After Chu Siqi left the villa, she hailed a taxi and drove to a certain place.

Not long after Chu Siqi left, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness where the street lights could not reach.

Looking at the direction where Chu Siqi left, he dialed a phone.

The ringing of the mobile phone was particularly harsh in the silent darkness, and the call was answered by the other end within a moment.

"Boss, the eldest daughter of the Chu family just left home, Chu Tianxiong has not come back, and the worshiper beside him is not here either. Now is a good opportunity for us to take action."

He said coldly.

"Notify the ghosts, start."

A rough voice came back from the other end of the phone.

Then the phone was hung up, and the man in black dialed another mysterious number without a pause.

Beep beep!

Under the interplay of moonlight and street lights, mottled light and shadows were cast on the path in the park.

Soon, Chu Siqi's figure came here, and she walked lightly inside.

At this moment, Lin Zhiyi, who had arrived long ago, also saw Chu Siqi, and immediately stepped on the moonlight to greet her.

The moonlight fell on them like a veil, outlining their thin figures, as if covered with a layer of silver light.

This place is very close to Shenwu University, only a few miles away.

Lin Zhiyi waited here for about ten minutes.

When Lin Zhiyi approached, he found that Chu Siqi's face was full of unhappiness, and her mouth could not help but mutter.

Under the caress of the moonlight, she looked very cute.

"Siqi, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Zhiyi took her hand and found that Chu Siqi's little hand was slightly cold.

It was summer at this time, and it would not be cold even at night. At most, there would be a slight breeze, and on the contrary, there would be some refreshing and comfortable feeling.

But when he saw Chu Siqi's unhappy expression, he could see the tears on her face. Lin Zhiyi roughly knew why her hands were cold.

When people are extremely sad, their metabolic rate will decrease, which will cause the body to be cold.

But what made Lin Zhiyi curious was what Chu Siqi was so sad about.

Then Lin Zhiyi took Chu Siqi to sit on a bench next to the park.

But no matter how Lin Zhiyi asked, Chu Siqi always lowered her head and did not speak.

Later, Lin Zhiyi simply stopped asking questions and sat quietly with Chu Siqi.

Time passed by little by little.


Lin Zhiyi heard a soft sob in his ear.

Looking back, he saw Chu Siqi lowering her head, tears dripping down.

Lin Zhiyi sighed slightly in her heart, and just stretched out her palm to gently touch her back.

She didn't know what happened to Chu Siqi, but seeing her like this, sympathy suddenly overflowed.

Chu Siqi wanted to go out with Lin Zhiyi tonight and tell her feelings. Someone accompanied her and listened, maybe it would be better, but she didn't know how to start for a while.


After a moment, Chu Siqi finally slowly said a name

Chu Siqi said it vaguely, but Lin Zhiyi still heard the word Shen clearly.

Lin Zhiyi understood immediately, and she asked tentatively: "Is it because of Shen Shuchou?"

Chu Siqi lowered her head, her eyes revealed endless sadness, her eyes were red, and there were traces of crying just now.

She listened to Lin Zhiyi quietly, nodded slightly, and responded.

The hair on both sides fell on both sides of her cheeks, fluttering gently with the breeze, adding a sense of weakness and helplessness.

Those eyes like apricot blossoms should have been clear and bright, but at this moment they were soaked in tears, like a deep lake, which made people feel pity.

"What happened to Shen Shuchou? Didn't you stop talking to him?"

Lin Zhiyi said after a slight pause.

As for why the relationship between the two broke down, Lin Zhiyi was actually not very clear.

But she also asked Shen Shuchou, and from the other party's tone, Lin Zhiyi could see that he really didn't like Chu Siqi.

Although Chu Siqi had told her that she would no longer talk to Shen Shuchou, the look in her eyes showed that this was not what she really thought.

Chu Siqi did not hide it and pursed her lips to tell her about the incident she saw at the entrance of Shenwu University.

