The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 321 I’ll ask my wife to pick you up

"Sorry, but that's not something I can get involved in."

Matthew gave his answer bluntly.

Ella was stunned for a moment:

"But the goddess said you can penetrate..."

Matthew interrupted without hesitation:

"Then let her come and talk to me."

On this matter, Matthew's attitude was extremely firm and there was no room for negotiation.

Not to mention the subtle relationship between Matthew and the Moonlight Goddess who are increasingly estranged.

The Blood Moon event itself is complex.

It was the first thing Ronan did after returning, and to a certain extent it represented the southern guardian's external attitude.

To know.

During Ronan's absence, many forces in the south were ready to move.

Even his base camp, Gem Bay, had many unsightly incidents.

Now that Ronan has chosen to take action, he will definitely not give up.

And between Ronan and Asya, the goddess of moonlight.

Matthew is 100% a fan of the former.

Even if Ronan really wanted to blow up the moon, he would not say a bad word.

Even leaving aside Ronan himself.

This incident also involved the three-party game between the Ancient Land, Blood Moon and the Seven Saints Alliance.

Underneath the apparent game, there are also hidden threads such as Qin Wuyue's personal grudges.

The Blood Moon itself is also involved in the destruction of the Su Kingdom and the alien evil god that once caused great trauma to Irondor.

The water here is really too deep.

Matthew also found out after checking the relevant information after meeting Qin Wuyue.

The evil god who has been most active in the world of Irondor in recent years, the Evil Queen Babasha, who has a "hatred of having a fetus" with her, extended her evil tentacles into this multiverse after the Blood Meteor incident.

In other words.

The bloody meteor incident that year was just the beginning.

It opened a small entrance between another world and this universe, attracting the attention of many evil gods from other worlds.

If it weren't for the existence between the universe and the universe that the natural disaster master calls "extra-dimensional limit".

I'm afraid that Babasha and the universe she lives in have already launched a large-scale invasion of Irondor.

But even this phenomenon has not happened yet.

The Blood Moon has also become an important springboard for Babasha and other evil gods from other worlds to invade Irondor.

This thing is really not something that a young mage of Matthew's level can control.

He was able to truthfully tell Ella his attitude because of his past friendship.

Ella obviously felt Matthew's determination.

Miss Owl was silent for a moment.

Then he slowly said:

"I will convey your words to the goddess."

"Your oak forest looks really nice now, unlike the Moonglade..."

She looked like she was hesitant to speak.

Matthew was naturally concerned and said:

“How is the woodland doing now?”

Since Lyra's last use of Moonglade met with resistance, Matthew has told the drow warrior to stop using the goddess's power for business purposes.

He himself has not visited Moonglade for a long time.

Naturally, I don’t know how the situation will turn out.

Ella sighed deeply after hearing this:

"very bad."

"Thanks to you for taking care of the insect nest in advance, otherwise the situation in the forest might have been even worse."

"I don't know when it started, but women's cries or laughter always sounded at night in the woodland."

"Everyone was so scared. We worked together to search, but we could only find some elusive ghosts. Those ghosts looked like a woman with a loose shawl running wildly."

"But we can't catch her. She knows her way through the woodland far better than even we nature spirits."

"We will report this matter to the goddess, and the goddess promised to solve it."

"After that, the woman's crying, laughing and ghosting stopped for a while."

"But a week ago, she appeared again. This time she even scratched several old nature spirits. One of them was even scared to death!"

"Finally the goddess asked Samantha to come over and help, but she and her orc friends couldn't find a solution to the root of the problem."

"Samantha also seemed very busy. She only stayed in the woodland for a day and a half before leaving in a hurry. It is said that she and the orc encountered some trouble in the north, so it was inconvenient to come to the woodland often..."

"The goddess wanted to solve the matter herself, but Ronan went crazy and wanted to drag the moon down. Woohoo, if the moon really falls, then where should we live..."

Ella began to sob quietly as she spoke.

Matthew could feel Miss Owl's inner confusion and anxiety.

So he gently opened the oak domain and slowly soothed Ella's emotions.

at the same time.

