The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 523 Hold a press conference!

Chapter 523 Hold a press conference!

"No! How can a man live by himself!"

Angelo decisively pulled Eddie back, "Don't worry, I'm still here, right? Even if you die, I can save you."

Eddie: ...

Eddie looked at Angelo's firm eyes, could only sigh silently, gritted his teeth and walked forward.

It seems that today's encounter must be inseparable...

Hmm...Mr. Priest also said that he is here...

That should be fine, right?

As for what An Qiluo said that even if he died, An Qiluo could save him, Eddie didn't believe it at all.

But he didn't know that what Angelo said was true...

Eddie walked to the glass tank, the switch of the glass tank was close at hand, and he could touch it just by stretching out his hand.

As long as the switch is turned on, the venom contained in the glass tank can be released.

Seeing Eddie approaching, the venom in the glass jar became even more excited.

Eddie saw the venom constantly churning in the glass tank, and his muscles tensed subconsciously.

Finally Eddie gritted his teeth and turned on the button of the glass jar.

Sure enough, as Eddie expected, the moment the glass tank was opened, the pitch-black venom couldn't wait to rush out, and went straight to Eddie!

The venom enveloped Eddie's whole body.

Eddie's heart instantly rose to his throat, and now even his facial features were covered in venom.

There is only one thought in his mind now, and that is God, ah no! Father bless!

Hope Angelo won't watch him get killed by the venom.

Unexpectedly, Eddie didn't feel any pain or pressure from the venom.

From the perspective of An Qiluo outside, Eddie was wrapped in venom, and the venom turned into liquid and penetrated into An Qiluo's body at an extremely fast speed.

In the end, everything that was almost against science merged into Eddie's body.

You know, the current volume of the venom is not small. Although the 3*3 glass tank is not full, the total volume is more than the blood in the human body!

Eddie's body suddenly added so much "liquid" without any change in body shape. No one knows the reason for this. For the time being, let's take it as a characteristic of the extraterrestrial symbiosis...

Angelo didn't have any surprises when he saw this scene, that's right!

Venom and Eddie are the couple who are "married by the media", how could Venom hurt Eddie!

I just don't know if Venom will turn into a love triangle or develop a different kind of love-hate relationship after knowing about Eddie and Temple...

Come to think of it, there are still some expectations!

Only Dr. Ethan looked at Eddie who merged with the venom with weird eyes. He seemed to have found some interesting research topic again.

Eddie suddenly felt the venom in his body tremble.

"Eddie! Let's get out of here!" After Venom reintegrated with Eddie, the first thing he did was to shout at Eddie in a rough voice.

Eddie: ...

"Hey man, I think we're going to be here for a long time..."

Eddie felt the unconcealable fear of Dr. Ethan and Hell's Kitchen in Venom's heart, suppressed a smile, and told Venom the "unfortunate" fact that he had joined the Avengers.

He probably won't be leaving Hell's Kitchen for a long time to come, at least not until the Avengers don't need him anymore.

Not only because of the high salary and treatment, but also because of the timely help.

Giving charcoal in the snow is far more impressive than icing on the cake.

However, this news is indeed unfortunate news for Venom.

"By the way, Eddie..." Dr. Ethan said suddenly, "Next, after your work, the laboratory may need to conduct some 'checks' on your physical condition. There are still too many unknown places for the first fusion of alien creatures."

Venom immediately shouted in a panic, "Eddie! Don't promise him! He is not a good person!"

Eddie patted himself on the shoulder with some dissatisfaction. Although the venom was hidden in his body now, the accidental venom kept protruding his head from his shoulders, and he had already developed a habit.

"Venom, don't talk nonsense, Dr. Ethan is a good guy!"

Venom: Eddie, trust me! You believe me! This guy is definitely capable of cutting you open with the excuse of giving you a medical examination!

It's a pity that no matter how Venom conveys his fear and Dr. Ethan's terror to Eddie, Eddie doesn't believe it.

"Okay, Dr. Ethan, I'll be back for regular checkups."

He has been completely mesmerized by Dr. Ethan's appearance.

