The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 462: Mephisto was tricked again!

Chapter 462: Mephisto was tricked again!

As a pair of parents who once felt ashamed, Odin and Frigga couldn't just throw the two children Hela and Thor to the earth without taking any precautions.

Even if An Qiluo took good care of the pair of children, what if something unexpected happened?

Just at this time, Odin and Frigga's backhand arranged on Hela played a role.

Let them sense that Hela is about to be in danger.

They traveled thousands of miles from Asgard to the earth on the rainbow bridge to save the scene.

"Angelo, you need to give me an explanation later." Odin said to Angelo while watching the "Stand of God" falling from the sky above his head.

Odin could obviously feel the threatening power from that thing. , although there is no magic breath, it is just a pure physical attack.

But precisely because of this, when the physical attack is pure to the extreme, its power will also be extremely powerful.

Even he is the same, let alone others.

Stark has come up with something amazing this time!

Although Odin, as the god king of Asgard, can use the artifact Rainbow Bridge to destroy any one of the nine realms.

It is also possible to avoid this kind of almost world-killing weapon attack.

But using weapons to destroy the world and resisting the world-destroying weapons are two different concepts.

Similarly, dodging attacks and resisting attacks are also two concepts.

If it is not stopped, the stick of God will be enough to completely wipe New York and even some nearby cities from the earth.

Using the Rod of God for the first time, Stark, Angelo and everyone still underestimated its power.

He thought that Hela was in danger and came to Earth. Now that he saw this scene, as an ally, it was obviously unreasonable not to take action.

Holding the Eternal Spear, Odin sent out bolts of lightning towards the sky, and also began to stop the metal tungsten rods that were falling faster and faster.

Frigga is the same, the brilliance of the magic in front of his hands keeps flashing, swaying the magic towards the sky, joining in, quickly reducing the metal tungsten rod.

At the same time, sparks appeared in the air, and the sparks formed a familiar portal.

Gu Yi, who is far away in the temple of the mage in Nepal, is also here!

She sensed the presence of Odin and Frigga on Earth.

Of course, when he arrived, he saw the metal tungsten rod coming from the sky, so Gu Yi joined the attack without saying a word.

With the shots of many strong men, the original ten-meter-long metal tungsten rod is being worn down at an extremely fast speed.

ten meters,

nine meters,

eight meters


But that's not all.

If there were sixty seconds, the attack of the stick of god this time would be completely wiped out.

Unfortunately, they only have sixty seconds now.

Because when they just shot, it was less than thirty seconds before the metal tungsten rod hit the ground.

Coupled with the metal tungsten rod under the influence of gravity and inertia, the speed is getting faster and faster.

When many strong men shot down the metal tungsten rod to half, and there were only about five meters left, the faces of Stark, Angelo and many strong men became extremely ugly.

Because it was too late.

There was no way for them to wear down all the metal tungsten rods before they hit the ground.

Although there are only five meters left, the power has been greatly reduced, but the remaining five meters of metal tungsten rods are enough to smash New York into a purgatory on earth.

Although all of them have a way, whether they resist or evade, they all have a way to survive under the power of the stick of God.

But Stark never intends to let innocent people bear the consequences for their mistakes, and besides, Pepper is still below.

"Angelo, if I still have some corpses left, remember to resurrect me."

Stark shrugged at Angelo pretending to be relaxed, activated the Mark Armor, and was about to fly towards the tungsten rod in the sky.

Now the way Stark thinks of is to send it up, and then use the kinetic energy of the armor to slow down the falling speed of the metal tungsten rod, buying more time for the many strong men.

If it's impossible...

Stark also has a way, which is to use a special method to detonate the Ark reactor on the Mark armor, release the maximum power, and blast the metal tungsten rod to pieces or deflect it.

But in that case, he would surely die.

"No, Stark, I don't want to revive you." Angelo stood on the small bone dragon and stopped Stark. "Dude, I think there is a way now, but it's a bit dangerous. Help me sweep the formation."

Many strong men looked at An Qiluo one after another.

After An Qiluo finished speaking, he didn't explain much.

He closed his eyes directly, and opened them again in the next instant, and as he raised his hand, a blue space door appeared in the air.

