The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 399 - Heaven-shaking Seal

Chapter 399 - Heaven-shaking Seal

The only glass window in the cockpit of the Helicarrier to observe the outside world has been replaced by Anqiluo with an opaque bone wall. Now it is naturally impossible to observe the outside world in the cockpit.

But don't forget, there are two scientific giants, Stark and Dr. Banner, on the space carrier!

And Jarvis, an artificial intelligence that seems to have broken through the upper limit of artificial intelligence products!

After three-party consultations, an alternative plan was quickly agreed upon, and it seemed to be more efficient and intelligent. Even An Qiluo, a technological idiot, seemed to be able to see the technological content contained in it!

Jarvis used the cameras distributed throughout the hull and Stark Group's private satellites in space as data sources to construct a 3D topographic map around the space carrier, with a range of about 500 kilometers.

Of course, this is a normal situation. If the captain requests it, all the satellites of the Stark Group can be called to expand this range to half the earth.

Then, use the parts on Stark's Mark armor to form a three-dimensional 3D projection, and project this extremely detailed map in the cockpit.

And, not only that, because Jarvis, as an artificial intelligence, has accepted the driving energy and weapon system of the entire battleship. As long as the captain clicks somewhere on the map in the cockpit, the space carrier will fly over there, and then ...

Extinguish all the energy propulsion of the Helicarrier, and the hull of the Helicarrier will directly destroy the city below under the action of gravity!

Because it has never been tested, the specific killing range is unknown, but according to a series of calculations by Stark and Dr. Banna, the estimated killing range is a full 1,000 square kilometers!

Within this range, with all conventional human defense and attack methods, there is absolutely no possibility of survival! Of course, if it is a life with the intensity of Hulk or Angelo, there should be no danger to life.

The space-based weapon Angelo imagined as a joke before was actually made by Dr. Banner and Stark!

When Angelo knew the final research results of two humans and one intelligent life, he couldn't help but gasped.

Is this too much?

Even if you, Stark, are a technological genius who can rub out the Mark Armor in a cave with your bare hands, even if you, Banner, have seven doctorates, but...

After all, space-based weapons are human-made weapons based on a theoretical level, and you just fiddled with them in the end?

Moreover, according to what Stark said, the maturity of the space carrier is much higher than the so-called "God's Rod".

After all, the "Stand of God" is a theoretical design of today's modern-based weapons. Simply put, it uses a satellite to drop a tungsten rod from space like the earth, and uses kinetic energy and gravity to cause a lethality that far exceeds the terrifying lethality of a tactical nuclear bomb. , the advantage is no pollution.

But the space carrier is also non-polluting, and the volume of the space carrier is many times larger than that of the tungsten rod, so the lethality is naturally multiplied, which makes up for the power weakened by the lack of height.

And it can avoid radar scanning and naked eye observation!

At the same time, because the satellite needs to travel in an orbit outside the earth, it can only be strategically arranged. Once the target has high mobility and tries to escape, the attack will fail.

The maneuverability of satellites is naturally not as good as that of space carriers that rely on energy to propel them in the atmosphere.

Relying on the speed of today's space carrier, if you want to attack any target or location, you can reach it within a day.

Moreover, if the number of Stark Industries satellites increases again in the future, it is completely possible to generate a global 3D map in a normal state!

When people are at home, they only need to tap on the 3D map, and the target will be impossible to escape.

"Man, you just made a flying yacht into a stick of God!" Angelo couldn't help but exclaimed.

"No, Mr. Captain, what you said is a bit wrong. Now this space carrier is not the stick of God. The stick of God is a one-time consumable, and the space carrier is a space-based weapon that can be recycled infinitely. After all, The Helicarrier has been strengthened by you, and there is currently no way to destroy it."

Jarvis, in the image of a middle-aged butler, suddenly appeared on the 3D projection in the cockpit and interrupted.

"Please rename the space carrier, Mr. Captain."

