The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 477 Shocking Secret!

Chapter 477 Shocking Secret!

Angelo, Stark, and Hela looked at each other.

They both saw each other's shock in their eyes.

There is actually a ruins of a city under the sea!

A city consisting of several rings was displayed in front of the three of them. The ring-shaped buildings were lifeless, and the accumulation of large traps and small circles formed a city.

The outermost part of the entire city was surrounded by a ring-shaped mountain range, and the three of Angelo and the others were standing on this mountain.

In the city, various kinds of plants that Anqiluo couldn't recognize have spread all over the city, and a creeper-like vine climbed among the buildings in the city.

And there are not only these plants in the city, but also countless trees and weeds standing in the city, and some trees have even broken through the roof, turning the building into ruins.

Although it has not yet entered the ruins of this dilapidated city.

But the scene in front of them alone, the three of them can see a lot of information.

First of all, this city should have lived many people or creatures.

Secondly, the creatures that lived here at the beginning should be gone, otherwise such a magnificent city would not be so dilapidated.

Was it a natural disaster? Or a man-made disaster?

Or was there some big change and they all evacuated?

Is this a prehistoric relic or the handwriting of some gods?

You know, even with the current level of black technology in the Marvel Universe, it is very difficult to build such a city in the ocean! If it is really built, it must be a big event enough to be recorded in the annals of history!

Not to mention, building such a city under the sea!

It is completely impossible to achieve! It's a miracle!

But there is no record of this city in human history!

At least, the three people present had never seen each other.

Too many doubts surrounded the hearts of the three of them, but at this time An Qiluo did not want to think about these questions that would not have any answers for the time being.

Because he had just projected his mental power after seeing the ruins of the city, and scanned the city.


He felt the slightest fluctuation!

It was very weak, but it was impossible to hide under the scanning of Angelo's mental power that had evolved several times.

This trace of fluctuation is exactly the same as what Angelo felt on the group of strange whales!

Right in the heart of the city.

"Stark, Hela, it seems that the target we are looking for is in the center of this city." Angelo stood on the hill and squinted his eyes towards the center of the city, where there is a building that is different from other houses around , "Where did I feel the strange fluctuation of divine power."

Hearing what Angelo said, Stark and Hela also looked at the buildings in the city center at the same time.

Stark has a battle armor, and Hela herself is not an ordinary person, so the distance is naturally not difficult for the two of them.

"That's... a temple?" Hela's face was a bit strange. "Although the shape looks a little different from the temple in Asgard, it feels like a temple! It looks like the Greek god system."

Every pantheon has its own architectural style, and temples are no exception.

Hela fought in the Nine Realms thousands of years ago, and naturally saw too many temples of different styles. Although the temples of each god system are different, there are some similarities.

That is magnificent and brilliant!

"A temple?" Angelo touched his chin.

He took out the beast spirit staff from his space backpack, and wrapped his body in bone armor.

"Come on, guys, let's go and see what this guy is from."

Angelo took the lead, Hela and Stark followed behind him, and the three walked towards the ruins of the city.

Looking at the ruins of the city from the outside is one feeling, but actually walking in is another feeling.

When the three of them stepped into the ruins of the city, a heavy sense of history rushed towards them.

Although the buildings in the city have basically been occupied by these plants, the three people can still see the original fineness of the city from the details of various buildings.

In the gaps between the vines, you can see the patterns that remain on the building even after time has passed.

In the room occupied by plants, you can also see living utensils made of crystal ores of various colors and furniture made of coral and ores.

Along the way, although the three of An Qiluo didn't specifically search for each room, they had a clear view of the city under the power of mental power scanning and technological scanning.

Several ring-shaped buildings constitute the entire city. The closer you go to the center of the city, the more exquisite the details of the buildings and various living utensils become.

It seems that the group of creatures who lived here at the beginning lived according to their status. The closer they went to the center, the higher their status?

The three people's feet are not slow, even the plants all over the city can't stop the three people's pace.