"Throwing this thing into the sea? That's not acceptable! But the tsunami caused is enough to submerge the cities by the sea..."

But before Stark finished speaking, the aura emerging from the space gate completely made Stark dispel this conjecture.

Evil, chaotic, hot...

"The opposite of the space gate is hell!" Gu Yi was moved.

Angelo actually wanted to throw the remaining stick of God to hell!

No wonder he said there could be danger.

Who knows where in hell will be opposite this portal, what if it is by Mephisto's side.

You know, Mephisto, the lord of hell, has been thinking about invading the earth all the time, and Angelo and the others only killed Mephisto's distraction projected on the earth a few days ago.

Is this a complete war with Mephisto?

Gu Yi was fully alert to prevent any creatures from escaping from the space gate.

As for Odin and Frigga, the god-king couple looked at each other, full of joy in their hearts.

They are very fortunate that Asgard is an ally with Earth, the Temple of the Mage, and even Angelo. Angelo's move is too damaging!

If people don't go there, just open a portal and shoot the weapon over.

If the Rod of God in the peak state of victory is suddenly thrown into Asgard and caught off guard, even if Asgard has a technological level that can crush the earth, it may be helpless in the face of the sudden appearance of the Rod of God.

At that time, maybe the kingdom of Asgard will be smashed to pieces by the sudden appearance of the staff of God!

It's like an ancient man fighting with a modern man. The various firearms of the modern man are enough to beat the ancient man into meat paste hundreds of times, but the ancient man throws a stone that can teleport over with a trebuchet and suddenly appears in front of you. in front of.

How to hide? There is no way to hide.

How to stop? I can't stop it!

Simply doing wonders.

Moreover, the target of the Rod of God is not an individual unit, but a landmark building that does not move.

The monks who can run can't run away from the temple, and the powerful coverage of the stick of God is enough to smash those monks who are not running fast, together with the temple.

After all, not everyone in Asgar has the same speed and rainbow bridge as Odin.

Obviously, seeing this scene in front of him, Stark also thought of this.

If the Rod of God is paired with Anqiluo or the space gate of the Mage Temple, it will solve the problem of not being able to guide accurately!

Turn it into a strategic weapon, a strategic weapon capable of threatening beyond the earth!

If Stark arranges hundreds of sticks of God above the earth, wait until these hundreds of sticks of God are about to touch the ground of the earth, and then open the space gate to carry the terrifying kinetic energy and transmit it to other planets or spaceships...


Mage Ancient One also thought of this possibility, but she thought of dealing with the crisis of the magic dimension.

She never thought that the combination of technology and magic could produce such a terrifying strategic weapon!

Although it is a magical dimension, this kind of simple miracles still have miraculous effects.

She even thought of using the space gate to continuously add gravity and potential energy to the Rod of God—retransmitting the Rod of God that is about to touch the ground will repeat the process in the sky until it reaches the limit.

As long as there are enough sticks of God with this power, they can even destroy the alien gods!

Open the portal directly and throw thousands of God's rods into the different dimensions. Are you the demon god of different dimensions that the dimension is immortal and you are immortal?

Even the entire different dimension was blown up for you! Let's see if you die!

To be honest, although a person who can become a strong person may not necessarily be a smart person, he must not be a stupid person.

For a moment, everyone seeing An Qiluo's behavior had fantasies about the possibility of subsequent development of the weapon of God's Rod.

Of course, now is not the time to research and develop the power of weapons.

Many strong men were fully on guard against the space gate, waiting for the rod of God to fall into the space gate, for fear that Mephisto, the cunning old devil, would come out of it again.

Of course, Mephisto naturally cannot live up to everyone's expectations.

Angelo's space coordinates about hell were obtained from Mephisto.

When the portal is opened at this time, it will naturally open around Mephisto's body.


In hell.

Mephisto's body is lying on a continuous volcanic mountain range, just like lying on a bed.

He just ate some demons from hell to replenish his losses due to the death of his clone.

The fetid souls of those demons made Mephisto sick.

But talking is better than nothing, so I can add a little bit.

At this moment, a portal shining with azure blue light suddenly appeared in front of his face.

Mephisto was taken aback for a moment, but then he was ecstatic!

