The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 208 What are you doing? !

When the woman appeared on the magic carpet, all the mages immediately stood up and bowed slightly.

The lords were stunned for a moment, and those who responded quickly followed suit, while those who were slow responded even more slowly.

There was silence on the magic carpet.

Because the person in front of me is Ms. Suriel, one of the three great Masters of Tongtian.

She is also the main judge of this battle in Moss Green Hills.

And when Surel said the words "Protest is futile".

Judgment 09 naturally lowered his head:

"Okay, okay."

Suriel explained a little more:

"There will be loopholes in any confrontation under the rules. The significance of this battle is to allow us to find these loopholes before more wars begin, and then make up for this by adding details and regulations. But we cannot go because of the loopholes themselves. Deny the content of this battle. Because the loopholes are not the problem of both sides, but our negligence."

Judgment 07 immediately followed up:

"You are absolutely right!"

Suriel looked at the lords again.

Her smile is as gentle as ever:

"We also welcome everyone to point out possible loopholes to us. On the one hand, we can quickly make corrections to ensure the fairness and justice of the battle."

The lords nodded and bowed one by one, almost pledging themselves to promise that they would report the discovered loopholes to the Alliance.

However in practice.

Only vulnerabilities that are not beneficial to you may be reported.

Loopholes that benefit oneself——

Can that be called a loophole?

Suriel seemed to be well aware of this. She did not talk to the lords for too long, but waved her right hand.

The next second.

A dusty portal appeared at the edge of the magic carpet.

Suriel said softly:

"I'm afraid it will be very hard for everyone to watch the battle here. On the one hand, the battle cannot be completed in one or two days, and on the other hand, everyone also needs to rest.

So I prepared a rest room for everyone.

The rooms and supplies in the rest house can meet all the needs of everyone's daily life.

And the fees are not expensive.

It only costs 100 gold coins per hour.

With your net worth, it must be more than enough.

If you need anything, just go in directly. There will be a mage apprentice waiting inside to receive you. "

Finish this sentence.

In the eyes of the lords looking at each other.

Suriel's figure disappeared gracefully.

Everyone officially started to discuss the topic of "rest house".

Everyone's faces were not pretty.

Everyone was denounced by Suriel for his blatant act of cutting leeks.

But that was Suriel.

So what comes to your lips often turns into awkward compliments.

For a while.

The atmosphere above the magic carpet became a little weird.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Ruling 07 Question Ruling 09:

"Where is your black dragon? Do you want to fight it yet?"

Ruling 09 put on a straight face:

"No comment!"

Ruling 07 reminds:

"Don't get too involved. We are just spectators and recorders. The victory or defeat of both sides has nothing to do with us."

Judgment 09 couldn’t help but complain:

“It’s just my work ethic, okay?”

"Winning or losing both sides has nothing to do with me!"

"But then again, what's going on with your Matthew? Isn't he Ms. Isabel's student? Why is Ms. Suriel the chief judge?"

"I asked why you didn't tell us the identity of the chief judge before. It turns out that he has reached this level..."

Ruling 07 thought about it:

“In the first battle in the south, we have to send a heavyweight, right?

Ms. Isabel is indeed substantial.

But her current status is a bit special after all.

Moreover, mortal war may be a bit boring for legendary mages.

If that lady comes over.

Maybe they would kill both sides because they disliked the ink stains. "

Ruling 09 nodded:

"What you said makes sense."

He was about to say something, but at this moment, he suddenly turned and looked to the west:

"I have to go."

Judgment 09 took out a broomstick, got on it and flew away in a hurry.

Looking at the direction he was going away.

Judgment 07 showed a thoughtful expression.

Underneath the magic carpet.

Watch Mountain.

A new round of construction is in full swing.

After receiving supplies from the Bullywugs, Rolling Stone Town suddenly had a large amount of rolling stones, logs, hot oil and various tools.

This provides good conditions for the subsequent position defense.

The defense of Watch Mountain is actually not that simple.

The tops of the moss-green hills are more like larger earth mounds than mountains.

