The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 209 The Power of Five Dragons

A life or death moment.

Horns didn't sluggish at all, his body quickly weakened, and his fighting instincts had reached their peak after years of training.

The moment he realized he was being attacked.

He then opened the door to the Shadow Realm!

Forced escape!

When the gentle shadow world accepted him like a mother's embrace, Horns' huge pain finally dissipated. After using the power of shadow to become immune to pain, he quickly planned his retreat route.


A mandatory Shadow Pulse is required.

Although this move may cause greater damage to the already torn body.

But this is the only way to escape.

He must use this pulse to reach the next point where the Shadow Plane meets the Material Plane.

Then with strong will and resilience, he quickly left the battlefield to save his life.

In many years of assassination career.

Similar scenes don't happen often, but they're not unique either.

Horns still remembers that when he was young, he was chased several times and had no way to go to the sky or the earth.

At that time, he also felt that he was close to death.

But in the end he didn't.

every time.

He escaped with his strong will to survive and skillful escape skills.

And this time.

He believed it would be the same.

In a flash, such thoughts flashed through his mind. His strong will to survive drove him to stoop, and his brain was spinning crazily.

Power from the Shadow Realm comes from all directions.

A whirlpool-like phenomenon formed in his heart.

The strength accumulation is completed.

He was about to successfully release a shadow pulse.

But at this time.

In the dark world, a pale and rough figure forced his way in.

That moment.

Horns' eyes widened.

He couldn't believe that the enemy could accurately find the shadow node where he was hiding!

Between the lightning and flint.

A rough hand bone grabbed his neck.

"Come out you!"

When Horns heard this voice, he had been pulled out of the shadow world.

at the same time.

A huge bone blade struck his chin, cutting off 2/3 of his head and half of his shoulders.

"Why is this bull..."

This was Horns' last thought when he was born into this world.


The drow assassin's body fell to the floor, knocking over a kitchen shelf.

The sound of clattering dishes falling to the ground was endless.

The soldiers nearby were finally alerted.

Ten seconds later.

A fair-skinned but skinny soldier rushed in first. He was wearing obviously ill-fitting armor and a ridiculously large hat. Under the brim of the hat was a pair of rather smart eyes.

"What happened? Sister Paige?!"

The boy asked nervously.

Peggy answered with the half body in her hand:

"It's okay, I caught a sneaky guy."

The young man was shocked and said:

"Wow, is this an assassin?"

"Why did they turn their skin black to escape into the darkness?"

Peggy stared at the corpse in her hands and muttered:

"Is there a possibility that this is a drow?"

The surprise in the young man's eyes became even stronger:

"Is this a drow? It turns out there are really people who are born black!"

He looked at Peggy with eyes full of admiration:

"Sister Peggy, you know so much!"

Paige chuckled.

She quite liked the clever boy named Duomi in front of her.

Domi is the youngest person participating in the battle in Rolling Stone Town.

He was originally a member of the reserves.

Because I heard that there was money to be paid for participating in the battle, I sharpened my head and wanted to join the battle.

The military affairs officer originally rejected Domi's request to participate in the war many times.

But Duomi recommended himself through various channels.

Finally, he got an opportunity to join the logistics force as a reserve.

The nominal commander of the logistics force is an old man from the garrison.

But Domi has been following Paige, an alternative support member, from the first day of the battle.

Quite a bit like a little tail.

This makes it hard for Paige not to like him.

"Sister Peggy, there's a war going on over there. Do you think there will be more assassins sneaking in?"

Domi asked.

Peggy nodded:

"You go and inform Allen (the logistics director) and ask him to inform Zeller and the cavalry commander respectively."

"I will check it myself in the camp."

Domi asked enthusiastically:

"I'll inform them!"

"But regarding the search for other assassins, is there anything I can do to help?"

Peggy thought for a while:


"Go and change the two real gems at the camp entrance."

Duomi suddenly realized:

"Is it because the location of the True Sight Gem was not right, so the assassin sneaked in?"

"You want me to adjust my position now in order to force potential assassins to be exposed?"