Who makes Dr. Ethan's appearance so deceptive after leaving the test bench or the operating table?

Who would have imagined that such a well-mannered old British gentleman would act as hard-core as a chainsaw maniac on the laboratory table and operating table?

Hearing that Eddie agreed, Tony Stark and Angelo immediately cast sympathetic glances at Eddie.

This child is going to be miserable.

Tony Stark still vividly remembers his experience of becoming Battery Man...

Eddie, who had nothing to investigate, happily left the church with the venom trembling in his body.

In the next two days, he will be very busy, at least he has to set up the network channel and prepare for the live broadcast before the press conference.

As for what he needs, An Qiluo sent No. 1 to dock with him, and what equipment he needs, he will directly go to the best one.

An Qiluo finally enjoyed the feeling of being rich and powerful!

Of course, Angelo and Tony Stark were not idle, and it could even be said that almost everyone in the church was idle.

The Avengers press conference is just around the corner, and everyone is busy.

Even the two children, Little Jiali and Little Nick, are racing against time to do their homework.

They want to finish their homework before the Avengers conference, so that they can participate in this grand event.

In their hearts, although they don't quite understand what the concept of the Avengers is, they know that the Avengers press conference will be very lively.

Children, I like to join in the fun!

Almost all the people in the church were designated by Angelo as regular members of the Avengers.

Hmm... Except for Uncle Long and the Fighting Sisters, Angelo didn't mind giving them the same salary and treatment as the Avengers, but they refused.

The reason for the refusal was straightforward.

The Sisters of Fighting actually acted as the maids of the church. Fighting was only done by the maids to maintain Angelo's majesty. In their understanding, this was what they should do.

And Uncle Long...the reason for his refusal was simpler, he was just a cook.

The job is to be a cook, not a fighter.

Of course, as a competent chef, if someone wants to kill his guests, it is reasonable for him to kill the bad guy, right?


Although An Qiluo's suggestion was politely rejected, An Qiluo still gave them a higher treatment.

After all, An Qiluo has always been a very good person to his own people, and it makes no sense for these almost family-like existences to be treated less than others in terms of treatment.

In the next two days before the press conference, everyone was also busy with their own affairs.

Angelo still contacted Frank and the three who were clearing the vampires in Houston, and opened the space to take them back.

Even the five Winter Soldier who carried out "self-salvation" far away in the African continent - Bucky and others, Angelo also consulted Tony Stark, and informed them to rush back through the portal to participate in revenge Press Conference of the Alliance.

Tony Stark's pattern is very large.

Although there was a lot of awkwardness between him, Bucky and the five Winter Soldiers, he knew that Angelo's purpose in forming the Avengers was not to build a church for himself or the church.

It's for humanity and the planet as a whole.

In the coming era of the Nine Realms, or the era of the universe, only when all human beings on the earth are united can they have the power to protect themselves in the dark forest of the universe.

Therefore, a personal enmity is a private enmity, but Tony Stark will never do that kind of public revenge.

Five Winter Soldier, mechanically modified bodies, countless assassination experience, plus the attributes enjoyed by Angelo's summons.

It can be regarded as a considerable force!

Of course, it was Bucky's good friend, Captain Hell Steve Rogers, who informed the five Winter Soldiers that they could come back to attend the Avengers conference!

At this time, in the church, almost all Avengers!

Angelo also used his Fuckbook account to announce the Avengers press conference, which will be broadcast live through the network channel Eddie built.

After An Qiluo released the news, in an instant, the number of visits to the "Avengers Official Website" built by Eddie exceeded 100 million!

If it weren't for the fact that the server used to build the website is a supercomputer provided by the Stark Group, I am afraid that the traffic at this moment is enough to cause the server to go down, not to mention that the traffic is still increasing!

It can be seen from this that on the entire earth, how many people are always paying attention to Angelo and the Avengers. Among these people, there will inevitably be some spies from various major forces.

But more are news media and ordinary people.

This news also attracted the attention of the news media, and now all other topics have to be sidelined, and only the topic about the Avengers is the most popular topic.

