The Natural Disaster Mixed In Marvel

Chapter 528 Angelo's

Chapter 528 Angelo's "Justice"

"...Hell really exists!"

As Angelo's voice fell, the representatives of various countries sitting on the scene froze instantly!

This sentence is too much information!

All countries speculate whether the myths and legends circulating in their own countries are true.

Hell, as one of the most widely circulated myth systems in Western myths and legends, is naturally also under everyone's guess.

Although they had already guessed in their hearts just now, hearing An Qiluo say it now was completely different from their own guesses!

After the appearance of Asgard, the Temple of the Mage, and the Inhuman Race, it is no exaggeration to say that the words spoken from Anqiluo at this time can be represented by only two words-authority.

Even if Angelo said that the sun is square, the representatives of various countries will believe it. After all, even Thor, the god of thunder in myths and legends, has come out, and he is still an alien. What is impossible?

Of course, Angelo is not that boring.

Angelo looked at the venue that had returned to a state of complete silence, and smiled silently.

he went on.

"I will disclose this news to you, I don't just want to tell you this news, but I want to tell you..."

"The civilizations in this universe are not only human beings with wisdom. There are not only human allies like Asgard, but also hell that has been coveting the earth."

"That's right, hell has always coveted the earth, and the souls of humans on earth have always been the most needed nutrients for hell creatures."

"Before the formation of the Avengers, I had repelled the attack of Mephisto, the Lord of Hell, twice."

An Qiluo looked at the representatives of various countries below, with speechless expressions on his face, especially the excited application on the face of the representative of the Dragon Country, Angelo smiled friendlyly at the representative of the Dragon Country.


"Of course, you can choose not to believe it, but what I'm going to say next is the point!"

"Now that Mephisto has been injured by me, he has fallen into a deep sleep, waiting for rebirth, this is the best chance to counterattack hell!"

"One day in hell, my heart will never die, and the earth will never have peace. Choosing to defend will only make the earth passive!"

"Next, the Avengers will take the lead in setting up the Hell Expeditionary Army, uniting Asgard and the people of insight on Earth to go on an expedition to Hell!"

"If representatives from various countries intend to participate in the expeditionary corps, they can connect with the staff after the press conference."

"Okay, today's press conference is over, thank you for coming!"

With Angelo's last words down, this unprecedented Avengers press conference on Earth finally came to an end.

However, the representatives of various countries in the venue, and even the audience sitting in front of the TV screen, did not move at all, and still stared at the podium or the TV with dull eyes, as if the whole person had been pressed the still button...

Of course, Mage Ancient One or Dr. Strange didn't use the time stone to stop time now, as can be seen from the Avengers who are taking positions one by one.

It is really that the amount of information contained in Angelo's short speech just now is too great!

Even bigger than all the news announced at the press conference before!

For a while, the brain did not fully absorb the news.

Not only does hell really exist, but even Mephisto, the lord of hell in mythology, really exists.


Mephisto also invaded the earth, and was beaten back twice by Angelo!

If we say that the previous news can only bring some hidden influences to various countries, such as the hidden superpowers in each country, but this time Angelo announced the news.

Completely will actually affect all countries, and even all human beings.

Angelo said just now that the human soul is the nutrient most needed by hell creatures.

Between the two, only one of them can survive!

As for the Hell Expeditionary Army mentioned by An Qiluo just now, in fact, the representatives of each country already have the answer in their hearts.

Matters related to the life and death of human beings, no country, no one person can stay out of it!

Not to mention launching wars abroad, the precious resources hidden in hell, knowing that a small amount of soil on the moon can make all the big countries in the world flock to it!

The moon is like this, let alone the hell that originally only existed in myths and legends?

However, there is only one point that makes the representatives of all countries in the world a little uncertain.

That's what An Qiluo said just now, the expeditionary force will be led by the Avengers.

Since ancient times, political power has always emerged from the barrel of a gun. Once the control of this united force of countries is taken away by Angelo, the entire Avengers Alliance, or Angelo, will gain a status sufficient to surpass all countries in the world.

