The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 461 The Power of the Rod of God

Chapter 461 The Power of the Rod of God

Skye's exclamation attracted everyone's attention.

Angelo and Stark who were chatting were no exception.

When they looked over, Stark's face suddenly changed!

Immediately afterwards, An Qiluo's complexion also changed!

I saw Hela standing beside Pepper, her hand had just been removed from Pepper's stomach.

There was still a trace of thunder flashing on her hand at this moment.

Pepper, on the other hand, closed his eyes at this time.

"Jarvis, activate the scepter of God! Target, Hela!"

Without even the slightest hesitation, Stark directly used the bracelet to summon the steel suit and equipped it on his body.

A strong airflow spurted from the feet of the steel suit, and in an instant, the power of the Mark suit was turned to the maximum.

Stark turned into Iron Man and rushed straight in the direction of Hela and Pepper.

At the same time, the chest cannon, hand cannon, and even the various firearms equipped on the back of the mark armor were all ready at the same time, aiming at Hela.

Pepper had just agreed to his marriage proposal, and she was only two months pregnant, but now that this situation has appeared, how can Stark remain rational.

Stark attacked Hela like crazy.

Everyone else in the hall also changed their colors, only An Qiluo had some doubts on his face.

Does he feel like something is wrong?

But I can't tell.

Although Hela was a little caught off guard by Stark's sudden attack, after all, Hela was a Valkyrie who fought in the Nine Realms in ancient times.

Mjolnir swung in his hand into a circle, a round "shield" of lightning flashing.

Resist Stark's attack as much as possible.

The explosion and smoke spread out around Hela at the same time. When the smoke and dust dispersed, none of the objects around Hela were still intact, which is enough to show how fierce Stark's attack was just now.

Only Hela came out with her whole body intact, staring at Stark coldly, her hands not idle, Thor's Hammer swung in a circle, accumulating power.

Although Stark's attack didn't work, it also allowed him to rescue the unconscious Pepper and stay away from Hela.

Seeing the intact Hela, Stark's heart was cold.

He had expected that ordinary earth weapons would not be able to cause damage to these mythical aliens, not even energy weapons.

Therefore, he used Angelo as a template data early on, and secretly developed the weapon of God's Rod to deal with these supernatural beings.

The Rod of God, as the name suggests, is like the staff of God descending from the sky.

It is made of metal tungsten rods carried by satellites. When attacking, the metal rods are launched, and the metal tungsten rods weighing several tons fall from the sky.

With the support of thrusters, gravity, inertia and other potential energy, when the metal tungsten rod falls on the ground, its power is definitely greater than that of nuclear weapons!

Of course, although the Rod of God was developed with Angelo as a data template, Stark did not develop it to deal with Angelo.

After all, the most supernaturally powerful person Stark has ever known is Angelo.

The others are not as good as him, and the God's Rod with Angelo as a template can naturally deal with it.

As long as the rod of God falls, the target will surely die!

"Wait, Stark, something seems wrong..." Angelo shouted to Stark, trying to calm the two of them down.

After all, although Hela usually looks difficult to get in touch with, to be honest, Hela is not annoying in the church, and she has never done anything similar to annoying people.

Even Hella's popularity is better than that of Deadpool.

She has no reason to attack Pepper and the child in her belly.

However, Angelo's words were interrupted by Hela.

"Needless to say, An Qiluo, today I'm going to teach this stinky guy what respect is!" Hela said coldly, then swung a hammer and charged at Stark.

Seeing this, Stark also stuffed Pepper into Skye's arms, asked her to help take care of it, and charged Hela like a madman.

Taking combat experience into account, Stark, a scientist, is naturally no match for Hela, a Valkyrie.

From the very beginning, Hela was suppressed with her hammer, as if striking iron, frantically hitting Stark's Mark suit with the hammer in her hand.

It fell from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the sky, sparks flew everywhere.

There is no rune on this set of Mark's suit that Angelo gave to Stark before. Basically, as long as Hela hits it with a hammer, a small hole will appear on Stark's suit.

But fortunately, the alloy material used to make Stark's battle suit is very strong, and it won't be smashed by Hela for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, Stark communicated with Jarvis again, and asked Jarvis to use the behavior analysis function to analyze Hela's attack mode. Soon, Jarvis successfully analyzed it.

