The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master

Chapter 855 Sky Crystal Mine Gate

Yan Ye placed the Beitinghuang behind him. When he stood at the door of the white stone gate and looked at the Sky Crystal Mine, he had to say that it was a good thing. Even though he has traveled through so many planes and has seen a lot, he has never seen such a good thing.

Sooner or later, Bei Tinghuang will learn how to forge weapons. For her, it is best to cast this stone into a cauldron for refining weapons.

Near the entire stone gate, there is no switch button or the like. If they want to get in, the only way is to break in.

He patted the stone door with his hand, feeling the thickness of the stone door. At the same time, a ray of magic power escaped along the stone door, ready to feel what was behind the stone door.

Yan Ye was still a little worried, knowing that Bei Tinghuang was standing behind him, she still stretched out her hand and grabbed the person behind her, then she sacrificed the World Exterminating Demon Sword again, and the hilt was buckled on the gate of the Tianjing Mine , listening to the dull, empty voice, told Bei Tinghuang, "Once anything happens, you must follow me closely and don't leave half a step away."

"I know!" Bei Tinghuang was also a little worried, but she was more eager to try, she never knew how to write the word "fear", let alone, at this time, she was following behind Yanye.

For this man, perhaps the first time she met, she had seen his strength, and since then, in her bones, she has an inexplicable trust in him.

Yan Ye was hanging in front of the gate, the gate of the Tianjing Mine was much higher than him, he was facing the gate of the Tianjing Mine, the magic sword in his hand, the end of the sword surrounded the outline of the gate, slightly enlarged by an inch, thin After tracing a circle and feeling the distance, Yan Ye's magic sword quickly repeated the outline, and at the same time output a huge amount of energy.


The entire mountain was shaking, boulders fell from the top of the mountain, like rain, the dust annihilated, the ancient trees on the mountain collapsed, and rolled down from the top of the mountain, the spiritual energy that was originally flowing was affected by huge energy and turbulent in the space Get up and make a whimpering sound like a ghost crying.

Yan Ye grabbed Bei Tinghuang with one hand and stuffed her into his arms. With the other hand, he quickly drew strange symbols in the air. A huge energy shield covered the two of them, even if it was one of them. A boulder like a giant mammoth rolled down from the top of the mountain and hit the energy shield, but it couldn't touch the energy shield at all.

So powerful!

Bei Tinghuang raised his head and looked at Yan Ye, who frowned deeply and had a stern face. At this time, he, like a demon god, held her in his arms with one hand, and released a mass of black energy with the other hand. , wrapping the door of the Sky Crystal Mine that he had dug out from the mountain, and was pulling it out with difficulty.

Behind the gate of the Tianjing Mine, there seemed to be a force competing with Yan Ye. Seeing that Yan Ye was extremely difficult, that force seemed not weak, and it was quite equal to Yan Ye's force. A sky-blue force gushed out of Bei Tinghuang's palm, wrapping it towards the gate of the Sky Crystal Mine, exerting force violently.


Although Beitinghuang's strength is not weak, compared to Yanye's strength, it is obviously weaker by more than one level. Unexpectedly, once her power was output, the energy at the other end of the Tianjing Mine Gate seemed to be cut off suddenly, and the entire Tianjing Mine Gate and the mountain beside it, like an enlarged brick, slammed towards the two of them. to shoot over.

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