The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 854 I know Huang'er has always wanted to eat me

Yan Ye let go of her abruptly, and quickly took two steps back, his outstretched hand was still hanging in the air, and the distress in his eyes surged like waves. Bei Tinghuang wiped the nosebleed with his sleeve, and swallowed hard the mouthful of real blood that came up.

"Mist grass!" Bei Tinghuang stared at Yan Ye in disbelief, looked him up and down, and asked unhappily, "Isn't it, Yan Ye, is this a sign of bleeding from the seven orifices? Will I live soon? "

"No, no!" Yan Ye rushed forward and clasped Bei Tinghuang into his arms, feeling that he was very nervous, and his mood was more impulsive than the kiss just now, "Soon, wait for me for a few more days, soon Soon you will be free, and no matter what we do in the future, it will never be like this."

There are secrets here!

In this world, unlike the 21st century, there are many unexplainable facts that exist, such as the rules of heaven and earth, such as the so-called Creator God.

Bei Tinghuang calmed down, she didn't understand, obviously she had no problems with him a few times before, but this time, she was just a little bit greedy, and God came out to punish her. "There is a knife on the head of Sezi, the ancients will not deceive me!"

I don't know what Yanye is going to do. This matter is closely related to her, Bei Tinghuang can't sit idly by, she took a deep breath, and patted Yan Ye's shoulder comfortingly, "Do you need me to do anything?"

"Of course I need it!" Yan Ye let go of her slowly, picked up her sleeves, and wiped away the blood that hadn't been wiped off her face. It was dark, and then distressed, "I need a drop of your blood."

"It's just a drop of blood!" Bei Tinghuang breathed a sigh of relief. Although her heart cannot be said to be heavy, she has never been afraid of difficulties and likes to complain. "Is it also related to the soul?"

She thought about it carefully. Before she was reborn, her body was a waste material, and it had no intersection with Yan Ye or anyone else. The only bond between her and Yan Ye was ten thousand years ago, and I don't know how many lives, it's really strange that the bleeding from the seven orifices can continue until now.

For ten thousand years, the only thing that hasn't changed, as Yan Ye said, is the spirit.

It has to be said that Bei Tinghuang is really smart, even Yan Ye can't help but admire it. He nodded, "That's right, it's related to the soul." He raised his hand to comfort her, "I know Huang'er has always wanted to eat me, and I'm ready for it, but because of this, I'm afraid it's time to eat me." Let Huang'er wait patiently for a while, look at you, you are still young, girls in Central Continent usually don't get married until they are sixteen years old."

I go!

Bei Tinghuang's gaze became deep, revealing the ferocity of a wild wolf. She slowly raised her foot, and when Yan Ye's words fell, she kicked towards Yan Ye fiercely, "Hmph, who wants to eat it?" You? Don't think I don't know that you are tempting me like a flower peacock all day long, you bastard, you know that I will die every minute, but you still dare to hide evil intentions from me. "

"Pfft!" Yan Ye clasped her ankles, and smiled dissatisfiedly, "How can you say that I am a flower peacock? At least I am also a peacock king. Huang'er, there are so many men around you, I If you don't act special, you won't take me to heart, will you?"

At the end of his speech, there was a bit of sadness in his tone. Bei Tinghuang smelled a strong smell of vinegar, and couldn't help but blushed, and said angrily, "Hurry up and help me remove this door!"

Even if there are many men around her, they are still her buddies, okay?

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