The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 400 Seeing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at Last!

Chapter 400 Seeing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at Last!

"They?" Alexei touched his big bald head, then bent down, and said respectfully, "Mr. Priest, don't worry, the bosses of the blackboard have already arranged measures to treat minor injuries and treat serious injuries. , The black committee is responsible for using the revenue to re-employ, and pay a certain amount of pension every month."

Angelo looked at the silly smile on Alexei's face in surprise, he didn't expect the gangsters to be so benevolent now.

He thought that according to the lawless character of these gangsters, they would directly abandon those cumbersome boys who were seriously injured and had no value!

That's why An Qiluo asked. Anyway, these gangsters were attacked when they helped him capture the Snake Shield Bureau. An Qiluo felt obliged to ask, and even take over these "burdens" when necessary. ".

With An Qiluo's current assets, it is not a problem at all to provide a stable life for these younger brothers who are disabled due to war.

In the words of An Qiluo before the crossing, those who participated in this operation, the gangsters paid for the treatment of those who were slightly injured, and the gangsters paid for the treatment of those who were seriously injured and lost the ability to work.

Although it cannot be compared with the pension system of government agencies, it still has to rely on the funds raised by the gang committee in Hell's Kitchen-that is, the revenue of the major gangs. Once the revenue of the major gangs collapses, then the income of this gang The pension system will also collapse.

However, compared to the previous life in Hell's Kitchen, once injured and loses the ability to "work", he will lose his source of income, live on the streets and become a homeless man, and he will die without a sound at some point, the gap is completely hell difference from heaven.

Perhaps it was because An Qiluo was still a person from the other side of the ocean, and he also felt that this method of placement was correct.

Angelo has always adhered to the idea of ​​putting people first, and he feels that even gangsters should be no exception. It is always a wrong truth that capital crushes individuals.

"Good job, Alexei." Angelo nodded and said with satisfaction, "I thought you were pushed out by these gangsters to communicate with me just because of your bad brains, but I didn't expect you to be able to think So thoughtful. You are more suitable for the position of head of the gang committee than I imagined."

Alexei, director of the gang committee: "..."

He felt very uncomfortable, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether Mr. Priest was praising him or scolding him...

Although his mood was complicated, Alexei did not take all the credit for himself, but said truthfully, "Mr. Priest, in fact, this taught to me by Uncle Long."

An Qiluo was taken aback for a moment, and then he was relieved.

No wonder so.

This makes sense. Although Uncle Long has been living abroad for decades, his inner cultural core is still the cultural core of the other side of the ocean.

"Well, I think Uncle Long is right." An Qiluo nodded, and he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, you just said how to deal with the wounded, what about the dead?"

Although this time because of the addition of Hulk, Stark, Gu Yi and others, there was basically a crushing situation in the battle, but S.H.I.E.L.D. Beware of being shot in the gut.

Although the number of direct deaths is small, it still occurs.

Alexey shrugged, "Our gang committee has arranged for people to send a large amount of pensions to the families of the dead brothers. If they want to leave Hell's Kitchen to do business, the gang committee will also We will help them as much as possible.”


It can be regarded as the utmost benevolence, after all, for Alexei and the others, it is already very good to have a large pension after death.

Angelo sighed inwardly.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Long was the one who changed Hell's Kitchen the most.

It is estimated that Uncle Long is about to become the political commissar of the gang bosses in Hell's Kitchen now.

"Hmm..." Angelo pondered for a moment, then continued, "Alexey, since these little brothers are already dead, do you mind giving them to me?"

Although An Qiluo's words sound a bit weird, and it doesn't make sense at all logically.

But Alexei didn't show a puzzled look, but a shocked expression.


Maybe outsiders don't know or not everyone knows that An Qiluo has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and at the same time the resurrected dead will also carry abilities far beyond ordinary people.

But the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, after getting along for so long, the gangsters have already vaguely guessed in their hearts.

