The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 524 Heimdall, send Thor here!

Chapter 524 Heimdall, send Thor here!

The Avengers press conference is finally about to begin.

This day is the most populous, busiest, and most attention-grabbing day in Hell's Kitchen since its inception until now.

I don't know if there will be any in the future, but it is definitely unprecedented.

On this day, the entire Hell's Kitchen was exposed to the outside world.

It wasn't Angelo or Eddie who chose to expose, but a large number of news media came to Hell's Kitchen.

Without An Qiluo's permission, these media couldn't enter the press conference at all.

No matter what method they use, they can't get in.

But these news media reporters were unwilling to miss such a grand event, so they could only wander around in Hell's Kitchen other than the venue, trying to find news materials and topics.

Not to mention, it really made them find a lot of topics.

Gangster guard patrols in Hell's Kitchen, high-ranking officials from various countries everywhere, and the near-magical housing prices in Hell's Kitchen...

Various topics, although not as hot as the Avengers press conference, extraterrestrial creatures, and extraterrestrial civilizations.

But it's also enough to hold the audience's attention.

The hype of the related topics reported by these reporters has made Hell's Kitchen, which is already on the cusp of the storm, even better

For a while, Hell's Kitchen and the Avengers have become the hottest topics in the mouths of almost ordinary people.

This can be regarded as a surprise for these reporters!

Of course, there are differences only where there are people. Whether it is among these reporters or among ordinary people, there are people who hold different opinions.

Some agreed with the establishment of the Avengers, some were not optimistic about the establishment of the Avengers, and some expressed indifference to the establishment of the Avengers.

Those viewers behind the TV are fine, no matter what they think, no one cares about them.

But these reporters can't do it.

The reporters themselves are in Hell's Kitchen, where gang patrols cover nearly every street.

When one of the dissenting journalists uttered insults to the camera, he was beaten up by a passing gang patrol and thrown out of Hell's Kitchen.

These lower-level gangsters actually don't know what the Avengers Alliance formed by the priest is, but they know that whoever speaks ill of Mr. Priest is their enemy.

They know very well who is responsible for the fact that Hell's Kitchen, a place that used to be a place of no shit, can become what it is now.

Even their gangsters at the grassroots level, with the increasing prosperity of Hell's Kitchen, have also gained a lot of income. They have also received more salaries, and their families have lived a stable life.

Therefore, for these gangsters, they don't need to distinguish between right and wrong. The only thing they can do is to beat them up and throw them out.

If Mr. Priest hadn't asked them not to kill people now, I'm afraid this reporter would be able to use the first-person perspective to broadcast live to the audience what is called cement sinking into the sea!

After that, these reporters in Hell's Kitchen unconsciously paid a lot of attention when speaking in front of the camera.

As for the man who was beaten up and thrown out of Hell's Kitchen, he also tried to use his media identity and public opinion to kidnap the police system and public opinion.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him at all.

New York Police Department Commissioner George Stacy, is completely unaware.

Now the law and order in Hell's Kitchen can only be maintained by these gangster patrols, why should he offend Hell's Kitchen and Angelo for a mere idiot who can't even speak human words?

If you're about to speak ill of Angelo, wait until you leave Hell's Kitchen! At that time, even if An Qiluo knows, there is a high probability that he will not bother to argue with you.

Now you speak ill of others under their noses, saying that you are not an idiot, who is an idiot.

Besides, the firepower of the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen is not weak, especially recently these gangsters have made a lot of money with the increasing prosperity of Hell's Kitchen, and they also have the money to equip weapons with more powerful firepower.

If you want to rely solely on the police force of the New York Police Department, even if you throw them all in Hell's Kitchen, you may not be able to take down the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen.

As for asking for help, it is indeed possible to mobilize police forces from other places. If there are enough people, these gangsters can be killed with their heads.


It's like children fighting to find their parents. You will go home to find your parents, wouldn't Hell's Kitchen, wouldn't they go to Angelo?

Once An Qiluo really ends, it means that the situation has gotten out of control.

And the number of people is precisely what is most ineffective against Angelo.

As for the other reporters, they would only gloat over what happened to this colleague, and they would not have any empathy at all.

On other people's territory, you still dare to utter wild words. If this is not courting death, then what is courting death?

As for the important officials of those countries, as well as the members who participated in the Avengers press conference, they must not be in touch.


On the other side, at the scene of the Avengers press conference.

As representatives from many countries entered the venue, the entire venue gradually became lively.

Representatives of these countries gathered in groups of three or five and were greeting each other.

These national representatives who gathered in piles may not even know each other, and it is the first time to meet each other.

There are conflicts where there are people, not to mention between countries.

But the relationship between them represents the camp between their countries.

Even so, the representatives of these countries, even when they saw the representatives of the countries in the hostile camp, just stared at each other lightly, and did not make any radical remarks or actions.

No one wants to make trouble at today's Avengers press conference.

I don't know if Angelo will kill the troublemakers on the spot, but it will definitely make Angelo hate the country behind them.

This is extremely detrimental to their future plans.

So far, the most important point is that they need to go through Angelo to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations and extraterrestrial creatures.

The only known "extraterrestrial civilization" is Hela in the church now. The strange black bug that appeared near the military base last time has been "eliminated" by Angelo.

The last time after Angelo left the military base that had been completely wiped out, the US military sent people to search for it.

As a result, they found no valuables or corpses in the nearby soil except fine metal powders of various kinds.

Other countries also learned about this information through various channels...

Therefore, all the forces in the world now know that the only way to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations is An Qiluo...

Angelo stood on the podium, looked at the harmonious scene below, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although these countries and forces on the earth have been in conflict with the development process, fortunately, these countries still know the overall situation.