Watch Mountain is the largest of these dirtbags.

This thing has nothing to do with being easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The defenders on the mountain must defend themselves against attacks from all directions.

Take into account the rugged terrain of the mountains.

The mobility of the cavalry was also greatly reduced.

This adds a lot of difficulty to Matthew and others' plan.

And in order to deal with this situation.

Rolling Stone Town is mainly working in three directions -

On the one hand is the construction of fortifications.

These fortifications were mainly concentrated on the southwest side and included a large number of wooden fences, traps, iron clamps, ground nails and deep pits.

With the efforts of everyone.

The fortifications in the south are now in good shape.

If the enemy wants to attack this side.

There must be a heavy price to pay.

The second aspect is the construction of a three-dimensional defense system, in addition to conventional fortifications.

The northwest is defended by Matthew's undead.

The Necromancer's human wave tactics played a vital strategic value at this moment.

Skeletons and zombies all over the mountains and plains blocked any entrance to the mountain on the northwest slope.

for the enemy.

Such a large number of undead can also form a psychological shock.

The southeast direction is currently mainly guarded by the Formation Breakers mercenary group.

The next few days.

Rolling Stone Town will also build a large number of fortifications here.

Just because of the terrain.

The hills here are steeper.

Not as urgent as the southwest.

The northeast is regarded as the rear of Rolling Stone.

Rhaegar set up part of the military camp on the hillside, and there were several sentries at the foot of the mountain.

Echoing these sentries was half the cavalry stationed on another hill to the northeast.

These cavalry are the elite among the elite, responsible for patrolling and sweeping outside in turns.

Their mission is to occupy this hilltop so that Rolling Stone Town has a relatively stable rear.

At the same time, it is ensured that if people on the mountain have to withdraw from the mountain, they can play a covering role.

The third aspect is to establish a strong early warning system.

These include Zeller's surveillance spell, the scouts' roaming reconnaissance, Matthew's Pegasus face riding, and so on.

Only try to be perfect in these three aspects.

Only then can the Watch Mountain position be more stable.

And in order to achieve this.

Everyone is working hard.

There may be passion to back it up in the beginning.

But as time goes by.

Only the strong will is left to support the body and move forward.


Many soldiers are feeling tired.

Fortunately, the camp has been initially built at this time.

Follow previously assigned tasks.

Everyone began to take turns to rest.

The night became darker.

Fog rises.

Faintly, a simple and desolate singing sound came from the southwest.

That moment.

Matthew only felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring in the direction of Watch Mountain in the vast white mist!

At this time Zeller found him:

"The dragon priest blocked my surveillance spell. Now I can't monitor Watch Mountain 360 degrees."

Matthew nodded.

This is to be expected. The enemy does not have magical abilities. Anti-reconnaissance spells or treasures are things they have guessed will appear early.

With thick fog.

The enemy first cut off Zeller's field of vision, which indeed posed a certain hidden danger to the defense system of Rolling Stone Town.

To make up for this.

The wanderers led by Richard must go out more frequently, but going down the mountain means higher risks.

Except Richard.

Others would die without burial once they were discovered.

This even includes A Bing.

As a sword dancer with strong individual combat power, A Bing is also very fragile. When the enemy comes prepared, it may be difficult for A Bing to escape into the shadow realm as easily as usual.

And once caught.

It only takes a few seconds to be shattered to pieces.

Therefore, Matthew was particularly cautious when ordering the soldiers to go out for inspection.

He would rather ride Pegasus a few more times to explore the world in person.

He also didn’t want his undead men to perish because of this.

However, this undoubtedly increased Matthew's burden.

Maintaining such a large undead army is itself a task that consumes a lot of energy and concentration.

He also had to take on some of the role of scout.

This did make him a little tired.

But there is nothing we can do.

Who makes Pegasus Ollie only want to be close to him?

At the moment, I can only comfort myself by saying that those who are able work harder.

Fortunately, Rhaegar quickly noticed this situation——

He discovered that Matthew would fly out to see the field of view almost every 15 minutes, and immediately stopped his behavior.