After all, how could Frank's star-killing child, Nick, a child who is not even ten years old, have that kind of strange power and the ability to survive being tortured by little Jiali?

There is also Imerton, who is also bald. Although his unpredictable spells are strange, his wife Ansuna has attracted the attention of these gangsters.

It's not that these gang bosses all have the style of Wei Wu on the other side of the ocean, Jian'an style, and they all like wives.

It was really too weird when Ansuna first came to Hell's Kitchen.

Unlike Imerton, who has always had a two-point line between church and home, Ansuna was also attracted by the colorful modern society after coming to Hell's Kitchen, and often went out shopping.

The gangsters in Hell's Kitchen know that Ansuna is the wife of Master Imerton, but Ansuna's seeming ignorance of modern society also attracted their attention.

In the end, after a collective discussion by the black committee (mainly asking high-priced remote inquiries to professors in universities), an astonishing conclusion was finally reached.

Ansuna is not from this era, but... from ancient Egypt! It also seems to be related to the royal family and rulers of ancient Egypt!

This makes the gang bosses in Hell's Kitchen ponder, is it possible that Angelo can really resurrect the dead?

So, now that An Qiluo said this, it was like a heavy hammer in Alexei's heart, shaking him a little dizzy!

But Alexei's rationality still maintains the universal view of the public, and some people can't believe it.

"Mr. Priest, do you want to..." Alexei swallowed quietly, "Resurrect them?"

Angelo looked at him suspiciously.

"Yeah, what's the problem? Don't tell me that it's safe to go to the ground. Who would want to die if they can live?"

When he said this, Angelo suddenly thought of Deadpool's obsessed talk about death, and followed closely.

"Well, normal people can't anyway."

Hearing Angelo's answer, Alexei suddenly hit his head like a thunderbolt, and fell into a brief trance.

Mr. Priest can actually resurrect the dead!


After a while, Alexei realized how shocking this news would be if it was announced!

"Mr. Angelo, can you really resurrect the dead?"

Immortality has always been the most primitive desire of human beings. From ancient emperors to modern medical science, the final result is the pursuit of immortality or immortality!

Although the resurrected dead cannot be called immortal, this is not another kind of immortality.

It seems that if you want to learn how to do it, otherwise, if this news gets out, even Hell's Kitchen will be crushed to pieces in this turmoil!

"Yeah, don't you know?" Angelo shrugged indifferently, "I thought you all knew."

Alexei glanced at Angelo's indifferent attitude, and smiled wryly in his heart.

Monsieur Father! Ancestors!

Do you really have no idea how much trouble your ability to resurrect the dead can cause or don't you care at all!

In fact, An Qiluo didn't care at all. If any of his skills were brought out, let alone ordinary people or any forces, even SHIELD, which was supposed to be a behind-the-scenes force, would salivate.

If you are afraid of being coveted by others, you might as well be an ordinary person honestly! Then gamble on the probability that he can survive Thanos snapping his fingers.

Well, the probability is not low, 50%, the general probability will not die, half the probability will die.

Naturally, Alexei didn't know what An Qiluo was thinking, his mind was in a mess now, but in order not to say the wrong thing, it would arouse Angelo's resentment.

Alexei still temporarily put down such a heavy news, nodded to Angelo and said, "Okay, Mr. Priest, I will personally lead people to send the bodies of those people to the church later."

Alexei may not have the ability to control too much of the situation, but he is smart and observant. He cleverly used the word body instead of calling it a corpse.

Moreover, he did not ask about the ownership of these resurrected dead.

Angelo nodded, didn't say anything more, and rode on the small bone dragon and flew straight towards Rathma Church.

As for the other people in the church, someone naturally arranged for a vehicle to take them back to the church.

When Angelo arrived in front of the church, the first thing he saw was a row of pickup trucks parked in front of the church, which were loaded with various items, and... the Ancient One standing next to the pickup truck team.

