The orc soldiers, who were searching, heard a scream from the forest and quickly surrounded them.

A huge tree was mobilizing vines around it to tear a soldier into its whiskers, and no matter how much the soldier struggled, he could not get rid of it, and could only watch it be "eaten" by the tree.


The Starry Night Ancient Tree spat out a pile of bones, and its head was familiar to all the orc soldiers, it was the head of a half-orc.


Soldiers kept surrounding the tree, but no one dared to force it.

"Look, General.

As Morris arrived, a soldier pointed to the bones on the ground and said to him.

"Huh, that necklace was Hubck's, damn it, it was the tree that killed Hubke?"

Morris frowned as he swept his gaze over an obsidian necklace in his bones.

"What to do General, it moves again. "

Seeing that there are more and more lifeforms around, the Starry Night Ancient Tree is also excited, these are all nourishment!"


One of the soldiers was careless, and the vines got tangled around his ankles, and then dragged them to the edge of the tree, and more vines surrounded them, pulling them towards the dense tendrils.

You can even see the soldier from before, his face distorted and embedded in the trunk, and the seven orifices are full of fine whiskers, which is very terrifying.

"Kill it!"

Seeing that this tree dared to commit murder in front of him, Morris was also furious, drew his long sword at his waist, and headed towards the Starry Night Ancient Tree.

Most of the orcs who came this time did not have sophisticated armor equipment, only Morris and several of his personal guards had armor and long swords made of cooked copper, and with the strong body of the half-orcs, it was enough to raise the combat effectiveness to another level.

The surrounding orcs also led by Morris to kill the Starry Night Ancient Tree.

Poof, poof...

There were many vines parasitic on the Starry Night Ancient Tree, but under the destruction of the wolf half-orcs, they also broke one after another, and only some stupid people who couldn't react were entangled and turned into nutrients.

As the claws flew away, many orcs quickly cleared the vines, and the starry night ancient tree in front of them seemed to have no deterrent power, and many soldiers gradually relaxed their vigilance.

Since there were only so many people standing around the trunk, many orcs chose to climb up, trying to destroy the dense canopy.

In the midst of the whispers and excited roars of the many orcs, the dull sound of a sharp weapon entering the flesh was not so conspicuous.

In a corner where no one cared, a thick branch pierced the chest of an orc, but no blood dripped down, and the blood that rolled out was quickly absorbed along the rough lines of the branch's surface.

Then the whole canopy shuddered suddenly, and this time it finally caught everyone's attention, including Morris.

Maurice sensed something was wrong and looked up at the canopy, which was eerily quiet, as if there was no one inside.

But if you look at it from God's point of view, the blood volume of the Starry Night Ancient Tree has increased by almost 15% at this moment.


The lush branches moved away, revealing the corpses of many orc soldiers who looked like they were being pierced with sugar gourds, and their originally hideous faces were full of surprise and fear at the moment.

"How come?"

Morris was also a little dazed in his heart, and he lost seventy or eighty soldiers again.

However, he was stunned, the Starry Night Ancient Tree would not give this opportunity, at this moment, the Starry Night Ancient Tree had already killed red eyes, the original blue-green eyes turned scarlet, and the crown of the tree hung down, stabbing towards everyone like an octopus's tentacles.

Another round of kills, with the loss of at least a dozen soldiers.


Morris did not hesitate to turn on the beast, now that he was in a dilemma, giving up would be tantamount to these soldiers dying in vain, and it would also be a blow to the remaining soldiers.

After a fierce battle, the Starry Night Ancient Tree was finally destroyed at the cost of a total loss of more than 150 people by the Orc Legion.

The trunk of the tree was broken at the waist, and the crown of the tree was torn to pieces, leaving only a bare root rooted in the ground.

"General, what's next?" one

soldier looked at Morris, visibly frightened.

"Clean up the battlefield, get out of here, and head to New Stone!"

Morris's heart was dripping blood, and before he could start a war with humans, he lost more than two hundred and fifty people, a one-sixth of his troops.

"Yes. The

orc army casually cleaned up the battlefield, and then pulled out the camp overnight and headed towards Xinshi Town, not daring to stop on the Orchid Plain any longer.

"It's a pity.

Waiting until the half-orc army left, Tang Dao and the others came out, looked at the mess all over the place, and sighed with emotion.


Tang Xin stopped Tang Dao, who was about to leave.

"Qiu Guan, you use your long sword to pry this root out and take a look.

Tang Xin stared at the stump of the Starry Night Ancient Tree and said thoughtfully.


Qiu Guan swung his long sword and quickly dug a hole by the root of the tree.

Among the strong roots, there was something entwined and wrapped, and under the faint starlight, it bloomed with golden light.

"Sure enough, there is something!" Tang

Tian exclaimed, he had already seen his sister's power many times, so he didn't question it just now.

"It seems to be one, kettle?" Tang

Dao briefly judged its specific shape from the exposed arc and pattern.

"Not necessarily, it could be a flask.

Tang Xin shook his head.

Now that he saw something, Qiu Guan did not continue to dig vigorously, but carefully shoveled the roots of nearby trees, and then took them out little by little.

It is really a wine pot, to be precise, it is a wine cup, shaped like a vase, with a thin neck and a wide mouth, engraved with exquisite patterns, and pearls are held in the middle of the rounded wave patterns, which are very valuable.

Lost Civilization Jinzhu Wine Cup

Introduction: It seems to be something of a lost kingdom that has witnessed history and time.


Several people were stunned for a moment, it is indeed good-looking, but what's the use?" "Let's

put it away first, and go back to Sal City to find a few respectable old people to ask."

Tang Dao said lightly.


Tang Xin put it in his backpack, and then looked at Tang Dao again.

"You take someone to Xinshi Town, observe the battle situation, I will go to Anchaohu Town, once the situation on your side is not right, send me a message immediately, and I will persuade Dorrell to send troops.

Tang Dao thought for a moment, and then said, although there are more than two hundred people reduced, there are still more than a thousand people in the half-orc legion, and the soldiers of Xinshi Town may not be able to hold it.

"Brother Dao, I..."

Tang Tian looked at Tang Dao pitifully.

"You are with me, but you have to listen to the command, if Xinshi Town falls, then Anchaohu Town must be in danger of falling upside down, and you don't want Erica to have an accident, right?"

Tang Dao said angrily.

"Don't worry, I'll listen to you.

As soon as Erica was mentioned, Tang Tian immediately patted his chest and reassured.

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