis finished speaking, Angelo and the others couldn't stay anymore. This kind of boring The speeches at the press conference were too boring for them.

Angelo didn't care too much, he directly talked to President Ellis, and took the people away.

The strange thing is that President Ellis didn't have the slightest thought of being humiliated. He sent Angelo and Stark away with a smile, and then continued to return to the press conference to face the questions of the media reporters.

When these media reporters saw Angelo and Stark leave, some of them wanted to catch up with them to interview the two alone and get some exclusive news, but unfortunately, they all missed out. Stark was wearing a mark shirt. A, An Qiluo and others got on the small bone dragon and soared into the sky.

Only these media reporters were left looking at the sky and sighing on the ground.

Angelo, the priest of hell, as the degree of exposure continued to increase, so did the miraculous aspects of him.

I saw it many times, so I felt nothing. Even if these media reporters saw Angelo waving at the dead bodies on the ground, all the dead bodies of terrorists in front of the White House disappeared, and they were just a little surprised. It took it for granted.

This is the priest of hell, what's so strange about it.

After all, whether it is for these media reporters or the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, although they can always see the news and news of the priest of hell, the priest of hell is far away from their lives, even farther than Iron Man.

It's just a legend and myth.


Angelo took Thor, Imerton and others, and rode the small bone dragon to the airport that had been agreed with Stark in advance.

As for the Iron Golem Destroyer, Angelo did not forget to take it away. While Stark was waiting just now, he had arranged for the Stark Group's transport vehicle to smuggle the Destroyer to the airport.

The Destroyer will fly back to New York with them on Stark's special plane.

After boarding the plane, Angelo sat face to face with Stark and Steve on the sofa. Thor and Emerton were arranged at the other end of the plane. At the same time, Ivan Vanke was also brought on the plane. This guy didn't continue to compete with Stark. He was sitting with Thor at this time, drinking vodka.

Maybe it's because they're both drunks, maybe it's because they're both unhappy with Stark and Angelo, but these two guys unexpectedly hit it off.

As for where did the Ancient One and God King Odin go? Anyway, An Qiluo didn't know that since he left the White House just now, his mental power felt that the invisible God King Odin had left, but he wasn't worried either. If anything could go wrong, it would be a joke!

Angelo watched through the windows on the fuselage as the plane alternated and took off, getting farther and farther away from the ground.

He suddenly sighed with some disappointment, and said to Stark, "Man, we are finally going home."

Stark also took off the Mark armor on his body, and sighed, "Yeah, buddy, we are finally going home."

There was a trace of exhaustion in the tone of both of them.

Steve was a little better than the two of them, he just sat on the sofa, touching his shield silently.

The experience in the World War II battlefield made him more tenacious in his heart. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, maybe Steve would say that I can last a whole day.

It's not that Angelo and Stark are really tired, it's just that this time they came out, they were only taking the two children, Gali and Nick, on a holiday trip, but in the end they encountered too many unplanned things up.

Even if you are a superhero who saves the world all day long, your heart will be tired even if your body is not tired. Angelo can be considered to have personally experienced the daily life of a superhero. This experience was not very good for a lazy person like him.

This is because he only dealt with the Ten Rings gang once, and just thinking about the daily life of the superheroes who ran around the world and saved the world in the previous life movies made his scalp tingle. It's better to be his priest in Hell's Kitchen with peace of mind.

However, this trip down, the harvest is not small.

An Qiluo sorted out the gains this time in his mind.

The harvest in Egypt: a lot of gold treasures and antiques, a wristband that is suspected to be related to the missing (dead) Anubis, um... and two gates of the Egyptian palace. Church put on.

Imerton, the skeleton mage, went back and asked Imerton to hold a magic interest (remedial) class in Hell's Kitchen to give little Gali and Nick a complete childhood.

The harvest in Mexico State: a hammer god who can only yell, the steel stone demon destroyer obtained from the god king Odin, and ten magic rings burst from the mandarin.

Angelo found these ten magic rings very interesting, and they were not simple, and Angelo couldn't see why they came from. But he knew that when using these magic rings, the stronger the mental power, the stronger the power that the ring could unleash, just like...a gun that can release magic? Mental power is ammunition, and the magic released is the bullet fired.

Even an ordinary man with average mental strength, Mandarin, can rely on these ten magic rings to become a behind-the-scenes boss, which is enough to prove the power of ten magic rings.

However, except for the ring that increases mental power, which is very useful to An Qiluo, most of the other magic rings are useless to An Qiluo. The lower limit of use is low, and the upper limit of ten magic rings is also low. , although the power can cause a lot of trouble for Stark's suits, but it can't keep up with Angelo's spells.

Angelo had already figured out how to arrange the ten magic rings. Except for the one in his hand, there were exactly nine magic rings with different abilities, corresponding to people number one to number nine in the church.

Giving the remaining nine magic rings to No. 1 and the others can strengthen the power of the church, and when I am not in the church, I can feel a little more at ease, and I won't always worry about my hometown being stolen.

and! Angelo didn't forget that the members of the Sisters of Battle No. 1 were his fanatics. According to the ancient one, such fanatics had a tough character and could inherit their own abilities and attributes. Which naturally also includes the attribute of mental power.

All the conditions of use fit perfectly, as if the Mandarin appeared to give equipment to No. 1 and the others?

Angelo was amused by his own thought, he shook his head slightly, and drove this thought out of his head, all of this should be just a coincidence...