"There's no reason to put all the stress of flying on you. You should have a good rest first."

Rhaegar said seriously.

Matthew spread his hands:

"Except for Richard, there is no one else who is more suitable for exploring the field than me. I have a scroll of mist opening and a scroll of wind in my hand, but these scrolls must be reserved for more critical times."

Rega waved his hand:

"Believe me, go and rest, I still have some ideas."


He took out a copper whistle and put it in his mouth.

Then blow hard.

The harsh sound immediately spread throughout the countryside.

It didn't take long.

A clear eagle call came from the horizon.

But I saw a giant oriental eagle flying from the mist.

He flew around the Watch Mountain and landed next to Rhaegar.

"Like I told you before, don't transform, man."

Rhaegar said quickly.

The giant eagle didn't have time to say anything.

The figure of Judgment 07 appeared in front of them again.

His expression was quite speechless.

He stared at the Eastern Giant Eagle for a long time before he couldn't help but say:


The giant eagle said nothing.

Judgment 07 looked at Rhaegar with a troubled expression:

"He is not a person on the registration list. Logically speaking, I should give you a warning..."

Unexpectedly, Rega's eyes widened:

"He's my pet!"

"Can't we bring pets to the battle?"

Judgment 07 seemed to have expected this, his expression gradually became numb and his tone became routine.

He asked the Eastern Giant Eagle:

"Are you his pet?"

Giant Eagle Huo Wen blinked:

"I think I am."

Ruling 07 rolled his eyes.

But he still wrote in his notebook——

"9 pm.

Rhaegar, Lord of Rolling Stone, summoned an Eastern Eagle.

Although he is a genuine druid.

But if this druid always remains in wild form.

Then in theory, it can indeed be classified as a pet as Rega said..."

Rhaegar held the torch high and squinted at the notes of Judgment 07.

Then he asked happily:


"Then I'm going to start!"

Judgment 07 trembled:

"Is this just the beginning?"

Without waiting for Rhaegar's answer.

The giant eagle Huo Wen immediately roared.

This sound was so penetrating that it reached the ears of almost every creature in the mossy green hills.

Half an hour later.

A group of Eastern giant eagles came from the distant sky.

They flap their wings creating a huge wind.

The strong wind blew away the fog.

It also improves the vision at night.

"1, 2, 3...12."

Ruling 07 counted silently.


He could only continue to write——

"The Eastern Giant Eagle summoned by Rhaegar summoned 12 new Eastern Giant Eagles.

We have reason to believe.

As long as he wants.

You can also summon more other creatures continuously.

So I suggest.

Summoning spells must be restricted in future battles.


I deeply doubt that even if summoning is banned, these people will be able to find other loopholes.

So perhaps the most convenient way is -

Rolling Stone is prohibited from participating in the battle! "

The arrival of the Eastern Giant Eagle greatly relieved the pressure on Matthew's vision.

They fly very high, and their eyesight can penetrate the heavy fog. Once they find any trouble, they can come back and report to Huo Wen, who will then relay it to Rhaegar or Zeller.

Matthew can rest.

The night is getting darker.

Watching Mountain gradually became quiet.

Except for the soldiers on duty, they were still looking nervously at the dark mountain.

Most people have fallen into a deep or shallow sleep.

Around 1am.

A loud horn suddenly alerted everyone!


Comes with the sound of trumpets.

There were a lot of fires in the southwest!

"The enemy is going to attack the mountain!"

"There is a night attack!"

Exclamations spread throughout the military camp, and everyone was arranging their weapons and armor in a panic.

However, when the soldiers rushed out of the military camp.

But the sound of the trumpet has stopped abruptly.

Matthew swooped down on his Pegasus, and looked a little ugly when he came back.

"It's harassment."

"The horn was a false shot. A group of humans sneaked up and suddenly lit up torches. They waved for a few times and then ran away. I didn't dare to pursue them."

Rhaegar nodded.

Matthew was right not to pursue it further.

But the enemy's command is obviously not easy.

His intentions are clear.