It didn't take long for the three of them to arrive at their destination - the temple in the center of the city.

An abandoned temple.

The whole body is made of unknown ore, the overall building is more than 50 meters high, and the gate is composed of five stone pillars.

Even after an unknown number of years, the main building of the entire temple is still intact, only the corners are slightly damaged.

A mural is carved with paint on the gate made of stone.

A man with long hair and a beard was standing on a carriage with a harpoon in his hand. The golden carriage was located by the sea.

The man stared at the ocean with deep eyes.

And under the golden carriage, there are a group of villains kneeling.

"This is... the temple of Poseidon?" Stark looked at the mural in front of him and couldn't help frowning, "But isn't Poseidon the god of the sea in Greek mythology? Could it be the god of Greek mythology? Like Asgard, are they all real?"

Angelo also frowned and looked at the mural in front of him.

He naturally recognized the content on this mural, Poseidon, the most widely spread sea god.

The existence of gods in the Marvel universe is not a particularly strange thing.

But he had talked about the Nine Realms with Odin before, but in Odin's words, he only mentioned the Asgardian and Vanir protoss.

Did not mention other protoss.

If these protoss really existed, how could Odin not say it.

In other words, this Poseidon only existed in the past, and now it no longer exists, but what is this fluctuation of divine power?

A dead god does not emit divine power fluctuations!

An Qiluo scanned the strange fluctuations of divine power again with his mental power, but he was still in the hall and did not move.

He squinted his eyes.

"Don't we know if we go in and have a look?"

As he spoke, An Qiluo stretched out his hand to push the gate of the temple.

The door was unexpectedly heavy, and with An Qiluo's physical attributes, he didn't even push it the first time!

You know, with An Qiluo's current physical attributes, although he is a mage, Hulk is no match for him in terms of strength!

Stark and Hela on the side also helped push the door.

Even Stark activated the thrusters on his arms, and the door still didn't move at all!

"Tsk, this sea god is a bit powerful." An Qiluo was a little unbelieving, planning to open the space door and summon the steel and stone demons to help.

If the Iron Stone Demon can't do it anymore, he can only use his skills to break the stone gate!

At this moment, Stark patted Angelo on the shoulder.

"Man, I think we're pushing in the wrong direction?" Stark pointed to the ground.

Angelo and Hella were taken aback, and looked in the direction of Stark's finger, and found a shallow mark on the ground.

The direction of the imprint is from Shimen to behind them.

Angelo: ...( ̄ェ ̄;)

Hella: ...( ̄ω ̄;)

It seems that this stone door is indeed pushed from the inside out...

"Ahem..." An Qiluo coughed dryly twice, eased the embarrassing atmosphere, and waved his staff, "I just want to see if this stone gate is still solid..."

While he was speaking, a row of bone spears floated in the air out of thin air, stabbing fiercely towards the stone gate, causing a series of cracking sounds.

Hela also looked up at the sky, turned the Meow Hammer several times, and threw it towards Shimen.

Although this stone gate is strong, it cannot withstand the attacks of two people.

With a bang, the entire stone gate was completely smashed into pieces of rubble on the ground, bringing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

Stark: ...are you in a hurry? Must be in a hurry, right?

"I said, buddy..." Stark held his forehead and looked at the smoke and dust in front of him, "Such a good stone gate shouldn't be broken like this."

Angelo also looked into the temple, and said sternly, "No, in my hometown, there is such a tradition that if no one lives in your house for a long time, you must knock on the door before you go back, which is to tell you that the inside is not clean. you're back."

Stark: ...

knock on the door?

You are breaking the door!

If there is really something unclean, I will be scared away by you in a while! You are not informing them, this is intimidation!

"Obviously, this stone gate is not very strong." Angelo shrugged.

"Yes! This stone gate is obviously not strong, and it will shatter when touched!" Hela also chimed in.

The eyes in front of them faded away, and the true appearance of the Temple of Poseidon finally appeared in front of the three of them.

In the center of the temple, a statue of Poseidon, the god of the sea, exactly the same as in the murals stands in the center of the hall.