After finishing speaking, Jarvis' middle-aged butler on the projection bowed respectfully to Angelo.

Angelo's mouth twitched.

He still took it for granted, he just forgot that he put a "Sade" rune on the space carrier.

So, is this a reusable space-based weapon?

After being reminded by Jarvis, Angelo could already imagine the scene of this big guy once he was thrown into the war.

Take off, drop, take off, drop...

There are large pits left on the ground, and various tsunamis and natural disasters caused by geological destruction...

This... seems to have created an incredible killer!

Angelo suddenly thought of a terrifyingly powerful killer in a myth on the other side of the ocean.

"Then..." An Qiluo twitched the corner of his mouth. "Then call it Earth-shaking hills."

Because of the language relationship, the English translation of Fantianyin has been translated into earth-shaking hills.

"Earth-shaking hills?"

Stark and Dr. Banner frowned beside him, seeming to be thinking about the meaning of the word.

But even if the two of them learned Chinese because of Angelo's relationship, they didn't really understand the connotation of Eastern culture, just like people who can speak English don't know that the fifth angel who sat down by God in Western mythology used What exactly is the weapon like.

The two of them completely didn't understand the concept of the Shattering Seal...

"Man, this name..." Stark frowned and said, "It's not as good as the staff of God."

Dr. Banner also cast a puzzled look over.

The two of them had researched this terrifying weapon, and naturally wanted a name that could match it.

"No, it's called 'Fantian Seal'..." An Qi twitched the corners of her lips, "This one is much more terrifying than that wand of God."


In the end, under Angelo's insistence, the new name of the space carrier finally came to fruition.

It's called Earth-shaking hills!

Overturning India!

After all, Angelo is the real captain of this space carrier.

"Okay, buddy, I have already arranged people at the port of Hell's Kitchen, and after landing in a while, I will spray the 'Flipping Sky' on the space carrier."

Stark shrugged, relinquishing his naming rights.


Just like that, the spaceship 'Fan Tian Yin' flew rapidly in the sky.

Fortunately, until the space carrier drove to the sky above Hell's Kitchen, no US military fighter plane approached the only bone wall of the space carrier that might be exposed from the front.

Of course, this luck is not necessarily Angelo's luck, it may also be the luck of the U.S. military fighter pilots.

After all, according to the now-enhanced space carrier, if it accidentally bumps into the space carrier during the flight, the space carrier will be fine, but the armor made of metal materials will definitely be smashed to pieces!

When Jarvis parked the "Flipping Seal" safely in the port of Hell's Kitchen, Angelo and the others filed down from above.

At this time, Angelo noticed that the various ships near the port of Hell's Kitchen had been emptied, and they were emptied by gangsters like Hell's Kitchen.

Apparently, the gang got the message.

But fortunately, all the ships parked in the port of Hell's Kitchen are the ships of these gangsters, and they are also their smuggling ships. Ships smuggling timber.

It will not affect the lives of other "good people".

Although Hell's Kitchen is just one of the most chaotic districts in New York, the port here is the deepest port in New York.

This is all the "credit" of these gangsters.

The draft of the ships they used to smuggle all kinds of illegal items is very large. Over time, in order to facilitate smuggling, the gangsters gradually built this port to such an extent that the "Fian Tian Yin" can stop at here.

"Come on, buddy, let's go down. I've already arranged for people to paint and repair the hull, and the installation of the giant ark reactor can also be completed in two days."

Stark smiled, and walked down the hull side by side with Angelo.

Stark was always used to making all preparations for his friends, even without Angelo saying, he had already arranged staff to wait at the port.

Angelo looked at the large group of people at the port, as well as the batches of trucks loaded with various materials, opened his mouth, and finally spit out only two words.


This series of repairs and modifications, even if the price is not mentioned, the technical content contained in it is also visible to the naked eye, especially the giant Ark reactor, which is installed on the "Fiantianyin", which can fully meet the needs of the "Fiantianyin". There are energy needs.

