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Sioux City!

The moonlight is like water, shining softly on the earth, casting a hazy silver gauze on everything in the world.

The clear brilliance of the moonlight and the brilliance of the neon lights are intertwined to form a unique beauty.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night for Shen Shuqiu.

Shen Shuqiu quietly stared at Pei Rou in his arms, her body exuding a quiet body fragrance.

It was like a faint fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose.

Pei Rou's body was soft and warm, like a docile kitten, snuggling in his arms.

Shen Shuqiu's eyes were filled with complex emotions as he gently stroked Pei Rou's hair, feeling the delicate touch as if he were touching a rare treasure.

Pei Rou in her arms trembled slightly, as if she was aware of Shen Shuqiu's gaze, and slightly raised her rippling eyes to meet his eyes.

At this moment, the flow of time seemed to have frozen, and the world around them gradually blurred, leaving only the sound of each other's breathing and heartbeats between the two.

"Brother! Pei Rou really likes brother."

Pei Rou hugged Shen Shuchou tightly, almost wanting to rub him into her heart.

"Go to sleep!"

Shen Shuqiu said softly.


Pei Rou snorted softly, and within a moment she fell into a dream in Shen Shuqiu's arms.

Shen Shuqiu raised his eyes and stared at the dark ceiling, sighing slightly in his heart.

Whether it's Pei Rou or Jiang Qianqiu in his arms, they are also fox-white.

The three people's emotions towards Shen Shuqiu were like a volcano about to erupt, hot and intense, as if they were going to swallow him up.

The love between the three of them was so passionate, burning like a flame that Shen Shuqiu could not escape.

Their approach was like hot lava, capable of melting him.

However, this kind of passionate love also hides a fatal danger, which may destroy everything in just a moment.

Nine reincarnations, like a dream but also a reality, are also the way to salvation and are dictated by fate.

Only three of them have found him now, and there are still six empresses behind him who have yet to find him.

Shen Shuqiu knew that he had wronged many people in his nine lives, and that many beautiful and beautiful women had fallen into emotional pain because of him.

But these were not intentional actions by Shen Shuqiu, and he was also very troubled and helpless about this.


Shen Shuqiu smiled bitterly. He suddenly felt as if he had turned into a scumbag unknowingly.

He can't even handle these three now, let alone the others.

Shen Shuqiu's eyes stagnated, as if he was in deep confusion.



Under the night, the bright moon hangs high.

Some people are filled with confusion, and complex emotions trap them like thousands of shackles.

Some people cried silently, with tears falling down their cheeks, and the pain in their hearts was unspeakable.

Jinjiang District.

On the second floor of a villa, in a brightly lit room.

Chu Siqi's eyes were flooded with tears, and she stared quietly at the bright light.

Tears slid down her cheeks like broken pearls, creating faint haloes under the light.

The halo spread like ripples, amplifying her sadness and bitterness.

Her eyes revealed endless sadness, as if the whole world had frozen at this moment.

The salty taste of tears stung her throat, but it couldn't hide the sadness inside.

The brightness of the light contrasted sharply with the darkness in her heart.

Chu Siqi wanted to forget the scene she saw, but the scene of Shen Shuqiu and Pei Rou embracing each other lingered in her mind like a maggot attached to the bone.

Chu Siqi obviously would not believe that they were a brother and sister, and at the same time, it was particularly difficult for her to accept and understand.

Why do different women always appear around Shen Shuqiu, each one like a dazzling star surrounding him.

Even with Jiang Qianqiu and Hu Baibai here before, Chu Siqi never thought of giving up. She believed that as long as she persisted, she would be able to win Shen Shuqiu.

But last time, Shen Shuqiu's cold and ruthless words were like a sharp knife, tearing her heart apart and cutting off the connection between the two.

Therefore, after the incident, Chu Siqi also planned to completely end the previous contact with Shen Shuqiu.

Chu Siqi did it, but she was just a little girl after all.

All she could do was not to talk to Shen Shuchou or take the initiative to find him.