The next time, it was time for Stark to chase Hela. Almost all of Hela's attacks were avoided by Stark as if he could predict the future.

However, the weapon attack system mounted on Stark's armor is just a conventional weapon, and it cannot effectively harm Hela.


Angelo: ...

What is this called!

Are these two people crazy?

Angelo couldn't care less about taking care of Pepper's privacy, and put his mental power on Pepper's body, especially his stomach.

Pepper was still breathing and did not appear to be dead.

There is another breath of life in the stomach, which still looks very strong.

It's even too strong, it doesn't look like a two-month-old fetus at all, but like a baby that is about to be born.

Even covered by Angelo's mental power, he could still feel the weak mental fluctuations of the fetus in Pepper's womb! You must know that the fluctuation of mental power means that the baby has become wise and has its own consciousness.


what happened?

Are adults and children all right? Just opted into a coma.

What did Hela do?

Just when Angelo was puzzled, he suddenly heard Skye yell.

"Stark, Hela, stop fighting! Pepper is awake, she is fine! I just misread it! This is a misunderstanding!"

Skye's tone was full of anxiety and regret.

"Tony, stop hitting, Hela doesn't mean anything malicious!" Pepper also yelled.

Stark, who was chasing Hela to box, was taken aback for a moment, wanting to turn his head to look at Pepper.

But it was this moment of stupefaction that was caught by Hela, and the situation turned around again in an instant, and Hela smashed Stark into the air with a hammer.

When Hela was about to pursue the victory against Stark, what she didn't expect was that Stark was attacked abruptly.

He flew crookedly towards Pepper.

Seeing this, Hela was also afraid of accidentally hurting Pepper, so she put away the hammer and stood there staring at Stark coldly.

"Tony..." Pepper burst into tears when he saw Stark lifted the mask to reveal a swollen face, "Are you okay, it was a misunderstanding! Hella didn't hurt me. "

Although Hela didn't hurt Stark in Mark's armor just now, the impact and lightning of Thor's Hammer were indeed solid, and Stark was hit hard in the armor...

After Stark saw that Pepper woke up safe and sound, he didn't care about his injury, and opened his arms to hug Pepper.

This feeling is like the rest of my life after a catastrophe.

Perhaps only Stark himself knew that the moment Pepper fainted, the tyranny in Stark's heart seemed to destroy the whole world.

Family has always been what Stark desires most.

When the young couple got together, Skye and Angelo also walked to Hela's side.

"I'm sorry, Sister Hela, it's my fault, I misunderstood you..." Skye lowered his head and apologized to Hela dejectedly, "If you are really angry, hit me."

Originally, Hela was somewhat angry.

But when he heard that Skye, the "old enemy", bowed his head and apologized, and called himself sister, his heart exploded with joy, and all anger dissipated.

"It's okay, Skye..." Hela hesitated for a moment, "...Sister Skye, I did it on purpose. I've been upset with that stinky guy for a long time, and I wanted to beat him up a long time ago!"

Angelo: ...

He is very suspicious now, is the brain circuit of the Asgardians abnormal?

Otherwise, how could such a thing be done.

"Hella," Angelo said helplessly, "what did you do to Pepper just now, why did she pass out?"

"Blessings..." Hela cast a glance at An Qiluo, cherishing words like gold.


This made Angelo a little confused.

But it sounds like it should be a good thing, it seems that this matter is really a misunderstanding.

As long as it's a misunderstanding, it's easy to deal with, otherwise An Qiluo really doesn't know how he should deal with this matter.

Stark and Pepper also heard Hella's words.

"That's right, I feel much more relaxed now, and it seems that the baby has more vitality. It may be because I said that it was difficult to be pregnant, so Hela gave me a blessing."

Pepper walked over with a reluctant Stark.

"Hella, I'm sorry, I apologize on behalf of Tony, he was just too nervous about me just now." As he spoke, Pepper gently tugged on Stark's sleeve and gave him a look.

Stark originally looked reluctant, but in the end, under Pepper's aggressive eyes, he could only sigh and sincerely said to Hela.

"I'm sorry, Hela, I misunderstood you." Stark said with some difficulty, "Thank you for your blessings to Hela, I will thank you very much..."