Again, after the news media rushed to report and other people who eat melons spread word of mouth, the server of the website was under the constant increase of visits all the time. Fortunately, the server is a supercomputer, and it can still handle it!

Of course, there are also some unscrupulous hacker organizations, or want to try the Avengers, or want to blackmail.

Dropped various hacks on the official Avengers website.

Of course, the final result was fruitless, and more than that, they were also launched an anti-invasion by Jarvis together with Friday and Skye, to find out this group of hacker organizations hidden behind the screen, and then put their actual Addresses and real identities are thrown to countries around the world.

At this juncture, no one in the governments of the world wants to offend the Avengers, and they all want to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations before ordinary people.

Naturally, there will be no objection to this matter, and they will send people to arrest them.

All of these hacker organizations are hacker organizations without any national background. Moreover, these hacker organizations can play tricks at this juncture, and they are not the kind of computer technology enthusiasts who have a bottom line on weekdays.

So every country spares no effort to arrest them.

On the contrary, it has solved many cases of extortion and deception through network technology.

Only some people who are extremely sensitive to news and intelligence discovered another distinctive piece of news through the official website of the Avengers - the supernatural academy affiliated to the Avengers will also officially open after the official establishment of the Avengers.

School of Supernatural...

This makes it difficult for those who noticed the news not to think of Angelo's magical ability and the magic academy he mentioned in Fuckbook before...

Many people, forces and even countries have moved their minds.

They tried their best to contact Pepper and asked about the Supernatural Academy.

There is no way, now An Qiluo lives in seclusion all day long, hardly showing his face, and he can't see private messages on Fuckbook.

They can only contact Pepper.

Of course, they reached out to Pepper and didn't get the answers they were looking for.

Pepper has only one answer to them, and Father Hell will answer their questions at the Avengers press conference.

Although the establishment of the Avengers was almost handled by Pepper, she has a very precise positioning of herself.

She would not ask Angelo to call the shots.

These forces and countries can only give up.


When everyone in the church was busy because of the Avengers.

In Hell's Kitchen, it became even more lively.

Originally, the population and prosperity of Hell's Kitchen have always been ranked at the bottom of New York and even all international metropolises.

Even later, because of the intervention of the four consortiums, the development of Hell's Kitchen was promoted.

But it still doesn't look like a first-tier international metropolis. After all, Hell's Kitchen has already gained a notorious reputation after so many years.

But now it's different!

During these two days, the number of pedestrians walking on the streets of Hell's Kitchen, as well as various shops, began to increase rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These people, in addition to the media reporters, there are also many people who are used to eating to join in the fun, and even include many senior officials from various countries who can only be seen on TV on weekdays.

Although the media reporters didn't find out any news about the Avengers, they gained a lot. They interviewed important people who had no chance to meet them on weekdays.

So, after seeing the news, more media reporters and melon eaters also got into Hell's Kitchen...

The real estate resources in Hell's Kitchen have also risen accordingly.

This made Billy very happy.

Want to rent a house? Want to buy a house?

Price increase!

There are so many people who want to rent or buy?

keep going up!

Continue to rise!

Hell’s Kitchen seems to be growing overnight, and the growth rate of housing prices almost catches up with the rocket that flies into space. It changes every moment. Whether it is increased ten times or twenty times, there is always a unique vision and bold of people are willing to drop their fortunes to buy a property in Hell's Kitchen.

They are betting that the future Hell's Kitchen may be the central city of the earth!

Of course, while enjoying the rapid growth of population and economy, Billy and other former gangsters are also contributing their own strength to Hell's Kitchen.

There is very little police force in Hell's Kitchen, coupled with the sudden influx of so many people with complicated identities, law and order has become a big problem.

As a result, Hell's Kitchen's gang committee, led by the director of the gang, Alexei, formed several security patrols that belonged exclusively to Hell's Kitchen, and spontaneously maintained law and order.

The former gangsters managed to maintain law and order. This phenomenon was also dug up by various news media and reported, which can be called a miracle.

In the end, with the simultaneous efforts and promotion of all parties, the time came three days later.

Today is the day of the Avengers press conference...

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