The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 320 Are there many goddesses looking for you?

World Tree, in the northeastern canopy, in an unexpectedly suspended cabin.

Matthew was confronting a round bubble in this dim space.

The Starry Sky Cabin is a very special space.

The entrance to the hut is on the physical plane.

But it is essentially a place where the physical and astral realms intersect.

Therefore, the sunlight from the material world cannot shine in, and the only light source here is the starlight shining through the six porthole-like windows in the cabin.


All lighting spells are ineffective.

Fortunately, Matthew has some dark vision and can barely distinguish the location of the astral bubble.

This guy……

It gave Matthew an inscrutable feeling.

No matter how he used his mental power and perception to detect, the feedback he received was blank.

The same goes for the data bar.

Except for the name "Star Bubble".

Matthew knew next to nothing about it!

He also tried to communicate with the other party, but the other party remained indifferent.

Only when Matthew takes action, the bubbles will float quickly.

It was avoiding Matthew.

And in this process.

Matthew gradually discovered that there was a certain creature hidden in the bubble, and the shadow cast by this creature on the surface of the bubble was extremely ferocious.

This made Matthew feel a little nervous.

It is also an extremely rare experience for Matthew to not be able to figure out the other party's details at all.

Considering that the other party comes from the star realm.

Matthew naturally did not dare to be careless.

Even if the creature inside cannot kill itself, if the other party brings a terrible virus or plague from the star realm, it will be enough to cause catastrophe to itself or the oak forest.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry to open the bubbles at first.

Instead, focus on observation.

Matthew soon realized a very important point——

"It seems to be afraid of me?"

“What’s wrapped under the shell of the bubble doesn’t seem to be some beast from the astral realm.”

He thought in his mind.

The subsequent "balanced perception" also proved this.

The singleness and weakness of the element layer shows that the destructive power of the astral creatures in the bubble is relatively limited.

After discovering this.

Matthew didn't delay either.

He directly called 47 and A Bing:

"Move quickly and try out its details!"

Two powerful guys, the Death Knight and the Blade Dancer, immediately pounced on him.

The bubble looked very scared at this time.

It tried its best to dodge.

For a moment, a unique chase started in the Starry Sky Cabin.

The two undead are in hot pursuit.

Bubbles were flying all over the sky.

Half a minute later.

Matthew looked surprised.

Putting aside 47 who likes weight training, A Bing is a serious high-level wanderer!

Although skeletons will also suffer a slight agility nerf.

But Ah Bing's skill is definitely comparable to the top rogues below legendary level.

in this case.

The two of them joined forces and were so stunned that they failed to catch the bubble that was jumping up and down!

It's not that the opponent's speed is too fast.

But the direction in which it dodges is very particular.

And the bubble itself seemed solid and slippery, and Bing almost caught it a few times, only to have it slip away from under his paws.

Matthew was amazed.

Another seven or eight seconds passed.

After seeing that A Bing and 47 were still helpless with the star bubbles, Matthew decided to take action himself!

When it is.

The Touch of Death and the Hand of Balance opened their bows left and right, vowing to capture this little bubble.

But at this time.

The entrance to the Starry Sky Cabin suddenly lit up with white or green lights.

Matthew looked back.

There was a loud noise of chirping.

What followed was actually a lot of light monsters and oak monsters!

The fairy princess Lulu is also among them.

As soon as she came in, she was looking around, as if she was looking for someone.

Matthew had a guess in his mind, and immediately stopped the embarrassing behavior of the two undead people, and then asked:

"What are you doing here?"

When Lulu saw Matthew, she instantly showed an expression of surprise.

She happily replied:

"I was summoned by the Heart of the World Tree, and it told me that you might need help."

Matthew nodded.

The Heart of the World Tree is indeed a strange object with high intelligence and decision-making ability.

It learned of the arrival of the Star Bubble and not only notified itself, but also summoned others.

"It seems that the creatures in the bubble are related to goblins?"

Matthew reacted instantly.

Lulu looked up at the star bubble, then showed a sweet smile and said enthusiastically in fairy language:

"Come down."

"We won't hurt you, especially Lord Matthew."

"He is a very good lord."

Hear this.

