The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 802 Do you want to just be buddies with him?

Yan Ye's hand hangs down a little weakly, but he holds Bei Tinghuang's hand tightly. He can lose everything and become an enemy of the whole world, but he can't live without the girl in front of him. That is his former wife. It took tens of thousands of years to find the person.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't stop you from helping your monster!" Yan Ye slowly reached out to hug her, "In the future, I will not object to what you do, support you, and don't get angry, okay?"

OK? Bei Tinghuang stood in a daze, her mood fluctuated, her affection was too deep, her righteousness was too heavy, and she seemed to be unable to bear it.

Suddenly, Bei Tinghuang felt a kind of panic that he had never felt before. She couldn't stay with him anymore, at least not now. She was a little confused. In her previous life and present life, she had calculated everything before she would start it. Only this incident happened so suddenly that she was caught off guard.

She stretched out her hand towards Yan Ye and pushed him out of the space. In the space, she was the only one left. She stood at the entrance of the space. The whole space had been locked under her thoughts. She couldn't hear Yan Ye's shouting outside. In the space, she was alone. Standing, the wind in the space blew over, she felt a little cold for no reason, and hugged her arms tightly.

If it was the first time, she kissed Yanye, she was indeed very curious, that feeling. After all, in her past and present lives, she had never had any friends but never had a man. She was held in his arms, and that feeling was novel to her.

Then later, she can regard it as the later time, when Yan Ye wanted to take advantage back.

But what about today? Today he kissed her again. He is nice to her, but it must not be the reason why he can do this kind of thing to her.

From the first time we met, she was just a good-for-nothing. When she was reborn in this world, those bastards in Luobei City almost cut off her wrists. He asked Qiongqi to give her a bottle of elixir to heal her wounds. Later, the Yewang Mansion released the mission of the Nine-Colored Dragon and Phoenix Egg. He took her by his side, supported her, and won everyone's respect for her; Don't let go even if you die.

From Qingxue, to Yesha, from Huiling Pill to Yuling Pill, there is no market in the mainland, and he almost gave her the magic weapon and god-level medicine that can make a power rise and fall. inside.

Never, never has anyone been so kind to her!

Bei Tinghuang slowly squatted down on the ground. In her past and present lives, she was used to how to get along with her buddies, how to live and die with her comrades in battle, and how to fight back to back with her comrades, but she had never Learn how to accept a person's love, and don't know how to love others.

That's what made her terrified.

"He is indeed a very good man. I heard that couples will turn against each other in the end. On the contrary, it's better to be buddies. That kind of friendship will last forever and last forever. Should I just be buddies with him?"

what to do? What should she do? She's going to tell Yan Ye that you can't kiss me any more in the future, what if you become addicted to kissing?

Bei Tinghuang touched her lips, originally soft lips, at this moment, a warm and special feeling came to her heart, she couldn't help reminiscing about that taste, she was thinking, if it was someone else, Was it someone else who did this kind of thing with her? Will she still like it?

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