The energy source installed by SHIELD on the space carrier before was checked by Stark, and it was found that it was actually spliced ​​by the first generation of Ark reactor and traditional energy! It was the one stolen from his Stark estate!

It turned out that S.H.I.E.L.D. stole it from Stark Manor! When Stark was replaced, it was given to him by Pepper as a commemorative gift.

In addition to letting Stark scold Nick Fury, a black-hearted bald man, he also proposed to Angelo to upgrade the energy system of the "Flipping the Sky".

Although the old energy system is very durable due to the participation of a generation of Ark reactors, it still cannot maintain unlimited energy.

After the replacement, the "Fan Tian Yin" will not be a problem at all even if it can fly around the clock and be invisible!

This is the real space carrier! A real war fortress!

"We are friends!" Stark shook his head and pointed to the position on his chest, where there was originally an Ark reactor.

Then he ran off the "Fan Tian Yin" in a graceful manner.

On the port, Pepper was standing at the front of the staff. Seeing Stark running down from the huge hull of the space carrier, Pepper quickly greeted him with red eyes!

The Trident Building, which was just bombed by the military with tactical missiles, has been featured in real-time news reports! In the morning, when Stark went out, she knew that Stark was going to S.H.I.E.L.D. with Angelo.

"Tony! Do you know how worried I am..." Pepper rushed into Stark's arms, complaining to Stark while pear blossoms were raining.

Stark could only comfort in a low voice.

Angelo was naturally not interested in the dog food that rushed towards Stark and Pepper.

He looked at the gangster bosses who lined up behind the staff.

This time the bosses of the gangsters are getting together, and they don't know what they are discussing.

Seeing Angelo walking over.

Not surprisingly, Alexei was pushed out again as a representative.

"Mr. Priest..." Alexei's bald head was particularly dazzling under the setting sun, covering up the unnatural and flattering smile on his face. "The things you just brought back from S.H.I.E.L.D. have been parked in front of your church."

Angelo nodded, "Well, I see, Alexei, thank you for participating in the battle against Hydra today, and invite those bosses to come to the church for dinner tonight, my treat."

"Okay, Mr. Priest!" Alexei immediately responded excitedly! "We must arrive at night!"

The subordinates, outlaws, and core brothers they sent today are for this purpose!

Being able to get closer to An Qiluo!

Even if these desperadoes suffer a lot of casualties, it's worth it!

Alexei followed Angelo with a flattering smile on his face. In the past, other gang bosses would have ridiculed him as a slave.

But now, the rest of the gangsters are envious.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, getting closer to Mr. Priest means wealth and opportunity.

Needless to say wealth, the warehouses in Hell's Kitchen that used to be gang dens have almost all been transformed into factories, and some orders for clothing and daily necessities have even been queued for half a year.

As for the opportunity, it is the opportunity to clean up. Didn't you see that Alexei, the most difficult arms dealer to clean up, has changed his identity now, adding a layer of fast food restaurant owner's identity to the military dealer's identity?

The recipe and production method are naturally from Uncle Long.

Not every gangster boy in Hell’s Kitchen can afford a five-hundred-dollar “church meal” every day like the big bosses. As soon as Alexey’s fast food restaurant was launched, the cheap consumption and novel taste, By the enthusiastic pursuit of these gangsters.

It turned into a money-absorbing machine in an instant. Although the profit was still not as good as Alexei's arms business, it was more legal.

It is said that Alexei intends to open the restaurant into a chain of fast food restaurants and let his son take over.

This is what these gang bosses envy the most.

Alexei's son has never been involved in the arms business. Even if Alexei is gone one day, his son will be able to become a successful businessman without any problems. life.

An Qiluo called the small bone dragon, let it interact with the bone dragon form, and planned to fly back to the church to receive the items and materials "taken over" from S.H.I.E.L.D.

But before riding the bone dragon, Angelo suddenly remembered something, turned his head to Alexei and asked.

"By the way, Alexei, how did you deal with the casualties of your men in this operation?"

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