In the face of the cosmic era that is about to enter, as long as they can be consistent with the outside world, the earth is definitely a force that is not weak!

After all, although the level of science and technology on the earth is average, it has many superpowers and various supernatural forces.

Of course, An Qiluo also knew that among the representatives of various countries who entered the venue through layers of inspection, there were definitely people from various underground forces mixed in.

But Angelo didn't care much about this.

No matter what ghosts these forces have in mind, as long as they can unite to the outside world, An Qiluo doesn't mind them joining in and cooperating. After all, when facing the endless sea of ​​stars, human beings should be born in the same camp.

Except Hydra!

After the establishment of the Avengers Alliance, he will be the first to attack Hydra!

Then you can prepare to discuss with Asgard about the expedition to hell, and discuss with countries around the world the number of expeditionary forces and the distribution of benefits for the expedition to hell.

It's not that Angelo is targeting Hydra, Hydra must die!

Now Angelo has already collected information on Hydra, the main base of Hydra and the main high-level officials of Hydra, and the information has long been handed over to Jarvis by Angelo.

As long as the Avengers press conference is over, these missions and information will be made public!

Hydra is the first whetstone of the Avengers!

Through Dr. Whitehall, he knew early on that the remaining main vein of Hydra is still there, and its purpose of existence is to bring the ancient Inhuman race called "Hive" back to the earth.

There is only one Inhuman Race, even if this "hive" has more powerful abilities, Angelo is not unacceptable, but the point is that Whitehall gave the information.

The real purpose of this "hive" is to be the god of the earth!

A living god in the world!

This is something Angelo cannot accept.

Belief in gods on earth is only suitable for myths and legends, and there is no need for a living god in reality!

What's more, Hydra's purpose is to follow this "god" to rule the world.

If you want to go on an expedition to hell, this hidden danger left inside the earth must be dealt with!

Angelo's thoughts were a little wandering, and even he himself didn't know what he was thinking.

In fact, he was still faintly excited.

So many senior officials and high-level officials from various countries have all come here, waiting for me to announce the start of the press conference...

You must know that An Qiluo was just a little bastard in his previous life, and he had never seen so many high-level officials from various countries on TV.

As a result, these people are all sitting below waiting for their speech.

"An Qiluo, you can prepare for the press conference. Now it's the latest time for admission, and most countries have already arrived."

Pepper's voice came from Angelo's earphones.

As for the representatives of those small countries who have not yet been present, they are only very few. Moreover, those countries are pitifully small, and there are two small duchies that have been announced as a joke. They may not even be able to pay for the air ticket come out……

There is no point in waiting any longer.

Although the coming cosmic era is fair to everyone, if you want to become the leader of the cosmic era or gain the right to speak, you need to have your own strength.

At least, these small countries can't even afford air tickets, let alone build aircraft and spaceships in the future...

Angelo tidied up his clothes and walked up to the pronunciation stand.

"Ahem! Let me say a few words..."

Angelo took out the classic speech made by the school leader when he was in school.

If the principal of George's previous life knew that one day his speech would be used on such a global occasion, he would definitely jump out of the grave excitedly!

The representatives of various countries in the audience stopped talking immediately when they saw Angelo stepping up to the speaking platform.

But when they heard An Qiluo's speech, they all had wry smiles on their faces.

Representatives of each country:  …

Especially the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom. Their faces were first stunned, then helpless, and finally curious.

They have all been to school, and they are naturally very familiar when they hear Angelo's words. Isn't this the classic speech of the school principal?

But why did Angelo say that?

According to their information, this guy has never been to Dragon Country, let alone attended school in Dragon Country!

Coupled with the almost identical faces of An Qiluo and the people of the Dragon Kingdom, the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom immediately felt very close.

An Qiluo also noticed the line of sight of the representative of Longguo, and he also felt very close to the authentic yellow face of the other party!

He also took the time to cast a kind look at the representative of Longguo.

The representative of the Dragon Kingdom was shocked. He seemed to understand what An Qiluo meant, but he was not sure...

In the end, the two Dragon Kingdom representatives discussed in private and decided to stay here after the press conference was over and have a good chat with An Qiluo. Maybe they could gain some opportunities for Dragon Kingdom...

The people of Longguo have only believed in the country in their hearts. This is the feeling of family and country!

Angelo was still on the podium, reading the script he had prepared in advance.

"The Avengers Alliance is a global organization that will not get involved in any international disputes or national stances. The enemies of the Avengers Alliance, and even future enemies, will always be civilizations and creatures that are malicious to the earth..."

In fact, this kind of international scene usually needs to be unscripted (recited), but at this time, the representatives of various countries present don't care about these details!

Even if you really care, you can't say it!

They are now attracted by the extraterrestrial creatures and extraterrestrial civilizations in Angelo's words!

The representatives of various countries present are all guessing in their hearts that what Angelo will announce next is the truth and existence of extraterrestrial civilizations!

Not only the representatives from various countries present thought this way, but also the countless viewers who sat in front of the computer TVs thought so too!

They watched the live broadcast through the Avengers official website set up by Eddie, and the TV station also contacted Eddie. After paying a price enough to make the TV station heartbroken, the TV station finally obtained the permission to broadcast from the official website!

There is no way, although some big TV stations don't want to pay this money at all, but they can't hold back other TV stations and joined in the involution.

The audience guessed well, and Angelo didn't have the evil taste of being mysterious.

"I think, now everyone can't wait to learn what extraterrestrial civilization is..." An Qiluo looked around, taking in all the expressions of everyone present, and the corner of his mouth curled up inexplicably. smile.

Angelo raised his head and said to the sky.

"Heimdall, send Thor and the others over!"

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