Ella's narrative kept flashing through Matthew's mind.

"Crazy woman?"

"Weird ghost?"

"Since there is no clear external source, could it be Asiya herself?"

He couldn't help but glance at Ella.

Unexpectedly, Ella was also staring at him fiercely.

Miss Owl's clear and bright eyes revealed unstoppable fear.

At that moment Matthew understood.

I'm afraid Ella has the same guess as him, but she just doesn't dare to say it because of her identity!

If the woman Ella talks about is really the moonlight goddess Asiya.

Then the problem in Moonglade is really serious.

But Matthew wasn't surprised.

In fact.

After experiencing the evil incident, Matthew stayed away from the Moonlight Goddess.

The scene of Asiya sucking the flesh and blood of the gods is really horrifying.

At that time, Matthew thought that the other party had the ability to control the madness in the flesh and blood of the god.

Now it seems that it is purely because Asiya is too weak!

She has reached the point where she is starving for food.

Of course, it may also be related to the influence of the blood moon.

After all, there is a seal.

The half of the moon she controls is still closely connected to the blood moon.

In addition, there are also the God of Hunting and other evil gods around.

The pressure on Asiya can be imagined.

If you don't find a way out.

The fall of Moonlight Goddess is probably a certainty!

Matthew doesn't like Asiya.

But I still have some feelings for Ella.

Matthew still quite likes this kind of straightforward nature soul.

Even though she is Asiya's electorate.

So he took the initiative and said:

"If anything happens, you can come to me."

This sentence is euphemistic and implicit.

But it can be considered that Matthew officially extended an invitation to Ella.

Ella looked a little surprised.

Immediately she shook her head with some emotion:

"How is this possible?"

"Lulu will hate me, this is her territory."

"And I can't betray the goddess..."

Matthew keenly noticed the sequence in Ella's words.

So he couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"Will not."

"Lulu only cares about this oak forest. She is the queen of the oak fairies and will not interfere too much in other matters."

"If you come to me, I will arrange a whole new world for you."

Matthew wasn't lying.

There was indeed competition among the Natural Souls, so when Hussman came in.

Lulu was clearly disgusted with him.

But soon the two started playing together.

On the one hand, it is because of Dudley's intervention that the prince of the dusk elf is still very good at being a good person. In addition, Husman's own character is also very gentle and lovable.

So it didn't take long for Lulu to put aside her prejudice against Hussman.

On the other hand, it is also because the oak fairies and rot sac lords have different fields.

Husman comes with its own spore field and is a unique natural soul.

His territory is also limited to the mushroom garden, and he will not fight for it.

Lulu didn't feel threatened, so she naturally lowered her guard.

And for Ella.

Of course Matthew wouldn't leave her in the oak forest.

That would not only make Lulu angry, but might also cause instability in the oak realm.

The best way is to arrange Ella into Matthew's demiplane!

As a natural soul.

Ella is actually very young too.

With Asya's blessing she can live for many more years than an ordinary spirit of nature.

Matthew's demiplane happens to need such a natural soul to preside over many affairs.

So no matter from which level you look at it.

Ella is actually a very worthy character for Matthew to win over.

It's a pity that Asiya has not truly fallen yet.

Even if Ella had such thoughts, she would not show it.

Want to really poach someone.

We need to further observe the evolution of the blood moon event.

Just think of this.

Matthew couldn't help but have more thoughts in his mind:

"If the Moonlight Goddess really falls, I wonder how many people plan to take a share of it?"

"Besides Moonglade, what else is worth reaching out for?"

"I wonder if there is a chance?"

A huge temptation emerged in his heart.

But only for three seconds.

Matthew forcibly gave up these thoughts.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

No matter how you say it, Moonlight Goddess is still the top powerhouse of the previous era.

He is just a little necromancer.

Forget about digging around.

I really want to reach out and do something, maybe I will be doomed!

"I shouldn't be so greedy..."

Matthew took a deep breath.

He looked at the data column.

as expected.

"Hint: You are slightly affected by the overflowing power of the Holy Grail of Sin!

You overcame this influence with your own rationality!

