After killing the two orcs, the group shook off the corpses and repeated the trick, luring the orc soldiers out of the camp to forage for food and kill them in the woods.

However, as more and more soldiers disappeared, something was wrong in the orc camp.

"It's time for a change of guard... What about people?"

the soldier who had just returned from his patrol returned to the tent and shouted to the soldiers who were supposed to be resting in the tent, only to find it cold.

Hurriedly walked out of the camp tent, but found that the rest of the people were also at a loss, and after inquiry, they learned that there were more than a dozen camp tents empty, and there were thirty or forty people missing!

"What about the people here?"

The patrol leader hurriedly found the soldiers on duty.

"They all said that they were in a hurry, and they went over there. The

soldier on duty pointed to the woods in a daze.

"Follow me!" the

patrol leader hurriedly rushed into the woods with twenty orc soldiers.

Naturally, the blood-stained leaves were found along the way, but they had dried up by this time, and then they saw the carcass of a wild boar lying on the ground.

"There are no traces of being bitten, be careful!" "

The patrol leader is a level 27 F-level boss, and his wisdom is still much higher than that of ordinary orcs, and he immediately tightened the axe in his hand after realizing that something was wrong.

"Report, a body has been found here!"

the soldier in charge of the search suddenly exclaimed, and the patrol leader hurried over.

I saw a pile of corpses lying in a dense grass, all of them half-orcs, and they didn't even have time to become beasts before they died.

"Oh no! go back and report to the general! The rest of the people are on guard, and search the surroundings carefully!" the

patrol leader ordered a soldier, and then left here with his own men.

According to his thinking, there were still more than forty soldiers stationed in the woods, and there would definitely be no problem over there, so he asked the soldiers to go back.

However, the soldiers who reported the news hurriedly ran back to the camp, but did not find that the two soldiers on duty by the campfire had disappeared, but headed towards the Orchid Plain, where the army was stationed.

It was eerily quiet along the way, and only then did he realize that the tent, which was supposed to be snoring like thunder, seemed to have become dead silent, as if there were no living people at all.

Rushing into the tent, the corpses of the two half-orcs lay straight on the bed, with knife marks on their throats, almost instantaneous.

Just when he was startled, a chill fell on his neck, and a critical hit number flew out, and then the health bar was emptied and he fell to the ground.

It was Tang Dao and Tang Xin who attacked, and the two took Tang Tian to attract the attention of the soldiers with a singing bat, and attacked the two soldiers on duty, because the nearby camp tents had been emptied, so no one found out.

In the end, while the many orcs who were still asleep had not yet reacted, they killed the soldiers in the camp, making the entire camp of the hundred-man team almost become a ghost domain.

Except for the centurion, who is a level 30 E-class boss and cannot be killed quickly, most of the rest of the soldiers are killed.

"Let's go, it's time to get rid of that patrol leader. The

three of them turned back, met the three of them on the road, and touched towards the woods.

The patrol leader who was waiting in the woods also noticed that something was wrong at this time, why hadn't there been a sound on the side of the camp for so long? Nothing could have happened, right?

Squeak -

just thinking about it, two bats flew over his head and pecked at the outermost soldier on the head, although there was no substantial damage, but it hurt.


the two soldiers were a little angry and chased in the direction of the bat.


the patrol captain called out to the two, now there are only twenty people here, everything is careful.

But the two bats did not give up, and continued to circle back and forth, harassing the soldiers.

In the end, the soldiers couldn't stand it anymore and chased after the patrol leader, ignoring the orders of the patrol leader.

"No, follow me!" Seeing

that the two of them couldn't be called, the patrol leader seemed to realize something, and hurriedly led people to chase after them.

The group chased the two bats deeper into the forest, which also meant that they were getting farther and farther away from the camp, and the movement of the battle became more and more difficult to perceive.

"Do it!"

Tang Dao and the others had already set up an ambush.

It is still the mirror flower and the moon attacking on the tree, and the autumn officer attracts firepower in the front, and cooperates with the mirror flower and the moon to output a kill.

The three assassins shot separately, Tang Dao in a group, Tang Xin and Tang Tian in a group, and attacked and killed two half-orc soldiers.

Almost instantly, three soldiers fell, and after the killing, the figures of the three assassins disappeared into the forest, leaving only Qiu Guan standing in place, she had just cooperated with two mages to kill one.

"Tear her to pieces!" the

patrol leader was furious and ordered his men to rush forward.

However, the Assassin struck again, killing two soldiers, and the magician in the woods set fire to the surrounding bushes, and the flames burst into flames, stopping the Orcs from attacking.

Because he is a wolf half-orc, he has a lot of hair on his body, so he can't resist the flames.

As the screams rang out, two more soldiers fell.


patrol leader directly chose to turn into a beast, and his body, which was originally human-like, became hideous, his snout protruded, his fangs became longer, and his hands and feet became wolf claws, and he looked like a werewolf.

Patrol Leader: Wolf-headed Half-Orc (F)

Level: 27Attack

: 4200Defense: 3700Life:


: Beastification, Tearing

Introduction: The product of the combination of the wolf and the human race, bloodthirsty and brutal by nature, likes to tear the prey into pieces and then enjoy.

"After the beast, the attribute has increased by about 30%, everyone be careful.

Tang Dao waved the dagger in his hand.


I didn't expect the other party to not talk about martial arts, so he didn't do it first, but took the lead in howling wolf.

"Quickly and quickly! Xiao Tian assists Qiu Guan to deal with the rest of the soldiers, and this boss is handed over to us.

Tang Xin knew that he was summoning his companions, and after speaking, he rushed forward with a dagger and reached out to give a fixation spell.

-1997 and -1997

took advantage of being pinned, Tang Dao took the lead in attacking, and two critical hits flew up, suppressing the amount of blood.

And Tang Xin also took the opportunity to make up for it, and the boss's HP was reduced to 60%, which naturally stimulated the skill mechanism, and the claws aimed at Tang Dao to tear it.

After dodging a knife, Tang Dao turned around and made a fixation spell, allowing Tang Xin to make up for the output, pulling his hatred, and then he followed forward to make up the output.

He gave the remnant blood Qiu Guan a holy guard healing technique to pull up her blood volume.

Since the attributes of this boss are not strong, and the two assassins practice, it took almost no effort to kill it.


burst out 15 gold coins and a leather armor bracer, and Tang Xin picked it up.

"Let's go! Leave it to me and the Death Scythe here, Qiuguan Xiaotian, you keep the mirror flower and the moon going first!"

But at this time, Tang Xin and Tang Dao both looked in the direction of the camp, and the pursuers over there came.

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