The bubbles slowly lowered their height.

But he still kept a certain distance from everyone.

Matthew also took advantage of the situation and opened "Language Comprehension", and then said softly:

"I promise not to hurt you."


A childish voice came from the bubble:

"But they two look like bad guys!"

The other party used common language.

But with a strange accent, the voice is very ethereal.

Matthew immediately asked 47 and A Bing to leave.

The two undead looked at each other and had no choice but to leave from the entrance.

After leaving the Starry Sky Cabin.

A Bing suddenly murmured to himself:

"I am not a bad guy……"

47 Heiran hooked A Bing's shoulder:

"What's the use of your own excuses?"

"Look at your outfit, it's just tatters, but you're so revealing!"

"Everyone who sees you will think you are a bad person!"

"I've been dragged down by you..."

A Bing looked at the dark and shiny armor of the fierce-looking 47 and remained silent.

"So men, you should still pay attention to how you dress!"

47 whispered:

"I heard that a new tailor shop has recently opened in Rolling Stone Town. The owner's skills are very good and they also sell ready-made clothes!"

"Anyway, the master probably has nothing to do with us now."

"Would you like to go over and take a look?"

A Bing hesitated and said:

"I can't afford clothes..."

47 asked in surprise:

"Do you still want to buy some clothes?"

"Can't we just sneak over like Sister Peggy and get a few items?"

A Bing is still hesitating:

"This will have a bad impact, right?"

47 patted his shoulder hard:

"It won't affect anyone if no one sees it!"

"You'll go to that tailor's shop in a moment, and I'll go to the newly opened carriage shop next to the tailor's shop and pick up some good horses."

"But you have to remember that I only went to the tailor shop, especially when Ali asked, you have to answer like this!"

"Damn White Ghost, since he became the housekeeper, his assessment and supervision of us have become more and more strict..."

A Bing said seriously:

"But it's not right to steal a horse."

47 shook his head:

"Those horses followed me voluntarily!"

"Are you going anyway?"


The figures of the knife dancer and the death knight disappeared near the exit of the cemetery.

And in the starry sky hut on the other side.

Comforted by Lulu and other oak fairies.

The astral bubble finally slowly landed on the ground.

There was a pop.

The bubble burst from above and turned into a gashapon-like building that opened to both sides. A spirit with blue hair and blazing red eyes slowly flew out from inside!

At this moment.

Only then did Matthew realize that the "astral bubble" in front of him was actually a spacecraft!

"Reminder: You encountered Qie Yun'aling astronaut "Bu Bu" and its spacecraft "Bu Bu"!

Qie Yun A Ling: a miniature elemental spirit that can easily adapt to any livable environment;

Most Yin Yun alings consider themselves humble guardians of nature.

They often live among plants, rocks, and springs far from civilization.

Some of them like to explore the world and therefore become explorers or astronauts.

Xieyun'aling has a talent beyond any race in vehicle construction and maintenance, so you can always see Xiyun'aling explorers or astronauts and their unique vehicles in the star realm..."

"Bubu! Bubu!"

The miniature spirit greeted Matthew shyly.

Matthew responded with a gentle smile.

This Qie Yun'aling is about thirteen or fifteen centimeters tall, about the same size as the Oak Fairy, but a bit shorter than Lulu.

His hair seemed like flowing blue flames, and his neck and limbs were pitch black. He looked slender and slender, with the unique flowing charm of elemental life.

Even though Bubu's body is so petite.

But Matthew could still feel a strong magical aura from him.

"Can you understand me?"

Matthew maintains the effect of knowing the language.

Bubu nodded, and then he pointed at his mouth and then chirped a lot.


Knowing languages ​​didn't translate Boo Boo's words into something Matthew could understand.

Fortunately, Lulu stood up in time:

"He said his name was Bubu and he was an astral traveler."

"Since he was born, he has been on more than a dozen different astral spaceships... This is probably a very big thing. His tone is particularly proud."

Matthew asked curiously:

"Are all the astral spaceships you ride on the same bubble as this one?"

Upon hearing this, Bubu immediately shook his head wildly.

Then he jumped back into the bubble, took out a piece of white paper, and started scribbling on it.

