Hubck is a member of the wolf-headed half-orc tribe, with great talent and strong bloodline, he has been the best of his age since he was a child, has defeated many opponents, and is also well-known in that small tribe.

Later, as an adult, Habke joined the army and was awarded the position of centurion, although he was not a general's descendant because of his late enlistment, but he was ambitious, and he wanted to be promoted to a position by virtue of his military exploits and become one of the discursors of the tribe.

This expedition to the Terran town, Habock can be described as ecstatic, only to feel that the opportunity has come, even if he goes out with the army.

But just now, when Hubke, who was sleeping soundly, heard the howl of his companion for help, and angrily rushed out of the camp, he found that his camp had been almost slaughtered.

Without the blessing of his subordinates, Habuke, the centurion, was almost at the end, and the flames of anger made him completely lose his mind, and he directly chose to become a beast, and rushed in the direction of his companions without waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

Snap snap ~

four claws flying, Habuck rushed to the battlefield, only to see the remnants of the flames and the corpses of the ground, and two damn necromantic assassins.

"Did you kill my men?"

Habke's turquoise eyes swept over the two of them, full of murderous intent inside.

"Of course.

Tang Dao was also shocked when he saw Hubke's attributes.

Wolf Orc: Centurion (E)

Level: 30Attack: 6300Defense

: 4000Health: 95000Skill

: Beastialization, Tearing Storm, Natural AntibodyIntroduction


Cruel Half-Orc, cunning and excellent hunter, with a wolf's sense of smell and human intelligence.

"In that case, let's die!" Hubke let

out a low growl, and then used the skill directly without saying anything about martial arts.

Ripping Storm!A

flash of white light paw prints flashed, tearing everything within 3 yards of the vicinity to shreds.


two of them flashed, and each stepped back.

Immobilization Spell!

Tang Xin took the lead in using the control skill and fixed Hubck for 0.3s, but this time was not enough for the two of them to touch the output.

"Let's go!"

Tang Dao marked a place on the map, and then withdrew with Tang Xin.

"Damn!" Hubke

chased in the direction of the two.

Due to the lack of time to scout closely, and the fact that the two of them showed up on their own initiative, Hubhawk did not notice the residual smell in the air.

"Xiaotian, find a way to take them to the water, otherwise you won't be able to avoid the wolf-headed people above the centurion.

Tang Xin shouted in the team channel as he ran.

"Okay, why did you run away to the side?" Tang

Tian and the others were moving in the dark in the forest, because the mage was moving slowly, and the speed of everyone was not fast, he saw from the map that his teammates were heading towards the side, and they were not coming towards him and the others.

"Otherwise, how can you delay the time, find the water source as soon as possible, otherwise the wolf-headed army will catch up, and your level will be in vain."

Tang Dao also helped.

"Can you lure them away with a boar carcass?" asked

Qiu Guan in the team's channel.

"No, the smell of blood is more pronounced than the smell of humans, and the darkness attracts the rest of the hunters.

Tang Xin immediately retorted.

"OK, let's go find water.

Tang Tian replied quickly.

Tang Dao and the two ended chatting, and they had already run out of the dark in the dark for I don't know how far, but the green eyes behind them were still chasing after them.

"I'll drag him, you go and find out if there is a boss nearby!"

Tang Dao saw that Hubke was chasing closer and closer, and his immobilization spell had just been used, so he said to Tang Xin.


Tang Xin didn't hesitate, Tang Dao had two displacement skills, and he was naturally more suitable for dragging Hubck than himself.

The key is to drag the hatred

on Tang Dao! By the faint moonlight, Tang Dao vaguely saw a piece of dead wood in front of him, most of which fell to the ground, leaving only a stump on the ground, and then looked at his own flash, it was almost there.

The two of them rushed towards the dead wood together, Hubke chased closely, the hunting nature of the wolf clan had been completely stimulated, and now this was no longer a simple hatred, but a matter of the dignity of the wolf clan's half-orcs.

Da Da Da ~

Tang Dao stepped on the dead wood that fell to the ground, and soon reached the breaking point, but at this time it was also some distance from the ground.

Jumping up, Hubke was very confident in his ability to jump, so he also predicted the position of the Tang Dao, and jumped a few steps behind, with the ability of the wolf clan orc, he was confident that he would kill

the Tang Dao in the air! The sharp claws tore towards the Tang Dao, almost touching... Unfortunately, it didn't.

Tang Dao's figure disappeared in front of Hubke, and then a chill came from behind.

-1566, -1566,

-300, -300 blade kills!Four

consecutive injuries flew up, and Tang Dao had completely pulled the hatred, but at the same time, his body also fell under the effect of gravity.


Hubke wailed and also fell downward.


Tang Dao's figure flashed, widened the distance, and walked side by side with Tang Xin, who had already opened the distance with an instantaneous flash.

It's not that the two of them can't beat Hubke, but they don't dare to fight now, God knows if there are any pursuers coming from behind, in case they are dragged by Hubbock, they will be in a dilemma and kill themselves.

After the Tang Dao fell to the ground, he ran wildly.

Hubke's body did not burst out of the damage of the wolf poison potion, and he was blind with a bottle of potion, and the wolf orcs were indeed immune to wolf venom.

Seeing that Hubble was chasing closer and closer, Tang Dao's gaze kept sweeping around, seeking a possible way out.

"I found a wild leopard boss, but it's only F-level, bring it here?"

Tang Xin's voice sounded

, and Tang Dao was like a heavenly sound!"Okay!" Tang

Dao's eyes immediately locked on a big tree, which was taller than ordinary trees, more than ten meters, and seemed to be a banyan tree, with drooping whiskers to the ground and lush branches and leaves.

didn't have time to think about why there was a unique banyan tree here, Tang Dao still had a plan in his heart.

After taking Hubck around the banyan tree twice, Tang Xin also came with a level 25 wild leopard boss, but it was much worse than Hubke's attributes.

"Here it is!" Tang

Dao marked a location on the map, and then released his own chirping bat.

On the other side, Tang Xin also released his own singing bat, and rushed towards the marking point with the wild leopard boss.

The two sides were extremely calm, and when they met, they retreated at the same time, landing on a branch of the banyan tree, but attacked with a singing bat and collided with the two bosses.

Hubck slapped his paw on the body of the wild leopard boss, bringing out damage far more than the damage of the songbat, and the hatred fell on Hubck in an instant.

Hubke still locked the Tang knife on the tree, jumped and pounced on the trunk, and then climbed towards the canopy, and the wild leopard boss was also in hot pursuit.

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