The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 476 Undersea Continent!

Chapter 476 Undersea Continent!


"Wow! It's scary!"

"Ghosts! There really are ghosts!"

"Wow! But this ghost uncle looks so polite!"

"Nick, look at this ghost, this is our new friend..."


When the two adults, Stark and Pepper, escaped from the cabin in panic, little Gali has successfully advanced to become a social expert.

He successfully became friends with three thousand bone ghosts.

To be precise, it should be Captain Xiao Jiali who successfully subdued 3,000 crew members, and successfully promoted from a titular captain to the actual captain of the ghost ship.

Little Gali: (ω)

Behind them are three thousand members of Bone Ghost.

The bone ghost in the lead looked like an old man, looking at little Jiali kindly.

It's like looking at your own granddaughter.

"Father!" Little Jiali ran over and held An Qiluo's hand, and said excitedly, "The village chief Kapu said that he would lead the villagers to join my fleet!"

An Qiluo's forehead: ...

Well, now there are even accomplices... no, the crew is there, it seems that little Jiali's dream of a pirate captain is not far from being realized?

"Little Jiali, you can only be a pirate when you grow up, and minors are not allowed to be pirates, you know?" An Qiluo opened his eyes and said nonsense, "Besides, if you fail in math, you can't be a pirate! "

Little Jiali had a troubled face, and the excited expression quickly disappeared from her face, and in a blink of an eye she had a sad face, as if she was about to cry.

"But... Mathematics is so difficult!"

An Qiluo twitched the corners of his mouth, trying not to laugh.

It is true that children should be given a complete childhood.

"So, little Jiali, you should study hard, you know?" Angelo glared at Nick, "Nick, you bad boy! What are you laughing at! You failed the math test!"

The precocious Nick naturally knew that An Qiluo's words were deceiving little Jiali. If he could learn to understand, who would become a pirate? Do you think he is the One Piece?

But when An Qiluo pointed the finger at him, the smile on his face froze immediately.

With a curl of his mouth, he turned and walked towards Stark.

Or Uncle Stark!

An Qiluo took out a stack of homework from the space backpack and handed it to Xiao Jiali, and handed the pouting Xiao Jiali into Skye's hands.

After arranging a complete childhood for Little Gali, Angelo walked to Stark's side and looked at Stark and Pepper's expressions that were still in shock.

Picking up two skewers from the oven and handing them over, he punched Stark on the chest of Stark's steel suit.

He smiled and said, "Dude, haven't you seen these bone ghosts? Are you so scared?"

Stark took the skewer and handed it to Pepper gently, then glanced at Angelo angrily.

"Oh, man! You must be doing it on purpose! Who wouldn't be frightened to see a white phantom running through the walls?"

Stark roared in his heart.

And there is more than one! It's a group!

A total of three thousand!

Even if you are familiar with it, you will be afraid!

It's not that these ghosts deliberately scare Stark. They know that the dungeon, their future home, was funded by Stark to help build it, and they are their big benefactors.

They were just looking for their own room according to An Qiluo's instructions, and satisfying their curiosity by the way...

Angelo could only beg for forgiveness for Stark's complaints, and Stark and Pepper would not forgive him until he promised Stark to help grill enough kebabs.

Uncle Long can actually roast meat skewers. After all, on the other side of the ocean, these things can be said to be everywhere. essence.

The essence of eating barbecue is serving it fresh from the oven and the smoke and aroma of charcoal burning seasoning.

All of a sudden, the ghost ship ushered in the long-lost atmosphere of fireworks.

The air wall blocked the entry of sea water outside, and at the same time blocked the outflow of fireworks, but this was not a problem for An Qiluo at all.

Angelo summoned a reduced version of the portal of the Cow Gate, suspended above the oven like a smoking machine, and the excessive smoke and fire breath completely entered the Cow Gate.

Only the tangy aroma was left on the deck of the ghost ship.

Little Jiali also threw down her homework, never mentioned her dream of becoming a pirate, and came over drooling.

Um! It's definitely not because I gave up my dream of being a pirate or I can't do my math homework. The barbecue is so delicious!


Just when An Qiluo and the others were having an unprecedented underwater barbecue on the deck.

The cow is closed.