You gain a small amount of will elements, accumulate more related elements, and you can explore related fields. "

"Can't the evil seal completely suppress the power of the Holy Grail of Sin?"

Matthew raised his eyebrows.

But this is not unusual. If the power of the Holy Grail had not been able to slowly overflow, there would not have been so many people in the Dark Region coming to the Cemetery to die.

If only this level of spillover is maintained.

Matthew will benefit from this!

But this incident also reminded him that he must pay close attention to the situation of the demon seal.

In case of accident.

You can try using the Guilty Crown to suppress the Guilty Grail.

Matthew also wants to see what happens when violent justice meets extreme evil.

But now is not the time.

At that moment, he and Ella chatted a few more words.

The latter flew away in a hurry.

Looking at Ella's leaving back, Matthew showed a thoughtful expression.

five minutes later.

Matthew found Lulu and Hussman respectively.

He ordered the two to block the passage into the oak forest through the moonlight field!


Assia's power could no longer penetrate the oak groves and mushroom gardens.

As for the cemetery.

There is no moonlight in the underground space, and Asiya can't get in even if she wants to.

Matthew did this just in case.

no matter what.

He couldn't be dragged down by Asiya.

He knows that drowning is the most terrifying thing, and it is possible to desperately hold on to every straw floating on the surface of the water.

The drowning god.

I'm afraid even more so.

When visiting the mushroom garden.

Matthew asked Hussman about the kobold Will.

The little boy transformed by Hasman said very gently:

"He is now undergoing the trial of the Spore Realm on the Eternal Island."

"He is really talented. Without any guidance, he not only formed a contract with some fungi, but also used his own golden dragon bloodline to cultivate these fungi."

"But he is also very dangerous. I found that the microorganisms on his body have a tendency to get out of control. Fortunately, I am a corruption bag and can decompose all out-of-control microorganisms. Otherwise, some of the fungi on his body may cause great harm to the world. The trauma!”

When Matthew heard this, he immediately became interested in the microorganisms in Hasman's mouth:

"You mean, Will used those microorganisms that may be out of control as weapons?"

Hasman nodded and shook his head:

"He just has such a tendency. He hasn't realized it yet. It's an instinctive exploration."

"But some microorganisms are really overbearing. They are a disaster for certain races..."

Matthew recalled all kinds of terrible viruses in his mind and couldn't help but shuddered:

"What do these microorganisms look like? How many types are there? How do they spread?"

Hasman thought for a while:

"I'm still researching them."

"But don't worry, I won't let them harm the world."

"And you're also a completely safe crowd."

Matthew suddenly looked surprised:

"Why am I an absolutely safe person?"

A blush immediately appeared on the little boy's face:

"Because that's where most microorganisms spread."

"And as far as I know, the fungi on your body are all very clean!"

As he said that, he ran away as fast as he could.

Matthew was left standing there dumbfounded.

At this time a black peacock passed by.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Matthew then used his balancing hand to throw it away.

Then he let out a long sigh of relief.

Finally, I no longer have to listen to that guy’s harsh comments or harassment!

The basement level of the cemetery.

After the drow invasion, while cleaning the lower floors, Matthew also found someone to renovate his workshop.

If the workshop at the beginning was just a relatively tall stone house.

So what is the current level of decoration in the workplace?

At least it's comparable to the average level of Rolling Stone.

Finally, there is no longer the smell of poverty everywhere.

Matthew was sitting on the newly purchased large sofa in the center of the workshop, holding an emerald sickle and tree planting shovel in his arms.

He is working on both weapons.

Due to continuous degradation, the Emerald Scythe can now barely be called a magic weapon.

This is completely different from the semi-artifact-level tree planting shovel.

But Matthew discovered it accidentally.

If he puts two weapons together, they will be attracted to each other and eventually hook up in a rather strange way.

During this process.

If Matthew wanted to force them apart.

It still takes some effort.

It's like trying to pull two magnets apart.

He studied it for some time.

Found this to be a resonance from the natural realm.

After all, the God of Agriculture was once a leader in the natural field, and the Emerald Scythe was influenced by him and also possessed considerable elements in the natural field.