There is also Odin's promise to go to Asgard's treasure house to pick two treasures. Although I haven't got them yet, isn't that a matter of time? Can the dignified king of Asgard keep his promise?

The last location, the White House in Washington, is the least rewarding, but also the most important.

There is only one U disk.

A USB flash drive suspected of storing the formulation of the extremis virus medicine.

Thinking of this, An Qiluo took out the USB flash drive from the space backpack, turned to Stark and said, "Dude, is there a computer on your plane, help me see the contents of this USB flash drive."

Stark looked curiously at the USB flash drive made of strange material in Angelo's hand, and there was still a lot of blood on the USB flash drive.

"No problem buddy, but...what's here, buddy?" Stark wanted to reach out to pick it up, but he couldn't do it when he saw the blood on the USB flash drive, so he could only take out a A piece of paper was placed on the U disk, and then the U disk was taken over.

Stark wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a blue light flashed on the lens of the glasses. He quickly scanned the USB flash drive, and then Stark said in surprise, "Dude, is this USB flash drive made of RCC? This kind of material is actually used on a USB flash drive?"

"The information in this USB flash drive is very important, um... it is related to whether the hospital in Hell's Kitchen can cure all diseases in the future." An Qiluo shrugged, and then asked curiously, "Dude, what is RCC?" ? And your glasses..."

"An interesting little thing." Stark knocked on his black-rimmed glasses proudly, "You can understand it as a portable scanning device and a microcomputer. As for what RCC is..."

"RCC is one of the most advanced materials in the world at present, and it is used for the heat insulation layer of the outer wall of space rockets." Ivan Vanke's voice sounded, interrupting Stark's words. "The high temperature resistance can reach up to 1260 °C, and this material is very expensive."

Angelo turned his head, and saw Ivan Vanke walking over with a vodka bottle in his hand, and Ivan's "drinking friend" Thor, who was sitting there with an empty bottle watching over here.

"Angelo, I think you should bring another bottle of vodka to the psychopath who claims to be Thor, otherwise this guy might go crazy on the plane, just now this guy wanted to throw the bottle on the ground." Ivan Vanke After explaining what RCC is, he said to An Qiluo with a little displeasure.

He is not happy with Angelo and Stark, but in comparison, he is willing to talk to Angelo. After all, the reason for his displeasure with Angelo is just because Angelo is Stark's friend.

The strong will always be respected by people. Although Ivan Vanke didn't say it, Angelo's strength has already convinced him.

After hearing what Ivan Vanke said, Angelo became more confident. The information that Kylian paid such a high cost to keep close to him must be very important, and even the capital for his life—— It is estimated that 80% of the U disk contains Extremis virus information. As for what stage it is, it is temporarily unknown.

"Oh~ I almost forgot, Ivan Vanke, you are still a poor guy." Stark was obviously very upset about Ivan Vanke interrupting him, and he mocked Ivan Vanke, " I thought there were no poor people doing scientific research. You are really embarrassing to your father. Oh! By the way, I forgot to tell you that everything on the plane you are making now belongs to me. If you If you want a bottle of wine for that idiot psycho, you should come to me."

As expected of Stark, Stark was spraying venom at Ivan Vanke viciously with his stinky mouth, and even accidentally injured Thor who was sitting there waiting for a drink.

When spraying the "venom", Stark even forgot that he wanted to ask An Qiluo how to cure all diseases just now.

Obviously, when the two were in the White House just now, they were still "comrades" who could cover each other, but this meeting is like eating gunpowder. However, two scientists with very different styles have a consensus that Thor is indeed a neuropathy.

Stark's words mentioned Ivan Vanke's father, which obviously angered Ivan Vanke, and even angered Thor, who was injured and innocent.

"Crack!" Ivan Vanke smashed the vodka bottle in his hand on the table, and the glass bottle shattered.

"Tony Stark! You still have the face to mention my father! Your family" Ivan Vanke held a sharp half glass bottle in his hand, staring at Stark coldly, with new and old hatreds welling up in his heart. "Now your steel suit can't be used on the plane, right? After you take off the steel suit, are you still Iron Man? You're just a weak chicken."

Thor also stood up from the sofa, picked up the hammer from the table in front of him, and glared at Stark.

"Mortal! How dare you insult Thor?! Swear on Odin's beard, I will let you suffer the wrath of Thor!"

If there is any disagreement, they will do it, the posture of a three-way melee!

The grievance in Thor's heart is unspeakable. He is a majestic Thor of Asgard. He lives on the earth and cannot go back to Asgard. After all, I really can't beat it, so I can only endure it.

That's all, now you, an "ordinary" earthling, dare to insult yourself as crazy! The earthling named Ivan Vanke just now explained to himself what neuropathy is—that is, there is a problem with the brain.

Is it because I can't lift Mjolnir anymore, or has Asgard been wiped out?

Seeing this, Steve also sighed, and stood up from the sofa. When he stood up, the shield in his hand was already on his arm, blocking Stark's body.

Although Stark's stinking mouth is indeed too much for a good-tempered and honest person like him, there is no way, who let Stark be his old friend's son or his friend! And after taking off the steel armor, Stark is indeed a weak chicken, which is the consensus of everyone.

If it is not handled well, a big scuffle will break out on this expensive plane. Judging from the destructive power of the four people at present, this plane is estimated to be reimbursed today...

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