Since Ronald had brought about thirty infantrymen, he did not gallop, but rode slowly, holding the reins in his left hand and a wine jug in his right hand, and drinking with a few of his cronies from time to time.

Counting Ronald, there are forty-seven people in the group, thirty infantry are ordinary monsters, fourteen of the sixteen cavalry are elite monsters, two are F-level bosses, and Ronald himself is an E-level boss.

Jingmushan Bandits: Cavalry (Elite)Level

: 30Attack: 6500Defense: 6500Life:


: Charge

Introduction: A bully among bandits, he is strong, relying on the advantage of cavalry, and his hands are stained with the blood of countless innocents.

Jingmu Mountain Bandits: Small Boss (F)

Level: 32Attack

: 7500Defense: 7500Life:


: Charge, Trample

Introduction: The small leader among the bandits, relying on some martial arts to bully everyone, but they are afraid of Ronald like a tiger, compared to ordinary bandits, they are more proficient in martial arts.

Tang Dao sent the captured monster illustrated book to Tang Xin.

"Sure enough, the monster after the system update is much stronger, and the attributes of an F-level BOSS are so outrageous, I don't know how strong the wild boar king is.

Tang Xin sighed.

"Now we can't defeat this little boss, the main thing is to eat the rest of the ordinary soldiers, I want their equipment. Tang

Dao showed his purpose, if he didn't have the ability to kill with one blow, he wouldn't have asked Tang Xin to come.

"What's the picture?" Tang

Xin asked, if he didn't have a task at this stage, he couldn't come here to chase and kill the bandits.

"The collection technique can take off the armor and weapons on their bodies, I have 4 sets on me, I want to give these to Jiang Chengji, they lack armor equipment, support them up, and the road will be much easier in the future." Tang

Dao showed his intentions, mainly because Tang Xin could understand.


Tang agreed.

In the real world, at ten o'clock in the morning, it is noon in the game, and the scorching sun scorches the earth, and even if everyone sits under the tree to rest, it cannot completely resist the heat.

"Damn, I can't wait to find a to vent my anger. A

small leader tossed his helmet aside, took a large sip of wine, and cursed.

"What good-looking girls can these little broken villages have, all of them are as rough as men. The

other little boss also opened his mouth with wine.

"Speaking of which, it's still those girls in the tavern in the town who are so energetic, all white and tender, but unfortunately, this time can't be done.

Ronald licked his lips, since the death of Cmiron, he has not found a suitable agent for a while, and the Sal City side has recently turned its attention to the south, and now it is not the same as before, and there is no way to sneak into the taverns of Copperstone Town to have fun.

"Boss, when are we going to have a decent place? I'm always living in those shabby huts, and I'm getting lice all over my body. Because

of the close relationship and the fact that he drank two sips of wine, the little boss had no scruples about speaking and was outspoken.

"Wait, wait until this rumor passes, Lao Tzu will take you to relax.

Ronald leaned against the tree, taking a sip of his wine.

"Boss, can't we take down a town and become the emperor of the soil ourselves?"

asked the other little leader with a little drunkenness.

"Of course not, why do you think Lambert indulges us? It's not that he wants to raise his own respect, if we're just making a small fight, then he won't be able to continue to apply for funds from Sal City, but if we really make too much trouble, then he'll be removed from office, and we'll be really wiped out.

Ronald spoke slowly.

"Alas, there is no way, the more I think about it, the more angry I become, Lambert on horseback is powerful in the town, but we can only eat and drink. The

little leader sighed.

"Say less, now is now, and then later.

Ronald continued to pour wine, and his martial arts cultivation made his physical strength quite good, so the amount of alcohol was also very good.

"You go to the nearest village, find a way to get the villagers to evacuate, and when they get to the village, scatter some more gold coins along the way, and lead them to the house, and the two of them can quietly slaughter one.

Tang Dao observed the many bandits and chatted with Tang Xin.

"Okay, be careful yourself.

Tang Xin nodded, and did not rush to converge, but rushed towards the nearest village.

After a brief rest, avoiding the most scorching sun, Ronald set off with the people again.

Tang Dao is still following.

Da Da Da ~

Near the quiet small village, there was a sudden sound of rapid horses' hooves.


A dozen bandits on tall horses shouted and rushed into the village, swords waving in all directions to cut down.


Ronald, the leader, realized that something was wrong, was it too quiet around him?Why was there no one? Could they all run away? But how did they know?

, "Look, boss!"

said a small leader, pointing to a coin on the ground.

"What's the situation?"

Ronald couldn't react for a while, how could these villagers be so rich?


coins!" But his men couldn't help it, knowing that a loaf of bread was only 5 copper coins, and 1 gold coin could take a long time.

Many bandits, who had been short of money for a long time, suddenly lost their discipline, and of course, there were not many of them, and they scattered everywhere to pick up gold coins.

"Don't act rashly!"

Ronald was drunk, but many of the robbers didn't listen to them, and went to collect the money.

"Boss, don't worry, just these ordinary villagers, how can they be their opponents?"

the little leader on the side was also a little drunk, and said angrily.

Ronald looked at the silent village and always felt that something was wrong, but due to the influence of alcohol, he did not make a reasonable judgment.

"Tsk! A

robber picked up a falling coin and went to a remote room.

As soon as he squatted down and picked up a gold coin, and was about to put it into his waist bag, two black shadows fell from the beams of the house, and the cold and sharp blades slashed across his neck, and then his eyes went black and fell.


Tang Dao and the two of them held it lightly, and the collection technique took away the armor and weapon, and then dragged its body to the corner and threw a broken quilt to cover it.

"Let's go, next. "

Although each monster can only give each of them 0.15% of their own level of experience points, Tang Dao wants equipment, so it's not a loss.

The two of them followed the route planned by Tang Xin in advance, and killed 8 ordinary bandits in a row, and the armor in the backpack also came to as many as 14 sets.

Ronald was not idle, turned over and dismounted, and led people to search around, picking up gold coins on the ground.

"Boss, the body of a brother was found in that room!" Suddenly

, a soldier ran over panting, exclaiming.

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