When the two cross.

Matthew could feel that the deterioration of the Emerald Scythe had slowed down, and not only that, there were even signs of rejuvenation.

And that’s the key to it all.

The tree-planting shovel actually actively provided some natural elements to the other party!

This is almost impossible for a spiritual weapon.

But it just happened.

Matthew always felt that the two weapons in his hands were going in both directions.

Instead, I feel like I am superfluous——

It's not like he hasn't tried to inject mana, spiritual energy, negative energy and life energy into the emerald sickle.

The results were all with little success.

The emerald sickle has deteriorated too much. Matthew speculated that it would require a one-time, high-purity and high-intensity energy to have a chance to lift the seal on it.

As for restoring its former glory.

That is almost impossible to do!

Even if someone can do it.

That is also the scope of the realm of gods and has nothing to do with mages.

He sat on the sofa and hammered away for a while, and finally figured out the subtle connection between the tree-planting shovel and the emerald sickle.

The relationship between them is a bit like a ripe apple and a green kiwi.

This is a positive maturation relationship.

It will not affect the quality of the tree planting shovel itself.

After confirming this, Matthew felt relieved.

"At this rate of ripening, it will only be a matter of time before the Emerald Scythe comes in handy."

"Let's try our divine power!"

Just think of this.

Matthew summoned Peggy.

He placed the emerald sickle into Peggy's arms.

Peggy suddenly said happily:

"Is this a gift from you, Matthew?"

"Isn't it a little too cool?"

"It doesn't quite fit my honest image."

Matthew smiled slightly:

"I'll keep this sickle with you first. You can just lend it to me when I need it."

Paige was immediately disappointed:

"It turns out it's not a gift!"

Matthew coughed:

"But since he spends most of his time in your hands, doesn't that mean it's yours?"

"Since it's yours, it's not an exaggeration to say it's a gift from me."

Peggy thought for a while:

"What you say makes sense."

With that said, she walked out the door holding the emerald sickle.

Matthew reminded softly:

"By the way, don't forget to use your divine power to warm this sickle occasionally."

"It badly needs this."

Paige immediately turned around, her tone full of suspicion:

"That's not right, Matthew."

"Do you think of me as a rooster hatching eggs?"

Matthew blinked:

"First of all, roosters can't hatch eggs. The ones that can hatch eggs are usually hens."

"Secondly, if you don't want to, I can also entrust someone else to help me warm it up, but that may cost a lot of money."

"Hey, in the final analysis, it's because I lost an opportunity to become a demigod. If I were a demigod, I wouldn't need to trouble you. I could use my divine power to nourish myself..."

As soon as this statement came out.

Paige's soul fire suddenly became gentle.

Her tone also became full of self-blame:

"My question, Matthew."

"I'm too fussy!"

"I know that demigod is also very important to you. After all, you are just a poor necromancer."

"Don't worry, I will use all my divine power to feed it until it can't eat anymore..."

"I must apologize to you again. It was me who took away your opportunity to become a demigod. I'm so terrible..."

Matthew patted her shoulder and comforted her:

"Don't be like this, you are the best butler in my mind."

Peggy was immediately surprised and said:

"I thought I was positioned as a warrior."

At this time, Qiuka, who was practicing invisibility, suddenly appeared from the corner.

She asked doubtfully:

"Isn't she the cook?"

Matthew kicked Qiuka out unceremoniously, and then said to Paige:

"You just need to use half of your divine power to nourish the emerald sickle every day. There is no need to consume too much."

"That's right, then let Myosaki come to me."

Peggy's tone became a little weird when she heard this:

"Miaosaki again?"

"Matthew, I have to remind you that you have favored her a little too frequently recently, and everyone sees it."

"There are even some rumors in the cemetery, all about you and her."

"Everyone is having a heated discussion about your taste!"

"Of course, you know me. I never participate in this kind of discussion. I will only correct myself when I hear obviously fallacious conclusions..."

“But even so, those little stories are so widespread that it’s hard for me to control everyone’s thoughts.”

"Everyone thinks you like the Mysaki one. The latter has also become arrogant recently. You have to pay attention to the rain and dew..."