Tachibana, who was constantly eating the cow monster, and Mephisto, who was concentrating on watching "Bo Ren Biography", sniffed at the same time.

A scent wafted from a small portal.

Mephisto glanced at the small portal.

With a sneer on his face.

snort! Angelo!

You must be thinking of tempting me to run away, and then you have a reason to kill me to gain experience!

I, the majestic Hell Demon God, would fall for such evil tricks like yours?


Mephisto was unmoved and continued to watch "Bo Ren Biography".

But when his eyes fell on the tablet computer in his hand again, the "Bo Ren Biography" he had read with gusto didn't seem to be able to help him cool down...

Mephisto sniffled, took another greedy breath of the fragrance floating in the air, and involuntarily turned his gaze to Tachibana not far away.

Immediately, Tachibana couldn't care less to swallow his saliva, and immediately exploded!

Why is this Great Demon God's eyes so terrifying!

Does he want to eat me?

Now is my weakest time!

I haven't had a baby yet! I can't die!

Mephisto walked over with the tablet, smiling all over his face.

"Meow! (What are you doing? I warn you, I'm not easy to mess with!)" Tachibana looked at Mephisto vigilantly.

The smile on Mephisto's face became wider, and Tachibana even faintly smelled a hint of flattery in it.

"That... Orange seat." Mephisto blushed a little, "I'm here to ask you to cooperate..."

"Impossible! You want to use me to escape! I can't cooperate with you, don't say it!" Tachibana continued to stare at Mephisto vigilantly. "I'm going to die here today, at your hands! It's impossible to cooperate with you!"

Tachibana thought in his heart, if that scary man knew that I helped the Great Demon God escape, I'm afraid my end would be worse than dying in the hands of the Great Demon God!

Who knew that Mephisto shook his head like a rattle.

"Escape? No, no, no, I won't escape."

"What I want to ask you to cooperate with is that we two should also order barbecue? I can also make a fire..."

Mephisto: If I hadn't killed these cows without blowing the steaks, would I have cooperated with you? You stupid orange cat!

escape? I will not escape! Maybe this is what that insidious guy An Qiluo set up for me! Maybe this guy is waiting outside for me to escape now!

A hesitant look appeared on Tachibana's face.

At this time, another puff of green smoke floated from the direction of the portal, and floated into the noses of the two people.


"Meow~ (How about trying to cooperate?)"

"Okay, then cooperate, and I can lend you my Ping An computer." Mephisto carefully placed the tablet on the ground.

Tachibana looked at "Bo Ren Biography" playing on the screen, and suddenly shuddered.

"Meow! (No, no, no, change it, it's too cold! I'm having a baby, I can't get cold when I'm giving birth!)"


Angelo didn't know what happened in the cow pass.

At this time, he was constantly feeding the little Jiali, and the little Jiali's mouth was full of oil, and An Qiluo also had a satisfied smile on his face.

But this time, Angelo was smarter.

The meat he uses for skewers is high-energy steak from dairy cows.

As for those bone ghosts, they don't need to eat, and they can't eat these things, so An Qiluo gave them a holiday and let them explore freely in the cabin, just to satisfy their curiosity.

Anyway, the power used by this ship is not an engine, no matter what those bone ghosts break, it will not affect the navigation.

Outside the air wall, large pieces of fish gathered above the bow deck.

Looking curiously at the smoky deck.

This is the first time these fish have seen flames in many years.

Naturally, more and more fish gathered, even covering the air wall, and everyone sat on the deck, completely seeing the front view.

But fortunately, the power of these fish schools cannot stop the ghost ship from moving forward, and can only swim around outside the air wall.

"Angelo, where do you think this ship is headed?" Skye said while eating the meat skewers.

Angelo looked up at the fish in the sky, shrugged, "I don't know either. Stark, look at your satellite behavior, where are we?"

Stark put down the meat skewer in his hand, and re-buttoned the visor.


But soon, there was a suspicious voice from the visor.

"Dude, my satellite positioning has failed..." Stark reopened his mask and said in surprise. "The main program of Jarvis is also lost, and now only the sub-program in your phone is left."

"Yes, sir." Jarvis's usual mechanical voice sounded on the phone, and the voice was much less emotional than usual, "I have lost contact with the main program, and the last time it appeared was the Alaska Sea..."

