The six of them immediately divided into two routes, Tang Xin led people to follow the army of half-orcs, and Tang Dao rushed back to Anchaohu Town with Tang Tian.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was just bright in the game, and near Xinshi Town, which had been silent for a long time, there were bursts of low roars in the slightly hazy fog, like wild beasts.

"Don't be afraid, hold the weapons in your hands! Use the blade of your sword to hit these brutes head-on!" Wang

Yuanxiu, the commander of the Thousand Commanders stationed in Xinshi Town, looked at the ghosts in the mist with a solemn expression.

"Archers step forward, draw the bow and prepare!" With

Wang Yuanxiu's order, two hundred archers stepped forward together, under the protection of the sword and shield soldiers and pikemen in front, the strong bow in their hands was full, and the cold and shining arrows were full of murderous aura.

"Destroy this town!" Slaughter the humans inside!"

Morris himself led the charge and took the lead in beasting.

Whoop -

a wolf howl sounded, and all the orc soldiers turned into beasts in unison, and their bodies suddenly became a little stronger.

Dressed in armor, Morris and his own soldiers rushed forward, rushing towards the soldiers of the New Stone front.

"Release!" Wang

Yuanxiu let out a low shout, and two hundred arrows flew out, like a swarm of bees sweeping through the crowd.

Ding Ding Ding -

The arrow struck Maurice's body, blocked by the armor made of wrought copper.

However, those ordinary soldiers in the rear were not equipped and were directly shot into hedgehogs, but there were too many people to effectively block them.

"Hurry! Be sure to keep these beasts out of the antlers!" Wang

Yuanxiu saw that this round of arrow rain did not cause too much damage, so he could only keep urging the soldiers to make a move.

It's a pity that the other party didn't give this opportunity, and after only two rounds of arrow rain, he has already touched the front.

Bang bang!

The strong orc body slammed into the shield, directly shaking the human sword and shield soldiers apart, and the difference in strength between the two sides was not half a point.

But the human soldiers were not vegetarians either, and their spears kept being drawn out, stabbing the rushing soldiers to death.

Roar -

Morris, the orc general at the front, roared angrily, grabbed his shield, and then slammed it open, revealing the soldier hiding behind, swinging his sword in his right hand and cutting off his head.

The headless corpse twitched and fell to the ground, blood gushing out, and then trampled by Morris to a bloody blur.

War is undoubtedly cruel.

The bloody scene made many of the newly joined soldiers tremble, the rich smell of blood on the tip of the nose seemed to be filled with the breath of death, and the screams and roars in the ears were like hypnotic magic sounds, what they saw and heard was enough to make people tremble.

The orcs were extremely cruel, and the human soldiers who were killed were almost never completely corpsed, most of them were killed by scratching off their arms, legs and feet alive, and even more were directly torn apart, and their internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

"Don't retreat! Behind us is our home!" Wang

Yuanxiu swung his long sword and slashed, bleeding elbows, and even the long sword was slashed to the ground, but the orc soldiers still kept coming.

Morris took the lead and led a few of his own soldiers to break through the human soldiers' defenses, and the rift in the rear line continued to expand, and the orcs in the rear continued to rush in.

The pikemen who had lost the cover of their swords and shields were in disarray, the two armies were mixed together, and the archers did not dare to attack easily, and the strength and speed of the half-orcs were vividly reflected.

The defensive line was crumbled and suffered heavy casualties.

"Retreat into the town, street fighting!" Wang

Yuanxiu was attacked by the enemy on his back, and after fighting his way out of the encirclement, he wanted to turn back to rescue, but found that the soldiers trapped in the enemy army had been killed, and the figures of the half-orcs filled the front front.

The archers climbed to the houses that had been emptied long ago, and aimed through the windows to shoot at the orcs in the street, but unfortunately the damage was limited, and the orcs destroyed the city and slaughtered the city, and all the living creatures they saw were torn to pieces.

Some of the town's inhabitants who didn't have time or were unwilling to evacuate were also frightened and helpless, and then were beheaded by the brutal orcs.

For a while, the originally quiet and peaceful town was full of wailing, rivers of blood, broken limbs everywhere, blood and internal organs were spilled, and the tip of the nose was full of blood.

"How is

the battle?" Tang Xin, who was watching the battle, received a message from Tang Dao.

"You don't need it.

Tang Xin replied.

"Hmm, could it be that Xinshi Town is blocking the orc army?"

Tang Dao was a little surprised.

"No, they didn't stop it at all, and when you come over, you can only collect the corpse.

Tang Xin sighed.

"Don't worry, you can make a move, I met the army of Anchao Lake Town halfway through, Dorrell has already approached with people, and will arrive soon. "

Tang Dao shared his location, and it was only a short distance away from Xinshi Town.


Tang Xin ended the call.

"Follow me!" With

a sweep of his gaze, he immediately took the mirror flower and the autumn official to a dwelling, through the skylight, let the mirror flower and the moon output on the roof, and he and the autumn official dragged the orcs over.

"Hold on, hold on!" Wang

Yuanxiu had already killed the red eye, threw away his own saber that had been curled, grabbed the saber of the soldiers who died in battle next to him, and continued to slash.

"Hmph, weak humans dare to block our path!" After

Morris tore apart a soldier, he licked the blood on his hands and looked at Wang Yuanxiu, who was already a little exhausted.

Morris swung his long sword and slashed, and Wang Yuanxiu blocked with his horizontal sword, but the difference in strength made him unable to resist at all, and he was directly shocked back, and his mouth cracked.


Morris was unforgiving, swept with a sword again, knocked Wang Yuanxiu back, and then kicked Wang Yuanxiu in the chest, a crisp bone cracking sound sounded, Wang Yuanxiu vomited blood and flew out, hitting the pillar fiercely.


Wang Yuanxiu was already dying, constantly coughing up blood, struggling a few times, and never able to get up again.

is also a level 35 E-level BOSS, and the gap between him and Morris is too big, especially after the beast, Morris completely crushed Wang Yuanxiu in terms of strength and speed.

"Brave bugs.

Morris stepped on Wang Yuanxiu's chest, raised the long sword in his hand, and was about to cut off his head.


was a thud of breaking wind, and then a dark shadow flashed, knocking the sword in Maurice's hand to the ground, and then nailed to the ground, it was a jet-black spear.

Morris hurriedly looked at him, a burly man in silver armor, wielding a wide heavy sword.

"Look for death!"

Morris raised his right foot, picked up Wang Yuanxiu's long sword, held it, and slashed towards the comer.

Bang -

the thick heavy sword directly cut off Morris's long sword, and the huge force made Morris's arms numb, and his heart was even more shocked.

Isn't he a half-orc? The other party is a human!

Unfortunately, there was no time to think about it, the comer slashed and slashed Maurice's right arm with a sword, and if he hadn't reacted and dodged in time, I am afraid that his neck would have been broken.

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