Matthew noticed that this astral bubble was not as small as it looked.

Not only is it fully equipped with all the internal organs, but it also incorporates very advanced space folding technology. For Bubu's size, this spaceship is quite large.

It didn't take long.

There are many lifelike magic spaceships of different styles on the white paper.

Boobu explained while drawing.

Lulu is working hard to play the role of simultaneous interpreter:

"He said it was a squid ship!"

"This is a biological spaceship made from a giant squid in the astral realm. The squid ship is one of the faster spaceships in astral navigation. Its disadvantage is that it shakes a lot and sometimes makes it easy to get seasick."

"This is the Wasp Ship, the Star Moth, the Lamprey Ship, and the Snail Ship..."

"He has flown on all of these spaceships, and he even piloted some of them himself..."

I don’t know if Matthew’s super high natural affinity played a role.

After getting a little familiar with it.

Qie Yun A Ling then said everything he knew in front of Matthew.

According to Bubu.

He was born on a planet full of garbage deep in the star realm.

before he was born.

A large group of Qieyun'alings have multiplied on the planet.

Their purpose is to control the extremely bad environment on that planet.

And with the efforts of Qie Yun A Ling.

The planet has gradually returned to normal.

After that, some Qie Yun A Ling chose to leave.

They repaired the scrapped magic spacecraft on the garbage planet and flew to different places.

Before being attracted to Matthew’s Starry Sky Cabin.

Boo Boo briefly hitches a ride on a giant squid ship.

There were many weirdos on the squid ship who buried themselves in iron sheets. They looked vicious, but thankfully, they did not find Bubu and his bubble ship.

And not so long ago.

The magic spaceship ran aground in a certain star reef area in the star world.

Bubu took the opportunity to leave the squid ship.

As soon as he got off the ship, he discovered that the star reef area was filled with all kinds of magical spaceships.

The creatures on the spaceship are very unfriendly to others.

Almost all the original astral life forms in the Star Reef area were killed by them.

This created huge chaos in the area.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the "Tin Man", Bubu had to take the wrong path and choose routes full of undercurrents in the starry sky. As a result, he accidentally ended up in the material world!

After listening to it, Matthew only found it bizarre and interesting.

The Starry Sky Cabin does communicate with several starry sky undercurrents, but most of the time, there is nothing in the undercurrents.

Even if something floats over, it's garbage.

I didn't expect that I could actually bump into a being from the astral realm.

Bubu’s sailing experience is what interests Matthew even more——

Especially the word "squid ship".

It once again triggered Matthew’s memories of his past life!

He remembered clearly that the squid ship was the signature spaceship of another powerful force in the Antu Empire!

That force possesses powerful biological technology and unique biological magic.

Within the Empire.

They are called "Squid Alchemists"!

In the previous game, the threat level of the Squid Alchemist was much higher than that of the Necrons, who were also remnants of the Antu Empire!

"So the Necron are not the only remnants of the Antu Empire."

"Those alchemy madmen also followed!"

"They stopped at the Star Cay area that Boo Boo mentioned. They definitely weren't here to have a party."

Matthew made a mental note.

The God of Travelers once told him that some of the gods of Tianlun Palace planned to cooperate with Stuluk Industries and reincarnate to a secondary plane.

If this is true.

So this must be the focus of Stuluk Industries in the near future.

Considering the emergence of squid ships.

The role of that star reef is self-evident.

This is crucial news for the Seven Saints Alliance!

Matthew planned to report back to Isabel quickly.

"Boob said he loved it here."

"The star world has become very chaotic now. He plans to take a short rest here for a few months before setting off, and repair his spacecraft by the way."

Lulu quickly translated and said:

"He said he wouldn't get in anyone's way here!"

"Just give him a small open space, and he can build a factory to repair the spacecraft."

Matthew looked at Qie Yun A Ling.

The latter looked at Matthew somewhat flatteringly.

And just when Matthew was pondering.

Bubu suddenly flew around Matthew and muttered something.

Immediately afterwards.

A bright blue and dark purple spotlight hit Matthew's head!

"Tip: You have obtained the "Starlight Technique" blessed by Qie Yun'aling!