Even though she had been feeling very uncomfortable and suffering, Chu Siqi still gritted her teeth and persisted.

She, Chu Siqi, also had her own little pride. In the eyes of others, she might be cold and arrogant, but once she appeared in front of Shen Shuqiu, her pride disappeared.

However, the persistence of the past few days was completely broken by today's scene.

Chu Siqi picked up the mobile phone beside her and skillfully found Penguin's blacklist, where the note of Stupid Shen lay quietly.

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Siqi secretly pulled Shen Shuqiu out of the blacklist.

Seeing the other party's online status, Chu Siqi's heart tightened slightly and she placed her hand gently on the chat box.

Are you there?

Are you asleep?

Chu Siqi typed a few words randomly, but deleted them immediately.

She didn't know how to tell him, in what position or in what capacity.

Chu Siqi stared at the screen and fell into a daze. Finally, she exited Shen Shuqiu's chat box.

The sadness in my heart filled my heart, without any trace of sleepiness.

Looking at the time, it was now exactly twelve o'clock at night. Chu Tianxiong was getting busier and busier recently, and the time he spent with Chu Siqi was also very short. He didn't come back until early in the morning every day.

And Chu Siqi didn't want her father to see her in this state.

At this time, Chu Siqi couldn't help but turn to Lin Zhiyi's friends, and looked at the other person's online status, and her heart moved slightly.

Speaking of the reason why Chu Siqi was able to transfer to Shenwu University, Shen Shuqiu accounted for most of the reasons, and the remaining small part was because of Lin Zhiyi.

The two had chatted at Shenwu University again, so they added the chat method.

In fact, Chu Siqi still had a little thought in it. She wanted to find out what Shen Shuqiu had done through Lin Zhiyi.

While trying not to find Shen Shuqiu, he secretly knew about Shen Shuqiu's actions through Lin Zhiyi.

It's just that the second girl has been a friend on Penguin for only a few days, and the only information she knows is that Shen Shuqiu has been absent from school for two days.

When she thought of this detail, Chu Siqi immediately thought of the reason why Shen Shuqiu had been absent from class for the past two days.

Suddenly, Chu Siqi's tears burst out of the corners of her eyes again, and her heart clenched together.

Chu Siqi wiped away her tears, opened Lin Zhiyi's chat box and said, "Are you asleep?"

On the other side, in the female dormitory of Shenwu University, Lin Zhiyi had just closed her eyes after applying a facial mask when she was disturbed by the bright light of her mobile phone screen.

Lin Zhiyi frowned, who would send her a message at this point.

When she clicked on it and saw that the person who sent the message was actually Chu Siqi, Lin Zhiyi felt a little strange for a moment.

Although the two have added friends, Chu Siqi has not sent her any messages in the past few days.

It's so late now, what does Chu Siqi want to do.

Was it sent to the wrong person?

Although Lin Zhiyi was a little curious, she still replied: "I haven't slept yet."

"Can you come with me for a walk?"

As soon as Lin Zhiyi returned, the message from Chu Siqi came back instantly.

Lin Zhiyi was stunned, but she still felt a sense of unhappiness in Chu Siqi's words.


After Lin Zhiyi gave a simple reply, she got dressed and got up.

From her intuition, although Chu Siqi looks cold and arrogant and comes from a big family, she is actually not bad. She does not have that arrogant and domineering look. On the contrary, she is a bit innocent.

What's more, Lin Zhiyi also wanted to take this opportunity to dissuade Chu Siqi from staying away from Jiang Jing.

Chu Siqi might not know what Jiang Jing was like under his charming appearance, but Lin Zhiyi knew that he was a beast who played with girls' feelings.

She didn't want a good girl like Chu Siqi to be harmed by a beast like Jiang Jing.

After getting dressed, Lin Zhiyi went out and Chu Siqi on the other side had also left the Chu family villa.

At this point, both the nanny and the driver had already fallen asleep and were not aware of Chu Siqi's quiet departure.

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