Under Peggy's nagging.

Matthew rubbed his temples vigorously.

He asked in a very restrained tone:

"When did it start?"

Paige asked:


Matthew said:

"Me and the Coolie Mother."

Peggy said in surprise:

"Have you really started?"

Matthew said angrily:

"I'm talking about those little stories!"

"When did it start spreading!?"

Paige recalled with some uncertainty:

"Maybe it was the time when you came back from robbing tombs?"

"But having said that, those stories are really exciting, with all the ups and downs in one go. The person who wrote the stories must be a master!"

"If you can find him, can you get him to give me an autograph?"

Without saying anything, Matthew took out a magic letter made of special material and started writing.

What fell on the letter was not a common language.

Instead, they are strange magic spells.

"Wow, explosive letter!"

"It's rare to see you with such a hot temper..."

"Who are you writing this letter to?"

Paige asked curiously.

Matthew gritted his teeth and said:

"The guy you want an autograph from!"

Paige shrugged:

"So are you still looking for Myosaki?"

Matthew nodded:

"of course yes."

"By the way, Ali, from today on, there will be a new rule in the cemetery."

Paige asked:

"What rules?"

Matthew said seriously:

"Without my permission, the undead in the cemetery are prohibited from contacting the bard!"

The next second.

He completed the last stroke of the explosive letter.

The signature is clearly——

Lothalon Ranch.

ten minutes later.

Myosaki, the mother of coolies, stood side by side in front of Matthew with the zombie Zombie, the god of war.

The former coughed.

The latter suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

This movement is extremely smooth.

Conditioning is pretty smooth.

It can be seen that he has gone through a long period of training.

For the results of Myosaki's work.

Matthew was not stingy with his praise.

Immediately he looked at the God of War Zombie:

"you are God?"

The zombie immediately shook his head, his voice full of fear:

"I'm not!"

Matthew asked wickedly:

"Then why did you say you were a god before?"

The zombie was stuck in place for a while.

Suddenly his head tilted and he started drooling crazily.

Matthew turned to look at the Coolie Mother.

The latter explained:

"This is part of my training."

"If you encounter a problem that you can't solve, just pretend to be stupid."

"Well, Master, if you want him to continue answering, just give him two whips."

As she spoke, she skillfully took out the whip.

The God of War zombie was slapped on the back.

Miaosaqi said sharply:

"The master is asking you something, don't act stupid!"

The God of War Zombie replied tremblingly:

"Then you have to ask the old me."

"Anyway, I am not a god now."

"I am just the humblest and lowest zombie slave under the whip of Ms. Miaosaki."

Miaosaki suddenly showed a proud smile.

Matthew was also extremely emotional.

It seems that this guy has suffered a lot at the hands of the Mother of Coolies, and has completely lost his previous vigor and pride.

But Matthew doesn’t want a slave zombie.

So he asked the coolie mother to leave the workshop.

When only Ares zombies are left.

Matthew asked again:

"Now, no one will hurt you, and you can answer my questions truthfully."

"Are you a god?"

He looked directly into the zombie's soul fire.

The Necromancer's ability allowed Matthew to easily grasp the violent emotional fluctuations in the soul fire.

"I, I don't know..."

The other party's voice was full of confusion and hesitation, as well as a strong sense of unwillingness.

Matthew smiled softly.

He directly slapped a pre-written contract in front of the other party.

"Whether you are or not, you have to sign it now."

Matthew's tone was soft.

But what he said was extremely overbearing, and he didn't give the other party a chance to refuse.

"I don't……"

God of War Zombie instantly understood the contents of the deep contract.

His instinct was to resist.

And then the next second.

Matthew opened his right hand and pressed his pale hand hard on the zombie's head.

Immediately afterwards.

The upgraded Death Touch of Esdrael's Claw also wraps around the zombie's upper body!

The latter instantly became very weak.

Matthew's eyes were close to ethereal, and a powerful energy surged from behind him.

In an instant.

Everything around him turned into pure black.

An airtight cage appeared in front of the zombies.

"Ability: Soul Cage"!

Under the tug of death's touch.