However, Peggy shook her head:


"Anti-hiding is my natural instinct and I don't need to resort to other forces."

"Those two gems are so dazzling that they make my soul hurt. Please move them. It's best to move them to a corner so they don't hinder me."

Domi suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

It took a long time.

He then scratched his head and obeyed.

at the same time.

On the southwest hillside.

The infantry of Rolling Stone Town were in close combat with Gao Ye's leading troops who were attacking at night.

Brad, who was born with supernatural powers, led the team at the front.

After the undead army shrinks its formation towards the north, he will be responsible for taking over the task of resisting the line at the foot of the mountain.

With the cooperation of more than a dozen defenders.

Quickly kill the orc team at the front.


They tangled up with a brand new team of human infantry.

However, overall the intensity of the war was not very high.

Except for the orc team that was killed.

Although the enemy is powerful.

However, the teams were scattered widely, and the battle line was stretched very long, giving people the feeling of a comprehensive attack, but it was not as fierce and powerful as imagined.

When the infantry engages in battle.

Matthew flew across the sky on Pegasus, observing the battle below, and also paying attention to the movements of the black dragon.

He found that the human troops in Gaoye Ling had indeed made some moves. Not only were almost all the troops dispatched, but there were also archers behind them who had been providing projectile cover.

Previously in Round 1 contact.

Many of Matthew's undead died in battle because they were caught off guard.

Fortunately, it's now under Matthew's control.

The undead have regained control of the northern mountainside and riverbank.

The undead army and Brad's garrison formed a defensive line that was relatively solid so far.

Matthew also tried to order the undead to take the initiative.

But the effect is very average.

Mainly because his focus makes it really hard to micromanage the undead squad.

And because they lack intelligence, they can easily suffer disadvantages when they come into contact with the enemy at the tactical level.

Matthew quickly realized——

Without the blessing of spells at the level of undead disaster.

A simple army of the undead is actually not suitable for attack.

But great for defense.

Therefore, he did not pursue more, but chose to continue to play steadily and let the zombies block the flanks of the defense team to ensure the safety of Brad and others.

For a while.

The shouting was obvious at the foot of the mountain to the west.

But soon.

Matthew then realized that the intensity of the battle was not as high as imagined.

The attacking enemy troops seemed to have no intention of continuing their advance.

Some enemy teams even retreated a lot immediately after encountering a strong blockage.

There was no sloppiness at all.

This feeling is very inexplicable.

Either the enemy has no intention of attacking the mountain head-on, or the opponent is playing an anti-psychological game.

In this way, Matthew became very curious about the thoughts of the enemy commander-in-chief Delaware.

However, as the commander-in-chief, Rhaegar was very calm.

He kept using his loud voice to order everyone not to pursue but to just hold on.

Therefore, the battle has changed from a surprise battle at the beginning to a stalemate most of the time. Only occasionally a section of the front will be fiercely fought for a while, but once casualties occur, the enemy will quickly retreat!

We fought like this for about half an hour.

There was a faint light in the sky.

It was approaching dawn.

However, at this time, Matthew noticed that the dense fog near the moss-green hills had reached its maximum!

Visibility near the battlefield dropped to less than three meters.

If not for Rhaegar's extremely loud voice, he could be accurately heard by everyone even among countless noises.

I am afraid that the heavy fog alone will greatly hinder the designated release.

Just to be on the safe side.

Rolling Stone Town decided to shrink its defense line.

But at this time.

Brad and others also discovered that the enemy began to retreat quickly!

Along with this process.

The wind seemed to have changed.

The fog that hung over the enemy suddenly began to recede.

The situation of the troops in front of Gao Ye was clearly visible!

There seemed to be only about 300 of them!

There are no more reinforcements.

"The enemy seems to have a problem!"

"Their main force did not show up!"

"This time it's still harassment, but it's just a more realistic feint!"

"If we are bolder, we might be able to capture all of this feigned attack force!"

Blade slashed an enemy over with force, then charged up the hill.

He came to Rhaegar's side and asked if he should pursue.

Rhaegar looked up to the sky.

