The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 527 Hell is real!

Chapter 527 Hell is real!

Distorted blue light blooms in the sky.

In the distorted blue light, a group of dozens of people appeared on the podium.

It is a group of people from the Inhuman race!

In addition to the current leaders Jia Ying, Skye, and Mr. Hyde's family, about 30 other people came to the Inhuman Race.

All of these were sent together by the teleporter.

Of course, these people are definitely not the only Inhumans in the "afterlife", but these people are the biggest load that teleporters can bear so far.

No matter how many people there are, the teleporters will be pumped out to do it!

Even just these people exhausted the teleporter.

The teleporter fell onto the podium with everyone, his face turned white, he was panting heavily, his eyes looked like he was about to fall!

The teleporter thought that if he teleported so many people at once, he would definitely be overloaded, but he didn't expect the load to be so heavy, even compared to teleporting less than ten people at one time, the load is doubled!

Fortunately, Jia Ying helped him at this time, and transferred part of his life energy to the teleporter in a different manner.

This ensures that the teleporters and even the Inhumans are not too embarrassing.

Although he didn't fall, in the eyes of everyone in the audience, especially some audiences with sharper eyes, they all noticed that the teleporter was in a trance just now.

Compared with the members of the Mage Temple who appeared before, they have a clear opinion.

Not only the combat effectiveness, but at least in the way of moving, it is inferior to the mage group.

An Qiluo's eyes scanned the faces of a kind of alien race. In the team of more than thirty people, there were many familiar faces.

In addition to Jiaying and the Skye family, there are teleporters, prophets, and the kid named Lincoln who can discharge...

It can be seen that although Jiaying only brought 30 people with her this time, these 30 people should also be the most elite group of people in the entire "afterlife".

"The ones who appeared on the scene were Inhumans from the 'afterlife'..."

Angelo introduced to the audience in the tone of his high school sports meeting host...

Really, An Qiluo couldn't think of any good words. After all, his only successful hosting experience was the sports meeting when he was in high school.

However, neither the representatives of various countries at the press conference nor the audience in front of the TV made a fuss.

Because at this time their attention was all attracted by An Qiluo's words.


Not magic?

Is it the awakening of superpowers caused by human genetic mutations?

These people were originally normal people?

Whether it was the representatives of various countries on the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they couldn't help but get excited.

Learning magic requires talent! Moreover, there are not many people with magical talents, and one in a million is not an exaggeration.

And Avengers like Steve Rogers or the Hulk either rely on strengthening potions, or the mutation is accidental and cannot be replicated.

But the Inhumans are different!

Inhumans' superpowers come from genetic mutations!

In other words, it's just a matter of probability!

Everyone has a superhero dream, but under the premise that the success rate of other methods is so low that it is almost impossible.

It is not impossible to become an Inhuman race through genetic mutation and obtain superpowers!

Now all the countries and forces are very aware of the fact that after the exposure of the Avengers at the press conference today, the next era will be an era dominated by supernatural forces!

Whether it is magic, super potions or superpowers, they are all supernatural powers.

The army will no longer be the only factor that can determine the level of force!

And the fluctuations caused by supernatural forces are definitely not limited to this, economics, politics, humanities...

Too many aspects will be impacted by the presence of supernatural forces.

Of course, there are some supernatural powers in various countries now, but the supernatural powers in the hands of various countries or forces are absolutely incomparable with the supernatural powers in the hands of the Avengers!

What's more, no one would think that there are too many supernatural powers in their hands!

Especially after the representatives of various countries, as well as the heads of state of the world, saw these aliens from the "afterlife" show their superpowers through TV broadcasts, they became more certain of this idea.

The supernatural powers possessed by our own country, let alone against the Avengers, even these thirty Inhumans can't resist.

Whether it's Skye's shock wave, Lincoln's thunderbolt, or the prophet's short-term prediction ability, all countries in the world are extremely jealous!

Perhaps among the countries present, the only expression was slightly different, only the representative of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although the representative of Longguo's eyes are equally hot, the degree of hotness is extremely limited.

Supernatural power, as a big country with a long history, Dragon Kingdom also has a lot of it!

Compared with these aliens with superpowers, Dragon Kingdom cares more about extraterrestrial civilizations and the "big news" mentioned in the invitation sent by Pepper!

After the progress of the press conference and all the announced news, the representative of Longguo gradually had a bold guess in his heart.

Now that An Qiluo has come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and neither extraterrestrial civilizations nor extraterrestrial creatures are the final big news, the last big news...

Could it be some resource outside the earth?

All the resources outside the earth are the most cherished resources for all countries in the world. Let alone the actual use of these resources, the value of scientific research alone is priceless!

Didn't you see that some of the soil brought back from the moon landing in the beautiful country can almost enjoy the treatment of national treasures?

It was Thor, the god of thunder, staring at Lincoln with fanatical eyes, which made Lincoln feel uncomfortable...


After the Inhumans showed off their abilities, everyone except the Skye family looked anxiously at the representatives from various countries sitting in the auditorium below.

Like a criminal waiting to be sentenced to death.

Why do they join the 'afterlife', because they are always discriminated against and resisted by normal society because of their abilities!

Although Ms. Jia Ying, the leader of "Afterlife", has repeatedly assured, and they did see many other people with such various superpowers on the stage of the press conference.

There are even people who look even stranger than they do in appearance.

But these aliens are still uneasy, like a person who has become accustomed to inferiority complex, this inferiority complex has gone deep into the bone marrow!

However, what these Inhumans did not expect was that.

When they looked towards the audience, the eyes that greeted them were a lot of hot eyes!

These people looked at themselves and others, as if... they were looking at a ton of gold?