In normal times, Stark may think this is a big problem, because the satellite positioning failure will weaken Stark's combat power by a little bit, and many attack methods other than armor cannot be used.

But now that Angelo is by his side, Stark doesn't care.

Anyway, Angelo can fight, and there are portals, he can fight and run, and there will be no problems.

The other people on the deck had the same expression, a calm and indifferent expression.

This may be the so-called sense of security!

An Qiluo frowned, and with a sweep of his mental strength, he also felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know exactly what was wrong.

Just then.

The hull of the ghost ship suddenly shook again!

Finally stopped!

The school of fish that originally surrounded the air wall of the ghost ship also suddenly dispersed!

Immediately, the eyes of everyone on the deck were clear.

There was actually a large open space in front of everyone's eyes!

Hiss~ There is no sea water here?

Where is this now?

Everyone looked at the open space in front of them in astonishment.

In the clearing, a small red flower was swaying slightly with the wind. Farther away from the small red flower, there was a large forest.

The leaves of the forest are also swaying slightly with the wind.

There was a soft "boo".

The air wall that had been surrounding the ghost ship burst like a bubble, and the aura of fireworks hovering on the deck also rose into the higher air.

Everyone looked up with the smoke, and their expressions were even more dull.

I saw that the fireworks on the deck just now had already lifted into the air, but they were quickly blocked again.

It was also the air wall that blocked the smoke and fire this time.

It's just that these air walls are bigger.

A semicircular air wall like an eggshell is suspended above everyone's heads. Outside the air wall, there is still sea water.

Unfathomable waters and flashing schools of fish.

This place turned out to be a land on the seabed!

At this time, Stark has equipped his whole body with steel armor, and the mask has been put on again.

"Jarvis, start infrared scanning, sonic scanning, check the surrounding terrain and creatures..."

Although the link with the satellite has been lost, fortunately Stark has a lot of armor functions.

At the same time, An Qiluo wasn't idle, and he also released his huge mental power, and began to check the surrounding environment.

Soon, Stark's technology scan and Angelo's mental power scan were completed.

The two looked at each other, but they didn't find any danger around them, only the woods and some small animals.

As for the farther distance, neither of them scanned. The seabed and land are already very weird. In addition, the group of missing whales still have divine power fluctuations. Who knows if there will be any unknown existence. It is obviously not suitable for exploration now. .

But for the sake of safety, An Qiluo decided to send the others back.

Summoning the space gate, neither Xiao Jiali nor Skye made any trouble. Although they were also curious about a piece of underwater land, they all knew that staying at this time would affect the performance of the two of them, and they all obediently returned through the portal. On the "Fantian Seal".

Only Hela remained very stubbornly.

An Qiluo gave up after persuading him once. After all, Hela still has some self-protection power with the Meow Hammer. Similarly, if there is really a god here, it is Hela, the former goddess of death, who is right. The systems of these gods are more familiar.

As for the 3,000 bone ghosts, they were also arranged on the "Fan Tian Yin" through the portal, responsible for protecting Skye and the others.

Three thousand bone ghosts, even Mephisto's distraction can be killed, which is enough to ensure their safety.

After sending off Little Carrie, Nick, Skye and Pepper.

The three of them jumped off the deck and explored this underwater land.

The location where the ghost ship entered just now is at the corner of this seabed land. After the ghost ship entered, the air cover covering this seabed land was also closed again. Only the water marks on the ground can see the source of the ghost ship.

With Angelo's mental power and Stark's infrared plus sonar scanning, the three quickly passed through the jungle in front of them.

It's just that along the way, I was watched by many small animals living in the jungle.

These small animals look a little strange, and they seem to be unusual animals. Angelo even saw a monkey with three eyes.

But he was not afraid of people, and just watched from the three people not far away.

It's a pity that none of the three is a professional zoologist, and Stark just turned on the video recording function on the armor, planning to hand it over to a professional researcher later.

After passing through the jungle, the animals in the jungle stopped following them, and just watched the three of them from afar at the edge of the jungle, without stepping out of the woods.

At this time, the three of them had no intention of paying attention to these strange animals anymore, because their attention was completely attracted by the scene in front of them.

It turned out to be a huge underwater city!

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