Matthew's faint voice came from the thick foggy sky:

"Don't worry, you go down and assemble the troops first."

"You can give it a little chase, but don't cross the river!"

While talking.

He took out a mist-opening scroll from his arms and tore it open.

Thick magic light patterns rippled like water waves.

All of a sudden.

The fog for several miles with Matthew as the center dissipated!

He saw it clearly from his condescending position.

I found that there were no other soldiers from the High Leaf Collar in the hills and dense forests in the northwest!

The elite orcs and bugbears did not appear at all.

This seems to be similar to what Brad judged.

Above the mountainside.

Rhaegar also saw the enemy army retreating in embarrassment through the light of the morning light.

There was a strange look on his face.

But still no pursuit was ordered.

Matthew's eyes wandered between the jungle and the shallows.

Not long after.

Brad had already led people to chase him to the river.

He cut down several enemies tonight, and he was currently in a state of killing red eyes. He almost couldn't hold back and rushed over.

Matthew landed by the river just in time.

He saw the human soldiers retreating hastily into the dense forest.

His eyes scanned the dense woods.

After a moment.

Matthew suddenly asked loudly to the dense forest:

"Is there an army hiding among you?"

Ability: Ask nature!

There was silence in the woods.

Brad said excitedly:

"Did you see that? There is no ambush, let me lead the charge once!"

"As long as we kill them, our certainty of winning this war will be greatly increased..."

However, he was not finished yet.

A series of complaints came from the forest:

"Yes, yes!"

"There are a lot of orcs lurking in the woods to the east. Their shit stinks!"

"There are more than 30 bugbears hidden in the stone pit to the west. They are too fat!"

Everyone in the garrison was shocked when they heard this.

They opened their eyes and looked hard, but there was nothing in the dense forest, no one around.

Matthew gave a long laugh, mounted his Pegasus, came to the sky above the forest and started throwing flour downwards.

Along with the falling of flour.

The two troops lurking in the dark through group invisibility were instantly exposed!

It was the two elite troops led by Gao Ye!

It is not difficult to see through the rough display of the flour that the Gaoyeling infantry retreated through the passage between the two armies.

In case Brad leads the charge.

A pincer attack from both sides will surely lead to collapse!

He himself may even have a narrow escape from death!

See this scene.

Brad suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He scratched his beard subconsciously, not knowing what to say.

"How about we retreat?"

Brad looked at Matthew returning from the sky with some embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Matthew still shook his head.

He looked back toward the hillside.

At this moment, there was a dark red magic flag rising into the sky next to Rega's hand!

That's an order to charge with all your strength!

"Come on!"

"I will cooperate with you!"

Matthew patted Brad on the shoulder, and he rode on the back of Xiao Fei, the ghost bone dragon.

Surrounded by countless undead.

Philoleus led the three-headed bone dragon to fly over the dense forest first!


One dives down.

Although the power of the bone dragon was small, it still made the orcs and bugbears who had just been exposed and were hesitant to retreat a little uncomfortable.

Their bodies were obviously stiff.

That moment.

Xiao Fei cut directly into a half-orc army on the flank, and his tail and claws attacked these strong aliens unscrupulously.

Matthew was not idle either.

The Pale Hand opened up its firepower and began to try to harvest lives.

The toughness of half-orcs is not low.

They soon recovered from their immobility.

But at this time, Xiao Fei soared into the sky again after attracting the attention of most of the enemy troops.

This time.

But he didn't dare to swoop down no matter what.

But this time comes and goes.

This bought time for Brad's infantry and the undead to approach.

The jungle itself is not big, just a small area.

With the rapid influx of undead, the frontal battlefield will obviously become very crowded.

at this time.

A sharp whistling sound came from deep within the enemy ranks.

That moment.

All enemies who received the order began to retreat quickly!

This time they really retreated.

Because their evacuation speed was several times faster than before!

Matthew found streaks of yellow light on them.


That's the role of the strategic spell: retreat!

The enemy troops withdrew from the dense forest as quickly as possible.

Matthew didn't see Dragon Priest Delaware, but the other party's micro-management of the troops opened his eyes.