Although the eyes of these people are very strange, it makes the Inhumans feel very strange.

But no matter how strange the eyes of the representatives of these countries are, it is better than those eyes of disgust and fear that are deeply rooted in their minds.

Before that, among the thirty Inhumans, many of them were still dissatisfied with Jia Ying's decision to join the Avengers.

They didn't say anything just to take care of Jia Ying's face, but they were all suffocating in their hearts.

I want to prove with facts that the Inhumans are only suitable for hiding in the 'afterlife', and the life outside is not suitable for the Inhumans!

Until now, all the grudges in the hearts of these thirty or so aliens finally disappeared!

Although the facts disappointed those Inhumans who originally had objections, they were equally happy.

At least for now, outsiders seem to have embraced them.

If you can live in modern society like a normal person and enjoy the convenience of modern society, who would like to live in a small village isolated from the world...


After the appearance of the Inhumans.

The space door An Qiluo summoned has also been fully opened, and the scenery presented on the other side of the space door is completely different from New York, but the scenery of a wild prairie.

The representatives of various countries present were stunned.

Where is this again?

Only the representative of Wakanda had a strange expression on his face.

As a person who grew up on the African continent since he was a child, he can easily tell that the location opposite the space gate is the African continent.

Even through some plants, he can still see that the location of the space gate should be opened near Wakanda?

Some special mutant plants can only be found near Wakanda.

These mutant plants are all mutations that can only be produced by the radiation of the vibrating gold veins in Wakanda!

Did Angelo discover Wakanda?

This idea just appeared in the mind of the representative of Wakanda, and was quickly thrown out of his mind again.


Absolutely impossible!

After all, Wakanda has been hidden on the African continent for thousands of years, how could it be discovered?

At this time, five figures appeared in the portal.

It was the five Winter Soldier!

According to the communication between Steve and Bucky, their situation in Africa is not good now, because they have been wanted by the whole of Africa for some things.

Therefore, it is completely impossible to come back by plane, unless the five of them hijack a plane and fly back.

Finally, after the communication between Steve and An Qiluo, they could only come back through the portal.

When the national representative of Wakanda saw these five figures, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

These five people...

Could it be the five demons who recently committed crimes near Wakanda?

In the past two months, five elusive demons have appeared near Wakanda, constantly attacking the residents of Wakanda who are going out.

But fortunately, these five people did not kill people, they just attacked and knocked out the residents of Wakanda, and tortured them about how to enter Wakanda...

These residents have been walking outside all year round, so it is naturally impossible to tell him the way to enter Wakanda.

Even so, these five people did not kill people, but after making sure that they could not be tortured, they left the Wakanda residents where they were and went to find the next target.

Although these five people have never killed or hurt anyone, and even the strength of the stun is well controlled, apart from giving the victim a headache for a while, there is no sequelae.

None of the five "outlaws" found a way into Wakanda until the state representative came to New York.

However, the behavior of these five people has brought Wakanda a lot of trouble for several months.

Therefore, these five "outlaw lunatics" are honored to be on the most wanted list...

But because these five people have never revealed their true colors, even when they were torturing Wakanda residents, they kept wearing masks.

So even on the most wanted list, the five people still look like they are wearing masks.

I only know that these five people are male and female, and they have one thing in common, that is, the arms of the five people are all mechanical arms!

This characteristic, the representative of Wakanda, was seen in these five people at first sight!

This discovery made Wakanda's representatives feel tight.

Are Angelo and the Avengers already eyeing Wakanda?

Although Wakanda has been pretending to be an extremely backward African tribe, in fact, because of the vibration, their technology is the best in the world, and only Tony Stark can match it.

Being targeted, in principle, there is no need to panic in Wakanda!

Even if it is being targeted by other forces with supernatural powers, Wakanda does not need to panic.

Wakanda also has supernatural powers - Panther God!

But now it is the Avengers and Angelo who are staring at Wakanda.

If the Avengers want to attack Wakanda, Wakanda can barely resist it.

But if an An Qiluo is added, the result will be completely different!

When Angelo, the priest of hell, first appeared in the public eye, Wakanda's technological genius Princess Su Rui used technological means to evaluate Angelo's combat capabilities.

The evaluation given at that time was extremely difficult to deal with!

As more and more news about An Qiluo was exposed or probed, Su Rui has also kept paying attention to An Qiluo, and has gone through several evaluations...

The final conclusion is that it cannot be resisted!

If Angelo wants to launch a war against Wakanda himself, Wakanda can't stop it!

The best result is just to be able to resist for a day!

You know, with Wakanda's black technology, without any precautions, the intelligence system is even more complete than S.H.I.E.L.D.!

Perhaps up to now, the only one who knows Angelo the most is the team led by Princess Su Rui of Wakanda, besides himself.

Not only combat effectiveness, but also character and habits.

It's no wonder that Wakanda's representatives panicked when they thought Wakanda was being targeted by Angelo.


No matter what everyone thinks, the process of the press conference is still going on. Angelo didn't introduce the five Winter Soldier in too much detail, but said that they are the official Avengers of the Avengers Alliance.

The five Winter Soldier were not particularly showy, after An Qiluo's introduction, they silently retreated to the side and rear of An Qiluo, standing there quietly.

"Next, this piece of news will be a big piece of news!"

Angelo picked up the microphone and stood in front of all the current Avengers.

"In this world, there have always been various myths and legends. Now that Thor, the god of thunder in Nordic mythology, has appeared, I think everyone here must have doubts in their hearts. Will the gods in other myths and legends Is it real too?"

"Now, let me solve the mystery for you. I don't know if other myths and legends are real, but I know that hell is real!"

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