It is to affect the status of the soldiers on Watch Mountain through constant harassment!

as expected.

Just two hours after the soldiers were pacified back to camp.

Another blast of horns sounded.

This time the fire appeared in the northwest, with more and denser numbers, and there were even faint roars of orcs!

This time the horn sound also alarmed most people.

Matthew also didn't get a good rest.

He flew over with Huo Wen in anger, but found that the orcs threw some torches to the mountain and ran away.

Considering that the black dragon never appeared.

He reluctantly endured this breath.

After returning to the mountain.

The barracks was still in chaos.

Many soldiers thought a war was about to begin and were looking for their commanders.

Zeller had no choice but to use magic to quickly spread the order, which suppressed the chaotic scene.

The current situation is not optimistic.

What the defender fears most is this kind of uninterrupted harassment.

The enemy only needs to send a small number of people to pry the nerves of most people.

Being harassed for a long time will not only affect the soldiers' sleep, but also affect their combat effectiveness and morale.

This is a nuisance that must be dealt with properly.

In fact, Matthew and others also have plans for this.

Facing harassment battles.

The solution is special operations forces.

Because if the enemy wants to harass, they will definitely not send out large troops, and a small group of people will definitely not be the enemy of this group of experts.

As long as the enemy dares to come.

Lumiere and Clegg alone can wipe out several teams.

Not to mention Matthew taking action himself.

Then the embarrassing part of the problem is that the black dragon disappeared!

The special operations force lost its target and was instead potentially distracted by the black dragon.

In order to ensure that after the black dragon appears, it can focus fire on the opponent as soon as possible.

Matthew requires his friends to be on standby in a specific place at all times.

This way.

It seemed a little constrained.

"Is this also the Black Dragon's strategy?"

Matthew was surprised.

The reality is that even if you make 1,000 and 100 plans, unplanned situations may occur.

Even if you think you are smart.

The enemy may not be an idiot.

Although Gao Yeling's army has problems of one kind or another, the commander-in-chief of the other side undoubtedly has a certain war acumen.

"If Black Dragon learns of the existence of the special operations team, it is indeed possible to make such a decision..."

Matthew's mind was spinning rapidly.


He decisively modified his previous strategy:

"Group of two, take turns lurking at the foot of the mountain. If the enemy feints to attack again, confirm their numbers and immediately annihilate them."

"But be careful not to chase too deep, lest the black dragon suddenly appears."

Under Matthew's arrangement.

Lumière and Leila;

Craig and Samantha;

The four of them were responsible for taking turns to guard against feint attacks in the southwest and northwest.

Richard was left alone to guard the southeast.

He has so much energy that he doesn't even need sleep. The only one who can match him in this regard is Lorraine.

But accordingly.

Legendary poets don't play much of a role in this situation either.

At best, he can only play a lullaby when everyone can't sleep.

But when Lorraine suggested doing this.

was politely rejected by Matthew——

He didn't want to sleep too soundly!

In order to cooperate with the special operations force's attack on the harassment squad.

Rhaegar also sent some people as support.

After that it stopped for some time.

Five o'clock in the morning.

The horn sounded for the third time.

At this time, the soldiers in the military camp seemed a little numb.

Many people were awakened and did not immediately look for their weapons. Instead, they asked each other whether it was another enemy harassment.

And just as they stood up slowly.

Suddenly the giant eagle Huo Wen's emergency call came from the sky:

"In the dense forest in the northwest, a large number of human troops and orc troops appeared!"

"This is not a feint attack, the enemy's main force is dispatched!"

For a while.

There was an uproar in the military camp.

The nervous Rega and others began to organize the troops for action in a hurry.

And at this time.

At the foot of the mountain in the northwest direction.

The orc troops at the forefront were already fighting with the zombie skeletons!

in the dark.

Matthew rubbed his swollen eyes.

Get on the Pegasus and head straight to the battlefield.

The vanguard force composed of orcs had very powerful attack capabilities. In less than 10 minutes, they tore open several gaps in the defense line composed of undead.

The orcs at the forefront had almost reached 1/3 of Watch Mountain!