After the gangster boys parked their pickup trucks and in front of the church, they each left to find their boss to return to life, and brought along their casualties by the way.

"Master Gu Yi?" Angelo lowered the little bone dragon, and asked curiously, "Why don't you go in?"

Angelo, Stark, and the others drove the "Flipping Seal" from Washington to Hell's Kitchen, and it took at least three hours on the road.

It's not that the speed of the "Fian Tian Yin" is not fast enough, it's that Stark is worried that it will collide with those military fighter planes patrolling the sky. Unless it is a last resort, Stark doesn't want Angelo and Hell's Kitchen to completely fight with the military. The knife really turned the face.

As a former partner, Stark knows how ugly those people in the Pentagon eat. They will definitely find a way to take away the space carrier by any means.

An Qiluo and the military might not start a fight. Once a fight breaks out, the situation can easily get out of control!

But if the "Fantianyin" returned to Hell's Kitchen, that would be another story. Stark Industries and the Osborne Group have set up a special department for wrangling with government and military personnel.

At least while the two sides are wrangling, the situation remains under control.

The Ancient One Master returned to Hell's Kitchen through the portal with the gangster convoy, that is to say, the Ancient One Master was here waiting for Angelo to disappear at least three times!

"It's okay, An Qiluo, I'm waiting for you..." The ancient master didn't care, pointing to the pickup truck fleet, "Some things here are very important, I'm afraid of any accidents."

Angelo scratched his head and glanced at a series of pickup trucks.

The front part is okay. There are large boxes made of metal of unknown material in the compartment of the pickup truck. I don’t know what is inside.

But most of the pick-up trucks in the second half are sundries such as printers, computer cases, cabinets, etc...

This doesn't seem to matter at all...

An Qiluo recalled his own memories that could make the Ancient One mage say that it was an important item. Maybe there is only the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the space gem?

"Mage Gu Yi, you are talking about space gems?" Angelo asked with some doubts, "But now I can't find which box the space gems are in..."

Normally, the storage room in S.H.I.E.L.D. that contains such 084 items will have a corresponding retrieval system, so that agents can quickly find the items in it.

However, these gangsters just rudely packed all the items in the storage room and took them away, and there was no corresponding label on the metal boxes, so there was no way to know what was inside except for opening the boxes one by one.

I don't know what kind of material these metal boxes are made of, but they can block the scanning of An Qiluo's mental power.

"Yes, it is the space gem. I have found its location through time magic. Infinity gems are too precious. If other races in the universe find that the space gem is on the earth, the earth will fall into endless catastrophe. Now Earth is not ready yet..."

While talking, Master Gu Yi shook his head and walked towards one of the pickups, raised his hand and patted a box in the compartment of the pickup.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is here, Angelo, take it out and put him away."

Angelo nodded, and took the box down.

He originally wanted to put all these things into his space backpack, but he thought of the ability of the Horadric cube to refine equipment, so he had to give up temporarily.

After all, whether it is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube or other 084 items, there should be some peculiarities. At least one of these items should be studied before refining them into equipment.

An Qiluo opened the box, and sure enough, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was quietly placed inside.

This box should be specially used to store the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. A material similar to a sponge will hold the Cosmic Rubik's Cube firmly inside, and will not cause any collisions when moving.

An Qiluo carefully covered his hands with bone armor, and carefully took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from inside.

An Qiluo could feel that, until this time, Master Gu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

I finally saw the Cosmic Rubik's Cube...

An Qiluo held the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and carefully observed the small sky-blue glowing cube in his hand. He could feel that there was endless energy emanating from this small cube.

A fat "cat pig" appeared at the door of the church, looking at Angelo and the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and it was the increasingly obese Tachibana.

Angelo made a grimace at Tachibana, trying to scare him, but only got a blank stare.

Immediately afterwards, An Qiluo suddenly remembered a question, and turned to look at Gu Yi.

"By the way, Master Ancient One, since you know which box the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in, why don't you just take it out and bring it to the church?"

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