But the pose turned into that of a fisherman spearing fish.

Holding the harpoon in hand, facing the gate of the temple.

There are two rows of brackets made of the same material as the temple on both sides of the temple, and a pearl is placed on each bracket.

These pearls exude a shining white light.

Under the illumination of these pearls, the entire temple was illuminated like daytime.

"Successor, I have finally waited for you..." An old voice sounded from the temple, and the three of them were startled.

It's not that I'm afraid of Poseidon, it's mainly because the underwater city is too quiet all the way, only three people are talking.

Now a fourth voice came out of nowhere, it would be strange not to be startled.

Angelo locked his gaze on the statue in the temple, and finally locked on the harpoon held by the statue.

There is a blue gemstone on the harpoon, which is the source of the divine power fluctuation that Angelo perceived before.

"Oh?" After scanning his mental power, An Qiluo already roughly knew what was going on. A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he said in a terrified voice, "What successor? Who are you?"

Both Stark and Hella looked at Angelo with eyes that had seen a ghost.

This is the start?

You are terrified!

According to the two people's understanding of Angelo, let alone facing a statue of the real Poseidon, even if it is the real Poseidon, Angelo would dare to charge up with his staff Knock the opponent's head off.

Hela is an example...

If it wasn't for Odin, I'm afraid Hela would have been smashed into meat paste by Angelo long ago?

Hella: ...are you polite? Why didn't you play me at the beginning?

The old voice seemed to have no clue about everything, and continued, "I am Poseidon, the god of the sea. I have been waiting for you here for a long time according to the prophecy, so long that I have forgotten the time. You are the successor to the position of the god of the sea."

"Come forward and accept my inheritance, you will be the next Sea God!"

Angelo gave Stark and Hella a look, and then said.

"You are Poseidon, the god of the sea? Really? I don't believe it!"


The statue fell into silence, and after a while, continued, "I am really Poseidon, the sea god."

"I told you, I don't believe it!" Angelo shrugged, "That's the Sea God, how could he die?"

Haila on the side held her forehead and thought, why doesn't God die? I, the goddess of death, was almost killed by you with a staff. Are you serious when you say that gods will not die?

The statue of Poseidon seems to be in a hurry.

"I'm not dead! I fell into a deep sleep because of the attack of a powerful enemy!"

"Then who is the strong enemy you are talking about?"

"It's a group of people who can fly in the sky with a sword. Don't worry, successors, they should no longer be on this planet. You won't be approached by them when you inherit the position of Sea God."

Angelo's mind was shocked!

Hella and Stark didn't know what the statue said just now.

But Angelo knew!

I thought it was a conspiracy by some unknown Mao God.

But unexpectedly, this kind of information was revealed from the mouth of this unknown Poseidon!

Step on the sword and fly in the sky!

Isn't that the sword fairy from my hometown? There is also a sword fairy in the Marvel universe! Still a group!

But Sword Immortal is no longer on this planet...

Sword Immortal left? why leave? Where did you go again?

No matter how strong An Qiluo is, in the final analysis, his soul is still the soul from the other side of the ocean. Now that he has heard news from his hometown, how can he still sit still.

In fact, that's right, this is the Marvel Universe, it doesn't make sense that only the Pretty Country has an extraordinary system, but the Hua Country doesn't!

Angelo's throat was a little dry, he had too many questions to ask.

But he held back, and he couldn't show any clues yet, slowly extracting information from this Poseidon who didn't know the truth.

"Since you're not dead, why did you find a successor?" An Qiluo asked, holding back his excitement.

"Successor, although I'm not dead now, I also lost my body, and I won't last long." Seeing that Angelo had too many problems, the old voice became even more anxious, "Where did you have so many problems! As long as You have inherited my Seagod position, and you are the most powerful person on this planet!"

"Women, status, money, you can choose!"

Immediately afterwards, the old voice threatened again, "Atlantis is in the depths of the ocean, only you can control the sea water and leave Atlantis alive... "

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