Matthew looked at this scene solemnly.

At this moment.

A figure rushed across the ground.

It's Rhaegar!

But when Rhaegar rushed towards the orc, he raised the big sword in his hand high and slashed it down with all his strength!


The orc blocked it for a moment.

The weapon in his hand was broken into two pieces.

The big sword cut along the orc's shoulder blade into his chest.

The latter roared in pain.

Rhaegar kicked him in the chest.

The orc rolled towards the mountainside like a rubber ball.

And at the foot of the mountain.

More enemy vanguard troops fought with the undead.

The fog before dawn was too dense.

Even Matthew couldn't tell the specific situation for a while.

"Let my men come!"

"Pull the undead's front to the north!"

Rhaegar shouted loudly.

Matthew calmed down, maintained concentration, and began to move the battle lines for the undead.

And behind Rhaegar.

The infantry who were the first to complete the organization quickly arrived halfway up the mountain.

A defensive formation was organized.

Accompanied by the pulling and retreat of the undead.

The infantry of the two sides faced each other in the air.

It's as if even breathing has become as heavy as mercury!

Just when the two sides were about to meet in close combat on the northwest hillside.

A dark shadow moved up the mountain from the northeast through the fog and chaos.

The drow assassin Horns is as light on his feet as a cat.

After evading two patrolling cavalry and three heavily guarded sentries, he successfully arrived at the camp on the northeastern hillside.

His movements were careful and graceful.

The drow's racial talents give them an advantage when operating in the dark.

The assassin's abilities and skills designed for stealth make him a fish in water in such an environment.

But even in this case.

His heart was still beating fast.


He has performed similar missions countless times.

But real war.

It was also his first time participating.

He knew very well what his actions meant to the army of Gaoyeling.

He has to succeed.

He has no way out!

Fortunately, his actions seem to be going quite smoothly so far.

Rolling Stone Town invested a large number of troops to guard the northwest, southwest and southeast.

The Northeast naturally looks a little weak.

They also considered the possibility of high-level assassins.

So on two high points in the campground.

Horns discovered the existence of the True Sight Gem——

That is a treasure that can naturally counter invisible units.

But for real rogue masters.

The True Sight Gem, which has a limited anti-hidden range and a rigid mechanism, is just a matter of doing a few more operations.

With strong perception and perfect control of distance.

Horns just squeezed in through the blind corner of the True Sight Gem.

And it's even easier once inside.

This is the logistics camp.

Although the soldiers in the logistics also woke up because of the sound of the horn.

But this place is far away from the main battlefield.

Their attitude was not particularly tense.

more importantly.

The strength of logistics soldiers is generally low.

It's impossible for anyone to sense his existence as a high-level assassin!

Just think of this.

Horns couldn't help but smile.

He touched the poison sac on his waist.

He was planning to walk towards the kitchen.

But at this time.

He suddenly saw a tauren skeleton with empty eyes sitting among the soldiers!

She was looking faintly in the direction where she was.

that moment.

Horns' heart tightened.

He almost thought he had been discovered!

But soon.

The minotaur skeleton tilted its head.

Horns breathed a sigh of relief, and he laughed at himself a little funny:

"Are you too nervous?"

"I was almost scared by a low-level skeleton!"

Horns was ashamed of it.

So when he passed the tauren skeleton, he glared at him fiercely, still cursing in his heart:

"What are you looking at!"

"Can you see me?!"

The minotaur skeleton looked stupid and did not react to this.

Hornston felt bored and went straight to the kitchen.

8 minutes later.

He came to the makeshift kitchen.

Start looking for suitable poisoning targets.

He walked carefully in the small space.

After a while.

He saw a huge water tank.

Immediately his face became happy.

And that's when he put his hands on his waist.

A sharp pain came from the spine of his back!


Horns howled in agony.

That moment.

He looked down and saw a sharp ax coming out of his chest!

Great pain struck the drow assassin's nerves.

It was at that moment.

He vaguely heard a righteous and awe-inspiring voice:

"What are you doing sneaking around?!"

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