Everything was said.

Hearing these words, Lin Zhiyi looked stunned, finally knowing why Chu Siqi was crying like this.

No matter who you are, you will definitely feel sad when you see the person you like embracing someone of the opposite sex.

"Maybe this is really his sister."

Lin Zhiyi comforted him.

Chu Siqi pursed her lips and whispered: "No, he won't have a sister."

"How do you know that Shen Shuqiu will not have a sister?"

Lin Zhiyi felt a little helpless and said.

"Because I have investigated his background."

Chu Siqi pouted and whispered.

Upon hearing this, Lin Zhiyi took a deep look at Chu Siqi and continued: "What if she is a distant cousin? You can't just take things at face value. Then I can help you ask tomorrow, okay?" ”

These words fell in Chu Siqi's ears, but she only heard the last few words.

Chu Siqi subconsciously wanted to stop Lin Zhiyi. If Lin Zhiyi asked, would Shen Shuqiu think that she asked her to ask, and would hate herself even more?

But deep down in her heart, Chu Siqi wanted to know whether the girl in the pink skirt was Shen Shuqiu's sister.

Lin Zhiyi's peripheral vision clearly captured the tangled look on Chu Siqi's face.

I immediately felt a little funny. I obviously wanted to know, but I was resisting.

"It's okay, I'll take care of things, don't worry."

Lin Zhiyi continued.

These words were like giving Chu Siqi a shot of sedative.


Chu Siqi said softly.

But just as Chu Siqi finished speaking, two black shadows suddenly enveloped the two of them.

Lin Zhiyi slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed in front of him in shock.

At some point, two tall men in black robes appeared in front of her like ghosts.

Their figures looked particularly majestic under the black robes, as if they blended into the surrounding darkness.

Lin Zhiyi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she stared nervously at the two mysterious men.

Their faces were completely hidden in the shadows of their robes, making it impossible to see their true appearance.

The presence of the man in black robe exuded an unsettling aura, and Lin Zhiyi felt an invisible pressure gradually coming over him.

Lin Zhiyi's eyes were wary and she couldn't help but stood up quickly, pulled Chu Siqi up and was about to leave, but then she was blocked by another figure.

"Who are you?"

Seeing that the way was blocked, Lin Zhiyi suppressed the chill in her heart and said coldly.


The man in black robe put his finger to his mouth and hissed softly.

"Little sister, don't scream at night. Brother won't hurt you. Just leave her to me and she'll be fine."

The man in black robe spoke softly and pointed one finger at Chu Siqi beside him.

Chu Siqi's face suddenly turned pale. This scene suddenly reminded her of the last kidnapping, and that dark time lingered in her heart.

"Don't think about it, we are from Shenwu University."

Hearing that the two wanted to take Chu Siqi away, Lin Zhiyi naturally couldn't agree, so he brought up Shenwu University to try to dispel the two's thoughts.

"What nonsense are you talking to her about? Just kill her."

The other man in black was obviously a little impatient and wanted to take action as he spoke.

But then he was stopped by the man in black in front of Lin Zhiyi. He frowned slightly and scolded: "Do you know what professional ethics is? Just tie one up."

Hearing the scolding, the man in black could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth hidden in the darkness, complaining in his heart.

Damn professional ethics.

But after all, he was the leader, so he immediately said no more.

Lin Zhiyi was about to say something when he suddenly felt his eyes spinning, and his body couldn't help but soften.

Chu Siqi, who was holding her hand next to her, was also snatched away from her hands by the man in black at this moment.

In the last breath before unconsciousness, Lin Zhiyi could only vaguely see Chu Siqi's panicked face.

And the corners of her mouth moved slightly towards her, as if she was saying something, or a name.

But not a sound fell into Lin Zhiyi's ears. His eyelids were as heavy as Mount Tai, and his vision became dim.

With a "plop", Lin Zhiyi's body fell completely limp like a puddle of mud.

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