Stark is a stubborn guy, except for Angelo, it is extremely difficult for anyone else to ask him to apologize.

If it wasn't for Pepper and Hela's blessing to Pepper this time, he would never apologize!

Didn't he also get beaten up by Hela?

Hiss~ This eye socket still hurts!

Looking at the stubborn Stark, Angelo couldn't help but laugh. He glanced at the expressionless Hela again, and could only open his mouth to help them.

"Stark, you are indeed at fault for this matter. You rushed up without asking. Besides, Hela even blessed Pepper, making Pepper's health better."

"Angelo, you bastard, you have the opposite sex but no humanity..." Stubborn Stark complained to Angelo,

"Then should you express your apology? Hela doesn't seem to have gone out for a lot of shopping when she came to Earth. How about Fifth Avenue? I remember that there seem to be a lot of shops selling bags and clothes..."

Angelo made a thoughtful expression. "

"Okay! I'm fine! Hella is going shopping on Fifth Avenue, and I'll pay for everything!" Stark changed his words instantly, "Dude, you are really my good brother!"

For Stark, things that can be solved with money have never been a problem. Even if Hella bought all the clothes, bags, and jewelry on Fifth Avenue, it would not hurt Stark. bone.

When Hela heard Stark's words, the expression on her face softened a little. After all, she, an ancient goddess, was also a woman, and she was equally interested in those beautiful clothes and bags.

What's more, Stark pays the bill.

Hela glanced at Skye, who still looked guilty with his head bowed beside him, hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "Sister Skye, let's go together when the time comes, and buy whatever you like. dinner……"

A misunderstanding that might have caused a bloody head, just like that disappeared invisible.

This was originally a matter of hello, me, everyone.

But everyone seems to have forgotten what Stark started saying to Jarvis.

"It's broken!" Stark slapped his thigh, "The wand of God has been activated!"

Angelo was curious.

"What is the Rod of God? New weapon? Can't be canceled?"

"Yes, a new weapon that can't be cancelled. I don't have time to explain the details! Let's talk about the stick of God!" Stark turned his head and shouted, "Jarvis, how long before the stick of God reaches the ground?"

"Sir, the staff of God still has thirty seconds to arrive at the current location..."

"Fack!" Stark swears, and before he even has time to explain to everyone, he activates his armor and flies up to the sky with only one sentence, "Angelo opens the space door, you guys go! The farther you are from New York The better!"

Hope to come and stop!

Just now I activated this damn thing on impulse!

If the stick of God falls to the ground, let alone his own Stark Manor, I am afraid that the whole of New York will be blasted into a dead city by then!

Hurry up! You have to go faster!

Everyone still looked puzzled, only Ethan and Dr. Hulk had some vague guesses about the so-called God's Wand, with disbelieving expressions on their faces.

"What is this stick of God that Stark is talking about? A nuclear weapon?" Angelo asked Dr. Ethan.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing is much more powerful than nuclear weapons. The God's Rod that Stark mentioned is the weapon that only exists in theory. I didn't expect him to actually realize it..."

Dr. Ethan sighed in admiration, and then began to tell George the principle and concept of the wand of God.

The most important thing is power.

Angelo finally realized the seriousness of the problem when he heard that the rod of God was powerful enough to blow the whole of New York, including Hell's Kitchen, into pieces.

Stark can't stop himself.

So he didn't talk nonsense, directly rode on the small bone dragon, took out the beast spirit to fight, and rushed towards Stark's back.

Haila's heart was also ringing with warning signs, and her scalp was numb. She raised her head and looked up at the sky, as if something terrifying was about to descend on her head.

Hela gritted her teeth, and finally swung Thor's Hammer in her hand and flew towards the sky.

She could fly out of New York before the stick of God fell, but she thought about her good-for-nothing brother Thor, and people like Angelo, Skye, Uncle Long, and Little Gali...

She finally chose to face the stick of God.

At the same time, in Asgard, Odin and Frigga, who were busy with government affairs, also looked towards the direction of the earth as if feeling something.

"Loki, I leave this place to you, Heimdall, send us to Earth and find Hela!" Odin shot the Eternal Spear in his hand, and a rainbow bridge took the two of them to the distant earth...

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