No one or country would want to have an extra emperor on their head!


After An Qiluo left the stage, Long Guo was the first to react.

Perhaps because of the similar thinking patterns, the representative of Longguo had already guessed in his heart.

Therefore, the speed of absorbing these messages is also the fastest!

The representatives of the two Dragon Kingdoms looked at each other, exchanged glances, and immediately made up their minds. They took out their phones and began to communicate with the domestic decision-makers.

"Hi, hello leader, I'm A Jian, and now there is such a thing..."

Before the Dragon Country representative could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the person on the other side of the phone, and a majestic voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Participate, tell An Qiluo, we are willing to join the expeditionary force and obey the deployment of the expeditionary force!"

In fact, when the two dragon representatives were at the scene, they were also watching the live broadcast on the Avengers official website on the other side of the ocean.

These bigwigs naturally also heard the news announced by Angelo.

Therefore, after a brief analysis by decision-makers and think tanks, there is only one way to keep up with the pace of the times, and that is to join the Hell Expeditionary Army!

This is an opportunity for the entire human civilization. If you miss it, you will definitely fall behind this era.

Be sure to get involved!

At the same time, it is also an opportunity to set foot on the top of the world. As for the sacrifice...

It will definitely be inevitable, but the feelings of sacrificing one's life for one's family and country have never been lacking in Longguo people!

This is the Dragon Kingdom speed!

They are very sober, and they are more willing to believe that Angelo is really just leading the way for the entire human civilization, leading human civilization into the interstellar era!

After all, even without the expeditionary legions pieced together by various countries, there is no force or country on Earth that can counter the Avengers' attack!

The representatives of the Dragon Kingdom here have already obtained domestic permission, but other countries are still calling to report to their respective countries and ask for opinions.

The representative of the Dragon Kingdom didn't leave any ink marks. He just glanced at him briefly, stood up immediately, and quickly chased after An Qiluo who was about to leave the field.

At the same time, he shouted, "Mr. Priest, please wait a moment, our Dragon Kingdom is willing to participate in this expedition!"

An Qiluo stopped when he heard the words of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, and turned around with some doubts.

He thought he would have to wait a while for an answer, after all, this was a war.

Even race wars are civilization wars.

The war between the human race and the hell creatures, the collision between human civilization and hell civilization.

Hell creatures are intelligent, as long as they have wisdom, they can be called war, even if hell creatures have not stepped into civilized society until now.

"So fast? Don't think about it anymore?"

Angelo asked in surprise.

"No need! Mr. Priest! Longguo is willing to give his due strength for the life and death of mankind!"

The representative of Longguo said loudly with a firm face.

Immediately afterwards, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom whispered in a voice that only Angelo could hear, "Mr. Priest, it is not convenient for Fang to take a step to speak, I have something to talk to you in private..."

This sentence, the representative of Longguo said it in authentic Chinese.

Hearing the familiar dialect of his hometown, An Qiluo was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently, and whispered in Chinese as well.

"It's an honor! Please follow me!"

Hearing An Qiluo's Chinese with a local accent, the representative of Longguo's eyes brightened, and he followed An Qiluo out with excitement.

At this time, the representatives of other countries in the venue and the countries behind them couldn't sit still anymore!

Just after Angelo announced the end of the press conference, Eddie didn't close the live broadcast immediately, but continued to point the camera at the representatives of various countries in the field.

The live broadcast on the official website of the Avengers has not been closed. Naturally, TV stations in various countries have not stopped broadcasting. Every extra minute of broadcasting represents a steady stream of income!

Dragon Kingdom was the first to agree, and used the survival of human beings as a reason.

Not only the representatives of the countries present saw it, but everyone in the world saw it.

In terms of structure, the Dragon Kingdom directly occupies an absolute advantage. No matter how many countries agree to participate in the expeditionary force plan, the people will only remember that the first country to stand up for the entire human race!

Dragon Kingdom has gained an absolute advantage in public opinion!

At this time, TV stations in various countries are trying to cut off the live broadcast, but it is obviously too late!