Because he was on the space door and felt the breath from the other side.

It is the earth that exudes the sweet breath of the human soul!

It seems that not only the will of hell is on my side, but even the will of the universe is on my side.

I was worrying about how to put the main body on the earth to eat, and the result...

How do you say that on Earth?

"There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it! Yes!"

In ecstasy, Mephisto didn't even think about it, and directly stretched his face towards the portal, wanting to pass through the portal and enter the earth.

As long as I enter the earth, will I still have any troubles?

Even the priest named An Qiluo and the ancient mage, if they really can't beat them or are too difficult to deal with, at worst, they should avoid them when they are robbing souls.

What Mephisto thought was right, but it's a pity...

There are not only Angelo and Gu Yi on the side of the space gate, but also Odin, the god king of Asgard, and...

A stick of god that is as big as a **** to him.

When Mephisto finally stuck his face out of the space door, what greeted him were several missiles, laser cannons, bone spears, magic circles, lightning, curses, and a metal rod...

Conventional weapons can only hurt Mephisto's face for a short while, and cannot cause any effective damage.

The bone spear can be inserted into Mephisto's thick skin, but it is very small, like a toothpick.

The magic circle can also cause damage like a branding iron on Mephisto's face, but it is a pity that Mephisto will recover soon.

The lightning shot from Odin's Eternal Gun hit Mephisto's nostril, and large streams of black blood flowed from Mephisto's nostril.

As for An Qiluo's curse, this is the most unreasonable thing. This thing takes effect according to the percentage of your body power.

Theoretically, the stronger the power of the body, the greater the power of the curse.

An Qiluo threw all the curse-type skills at Mephisto's big face in one breath, causing Mephisto to lose his vision in addition to weakening his defense, attack and speed.

But at the last moment when he lost his vision, Mephisto still saw the person opposite the space door!

"An Qiluo! Ancient One! And God King Odin!" Mephisto was startled and angry, "You guys... um..."

Before Mephisto finished speaking, he lost his vision and suddenly felt a foreign object entered his mouth.

Um? It's hard, it's hot...

Mephisto wanted to spit this foreign object out of his mouth, but unfortunately, the speed of God's Rod was very fast, and Mephisto was cursed to slow down.

It was too late.

In less than a second, Mephisto was headshot by the stick of God, and even under the influence of the stick of God, the face that had just emerged was brought back to hell.

Seeing this, An Qiluo directly canceled the space door without hesitation.

"If I say that it's just a coincidence, I really didn't want to cheat him, do you believe it?"

Facing other people's questioning eyes, An Qiluo said with a pure expression.

Master Gu Yi nodded first, then shook his head.

"I believe it, but I don't believe it completely."

Angelo: ...

Stark: "Well, buddy, I believe it, anyway, you can take it as I believe it."

Angelo: ...

Odin: "As long as you don't throw this thing in Asgard, I will believe your word."

Angelo: ...

In any case, the crisis of the Staff of God brought about by the oolong was completely resolved this time, and it also pitted Mephisto Hell by the way.

This is a good thing.

"An Qiluo." The expression of the ancient mage was a little dignified, "Although Mephisto's head was shot now, he is not really dead. As long as hell is not destroyed, he will not really die. The power will bring him back to life."

"That's right, Angelo." Odin also reminded Angelo, "Mephisto bound himself to the core power of hell. Hell is immortal. He is immortal. This method is similar to Hela's. The method is the same, it may take about a year on Earth for him to be resurrected."

"Since we have turned our backs now, why don't we take down Hell before Mephisto is resurrected!"

Odin still didn't say a word, Angelo not only cheated Mephisto today, but also cheated him.

Odin is the God-King of Asgard and the God-King of the Nine Realms.

Theoretically speaking, he should stand on the sidelines of a spectator and not help each other, instead of standing with the earth and helping the earth fight Mephisto.

But obviously, Odin knew very well which one he should choose between Mephisto and Angelo.

Now that Mephisto has been offended, in order to prevent Mephisto from causing trouble or protesting for himself in the future, Odin doesn't mind helping Angelo to destroy hell together.

At that time, even if Mephisto is resurrected, he will still be a poor commander. At worst, he can just kill him again...

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