The soul fire of the God of War zombie left the body and was directly locked in the cage!

At this moment, Matthew was finally able to see the other person’s soul clearly——

It was a very dim spirit.

It looks like it will disappear at any moment like a candle in the wind.

But in the very center of the spiritual body.

There is a thin golden line.

If you look closely at that golden line, you will seem to be able to see a huge sun!

In fact.

As soon as Matthew pulled the opponent's soul fire out of the zombie's body, he felt a strong burning sensation!

Both the pale hand and the touch of death were damaged to varying degrees!

This is the power of the divine soul!

It's no wonder that the spies sent by the Dragon Lich were burned to death.

But Matthew was prepared.

As soon as the God of War's soul fire entered the cage, a roll of undead text that exuded a strong stench was attached!

This is the magic text that Matthew bought at a high price from the Alliance Mall——

"Sven of the Undead: Dirty Words"!

It is said that this thing contains one hundred kinds of menstrual blood of purgatory demon women and ninety-nine kinds of abscess blood of abyssal demons.

There are also other extremely filthy things such as ghoul bladders and mummy fingernails.

This volume of undead documents.

It can be said to be the dirtiest thing in the world!


The filthy power from the abyss and purgatory is the nemesis of divinity!

Not to mention the soul fire of the God of War trapped in the cage.

Even the user Matthew couldn't help but feel nauseous.

Just for a moment.

The thin golden thread like the sun in the body of the God of War dimmed.

The burning sensation continues to decrease.

An extremely angry voice came from the cage:

"Are you really not afraid of me blowing myself up by doing this?"

At this time, Matthew's spirit was highly concentrated.

He knew that the soul cage and the undead Si Wen had completely activated the memory and will of the God of War zombie.

What I am facing now.

It is the second-generation God of War Vasnov himself!

Matthew calmly replied:

"Don't be afraid, because I know you want to live."

"Perhaps no one in the entire Tianlun Palace wants to survive more than you."

Vasnov said coldly:

“Only when there is hope for the future can we survive.”

"If only despair is left, then I will let you see the courage of the God of War."

Matthew couldn't help laughing:


"Do you want to go all out now?"

"is it necessary?"

“You only have a chance if you survive!

Take a closer look at this contract. It is only signed for five hundred years!

Five hundred years from now I might be dead;

Maybe we can find a loophole in the contract;

Maybe he can escape.

Don't you really want to try it? "

Matthew's voice was full of temptation.

Vasnov snorted heavily.

However, to Matthew's expectation, he said very cheerfully:

"I sign!"

This made many of the rhetoric Matthew had prepared before useless!

It can only be said that the second-generation God of War is very quick to adapt to the wind, and he is probably ranked among the best in the entire Tianlun Palace.

Now Matthew went through the process quickly.

He cut off a large piece of the seal from the God of War's soul and placed it in a black nephrite box made of fine gold.

After that, there are thirty-six sealing incantations and weapons specially used to assassinate the soul of the God of War——

"Equality Dagger"!

Using legendary weapons as sealed props for deep contracts shows that Matthew attaches great importance to the God of War.

But Vasnov didn't do anything wrong.

He quickly signed all the contracts.

Matthew can feel that his soul is connected to it, which is exactly the same as the white ghost Ali.

He can control Vasnov's life and death in a single thought.

This is the powerful effect brought by deep contract!

"I've done what you said."

"Can you find me a decent body next?"

Vasnov asked conspiratorially.

Matthew thought for a while:

"You'd better stay in this zombie body for a while."

"I will definitely find a good one for you in the future."

"Well...Naga Queen, what do you think?"

Vasnov nodded:


"But after becoming the Naga Queen, you can't fuck me."

Matthew couldn't help but joked:

"I thought you gods were all open-minded."

The God of War was silent.

His soul fire shook violently.

Matthew actually sensed a hint of fear from it.

He smiled slightly and was about to explain.

But at this time.

A magic letter suddenly appeared in front of Matthew.

Matthew opened it and found it was written by Ronan.

The above content is very simple——

"Would you like to take a trip to the moon? I'll ask my wife to pick you up..."

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