Starlight: You will always be hit by a beam of starlight and become the focus of the crowd!

While the starlight lasts, your Charisma +1;

Your mental strength increases slightly;

Your skin will slowly absorb starlight, and if it continues for enough time, your skin will gradually diffract a similar luster..."

After Matthew read it, what shocked him was not the effect of the Starlight Technique.

But what Ronan said was actually true!

Bathing in starlight can not only enhance your fashion and charm, but also increase your mental strength!

To be fair.

This blessing is pretty good.

Although the inability to actively control the shutdown is a bit annoying.

But it lasts only a month.

As long as Matthew doesn't do anything like chickens and dogs for the next month, that's fine.

It also saves you the effort of lighting!

So finally.

He smiled and said to Qie Yun A Ling:

"The Sanctuary of Life welcomes you."

"You can move freely within the confines of the oak forest."

"But remember to watch out for a black peacock."


Matthew asked Lulu and others to take Bubu for a walk in the woods.

And he himself stayed in the Starry Sky Cabin.

The cabin covers an area of ​​about thirty square meters. The dome is rounded and arc-shaped, and it is surrounded by slender creepers and irregular wood grains.

Except for those six windows.

There is no other decoration.

And five of the six windows are very unclear.

It's like there's a screen covering the outside of the window.

Matthew learned from the Heart of the World Tree that this was because the Starry Sky Cabin had just been formed.

As a communication bridge between the main material world and the astral world, the current situation of the cabin is not stable. Only the window that completely faces the astral world is clear.

Matthew stood in front of the window and stared for a long time.

There seems to be only eternal silence and darkness in the deep space.

after a long time.

Suddenly a group of huge, glowing crabs flew across the darkness!

There seem to be many small shadows holding harpoons in the crab's body.

"Hint: You discovered the hermit crab fleet of the 'Astral Murloc'!"

Astral fishmen?

A fleet of hermit crabs?

Matthew couldn't help but become interested in the astral realm.

Think again of the star reef area where countless magic ships gathered that Bubu just mentioned.

He felt a little itchy and unbearable.

It just so happened that he had recently learned the spell "Plane Travel".

In theory, entering the star realm is not a problem.

But eventually.

Matthew still restrained this impulsive thought.

The astral world is indeed beautiful and mysterious.

But there are dangers everywhere.

If he wants to enter the star realm, he still has to wait until legend.

"There's no rush."

"The astral realm is there."

"Before this, there have been trillions of years. Waiting for a few more years, becoming stronger and exploring again will not change anything."

Matthew tried to convince himself.


He saw a huge, strange shape passing over the fleet of hermit crabs.

The next second.

All the hermit crab ships have disappeared!

Matthew didn't even see what he found.

There was silence in the deep sky.

It was as if all the discordant elements had disappeared.

Only eternal darkness remains.

Matthew stared at the darkness for a long time before finally seeing a floating tentacle of darkness!

"Tip: You observed an "Astral Anemone" (deep space super giant creature/legendary creature/lord template).

The astral sea anemone has just completed a satisfying meal and is releasing mating signals into deep space in all directions——

You received this signal.

Respond? "

Matthew hurriedly left the porthole.

Based on his estimation of the size of the astral sea anemone, even if he becomes a silver dragon and a natural giant spirit, he may not be able to meet the opponent's needs!

Just take a look.

If you really provoke someone, it won't be a bad fate, it will be a disaster!

"The Star Boundary is indeed dangerous, and what Ronan said is right. Being able to come and go freely in the Star Boundary is indeed a symbol of strength."

"Of course, streaking is no longer necessary."

Think so.

Matthew walked around the Starry Sky Cabin again.

Only then did he return to the crown of the World Tree.

While exploring the Starry Sky Cabin, Matthew took the opportunity to check out the changes in Bogard, the World Tree, in recent months.

Have to admit.

Since obtaining the Heart of the World Tree.

The speed of Bogarde's growth and development has increased many times.

The first is recruitment.

The buildings previously proposed by the Heart of the World Tree for recruiting specific units have been completed.

The results are also quite impressive.

Before winter came, three children of the forest, a dozen woodpeckers and demons had been recruited.