In just a few minutes.

All three troops withdrew from the dense forest.

The orcs and bugbears covered each other and escaped from the dangerous area first.

The human troops previously used as bait were not so lucky.

Some of them became entangled with Brad's infantry.

The remaining group had just escaped from the dense forest, but suddenly they heard the sound of horse hooves!

But see the north of the dense forest.

Two columns of cavalry quickly bypassed the lush vegetation and attacked them along both sides of the valley!

The enemy is in formation.

The screams symbolizing retreat became stronger and stronger each time.

But when the first cavalry's spear penetrated three rout infantry with high leaf collars one after another.

A massacre was inevitable.

Not to mention that when the cavalry arrived, they were also chased by Matthew riding a ghost bone dragon!

Blood and negative energy.

It quickly infiltrated the earth inside and outside the dense forest.

The chase continued until seven o'clock in the morning.

The first battle in Rolling Stone was successful.

With one person alive, three seriously injured, and seventeen slightly injured, about 130 enemy troops were killed. Most of them were human infantry from the high leaf collar, with a small number of orcs and one the slowest bear. Goblin.

There were three prisoners in total.

In fact.

Brad and the others were already red-blooded, and the enemy soldiers who were seriously escaping had no chance of survival.

Instead, these three guys lay down on the river beach, first pretended to be dead to deceive the pursuers, and then raised their hands in surrender while everyone in Rolling Stone Town was cleaning up the mess, thus saving their lives.


The interrogation of the three prisoners is coming to an end.

And Peggy's unexpected gain was also handed over.

"This is "Wood Lizard's Kiss", a very strange poison. It is not toxic in itself and will only cause mild diarrhea after being taken. "

"But this poison will lie dormant in the human body for up to a week. During this period, if you smell a certain kind of special pollen, your limbs will become stiff, and the symptoms can last for at least several hours."

"During the fight with the enemy, we discovered that the Dragon Priest seems to have the ability to control the fog, so it shouldn't be too difficult for him to control the airflow. The operation of sending pollen into the airflow can also be completed."

Matthew said solemnly:

"At present, Delaware's raid has at least two purposes."

"The first one came from the frontal battlefield. He used group invisibility and fog to create a double obstacle. He wanted to use this to booby-trap our troops. Fortunately, we were careful enough and escaped."

"And the second one should be the poisoning of the drow assassin."

"We're lucky they didn't succeed."

Zeller nodded:

"I would step up testing of food and water for toxins."

"During the interrogation just now, the three prisoners claimed in unison that they had joined the Five Dragons Alliance and were the blood descendants of the Five Dragons."

"We also found identical talismans on the fallen soldiers. This seems to be a token that represents their identity."

"The black dragon has not appeared for a long time. Do you think it has something to do with these talismans?"

The three of them looked at each other.

Matthew directly believed that these talismans were related to the disappearance of the black dragon, but now that there is no more information, he can only wait and see what happens.

However, the Black Dragon did not keep them waiting for long.

It's approaching noon.

Luo Lan suddenly found them:

"One good news and one bad news."

"The good news is, my grapevine has picked up traces of the dragon."

"The bad news is, there are five dragons."

While talking.

He waved his right hand, and a golden light poured into the foreheads of Matthew and others.

All of a sudden.

They then shared the information captured by Lorraine!

"Tip: Your partner Lorraine shared a piece of gossip with you——

The black dragon Mae Nogas activated the "Dragon Blood Contract" in the Five Dragons Alliance on the grounds that a large number of descendants of the five dragons were killed in battle!

The remaining four dragons in the Five Dragon Alliance lent part of their power to the black dragon Mae Nogas!

Maeonoghas gained the "Power of Five Dragons" and he is now more powerful (LV20)!


With the power of the five dragons, he summoned four giant dragons from the secondary plane, namely the young white dragon, the young green dragon, the young red dragon and the young blue dragon!

They will become followers of Maeonoghas! "

Sorry, something did happen at home. I don’t want to convey negative energy to everyone, so I didn’t say the detailed reason. In short, I will adjust well and try to get back to my best tomorrow!

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