"Eh, be careful, there seems to be a snake corpse in front of you.

Humpty Dumpty squinted his eyes at the corpse of the mountain snake on the ground.

"Fresh bloodstains, haven't dried up yet, knives have been used, someone has been here!"

Humpty Dumpty picked up the snake and looked at it, the blood still dripping down and smashing on the fallen leaves on the ground.

"What are you talking about?" asked

the tall and thin man, looking back, confused.

At the moment when he turned around, a black shadow flew out of the blind spot of vision, among the bushes in front of him.

-3279 and -3279

flew up with two critical hits, but they didn't even kill.

"Critical Attack Waiver!" Tang

Dao exclaimed in surprise, but he didn't expect this Critical Hit Injury Waiver to reach 20%.

"Enemy attack!"

the tall and thin man didn't even have time to lift his pants, and pulled the long sword at his waist as he retreated.


-4262 and -4262

Critical Strike flew up, emptying the last bit of their health.

Thunder and Flash!Blade Kill!

-3934, -3934, -300, -300

stabbed the air with a sword, but there was a sharp pain in the neck, Humpty Dumpty screamed, turned around and stabbed out with a sword, and stabbed the air again.


The blood bar was emptied, Tang Dao slowly put away the dagger, and Humpty Dumpty's body fell to the ground.

Jingmu Mountain Bandit

Level: 28

Attack: 5600 Defense: 5600 Life: 10000

Skill: No

Introduction: A bandit hiding in Jingmu Mountain, who makes a living by robbing homes and houses, bullying the soft and fearing the weekdays, and is deeply disgusted by the people.

"The attributes are really good, maybe it's the reason for these equipment?" Tang Dao's

gaze fell on the armor and long sword on the two of them.


Bronze Armor Special ×1, Bronze Longsword× Special 1Unexpectedly

, the two bandits, each of whom gave him a set of armor and weapons, but all of them were NPC equipment, which the player could not equip, and it would take up a slot in the backpack.

"It's not bad, take this thing to Jiang Chengji, they are black anyway, what's wrong with holding some armor? If you give it to Dorel, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Tang Dao thought about it for a while, and quickly found his next home.

Because of the mission, Tang Dao briefly gained the ability to make maps, and it was limited to Jingmu Mountain.

The task required him to go to several peaks and their attachments in turn to start surveying and mapping, and finally to explore the vicinity of the camp to explore the reality and reality.

Having simply disposed of the corpse (referring to throwing it in the grass), Tang Dao began to rush towards the next task point.

At nine o'clock in the morning in the real world, Tang Dao had already completed the mapping of the outer map, leaving only the last camp, during which he also encountered several patrols, and there were 6 more sets of NPC equipment in his backpack.

In the team channel

: Nine Heavenly Palaces: Ahhh

Nine Heavenly Palaces: I can't fight three monsters at the same time!

Su Su: Then the boss can fight four.

Nine Heavenly Palaces: Can that be the same?

Su Su: The monster was opened by the water moon.

Shuiyue: You're all in the range of its hatred, I don't fight it, it wants to beat you.

Su Su: Then why are you chasing me?

Jinghua: You healed Shuiyue, the amount of healing exceeded Shuiyue's output, and the hatred was transferred.

Susu: What kind of transfer? All I know is call forwarding.

Kagami: ....

Nine Heavenly Palace: @死神镰刀, when will Brother Dao come back, it's so chaotic here.

Silently turning off the team's chat channel, Tang Dao felt towards the core area of Jingmu Mountain, that is, the camp established by the bandits, and finally climbed to the canopy to see the situation.

In the midst of the dense woods, a large clearing appeared, in which the trees were cut down and made into antlers and fences, and an area was simply fenced.

The two remaining trees at the entrance had been converted into arrow towers, on which two bandits armed with longbows were on guard, and below were four guards, through the cracks in the fence, patrols could be seen passing by from time to time.

Inside the camp was a rough wooden house, a few cattle and sheep were tethered to the simple pasture, a few fat pigs and a flock of chickens, and a few peasants in cloth clothes were working in a small piece of farmland that had been reclaimed, and behind them were fierce bandits.

The door of the wooden house in the center opened, and out came a large shirtless man, with several centipede-like scars crawling on his dark and muscular body, ugly and fierce.

His messy burgundy curly hair was coiled around his head like a chicken nest, and there were even crumbs of bread on his beard, perhaps because of the traces of wine flowing through, which made the beard parted and the whole person looked extremely sloppy.

"Nice weather, call the brothers, go to the nearby village to have a good time.

Dahan looked at the sun in the sky, was in a good mood, and said to the bandits on the side.

"Yes. The

bandits on the side were suddenly overjoyed, the so-called Shuangshuang was to rob money and women.

Jingmu Mountain Bandit Boss Ronald (E)

Tang Dao is only level 25, and he can only see the other party's name, and the rest of the attributes can't be seen.

"At least level 40, after the version update, the bandits here are also extremely strong, not only are everyone wearing armor and holding a long sword, but the attributes of the leader are also amazing. "

Tang Dao's heart is a little complicated, if this is the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get any benefits from exterminating the Jingmu Mountain bandits.

After completing the mapping, Tang Dao did not leave in a hurry, but waited for Ronald to come out, the last time he fought in the mine, he used the sulfur carbon crystals of the mine elves to kill the three masters, Gallaher, this time Ronald is afraid that he will fight in person.

Sure enough, after simply cleaning up, Ronald rode a tall horse, with a dozen cavalry and thirty or so infantrymen, and headed down the mountain to the east.

"In the direction of Baitong Town, maybe you can try. Tang

Dao opened the map and found the nearest town, which was the production of the wood used to make spears, and the city of Sal had sent at least 1,000 troops to garrison it, and this alone would definitely not be able to defeat them.

However, there are many villages near Baitong Town, and it is not impossible to plunder.

"Ronald's level is too high, and he can't be seriously injured like Morris, so it's not advisable to ambush halfway, but you can play a game of hide and seek.

Tang Dao thought for a moment, and decided not to rush back to deliver the mission, but to keep up with Ronald's team.

Team Channel

: Death Scythe: Is the boss free?

Grim Reaper's Heart: Grim Reaper's

Scythe: A bandit who robs and robs.

Nine Heavenly Palaces: I'm going too!Death

Scythe: You take them and continue to mine the caves, you can't do this.

Nine Heavenly Palaces: ....

Death's Heart: Just in time? Death's

Scythe: Just in time, just go over the canyon and cross Jingmu Mountain, run fast, just in time.

Death's Heart: After OK

was contacted, Tang Dao followed Ronald's team not far away.

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