These units enrich the racial prosperity of Oak Forest and make a lot of contributions to the balance and development here.

The only regret is.

Dryad recruitment is severely under-recruited.

According to the evaluation of the Heart of the World Tree, this is because the weather has turned colder.

Most plants and animals do not like to operate in the cold winter.

This is especially true of dryads.

Perhaps by next spring, the recruiting situation will improve.

And except for the Starry Sky Cabin.

The Heart of the World Tree also let the oak guards dig two moon wells without anyone noticing!

The Moon Well is a very special kind of building.

On the surface, it looks like an ordinary well, but under the moonlight, the water in the well will turn into a natural mana tonic.

It is rich in the power of moonlight and magic.

After preliminary processing and refining, it can be made into a potion that can quickly replenish mana.

Even without processing.

Daily drinking will also slowly increase element affinity, which is of great benefit to the body.

And outside the building.

With the joint efforts of the Sanctuary of Life and the Heart of the World Tree, the oak forest has welcomed more magical animals.

Two of them stand out.

Even Matthew was impressed by them.

The first one is "Stone Swallowing Python".

As the name suggests, this is a python that eats huge rocks for a living.

The stone-eating python has a strong protective color. When lying on the ground, it looks like a fallen tree trunk. Most of the time, it looks lazy.

He only becomes very excited when it's time to eat.

Sometimes even dancing around those huge rocks.

However, the spirituality of the stone-eating python is not the key.

His excrement is!

The poop of this amazing animal is a mixture of highly pure gold!

That's right.

The stone-swallowing python eats rocks and pulls gold bars!

After learning this.

Matthew immediately gave this magical creature the highest right of residence in the oak forest.

The stone-eating python was also very wise. He expressed his willingness to donate all the gold bars he pulled out to the oak forest for free.


The frequency of eating and excreting of stone pythons is not high, only three or four times a month.

Based on calculations from the Heart of the World Tree.

A stone-eating python can produce gold bars equivalent to 13,000 to 18,000 alliance gold coins in a month.

This is already much higher than Matthew's salary.

Matthew had a simple communication with the stone-eating python——

He did not suggest that the other party should eat more food. This kind of thing that obviously violated the laws of nature must have the hidden danger of exhausting the fish.

Matthew would definitely not do this.

He was simply concerned about the stone python's body and whether he had family or friends.

After all, the other party came to live in the oak forest alone.

It is inevitable that we will also miss our loved ones.

The result left Matthew disappointed.

Stone-eating pythons are extremely indifferent creatures that are almost impossible to live in groups.

Matthew planned to raise a few more, but his dream of waiting to count the gold bars was shattered.

But no matter what.

The appearance of the stone-eating python was already a windfall.

Soon he adjusted his mentality.

The second magical animal is a bear with gender dysphoria.

His name was Bill, and he was a male bear.

But his dream is to give birth to a baby bear through his own pregnancy.

He insists that he is a female bear and has the ability to breastfeed and give birth.


He is also a vegetarian.

This last point saved Matthew a lot of trouble.

After all, there are no pure carnivores in the oak forest yet, and the scope of the forest is relatively harmonious and joyful.

If Bill Bear likes to eat meat.

Matthew had to find it from outside specifically for him.

And this bear also has an extraordinary origin——

"Recruitment Record-Bill Bear (Exiled Soul of Nature/Heir of the Wildfire Association/Hero Template/LV20)

Bill Bear controls the ability to communicate with the "Wildfire Spirit (Ancient Supreme)".

He can grant the identity of any druid who passes the examination as a member of the Wildfire Society.

Wildfire Society: The druids of the Wildfire Society advocate destruction and creation. However, due to the loss of the wildfire spirit and the deviation of the will of nature, the druids of this genre gradually went to the extreme of arson.

Bill Bear is the most authentic inheritor of the Wildfire Society, and he is also rejected by the will of nature because of his twisted thoughts.

But Bill Bear didn't care about that.

He longed to return to the embrace of nature's will - on his own terms.

At the same time, he also vowed to save those druids who had gone astray back to the right path.

It's in this process.

He discovered your oak forest and sensed the call of the Heart of the World Tree, so he briefly joined this big family.