This scene was also seen by the decision-makers of other countries, and they didn't even need a think tank to remind them, they wanted to understand the powerful relationship.

Long Guo's decision directly made the representatives of these countries roll up.

The decision-makers who were still hesitating and weighing the pros and cons immediately stopped hesitating and gave orders to the representatives on the scene, agreeing to participate in the expeditionary force plan. Even some small island countries wanted a piece of the pie!

But it was too late at this time, An Qiluo had already left the venue with the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom.

The rest will naturally have the staff arranged by Pepper to come to meet them. If the representatives of these countries want to find Angelo again, they can only make an appointment in advance as the first president of the Avengers...

It wasn't until this time that Eddie cut off the live broadcast in a treacherous manner.

Now that it's rolled up, there's nothing much to show for it.


On the other side, An Qiluo brought the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom to the headquarters of the Avengers through the portal.

The headquarters of the Avengers is also set up in Hell's Kitchen, only a five-minute drive from the church.

Now that the Avengers Alliance has been formally established, the headquarters building is naturally officially put into use.

This is the first time Anqiluo has been put into use after the headquarters building was completed.

An Qiluo directly opened the portal and came to his office.


Very big!

The big one even looks like a conference room...

This was the first reaction of the representatives of the Dragon Kingdom when they came here.

In fact, this is the scale that An Qiluo specially ordered the construction team of Hell's Kitchen to build. The need for a large-scale house has been integrated into his genes...

"Tsk tsk..."

The representative of Longguo smacked his lips. Although the office is ridiculously large, it is not very unusual. What surprised them was the wonderful experience when they just passed through the portal...

It was amazing, as soon as I opened my eyes, I arrived at An Qiluo's office...

"Sit down, would you like some tea?"

Angelo smiled kindly.

The yellow skin, black hair and black pupils of the representative of Longguo made An Qiluo feel close.

Not to mention, no matter what the reason, be the first to stand up and support yourself!

"Tea, thank you!"

The representative of Longguo sat on the sofa a little cautiously.

To be fair, it was the first time I faced this famous priest of hell alone at such a close distance, and I was somewhat nervous.

"Don't be nervous, we should be friends."

As if doing a magic trick, An Qiluo took out two cups of steaming Longjing tea from his space backpack and handed them to the two representatives of Longguo respectively.

This miraculous scene amazed the people of Long Kingdom.

"By the way, you came to me just now because you wanted to say something to me in private? There is no one else here. I am a stupid person, so just say it directly."

Representative of Dragon Kingdom: ...

You can say that you are stupid, but who would dare to say that you are stupid? Unless you don't want to live anymore.

"Mr. Priest was joking..." The representative of Longguo took a sip of fresh green tea, and his nervousness eased. "Mr. Priest, I would like to ask about your nationality..."

Angelo's face froze, and then he sighed.

"I... I used to be in the Dragon Kingdom, but because of some unavoidable reasons, I could only live here. Going home doesn't seem to be an easy task..."

An Qiluo's eyes were complicated, not because he didn't want to go back, but because he never had the chance to go back.

The nationality of the Dragon Kingdom is not so easy to join, besides, returning to the Dragon Kingdom now with my own identity will only make the Dragon Kingdom a target of public criticism...

"It's okay, if Mr. Priest wants to go home, Longguo welcomes you at any time, and I can handle the formalities for you..."

The representative of Longguo said excitedly.

An Qiluo is a native of the Dragon Kingdom. Although he was exiled abroad due to some historical reasons, it doesn't matter!

This discovery is no less than discovering that the chairman of the United Nations is from the Dragon Kingdom!

Angelo sighed again and waved his hand.

"Forget it, the current situation is not suitable for me to return to the Dragon Kingdom, it will only get the Dragon Kingdom into trouble, and for the same reason, as the current president of the Avengers Alliance, I can't protect you in the distribution of benefits .I must be impartial!"

An Qiluo looked at the representative of Longguo who looked slightly depressed, smiled and winked at them.

"But as the first country to join the expeditionary force, you must receive some preferential treatment. This is a reward for your willingness to contribute to all mankind..."

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