He was quite curious about the Mushroom Garden and the members of the Spore Society.

But out of courtesy.

Bill Bear has not visited his colleagues in the Spore Society yet.

Although he is extremely eager in his heart to complete this trip as soon as possible..."

Vegetarian, gender cognitive disorder, a male bear who thinks he is a female bear, an exiled spirit of nature, the leader of the Wildfire Society...

These elements add up.

Matthew didn't even know where to start.

But he discovered it after personal contact.

Bill Bear is a guy with a very good character.

According to the records of the Heart of the World Tree.

Since arriving in the oak forest, Bill Bear has been helping small animals find their homes.

Most of the critters got through this winter unscathed.

The centaurs certainly helped a lot.

But Bill Bear also put in a lot of effort.

It is worth mentioning that.

The centaurs were growing food on the land that was like spring all year round. During the harvest feast, something went wrong. In the end, Bill Bear helped make up for it.

This made the centaurs extremely grateful to him.

It was precisely because of Bill Bear's help.

The harvest feast ended successfully.

Although the area of ​​​​land with spring-like seasons is there, the Centaur tribe also harvested enough wheat.

At least surviving the winter is no longer a problem.

"Unknowingly, the number of centaur tribe has reached more than one hundred."

"When did the second batch come?"

"Obest mentioned it to me last time, but I forgot..."

Matthew thought while checking the records of the Heart of the World Tree.

Watch and watch.

He suddenly discovered that there was actually a mage in the second batch of centaurs!

The level of this mage is not low.

There is actually LV17!

This is one level higher than Matthew!

more importantly.

When Matthew looked at the data, he found that the mage was very young among centaurs, almost still a girl!


"Good at marching spells and swarm spells? But do you need specific buildings to develop matching ritual grounds?"

Matthew saw the request made by the centaur girl in the relevant records.

But the heart of the world tree did not satisfy her.

It may be due to insufficient resources.

After all, the centaur mage's request was to build a forest mage tower.

The resource consumption of the mage tower...

All I can say is that I understand.

Matthew himself doesn't even have a decent mage tower yet.

Although the cemetery and sanctuary have replaced part of the functions of the mage tower.

"Forget it about the Mage Tower."

"But the earth crucible plan proposed by this centaur mage can still be considered!"

Matthew rubbed his chin in thought.

The so-called crucible of the earth.

It uses the special terrain of the Gold Prospector Basin to build a huge crucible between the ground and the cave.

Through the ceremonial grounds of this crucible.

Large-scale alchemical applications are possible.

According to the idea of ​​the centaur mage.

It can even form an assembly line-like production scene for alchemy products!

But Matthew knew it too.

There is still a shortage of alchemy talents in our own territory, and one centaur mage is definitely not enough.

Matthew's own alchemical attainments were also average.

I really want to get the Crucible of the Earth out.

What alchemical products are they going to make?

You can't enchant zombies or skeletons every day, right?

That would be such a waste of resources...

Just as Matthew was thinking about it carefully.

A long-lost figure suddenly passed over the branches in the distance.

After a few ups and downs.

A cute owl appeared in front of Matthew.

"Long time no see, Ella."

Matthew took the initiative to say hello with a smile.

Ella looked a little embarrassed.

She looked around for a while, and then sighed:

"You've become really big here, Matthew!"

"Why is there still light above your head?!"

"Wow, it's getting so big there..."

Matthew smiled.

Nothing more was said.

Ella pretended to be calm and chatted for a while, then folded her wings and said with some anxiety:

"By the way, I'm here this time because that... goddess wants to see you for something."

Matthew deliberately looked confused:

"Which goddess?"

Ella was immediately confused:

"Ah? Are there many goddesses looking for you?"

"Well, of course I am referring to the one I serve - the moonlight goddess Asya."

"Have you forgotten that you are still a member of the Moonlight Society..."

When it comes to the last sentence.

Her voice sounded obviously guilty.

"I haven't forgotten it."

Matthew said calmly:

"Then what?"

"What does Asiya want me to do?"

Ella looked at Matthew blankly:

"It's about the blood moon."

"The goddess hopes you can mediate."

"She is willing to give a high reward..."

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